HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1
0.1.0 - STU 1 Ballot

This page is part of the HL7 FHIR® Implementation Guide: Ophthalmology Retinal, Release 1 (v0.1.0: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Ophthalmology Body Site Eye


Defining URL:http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/eyecare/ValueSet/body-site-eye
Title:Ophthalmology Body Site Eye
Status:Experimental as of 2021-08-03

Body sites related to the eye

Publisher:HL7 International - Patient Care WG

This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle


Logical Definition (CLD)

  • Include codes from http://snomed.info/sct where concept descends from 371398005 (Eye region structure (body structure))



This value set has >1000 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown

Expansion based on SNOMED CT International edition 31-Jan 2021

All codes from system http://snomed.info/sct

595000Palpebral fissure
1110006Tarsal gland
1711002Periorbital region
1818002Greater circulus arteriosus of iris
1832000Bulbar conjunctiva
2489005Medial check ligament of eye
2923000Subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area
3113001Suprachoroidal space
3954005Lacrimal sac
4061004Lateral wall of orbit
5128004Suspensory ligament of lens
5194009Epithelium of lens
5491007Lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle
5597008Retina of right eye
5815008Superior rectus muscle
5825003Substantia propria of sclera
5854009Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
5976004Subcutaneous tissue of eyelid
5979006Episcleral artery
6229007Os lacrimale
7345001Ciliary processes
7884002Corneal corpuscle
8264007Tunica interna of eyeball
8369000Sphincter pupillae muscle
8966001Left eye
9475001Amacrine cells of retina
9668006Ciliary muscle
9849005Fornix of lacrimal sac
9951005Posterior ethmoidal nerve
10415000Pigmented layer of ciliary body
10481004Transplanted cornea
10545004Superior wall of orbit
10695007Lamina episcleralis
10737006Conjunctival sac
11287007Cornea of left eye
12173003Tarsal plate
12437000Lamina basalis of ciliary body
12471009Oculomotor nerve inferior division
13014005Conjunctiva of right eye
13458000Oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers
13561001Lacrimal gland
13572006Vortex veins
13898006Orbital opening
14236005Anterior pole of eye
14841006Oculomotor nerve ciliary ganglionic branch
14957007Conjunctival artery
15753006Nasolacrimal duct
15768007Palpebral conjunctiva
15775008Corneal epithelium
15932006Posterior pole of eye
16089004Pupil of left eye
17018007Skin of infrapalpebral fold
17139002Rod of retina
17700003Oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch
18855009Right lacrimal gland
18944008Right eye
19359003Hyaloid canal
19701007Skin of palpebral margins
19727007Orbital part of lacrimal gland
20060009Right lower eyelid
20346003Inferior nasal retinal artery
20977007Anterior surface of cornea
21599002Stratum intermedium of choroid proper
21874006Supraorbital nerve
22040008Anterior surface of iris
22824006Anterior aspect of eyelids
22936001Iris of right eye
23127007Bruch's basal membrane
23492003Accessory lacrimal glands
24040007Inner nuclear layer of retina
24736005Soft tissues of orbit
24937009Medial rectus muscle
25388009Medial wall of orbit
25758003Left nasolacrimal duct
26331001Circular fibers of ciliary muscle
26386000Camera vitrea bulbi
26583007Internal axis of eyeball
26803003Skin of periorbital region
26907003Oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch
27243006Subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid
27549009Infraorbital margin of maxilla
27887005Skin of medial canthus
27941003Anulus tendineus communis
27988004Retinal artery
28153001Iris of left eye
28323001Sweat gland of eyelid
28591009Superior oblique muscle tendon sheath
28718004Orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle
28758002Blood vessel of retina
28993004Anterior pole of lens
29346007Minor ring of iris
29534007Ciliary body
29729006Horizontal cells of retina
30047009Pars plicata
30110007Hyaloid fossa
30127004Medial retinal vein
30282002Inferior tarsal plate
30322002Lamina cribrosa of sclera
30379009Oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch
30862007Inferior orbital fissure
31575005Episcleral veins
31636006Anterior chamber of eye
31836009Lateral rectus muscle
32206009Orbital septum
32259006Anterior segment of eye
32401001Lacrimal canaliculus
