Validated Healthcare Directory
1.0.0 - STU1 International flag

This page is part of the Validated Healthcare Directory FHIR IG (v1.0.0: STU1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: VerificationResult/example-license - XML Representation

Page standards status: Informative

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<VerificationResult xmlns="">
  <id value="example-license"/>
    <status value="generated"/>
    <div xmlns=""><p class="res-header-id"><b>Generated Narrative: VerificationResult example-license</b></p><a name="example-license"> </a><a name="hcexample-license"> </a><a name="example-license-en-US"> </a><p><b>target</b>: <a href="Practitioner-practitioner1.html">George Washington</a></p><p><b>targetLocation</b>: Practitioner.qualification[0]</p><p><b>need</b>: <span title="Codes:{ periodic}">periodic</span></p><p><b>status</b>: Validated</p><p><b>statusDate</b>: 2018-01-23 10:45:00-0500</p><p><b>validationType</b>: <span title="Codes:{ primary}">Primary Source</span></p><p><b>validationProcess</b>: <span title="Codes:{ primary}">primary source</span></p><p><b>frequency</b>: Once per 1 year</p><p><b>lastPerformed</b>: 2018-01-23 10:45:00-0500</p><p><b>nextScheduled</b>: 2019-01-23</p><p><b>failureAction</b>: <span title="Codes:{ fatal}">Fatal</span></p><h3>PrimarySources</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td style="display: none">-</td><td><b>Who</b></td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>CommunicationMethod</b></td><td><b>ValidationStatus</b></td><td><b>ValidationDate</b></td><td><b>CanPushUpdates</b></td><td><b>PushTypeAvailable</b></td></tr><tr><td style="display: none">*</td><td>DC Board of Medicine</td><td><span title="Codes:{ lic-board}">License Board</span></td><td><span title="Codes:{ manual}">via email</span></td><td><span title="Codes:{ successful}">Successful</span></td><td>2018-01-23</td><td><span title="Codes:{ yes}">Yes</span></td><td><span title="Codes:{ source}">Issuing source</span></td></tr></table><h3>Attestations</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td style="display: none">-</td><td><b>Who</b></td><td><b>CommunicationMethod</b></td><td><b>Date</b></td><td><b>SourceIdentityCertificate</b></td></tr><tr><td style="display: none">*</td><td><a href="Practitioner-practitioner1.html">George Washington</a></td><td><span title="Codes:{ manual}">Manual</span></td><td>2018-01-09</td><td>TXkgbmFtZSBpcyBHZW9yZ2UgV2FzaGluZ3Rvbi4gVGhpcyBpcyBteSBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZS4gDQoNCi0tLS0tQkVHSU4gUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tDQpNSUdlTUEwR0NTcUdTSWIzRFFFQkFRVUFBNEdNQURDQmlBS0JnRkZLcjVGazJla2dYSjdwUXpKVzBWdm9NZzQ4DQpldk1DTUFTbk95M09rS1VyZlIwSGZHTmRUS216L3VpcWVjOGR3U1E5NFpKR3Njd3FzczVScmtYNkEzUHZsZmM3DQpkdlJNQlBxYzdsKzRrOHN5b2t4bzh4SW8vN0hLOE1kWW45dlhId1k5VWxGZDduRjZsbWN0Nzd3THMxNWdrZjN1DQpHVXErZ1RDV3hnZlYzbm05QWdNQkFBRT0NCi0tLS0tRU5EIFBVQkxJQyBLRVktLS0tLQ==</td></tr></table><h3>Validators</h3><table class="grid"><tr><td style="display: none">-</td><td><b>Organization</b></td><td><b>IdentityCertificate</b></td></tr><tr><td style="display: none">*</td><td>DC Board of Medicine</td><td>VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGlnaXRhbCBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBvZiB0aGUgREMgQm9hcmQgb2YgTWVkaWNpbmUNCg0KLS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0NCk1JR2ZNQTBHQ1NxR1NJYjNEUUVCQVFVQUE0R05BRENCaVFLQmdRQ2VPaTJyeW9Ed2dQamZMNGsySlhzZGdhYWkNCk9NYWkreXNrK2FEb2FOTTloVDJXMVhjOTlkM0NpRHFIWlV0bTJoR09uWHg4eVJPQVNhSVVsZ1FFL1FoMVN6SWMNCldNb1RLQnNWTlVrckdPdkVDQTZKRnFoVjdMM2hHNDViNDJTQVpkZTlDLzRTaklzSVpPT1JVa1dYRmhhaHFYMnENCk05WDFySG4vcnQ0eGlXa2tpd0lEQVFBQg0KLS0tLS1FTkQgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0t</td></tr></table></div>
    <!--  The target is a practitioner named George Washington  -->
    <reference value="Practitioner/practitioner1"/>
    <display value="George Washington"/>
  <targetLocation value="Practitioner.qualification[0]"/>
  <!--  Specifically, George Washington's medical license  -->
  <!--  0..1 Plain text representation of the concept  -->
    <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
      <system value=""/>
      <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
      <code value="periodic"/>
      <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
      <display value="Periodic"/>
