Name | Value | Comments |
abstract | false | |
baseDefinition | | |
copyright | | |
date | 2022-02-16T19:40:22+11:00 | 2022-03-08T18:37:19+00:00 | |
description | Provides guidelines for rendering multi-column choices. I.e. when displaying a list of codes (for `choice` or `open-choice` items) or a list of resources (for `reference` items), this extension allows the drop-down to have multiple columns. For codes, the author can pick additional code system properties to display - such as alternate display names strength or form for drug codes, etc. For references, the author can choose particular columns from the resource (e.g. first name, last name, specialty, address). | |
experimental | | |
fhirVersion | 4.0.1 | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | | |
kind | complex-type | |
name | ChoiceColumnExtension | |
publisher | HL7 International - FHIR Infrastructure Work Group | |
purpose | | |
status | draft | |
title | Choice column | |
type | Extension | |
url | | |
version | 3.0.0-preview | 3.0.0 | |