33347001Cortex of lens
33428000Retroorbital region
33658000Fetal pupillary membrane
34407003Rod cells of inner nuclear layer
34467001Nasociliary nerve
34683007External surface of sclera
35146001Entire pupil
35155003Oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch
35538005Substance of lens
36064001Orbital part of optic nerve
36840001Cornea of right eye
37671003Skin of lateral canthus
38387009External nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve
38440003Inferior tarsal muscle
38631005Superior retinal temporal artery
38657008Subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region
38798007Semilunar fold of conjunctiva
38881003Meridian of eyeball
38934000Upper eyelid
39078001Superior retinal temporal vein
39171009Radius of lens
39197003Ganglion cell layer of retina
39219007Superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle
39342003Optic axis
39345001Intralaminar part of optic nerve
39656009Plicae of iris
39900007Medial palpebral ligament
39970006Superior nasal retinal artery
40049005Equator of eyeball
40069000Skin of lower eyelid
41275009Retinal pigment epithelium
41288007Dilator pupillae muscle
41310005Skin of upper eyelid
41657001Vertex of cornea
41776006Pars iridica of retina
41950001Suspensory ligament of eyeball
42578008Inferior nasal retinal vein
42983006Descemet's membrane
43045000Lacrimal caruncle
43286003Entire posterior conjunctival artery
43845001Stroma of iris
43951007Prelaminar part of optic nerve
44326005Infraorbital margin
44571003Meridional fibers of ciliary muscle
44853004Subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold
44859000Lesser circulus arteriosus of iris
44864001Pigmented layer of iris
44888004Eye appendages
45040007Ora serrata of retina
45950005Nerve fiber layer of retina
45961002Lacus lacrimalis
46086003Ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus
47155000Outer plexiform layer of retina
47538007Vitreous body
47813007Posterior surface of lens
47869003Inferior rectus muscle
48362000Iridocorneal angle
48419002Ciliary artery
48509006Rivus lacrimalis
49039003Vitreous stroma
49536001Infratrochlear nerve
49741006Ciliary ganglion
50472009Physiologic cup of optic disc
50546002Substantia propria of cornea
51082008Pars plana
51332007Lateral palpebral ligament
51360009Skin of eyelid
51659005Entire short posterior ciliary artery
51703006Superior oblique muscle tendon
52378001Pupil of right eye
53170005Right nasolacrimal duct
53695005Posterior surface of iris
53750005Subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid
54369006Lacrimal punctum
54472000Supraorbital margin
54833005Fontana's spaces
55143001Bowman's membrane
55250007Inferior retinal temporal artery
55268005Sinus venosus of sclera
55318000Subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margins
55790006Corneal spaces
56044004Lamina vasculosa of choroid
56099008Oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve
56190005External axis of eyeball
56493000Supraorbital area
56707006Nucleus of lens
56753004Orbicularis oculi muscle
57132005Superior conjunctival fornix
57498001Fiber cell of lens
57516003Inferior oblique muscle
57794003Episcleral space
58443009Retina of left eye
58641002Superior levator palpebrae muscle
59237002Oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch
59952002Limbus corneae
60367004Entire medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
61242005Lateral canthus
61886005Choroid of right eye
62290000Right upper eyelid
62719004Optic portion of retina
62736007Lower eyelid
62869001Central vein of the retina
62880001Pupillary margin of iris
63359006Tarsal muscle
63802003Postlaminar part of optic nerve
64498009Vitreous membrane
64523008Zonular fibers
64555008Medial retinal artery
65431007Corneal endothelium
65643003Posterior chamber of eye
65784005Fundus of eye
65820005Left upper eyelid
66041005Superior oblique muscle
66272003Lamina fusca of sclera
66394008Superior orbital fissure
66731004Trabecular meshwork
67046006Fovea centralis
67117001Lateral check ligament of eye
67239008Circle of Zinn-Haller
67521003Entire lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
67540009Cone of retina
67548002Conjunctiva of left eye
67833000Oculomotor muscle
68133001Anterior conjunctival arteries
68703001Choroid of eye
68912006Zonular spaces
69687002Posterior surface of cornea
70116008Superior nasal retinal vein
70278005Equator of lens
70339009Medial canthus
