This page is part of the HL7 Version 2 to FHIR (v0.1.0: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This ConceptMap represents the mapping from the HL7 V2 PID Segment to the FHIR Patient Resource. See also the FHIR Shorthand or the CSV Source.
HL7 v2 | Condition (IF True, args) | HL7 FHIR | Comments | ||||||||||||||
Sort Order | Identifier | Name | Data Type | Cardinality - Min | Cardinality - Max | Computable ANTLR | Computable FHIRPath | Narrative | FHIR Attribute | Extension | Data Type | Cardinality - Min | Cardinality - Max | Data Type Mapping | Assignment | Vocabulary Mapping (IS, ID, CE, CEN, CWE) | |
1 | PID-1 | Set ID - PID | SI | 0 | 1 | ||||||||||||
2 | PID-2 | Patient ID | CX | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier | Patient.Identifier | 0 | -1 | CX[Identifier] | |||||||
3 | PID-3 | Patient Identifier List | CX | 1 | -1 | Patient.identifier | Patient.Identifier | 0 | -1 | CX[Identifier] | |||||||
4 | PID-4 | Alternate Patient ID - PID | CX | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier | Patient.Identifier | 0 | -1 | CX[Identifier] | |||||||
5 | PID-5 | Patient Name | XPN | 1 | -1 | | Patient.HumanName | 0 | -1 | XPN[HumanName] | |||||||
6 | PID-6 | Mother's Maiden Name | XPN | 0 | -1 | Patient.extension-mothersMaidenName | Patient.HumanName | 0 | -1 | XPN[HumanName] | |||||||
7 | PID-7 | Date/Time of Birth | DTM | 0 | 1 | Patient.birthDate | | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
7 | PID-7 | Date/Time of Birth | DTM | 0 | 1 | IF PID-7 LENGTH GREATER THAN 8 | Patient.extension-birthTime | Patient.dateTime | 0 | 1 | |||||||
8 | PID-8 | Administrative Sex | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.gender | Patient.code | 0 | 1 | CWE[code] | Gender | ||||||
9 | PID-9 | Patient Alias | XPN | 0 | -1 | | Patient.HumanName | 0 | -1 | XPN[HumanName] | |||||||
10 | PID-10 | Race | CWE | 0 | -1 | if PID-10 is for administrative purposes use your local extension, e.g., US = US Core Race Extension, AUS = indiginous extension. | local implementation | ||||||||||
11 | PID-11 | Patient Address | XAD | 0 | -1 | Patient.address | Patient.Address | 0 | -1 | XAD[Address] | |||||||
12 | PID-12 | County Code | ID | 0 | 1 | IF PID-11 LST.COUNT EQUALS 1 AND PID-11.9 IS NOT VALUED | Patient.address.district | Patient.string | 0 | 1 | |||||||
13 | PID-13 | Phone Number - Home | XTN | 0 | -1 | Patient.telecom | Patient.ContactPoint | 0 | -1 | XTN[ContactPoint] | |||||||
13 | PID-13 | Phone Number - Home | XTN | 0 | -1 | IF PID-13.2 IS NOT VALUED | Patient.telecom.use | "home" | |||||||||
14 | PID-14 | Phone Number - Business | XTN | 0 | -1 | Patient.telecom | Patient.ContactPoint | 0 | -1 | XTN[ContactPoint] | |||||||
14 | PID-14 | Phone Number - Business | XTN | 0 | -1 | IF PID-14.2 IS NOT VALUED | Patient.telecom.use | "work" | |||||||||
15 | PID-15 | Primary Language | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.communication.language | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | -1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | Language | ||||||
16 | PID-16 | Marital Status | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.maritalStatus | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | 1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | MaritalStatus | ||||||
17 | PID-17 | Religion | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.extension-patient-religion | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | -1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | Religion | ||||||
18 | PID-18 | Patient Account Number | CX | 0 | 1 | ||||||||||||
19 | PID-19 | SSN Number - Patient | ST | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier.value | Patient.string | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
19 | PID-19 | SSN Number - Patient | ST | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier.type.coding.code | Patient.code | 0 | 1 | "SB" | |||||||
19 | PID-19 | SSN Number - Patient | ST | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier.type.coding.system | Patient.uri | 0 | 1 | "" | |||||||
19 | PID-19 | SSN Number - Patient | ST | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier.system | Patient.uri | 0 | 1 | "" | |||||||
20 | PID-20 | Driver's License Number - Patient | 0 | 1 | Patient.identifier | Patient.Identifier | 0 | 1 | DLN[Identifier] | ||||||||
21 | PID-21 | Mother's Identifier | CX | 0 | -1 | ||||||||||||
22 | PID-22 | Ethnic Group | CWE | 0 | -1 | If PID-22 is for administrative purposes use, then use your local extension, e.g., for US = US Core Ethnicity. | local implementation | ||||||||||
23 | PID-23 | Birth Place | ST | 0 | 1 | Patient.extension-patient-birthplace.text | Patient.string | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
24 | PID-24 | Multiple Birth Indicator | ID | 0 | 1 | IF PID-25 NOT VALUED | Patient.multipleBirthBoolean | Patient.boolean | 0 | 1 | Yes/No | ||||||
25 | PID-25 | Birth Order | NM | 0 | 1 | Patient.multipleBirthInteger | Patient.integer | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
26 | PID-26 | Citizenship | CWE | 0 | -1 | Patient.extension-patient-citizenship.code | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | -1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