    <text value="periodic"/>
  <!--  The license will be periodically validated  -->
  <status value="validated"/>
  <!--  current validation status is validated  -->
  <statusDate value="2018-01-23T10:45:00-05:00"/>
  <!--  the license was validated on January 23, 2018 at 10:45 am ET  -->
  <!--  0..1 Plain text representation of the concept  -->
    <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
      <system value=""/>
      <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
      <code value="primary"/>
      <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
      <display value="Primary Source"/>
    <text value="Primary Source"/>
  <!--  the license was validated against a primary source  -->
    <!--  the license was validated against a primary source  -->
      <code value="primary"/>
      <display value="primary source"/>
    <!--  the license is validated annually  -->
      <frequency value="1"/>
      <period value="1"/>
      <periodUnit value="a"/>
  <lastPerformed value="2018-01-23T10:45:00-05:00"/>
  <!--  validation was last completed on January 23, 2018 at 10:45 am ET  -->
  <nextScheduled value="2019-01-23"/>
  <!--  validation is next scheduled in one year, on January 23, 2019  -->
  <!--  0..1 Plain text representation of the concept  -->
    <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
      <system value=""/>
      <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
      <code value="fatal"/>
      <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
      <display value="Fatal"/>
    <text value="Fatal"/>
  <!--  failure of the validation process is sufficient to suspend the resource/element   -->
  <!--  The primary source (DC Board of Medicine) defines the types of updates it can push  -->
    <!--  Describes the primary source the license was validated against, the DC Board of Medicine  -->
      <!--  <reference value="Organization/dcbomed"/>  -->
      <display value="DC Board of Medicine"/>
      <!--  The type of primary source is a medical license board  -->
        <code value="lic-board"/>
        <display value="License Board"/>
        <userSelected value="true"/>
      <!--  The method of validation with the primary source is manual, via email  -->
        <code value="manual"/>
        <display value="Manual"/>
      <text value="via email"/>
    <!--  0..1 Plain text representation of the concept  -->
      <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
        <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
        <code value="successful"/>
        <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
        <display value="Successful"/>
      <text value="Successful"/>
    <!--  validation against the primary source was successful  -->
    <validationDate value="2018-01-23"/>
    <!--  the license was validated against the primary source on January 23, 2018   -->
    <!--  0..1 Plain text representation of the concept  -->
      <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
        <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
        <code value="yes"/>
        <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
        <display value="Yes"/>
      <text value="Yes"/>
    <!--  The primary source (DC Board of Medicine) is able to push updates if the status of the license changes  -->
      <!--  0..1 Representation defined by the system  -->
        <!--  0..1 Identity of the terminology system  -->
        <code value="source"/>
        <!--  0..1 Symbol in syntax defined by the system  -->
        <display value="As defined by source"/>
      <text value="Issuing source"/>
    <!--  Describes the entity that attested to the information being validated, George Washington   -->
      <reference value="Practitioner/practitioner1"/>
      <display value="George Washington"/>
    <!--  George Washington attested to the information manually  -->
        <code value="manual"/>
        <display value="Manual"/>
        <userSelected value="true"/>
    <!--  George Washington attested to the information on January 9, 2018  -->
    <date value="2018-01-09"/>
    <!--  Describes the entity that validated the information. In this case, the validator is the same as the primary source, the DC Board of Medicine  -->
      <!--  <reference value="Organization/dcbomed"/>  -->
      <display value="DC Board of Medicine"/>