70617003Entire long posterior ciliary artery
70707000Supraorbital notch
71497004Superior tarsal muscle
71834002Long ciliary nerves
72017006Inferior conjunctival fornix
72060002Bipolar cells of retina
72345007Lens of right eye
72473005Palpebral part of lacrimal gland
74235007Inner surface of sclera
74662008Outer nuclear layer of retina
74824007Palpebronasal fold
74862005Uveal tract
75481004Scleral spur
75488005Superior macular artery
75716003Entire ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve
75907007Posterior aspect of eyelids
76042004Deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle
76117006Central retinal artery
76138000Ciliary plicae
76140005Lateral palpebral raphe
76662006Left lower eyelid
76710003External limiting membrane of retina
76729009Tunica fibrosa of eyeball
77011004Sheath of eyeball
77024004Free margin of eyelid
77155007Lens capsule
77205005Posterior segment of eye
77886003Orbital margin
77952006Posterior pole of lens
78076003Crystalline lens
78149000Major ring of iris
79652003Internal structure of eyeball
80316005Orbitalis muscle
80713004Periorbital tissue
80973000Interstitial tissue of eyeball
80984007Left lacrimal gland
81016008Optic disc
81661008Anterior ethmoidal nerve
82139002Lacrimal papilla
82168001Ciliary margin of iris
82859000Macula lutea
83941007Superior tarsal plate
84228009Inferior retinal temporal vein
84883009Anterior ciliary arteries
85003000Retinal vein
85013008Anterior surface of lens
85322004Subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus
85338005Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle
85647005Oculomotor nerve superior division
85803001Cilia of eyelid
85966008Choroid of left eye
86109005Superior macular vein
86588008Muscular fascia of eyeball
87321005Aqueous humor
87914003Retrobulbar tissue
88011006Corrugator supercilii muscle
88258005Lens of left eye
88465000Depressor supercilii muscle
88664009Axis of lens
90005007Inferior macular artery
90916002Supratrochlear nerve
90962005Lacrimal fold
91298000Subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus
110525006Orbital portion of zygomatic bone
110528008Bones of orbit
113321000Internal lamina of choroid
113322007Inferior macular vein
113324008Neuroepithelial layer
113325009Inner plexiform layer of retina
113344002Inferior wall of orbit
119258008Extracellular substance of eye
119263007Eye part
120612006Ocular adnexal part
123846009Ocular blood vessel
123855007Orbicularis oculi muscle part
123856008Superior levator palpebrae muscle part
123866000Orbital plate of frontal bone
123867009Orbital portion of palatine bone
123868004Orbital portion of maxilla
128980008Lacrimal artery, left
149784006Entire episcleral vein
181142009External structure of eye region
181143004Entire orbit
181145006Entire canthus
181147003Entire lacrimal gland
181150000Entire extraocular muscle
181151001Entire medial rectus
181152008Entire lateral rectus
181153003Entire superior rectus
181154009Entire inferior rectus
181155005Entire superior oblique
181156006Entire inferior oblique
181157002Combination of eye muscles
181160009Entire anterior chamber of eye
181161008Entire conjunctiva
181162001Entire cornea
181163006Entire sclera
181164000Entire iris
181169005Entire lens
181170006Entire vitreous body
181171005Entire retina
181172003Entire choroid
181475006Entire circumorbital skin
181804000Orbital complex of bones - medial wall
181805004Orbital complex of bones - lateral wall
181807007Orbital complex of bones - floor
181808002Orbital complex of bones - apex
182323001Entire eye region (surface region)
244201001Entire eyelash
244486005Entire eye
244487001Entire skin of eyebrow
244488006Anterior choroid
244489003Posterior choroid
244490007Mid-zone retina
244492004Central iris
244493009Peripheral iris
244494003Entire vertex of cornea
244495002Peripheral cornea
244496001Entire posterior surface of cornea
244497005Medial conjunctiva
244498000Entire iridocorneal angle
244499008Entire upper eyelid
244500004Entire lens capsule
244501000Anterior lens capsule
244502007Posterior lens capsule
244725005Circumorbital and palpebral muscle
244726006Entire orbicularis oculi
244728007Entire depressor supercilii muscle
244729004Entire corrugator supercilii muscle
244774006Entire levator palpebrae superioris
244775007Entire superior tarsal muscle
244776008Entire rectus eye muscle (body structure)
245053008Entire superior oblique muscle tendon
