VhDir Implementation Guide CI Build: STU2 Ballot

This page is part of the Validated Healthcare Directory FHIR IG (v0.2.0: STU 1 Ballot 2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v3.5.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/vhdir/ValueSet/valueset-identifier-type

Codes for documenting practitioner identifier type.

Publisher:HL7 International
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This value set is not used

VhDir Identifier Type Value Set

Codes for documenting practitioner identifier type.

This value set includes codes from the following code systems:

  • Include all codes defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203


This value set contains 127 concepts

All codes from system http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203

ACAccreditation/Certification Identifier
ACSNAccession ID
AMAmerican Express
AMAAmerican Medical Association Number
ANAccount number
ANCAccount number Creditor
ANDAccount number debitor
ANONAnonymous identifier
ANTTemporary Account Number
APRNAdvanced Practice Registered Nurse number
ASIDAncestor Specimen ID
BABank Account Number
BCBank Card Number
BCFNBirth Certificate File Number
BCTBirth Certificate
BRBirth registry number
BRNBreed Registry Number
BSNRPrimary physician office number
CCCost Center number
CONMChange of Name Document
CYCounty number
CZCitizenship Card
DCDeath Certificate ID
DCFNDeath Certificate File Number
DDSDentist license number
DEADrug Enforcement Administration registration number
DFNDrug Furnishing or prescriptive authority Number
DIDiner's Club card
DLDriver's license number
DNDoctor number
DOOsteopathic License number
DPDiplomatic Passport
DPMPodiatrist license number
DRDonor Registration Number
DSDiscover Card
EIEmployee number
ENEmployer number
ESNStaff Enterprise Number
FDRFetal Death Report ID
FDRFNFetal Death Report File Number
FIFacility ID
FILLFiller Identifier
GIGuarantor internal identifier
GLGeneral ledger number
GNGuarantor external identifier
HCHealth Card Number
JHNJurisdictional health number (Canada)
LACSNLaboratory Accession ID
LANRLifelong physician number
LILabor and industries number
LNLicense number
LRLocal Registry ID
MAPatient Medicaid number
MBMember Number
MCPatient's Medicare number
MCDPractitioner Medicaid number
MCNMicrochip Number
MCRPractitioner Medicare number
MCTMarriage Certificate
MDMedical License number
MIMilitary ID number
MRMedical record number
MRTTemporary Medical Record Number
NBSNRSecondary physician office number
NCTNaturalization Certificate
NENational employer identifier
NHNational Health Plan Identifier
NINational unique individual identifier
NIINational Insurance Organization Identifier
NIIPNational Insurance Payor Identifier (Payor)
NNxxxNational Person Identifier where the xxx is the ISO table 3166 3-character (alphabetic) country code
NPNurse practitioner number
NPINational provider identifier
OBIObservation Instance Identifier
ODOptometrist license number
PAPhysician Assistant number
PCParole Card
PCNPenitentiary/correctional institution Number
PELiving Subject Enterprise Number
PENPension Number
PHCPublic Health Case Identifier
PHEPublic Health Event Identifier
PHOPublic Health Official ID
PIPatient internal identifier
PLACPlacer Identifier
PNPerson number
PNTTemporary Living Subject Number
PPINMedicare/CMS Performing Provider Identification Number
PPNPassport number
PRCPermanent Resident Card Number
PRNProvider number
PTPatient external identifier
QAQA number
RIResource identifier
RNRegistered Nurse Number
RPHPharmacist license number
RRRailroad Retirement number
RRIRegional registry ID
RRPRailroad Retirement Provider
SBSocial Beneficiary Identifier
SIDSpecimen ID
SLState license
SNSubscriber Number
SNBSNState assigned NDBS card Identifier
SNOSerial Number
SPStudy Permit
SRState registry ID
SSSocial Security number
STNShipment Tracking Number
TAXTax ID number
TNTreaty Number/ (Canada)
TPRTemporary Permanent Resident (Canada)
TRLTraining License Number
UUnspecified identifier
UDIUniversal Device Identifier
UPINMedicare/CMS (formerly HCFA)'s Universal Physician Identification numbers
USIDUnique Specimen ID
VNVisit number
VPVisitor Permit
WCWIC identifier
WCNWorkers' Comp Number
WPWork Permit
XVHealth Plan Identifier
XXOrganization identifier