Name | Value | Comments |
compose.inactive | | |
compose.lockedDate | | |
copyright | This artifact includes content from International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO). ISCO is copyright International Labour Organization (ILO). Terms & Conditions in | |
date | 2020-05-19T18:37:29+00:00 | 2022-11-22T03:32:52+00:00 | |
description | IPS Healthcare Professional Roles | |
experimental | false | |
immutable | false | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | | |
name | HealthcareProfessionalRolesUvIps | |
publisher | Health Level Seven International - Patient Care Work Group | |
purpose | | |
status | active | |
title | Healthcare Professional Roles - IPS | |
url | | |
version | 1.0.0 | 1.1.0 | |
Item | Property | Value | Comments |
include | urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. | | |
 Concept | 22 | | Version: Health professionals | | |
 Concept | 221 | | Version: Medical doctors | | |
 Concept | 2211 | | Version: Generalist medical practitioners | | |
 Concept | 2212 | | Version: Specialist medical practitioners | | |
 Concept | 222 | | Version: Nursing and midwifery professionals | | |
 Concept | 2221 | | Version: Nursing professionals | | |
 Concept | 2222 | | Version: Midwifery professionals | | |
 Concept | 223 | | Version: Traditional and complementary medicine professionals | | |
 Concept | 224 | | Version: Paramedical practitioners | | |
 Concept | 225 | | Version: Veterinarians | | |
 Concept | 226 | | Version: Other health professionals | | |
 Concept | 2261 | | Version: Dentists | | |
 Concept | 2262 | | Version: Pharmacists | | |
 Concept | 2263 | | Version: Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals | | |
 Concept | 2264 | | Version: Physiotherapists | | |
 Concept | 2265 | | Version: Dieticians and nutritionists | | |
 Concept | 2266 | | Version: Audiologists and speech therapists | | |
 Concept | 2267 | | Version: Optometrists and ophthalmic opticians | | |
 Concept | 2269 | | Version: Health professionals not elsewhere classified | | |
 Concept | 32 | | Version: Health associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 321 | | Version: Medical and pharmaceutical technicians | | |
 Concept | 3211 | | Version: Medical imaging and therapeutic equipment technicians | | |
 Concept | 3212 | | Version: Medical and pathology laboratory technicians | | |
 Concept | 3213 | | Version: Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants | | |
 Concept | 3214 | | Version: Medical and dental prosthetic technicians | | |
 Concept | 322 | | Version: Nursing and midwifery associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 3221 | | Version: Nursing associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 3222 | | Version: Midwifery associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 323 | | Version: Traditional and complementary medicine associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 325 | | Version: Other health associate professionals | | |
 Concept | 3251 | | Version: Dental assistants and therapists | | |
 Concept | 3252 | | Version: Medical records and health information technicians | | |
 Concept | 3253 | | Version: Community health workers | | |
 Concept | 3254 | | Version: Dispensing opticians | | |
 Concept | 3255 | | Version: Physiotherapy technicians and assistants | | |
 Concept | 3256 | | Version: Medical assistants | | |
 Concept | 3257 | | Version: Environmental and occupational health inspectors and associates | | |
 Concept | 3258 | | Version: Ambulance workers | | |
 Concept | 3259 | | Version: Health associate professionals not elsewhere classified | | |