245947005Entire skin of eyelid
245948000Entire skin of upper eyelid
245949008Entire skin of lower eyelid
263340007Entire ciliary body
263344003Entire lacrimal punctum
263345002Upper lacrimal punctum
263346001Lower lacrimal punctum
263348000Entire lacrimal canaliculus
263349008Common lacrimal canaliculus
263350008Upper lacrimal canaliculus
263351007Lower lacrimal canaliculus
263792001Large retinal vessel
264050007Iris surface
264057005Lateral conjunctiva
264075006Entire inferior conjunctival fornix
264120002Parafoveal retina
264122005Paramacular retina
264141008Peripheral retina
264243004Entire superior conjunctival fornix
264479005Entire fovea centralis
264509009Entire bulbar conjunctiva
265781000Entire eyebrow
265782007Entire eyelid
272675007Entire lacrimal bone
276831007Conjunctival fornix
277682001Upper lid margin
277683006Lower lid margin
277771001Entire retinal artery
278361003Gland of Wolfring and Ciacco
278362005Gland of Henle
279281007Entire ciliary ganglion
280205004Entire superior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure)
280206003Entire inferior branch of oculomotor nerve (body structure)
280220005Entire nasociliary nerve
280222002Branch of nasociliary nerve
280223007Entire supratrochlear nerve
280224001Entire supraorbital nerve
280225000Entire anterior ethmoidal nerve
280226004Internal nasal branch of nasociliary nerve
280227008Entire external nasal branch anterior ethmoidal nerve
280228003Long ciliary nerve
280229006Entire infratrochlear nerve
280230001Entire posterior ethmoidal nerve
280426002Lacrimal drainage structure
280535007Entire segment of eyeball
280536008Pole of eyeball
280537004Entire equator of eyeball
280539001Humor of eye
280540004Chamber of eye
280541000Orbital cavity
280543002Entire orbital wall
280544008Apex of the orbit
280545009Orbital space
280546005Orbital fissure
280547001Orbital periosteum
280548006Orbital fascia
280549003Entire bony orbit
280550003Entire supraorbital margin
280551004Medial orbital margin
280552006Lateral orbital margin
280554007Entire inferior wall of orbit
280557000Postseptal orbital space
280558005Subperiosteal orbital space
280559002Entire superior orbital fissure
280560007Entire inferior orbital fissure
280563009Eyelid layer
280564003Subcutaneous areolar tissue of eyelid
280565002Muscular layer of eyelid
280566001Submuscular areolar tissue of eyelid
280567005Pretarsal space of upper eyelid
280568000Preseptal space of eyelid
280569008Palpebral fascia
280571008Arcus marginalis of palpebral fascia
280572001Premarginal recess of Eisler
280573006Palpebral ligament structure
280575004Gray line of upper eyelid (body structure)
280576003Entire palpebral fissure
280577007Fascial sheath of eyeball
280578002Entire medial palpebral ligament
280579005Check ligament of eye
280580008Anterior division of medial palpebral ligament
280581007Entire lateral palpebral ligament
280582000Entire lateral palpebral raphe
280583005Entire medial check ligament of eye
280584004Entire lateral check ligament of eye
280585003Entire meibomian gland
280586002Entire sweat gland of eyelid
280587006Entire aqueous humor
280589009Episcleral fascia
280590000Surface of sclera
280593003Entire external surface of sclera
280594009Entire inner surface of sclera
280595005Zonular cleft of Salzmann
280596006Limit of hyaloid canal
280597002Nucleus of vitreous humor
280598007Ciliary neurovascular groove
280599004Scleral aperture
280600001Anterior scleral aperture
280601002Middle scleral aperture
280602009Posterior scleral aperture
280603004Entire hyaloid fossa
280604005Area of Martegiani
280605006Entire sinus venosus of sclera
280606007Entire scleral spur
280607003Entire lamina fusca of sclera
280611009Zone of retina
280612002Entire ora serrata of retina
280613007Pars caeca retinae
280614001Entire optic portion of retina
280615000Peripapillary retina
280616004Perimacular retina
280617008Perifoveal region of retina
280618003Near periphery of retina
280619006Middle periphery of retina
280620000Far periphery of retina
280621001Entire orbital part of lacrimal gland
280622008Entire palpebral part of lacrimal gland
280626006Entire cortex of lens
280628007Entire nucleus of lens
280630009Pole of lens
280631008Entire axis of lens
280632001Entire equator of lens
280633006Lens suspensory structure
280635004Main zonular fiber
280636003Entire zonular fibers (body structure)
280637007Entire ampulla of lacrimal canaliculus