27 | PID-27 | Veterans Military Status | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.#ext-veteranMilitaryStatus# | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | 1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
28 | PID-28 | Nationality | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.extension-patient-nationality.code | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | -1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
29 | PID-29 | Patient Death Date and Time | DTM | 0 | 1 | Patient.deceasedDateTime | Patient.dateTime | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
30 | PID-30 | Patient Death Indicator | ID | 0 | 1 | IF PID-29 NOT VALUED | Patient.deceasedBoolean | Patient.boolean | 0 | 1 | Yes/No | ||||||
31 | PID-31 | Identity Unknown Indicator | ID | 0 | 1 | Patient.#ext-identityUnknown# | Patient.boolean | 0 | 1 | Yes/No | |||||||
32 | PID-32 | Identity Reliability Code | CWE | 0 | -1 | ||||||||||||
33 | PID-33 | Last Update Date/Time | DTM | 0 | 1 | meta.lastUpdated | Patient.instant | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
34 | PID-34 | Last Update Facility | HD | 0 | 1 | Meta.#ext-lastUpdatedFacility(Organization)# | Reference(Patient.Organization) | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
35 | PID-35 | Taxonomic Classification Code | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.extension-patient-animal.species | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | 1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
36 | PID-36 | Breed Code | CWE | 0 | 1 | Patient.extension-patient-animal.breed | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | 1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
37 | PID-37 | Strain | ST | 0 | 1 | ||||||||||||
38 | PID-38 | Production Class Code | CWE | 0 | 2 | ||||||||||||
39 | PID-39 | Tribal Citizenship | CWE | 0 | -1 | Patient.extension-patient-citizenship.code | Patient.CodeableConcept | 0 | -1 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | |||||||
40 | PID-40 | Patient Telecommunication Information | XTN | 0 | -1 | Patient.telecom | Patient.ContactPoint | 0 | -1 | XTN[ContactPoint] |
Mapping from PID to Patient
ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on 2020-08-12 by HL7 International (HL7 Orders and Observations Workgroup:, Keith W. Boone: Copyright (c) 2020, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Segment PID to the FHIR Patient Resource.
Source Concept Details | Relationship | Destination Concept Details | ||||||
Code from | Code from | Code from | Code from | Code from | Code from | |||
PID-2 | CX[Identifier] | is equivalent to | identifier[1] | |||||
PID-3 | CX[Identifier] | is equivalent to | identifier[2] | |||||
PID-4 | CX[Identifier] | is equivalent to | identifier[3] | |||||
PID-5 | XPN[HumanName] | is equivalent to | name[1] | |||||
PID-6 | XPN[HumanName] | is equivalent to | extension-mothersMaidenName | |||||
PID-7 | is equivalent to | birthDate | ||||||
PID-7 | is equivalent to | extension-birthTime | IF PID-7 LENGTH GREATER THAN 8 | |||||
PID-8 | CWE[code] | Gender | is equivalent to | gender | ||||
PID-9 | XPN[HumanName] | is equivalent to | name[2] | |||||
PID-11 | XAD[Address] | is equivalent to | address[1] | |||||
PID-12 | is equivalent to | address[1].district | IF PID-11 LST.COUNT EQUALS 1 AND PID-11.9 IS NOT VALUED | |||||
PID-13 | XTN[ContactPoint] | is equivalent to | telecom[1] | |||||
PID-13 | "home" | is equivalent to | telecom[1].use | IF PID-13.2 IS NOT VALUED | ||||
PID-14 | XTN[ContactPoint] | is equivalent to | telecom[2] | |||||
PID-14 | "work" | is equivalent to | telecom[2].use | IF PID-14.2 IS NOT VALUED | ||||
PID-15 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | Language | is equivalent to | communication.language | ||||
PID-16 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | MaritalStatus | is equivalent to | maritalStatus | ||||
PID-17 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | Religion | is equivalent to | extension-patient-religion | ||||
PID-19 | is equivalent to | identifier[4].value | ||||||
PID-19 | "SB" | is equivalent to | identifier[4].type.coding.code | |||||
PID-19 | "" | is equivalent to | identifier[4].type.coding.system | |||||
PID-19 | "" | is equivalent to | identifier[4].system | |||||
PID-20 | DLN[Identifier] | is equivalent to | identifier[5] | |||||
PID-23 | is equivalent to | extension-patient-birthplace.text | ||||||
PID-24 | Yes/No | is equivalent to | multipleBirthBoolean | IF PID-25 NOT VALUED | ||||
PID-25 | is equivalent to | multipleBirthInteger | ||||||
PID-26 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | is equivalent to | extension-patient-citizenship[1].code | |||||
PID-28 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | is equivalent to | extension-patient-nationality.code | |||||
PID-29 | is equivalent to | deceasedDateTime | ||||||
PID-30 | Yes/No | is equivalent to | deceasedBoolean | IF PID-29 NOT VALUED | ||||
PID-33 | is equivalent to | meta.lastUpdated | ||||||
PID-35 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | is equivalent to | extension-patient-animal.species | |||||
PID-36 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | is equivalent to | extension-patient-animal.breed | |||||
PID-39 | CWE[CodeableConcept] | is equivalent to | extension-patient-citizenship[2].code | |||||
PID-40 | XTN[ContactPoint] | is equivalent to | telecom[3] |