LOINC – IVD Test Code (LIVD) Mapping
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Loinc/IVD Mapping FHIR IG (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

LIVD Data Mapping to FHIR

This guide is based on the HL7 FHIR standard and therefore uses terminology, notations and design principles that are specific to FHIR. Before continuing to read this implementation guide, it’s important to be familiar with some of the basic principles of FHIR as well as general guidance on how to read FHIR specifications. Readers who are unfamiliar with FHIR are encouraged to read (or at least skim) the following prior to reading the rest of this implementation guide.


The concepts described above are mapped to a number of FHIR resources that have been profiled to support the scope of the LIVD Publication. The diagram below shows the HL7 FHIR resources/profiles and their relationship:

LIVD Profile Structure

  • LIVD Bundle - Packages all relevant resources of the LIVD Catalog.
  • LIVD Catalog Profile - This provides the information about the LIVD Publication. The profile is based on the Catalog profile that is based on the Composition resource. Note that, while the LIVD Catalog Profile does some organization of the resources, there is no need for representing the format of the data. The formatting and presentation is left to the client consuming these resources.
  • LIVD Device Definition Profile - This profile reflects the equipment (device) that is represented in the publication.
    • (A) Each LIVD publication must include at least one device, and can cover many.
  • LIVD Device Observation Definition - This profile reflects the IVD test codes that each device can produce.
    • (B) Each LIVD Device Definition has the capability to perform at least one observation, i.e., IVD test.
  • LIVD Test Code Concept Map Profile - This profile supports the data necessary to document the actual mapping between the IVD test code for a device and the LOINC codes to consider.
    • (C) A LIVD Test Code Concept Map must be associated with at least one LIVD Device Definition. It may represent multiple LIVD Device Definitions where, e.g., different models performing the same tests could share the same map.
    • The ConceptMap.source reflects the IVD Test Code and must exist (D) as a LIVD Device Observation Definition.
    • The ConceptMap.target and ConceptMap.group reflects the LOINC code or codes that the IVD Test Code maps to, including context information to aid in the mapping such as result, specimen or other considerations.
    • The ConceptMap.traget references through (E) the value set where the LOINC codes used in the LIVD catalog are further defined.
    • An IVD Test Code may not have a mapping (e.g., no LOINC code available yet), one, or more.

The LIVD Bundle Profile will enable packaging of the resources.

Detailed Mapping

The following table provides the mapping of LIVD data of interest to FHIR resource attributes. Note that the use of FHIR introduces additional attributes that either are needed as required elements in FHIR or provide additional capabilities.

</tr> </table>
LIVD Attribute FHIR Comments
Bundle.type This is set to "collection" as LIVD is modeled in FHIR to serve as a payload while it is not needed to be in the form of a document either, thus a well structured collection.
Publisher Composition.author.display
Publication Version ID Composition.identifier.system
Catalog LOINC Code Composition.type.coding.code
This represents only the code and version of LOINC from which the LOINC code for the LIVD Catalog has been obtained. It does not reflect the version of the LOINC code used in the detailed mapping.
LOINC Mapping Version ValueSet.expansion.contains.system.version This represents the version of LOINC used in the mapping for the code mapped in the ConceptMap.
LOINC Copyright Composition.section.title
The relevant copyright text is in .section.entry.reference where the .section.title is "Copyrights" and the section.code is "copy-right".
Localization extension-Composition.language
Region extension-Composition.region
Composition.section This enables organization like information together, particularly the equipment, tests, and mappings. </tr>
Manufacturer DeviceDefinition.manufacturerString
Model DeviceDefinition.modelNumber
UID DeviceDefinition.udiDeviceIdentifier.deviceIdentifier
UID Type DeviceDefinition.udiDeviceIdentifier.issuer
This enables a linkage to the ObservationDefinition that represents the test that the device can perform.
IVD Test Results,
Vendor Analyte Code
Vendor Transmission Code
Vendor Analyte Identifier
Vendor Analyte Name ObservationDefinition.code.display
Vendor Reference ID ObservationDefinition.identifier.type
extension-ObservationDefinition.device This enables a link to the device(s) that can perform this test
IVD Analyte Code - LOINC Mapping
LOINC Mapping Version ConceptMap.group.element.target.version
Vendor Specimen Description ConceptMap.group.element.target.dependsOn.property
Vendor Result Description
Vendor Device Description</dt> ConceptMap.group.element.target.dependsOn.property
Vendor Comment ConceptMap.group.element.target.comment
ConceptMap.target This represents the target value set where the suggested LOINC codes are further defined.
This represents the LOINC code system and the version that was used for the mapping to the LOINC codes referenced.
ConceptMap.group.element.code This represents the test code used by the manufacturer for which a mapping to a LOINC is provided.
Test Code Value Set
LOINC Code ValueSet.expansion.contains.code
LOINC Long Name ValueSet.expansion.contains.display
Component, Property, time Aspect, System, Scale Type, Method Type extension-ValueSet.expansion.conctains.property.code