Intersection of and

This is the CodeSystem that contains codes in both Genomic Study Data Format CodeSystem ( and Genomic Study Data Format CodeSystem (


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem 1ec562b4-66c6-484e-af28-f12976996081-12

This code system defines codes, but no codes are represented here

bam BAM
bed BED
bedpe BEDPE
bedgraph BedGraph
bigbed bigBed
bigWig bigWig
birdsuite-files Birdsuite-Files
broadpeak broadPeak
cbs CBS
chemical-reactivity-probing-profiles Chemical-Reactivity-Probing-Profiles
chrom-sizes chrom-sizes
cn CN
custom-file-formats Custom-File-Formats
cytoband Cytoband
fasta FASTA
gct GCT
cram CRAM
genepred genePred
gff-gtf GFF/GTF
gistic GISTIC
goby Goby
gwas GWAS
igv IGV
loh LOH
maf-multiple-alignment-format MAF-Multiple Alignment Format
maf-mutation-annotation-format MAF-Mutation-Annotation-Format
merged-bam-file Merged BAM File
mut MUT
narrowpeak narrowPeak
psl PSL
res RES
rna-secondary-structure-formats RNA-Secondary-Structure-Formats
sam SAM
sample-info-attributes-file Sample-Info-Attributes-file
seg SEG
tdf TDF
track-line Track Line
type-line Type Line
vcf VCF
wig WIG