280638002Valve of lacrimal canaliculus
280640007Valve of Foltz
280641006Auxiliary zonular fiber
280642004Valve of Bochdalek
280643009Entire nasolacrimal duct
280645002Nasal opening of nasolacrimal duct
280646001Valve of nasolacrimal duct
280647005Valve of Rosenmuller
280648000Entire uveal tract
280649008Valve of medial palpebral ligament
280650008Entire posterior part of uveal tract
280651007Valve of Huscke
280652000Entire Bruch's basal membrane
280653005Valve of Beraud
280654004Valve of Taillefer
280655003Valve of Hasner
280657006Layer of retina
280658001Entire anterior segment of eyeball
280659009Entire posterior segment of eyeball
280660004Entire anterior pole of eye
280661000Entire posterior pole of eye
280662007Entire retinal pigment epithelium
280663002Conjunctival zone
280664008Henle's fiber layer
280665009Nuclear layer of retina
280666005Entire palpebral conjunctiva
280667001Limiting membrane of retina
280668006Plexiform layer of retina
280669003Marginal zone of palpebral conjunctiva
280670002Entire ganglion cell layer of retina
280671003Entire nerve fiber layer of retina
280672005Orbital zone of palpebral conjunctiva
280673000Fornicial conjunctiva
280674006Limbal conjunctiva
280676008Entire external limiting membrane of retina
280677004Internal limiting membrane of retina
280678009Entire outer nuclear layer of retina
280679001Conjunctival fold
280680003Stieda's conjunctival groove
280681004Conjunctival papilla
280682006Entire inner plexiform layer of retina
280683001Subtarsal fold of conjunctiva
280684007Entire outer plexiform layer of retina
280685008Stieda's conjunctival fold
280686009Entire semilunar fold of conjunctiva
280687000Smooth part of ciliary body
280688005Corneal surface zone
280689002Striae ciliaris of Schultze
280690006Corneal layer
280691005Subdivision of retina
280692003Entire blood vessel of retina
280694002Entire trabecular meshwork
280859006Entire corona ciliaris (body structure)
280860001Entire ciliary processes
280861002Suprachoroidal space of ciliary body
280862009Entire ciliary muscle
280863004Longitudinal fiber of ciliary muscle
280864005Epichoroidal star of ciliary muscle
280865006Entire meridional fibers of ciliary muscle
280866007Entire circular fibers of ciliary muscle
280868008Ciliary stroma
280869000Ciliary epithelium structure
280870004Entire ciliary epithelium
280872007Inner layer of ciliary epithelium
280873002Entire pigmented layer of ciliary body
280874008Ciliary part of Bruch's membrane
280875009Internal limiting membrane of ciliary body
280876005Iridociliary junction
280877001Zone of iris
280878006Entire anterior surface of iris
280879003Entire posterior surface of iris
280880000Layer of iris
280881001Anterior limiting layer of stroma of iris
280882008Entire stroma of iris
280883003Anterior layer of stroma of iris
280884009Middle layer of stroma of iris
280885005Posterior layer of stroma of iris
280886006Posterior membrane of iris
280887002Entire fetal pupillary membrane
280888007Muscle of iris
280889004Entire sphincter pupillae muscle
280890008Entire dilator pupillae muscle
280891007Vascular structure of iris
280892000Entire greater circulus arteriosus of iris
280893005Entire lesser circulus arteriosus of iris
280894004Layer of choroid
280895003Entire lamina suprachoroidea
280896002Entire lamina vasculosa of choroid
280897006Layer of large choroidal vessels
280898001Layer of medium vessels
280899009Entire lamina choroidocapillaris
280900004Choroidal part of Bruch's membrane
280913005Entire retinal vein
280914004Branch of retinal artery
280916002Entire central retinal artery
280917006Nasal half of retina
280920003Temporal half of retina
280921004Superior half of retina
280922006Inferior half of retina
280923001Superior nasal quadrant of retina
280924007Inferior nasal quadrant of retina
280925008Superior temporal quadrant of retina
280926009Inferior temporal quadrant of retina
280927000Entire central vein of the retina
280928005Branch of retinal vein
280929002Structure of macular tributary of retinal vein (body structure)
280930007Entire inferior retinal temporal vein
280931006Entire inferior nasal retinal vein
280932004Entire superior nasal retinal vein
280934003Entire inferior retinal temporal artery
280935002Entire superior retinal temporal artery
280936001Entire inferior nasal retinal artery
280937005Entire superior nasal retinal artery
280954002Retrobulbar space
280956000Eyelash follicle
280957009Subconjunctival space
281075003Entire Bowman layer
281076002Entire Descemet's membrane
281079009Superior division of central artery of retina
281081006Inferior division of central artery of retina
281082004Macular arteriole
281086001Entire lamina cribrosa of sclera
281087005Scleral sulcus
281485006Entire palpebral ligament
284538001Skin of part of eye region
302143002Entire anterior pole of lens
302144008Entire posterior pole of lens
302151004Eyeball segment structure
303283006Posterior wall of eye
303295006Choroidal and retinal structures
303297003Subhyaloid region
303299000Retinal arteriole
304919002Muscle structure of orbit
304920008Tendon of orbital muscle
304921007Lateral rectus tendon
304922000Medial rectus tendon
304923005Superior rectus tendon
304924004Inferior rectus tendon
304925003Inferior oblique tendon
305083001Eyebrow and eyelid structures
305089002Conjunctival and corneal structures
305092003Sclera and/or iris structures (body structure)
305110008Anterior chamber and lens structures
307707009Rectus eye muscle structure
307708004Oblique eye muscle structure
310575006Anterior uveal tract structure
310576007Posterior uveal tract structure
312742006Vitreous and retinal structures
314802006Lacrimal structure
314852002Areolar tissue of eyelid
314853007Surface of cornea
314854001Margin of iris
314855000Fiber of ciliary muscle
314856004Layer of ciliary epithelium
314857008Quadrant of retina
314858003Half of retina
314859006Axis of eyeball
360576009Skin of part of eyelid
360894008Surface of lens
360898006Ring of iris
360912007Subcutaneous tissue of canthus
360913002Skin of canthus
360915009Upper eyelid muscle structure
361318005Entire tunica fibrosa of eyeball
361320008Entire neuroepithelial layer
361689003Entire adnexa oculi
361813005Entire orbital part of orbicularis oculi muscle
362455008Entire intralaminar part of optic nerve
362499004Entire optic axis
362501007Entire soft tissues of orbit
362502000Entire right eye
362503005Entire left eye
362504004Entire posterior chamber of eye
362505003Entire vitreous cavity
362506002Entire hyaloid canal
362507006Entire suspensory ligament of eyeball
362509009Entire anterior surface of cornea
362510004Entire limbus corneae
362511000Entire substantia propria of cornea
362512007Entire superior retinal temporal vein
362514008Entire pupillary margin of iris
362515009Entire ciliary margin of iris
362516005Entire tunica interna of eyeball
362517001Entire macula lutea
362518006Entire optic disc
362519003Entire fundus of eye
362520009Entire inner nuclear layer of retina
362521008Entire anterior surface of lens
362522001Entire posterior surface of lens
362523006Entire epithelium of lens
362524000Entire suspensory ligament of lens
362525004Entire lateral canthus
362526003Entire medial canthus
362527007Entire free margin of eyelid
362528002Entire lower eyelid
362529005Entire tarsal plate
362530000Entire lacrimal caruncle
362531001Entire conjunctival sac
362533003Entire lacrimal papilla
362534009Entire lacrimal sac
362615003Entire supraorbital area
362641009Entire orbital margin
362642002Entire infraorbital margin
362643007Entire superior wall of orbit
362644001Entire lateral wall of orbit
362645000Entire medial wall of orbit
362646004Entire periorbital region
362901003Orbital wall structure
362902005All walls of orbit
362903000Orbital portion of greater wing of sphenoid bone
362904006Orbital portion of lesser wing of sphenoid bone
362916000Skin of eye region
363539005Structure of anterior lamella of upper eyelid
363540007Entire anterior lamella of upper eyelid
363541006Structure of posterior lamella of upper eyelid
363542004Entire posterior lamella of upper eyelid
363543009Structure of anterior lamella of eyelid
363544003Structure of posterior lamella of eyelid
363545002Anterior lamella of lower eyelid
363546001Structure of posterior lamella of lower eyelid
363547005Entire anterior lamella of lower eyelid
363548000Entire posterior lamella of lower eyelid
363653001Ocular surface structure
363654007Structure of orbit proper
363656009Orbital fat structure
363657000Entire orbit
367575006Entire eyelashes
367577003Skin structure of eyebrow
367614009Structure of lamina suprachoroidea
368558003Entire right upper eyelid
368559006Entire right lower eyelid
368564005Entire right lacrimal gland
368565006Entire right nasolacrimal duct
368573002Entire cornea of right eye
368574008Entire choroid of right eye
368575009Entire pupil of right eye
368576005Entire iris of right eye
368577001Entire retina of right eye
368578006Entire lens of right eye
368579003Entire conjunctiva of right eye
368580000Entire left upper eyelid
368581001Entire left lower eyelid
368586006Entire left lacrimal gland
368587002Entire left nasolacrimal duct
368595003Entire cornea of left eye
368596002Entire choroid of left eye
368597006Entire pupil of left eye
368598001Entire iris of left eye
368599009Entire retina of left eye
368600007Entire lens of left eye
368601006Entire conjunctiva of left eye
368659004Entire subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area
368766009Entire skin of infrapalpebral fold
368767000Entire subcutaneous tissue of infrapalpebral fold
368770001Entire skin of palpebral margins
368771002Entire skin of medial canthus
368772009Entire skin of lateral canthus
368773004Entire superior tarsal plate
368774005Entire inferior tarsal plate
368775006Entire palpebral part of orbicularis oculi muscle
368776007Entire lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle
368777003Entire subcutaneous tissue of lower eyelid
368778008Entire subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus
368779000Entire subcutaneous tissue of lateral canthus
368780002Entire subcutaneous tissue of eyelid
368781003Entire subcutaneous tissue of upper eyelid
368782005Entire subcutaneous tissue of palpebral margins
368783000Entire inferior tarsal muscle
368784006Entire tarsal muscle
368786008Entire anterior aspect of eyelids
368787004Entire posterior aspect of eyelids
368788009Entire superficial part of superior levator palpebrae muscle
368789001Entire deep part of superior levator palpebrae muscle
368790005Entire orbitalis muscle
368791009Entire rivus lacrimalis
368792002Entire lacus lacrimalis
368793007Entire lacrimal fold
368794001Entire fornix of lacrimal sac
368795000Entire periorbital tissue
368796004Entire subcutaneous tissue of periorbital region
368797008Entire anterior ciliary artery
368798003Entire episcleral artery
368799006Entire anterior conjunctival artery
368800005Entire ciliary artery
368801009Short posterior ciliary artery
368802002Long posterior ciliary artery
368803007Entire conjunctival artery
368804001Structure of posterior conjunctival artery
368805000Entire superior macular artery
368806004Entire inferior macular artery
368807008Entire medial retinal artery
368809006Entire superior macular vein
368810001Entire inferior macular vein
368811002Entire medial retinal vein
368813004Entire vortex veins
368814005Entire circulus vasculosus of optic nerve
368815006Entire superior oblique muscle tendon sheath
368816007Entire muscular fascia of eyeball
368817003Entire orbital plate of ethmoid bone
368818008Entire zonular spaces
368819000Entire substance of lens
368820006Entire radius of lens
368822003Entire corneal spaces
368824002Entire transplanted cornea
368826000Entire corneal corpuscle
368827009Entire corneal endothelium
368828004Entire Fontana's spaces
368830002Entire pars plana
368831003Entire ciliary plicae
368832005Entire lamina basalis of ciliary body
368834006Entire pigmented layer of iris
368835007Entire major ring of iris
368836008Entire minor ring of iris
368837004Entire plicae of iris
368839001Entire pars iridica of retina
368841000Entire internal lamina of choroid
368842007Entire stratum intermedium of choroid proper
368844008Entire suprachoroidal space
368846005Entire physiologic cup of optic disc
368848006Entire vitreous stroma
368849003Entire episcleral space
368850003Entire lamina episcleralis
368851004Entire substantia propria of sclera
368852006Entire external axis of eyeball
368853001Entire internal axis of eyeball
368854007Entire meridian of eyeball
368855008Entire interstitial tissue of eyeball
368857000Entire postlaminar part of optic nerve
368858005Entire prelaminar part of optic nerve
368859002Entire orbital septum
368860007Entire anulus tendineus communis
368862004Entire orbital opening
368863009Entire infraorbital margin of maxilla
368864003Entire retroorbital region
368865002Entire retrobulbar tissue
368866001Entire supraorbital notch
368867005Entire orbital part of optic nerve
369393003Entire oculomotor nerve parasympathetic fibers
369394009Entire oculomotor nerve rectus superior branch
369395005Entire oculomotor nerve levator palpebrae branch
369396006Entire oculomotor nerve rectus medialis branch
369397002Entire oculomotor nerve rectus inferior branch
369398007Entire oculomotor nerve obliquus inferior branch
369399004Entire oculomotor nerve ramus communicans with nasociliary nerve
369401005Structure of ciliary ganglionic branch of nasociliary nerve
369402003Structure of lateral nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
369403008Structure of medial nasal branches of anterior ethmoidal nerve
370618005Iris collarette (body structure)
370941004Pupillary membrane
372173003Ciliary body part (body structure)
372175005Corneal part (body structure)
372193006Lacrimal gland part (body structure)
372194000Lacrimal sac part (body structure)
372213002Part of bony orbit (body structure)
372232008Part of superior oblique muscle tendon (body structure)
372234009Part of tendon of orbital muscle (body structure)
372242005Vitreous body part (body structure)
373396000Extraocular muscle tendon (body structure)
373397009Entire extraocular muscle tendon (body structure)
373404009Superior levator palpebrae muscle tendon (body structure)
373636009Endothelium of anterior chamber of eye (body structure)
392261001Hair structure of eyebrow (body structure)
392262008Eyebrow structure (body structure)
392406005Pupil structure (body structure)
392476006Corneal region structure (body structure)
399577003Inferior temporal quadrant of eye proper (body structure)
399685002Superior nasal quadrant of eye proper (body structure)
399700002Inferior nasal quadrant of eye proper (body structure)
399748001Superior temporal quadrant of eye proper (body structure)
399857002Foveola (body structure)
399860009Foveal avascular zone (body structure)
399996007Skin structure of eyelid and periocular area (body structure)
408733002Diabetic Retinopathy Study field (body structure)
408734008Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 1 (body structure)
410434001Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 2 (body structure)
410435000Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 3 (body structure)
410436004Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 4 (body structure)
410437008Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 5 (body structure)
410438003Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 6 (body structure)
410439006Diabetic Retinopathy Study field 7 (body structure)
410785008Structure of tendon sheath of extraocular muscle (body structure)
416060002Entire lacrimal system
416294005Accessory lacrimal gland duct (body structure)
416907003Entire lacrimal gland duct (body structure)
417266007Lacrimal gland duct
417419005Lacrimal gland duct opening (body structure)
417598000Short posterior ciliary nerve (body structure)
418336001Opening of accessory lacrimal gland duct (body structure)
419221005Entire lacrimal drainage structure (body structure)
419807001Entire cilioretinal artery (body structure)
420097000Cilioretinal artery (body structure)
420455000Structure of sclera proper (body structure)
421902006Entire sclera proper (body structure)
422812000Entire circumorbital muscle (body structure)
423404006Structure of tributary of central retinal vein (body structure)
423470003Scleral external collector channel structure (body structure)
423667008Entire scleral external collector channels (body structure)
423806000Structure of tributary of anterior ciliary vein (body structure)
423914005Peripapillary choroid (body structure)
424940005Lower eyelid retractors (body structure)
425591006Bone tissue of lacrimal bone (body structure)
441501004Structure of right lateral rectus muscle
441514003Structure of left lateral rectus muscle
441664000Structure of right medial rectus muscle (body structure)
442068004Structure of left medial rectus muscle
609607002Structure of branch of oculomotor nerve
699898004Pretarsal skin structure of eyelid
709293002Eyelid part
711631002Structure of palpebral conjunctiva of lower eyelid (body structure)
711632009Structure of palpebral conjunctiva of upper eyelid (body structure)
714483002Structure of orbital region (body structure)
714486005Entire oblique extraocular muscle (body structure)
714646008Structure of conjunctival gland (body structure)
714647004Entire conjunctival gland
714648009Structure of accessory lacrimal gland
714649001Structure of eyelid gland
714650001Entire eyelid gland
714651002Entire accessory lacrimal gland (body structure)
714652009Structure of sebaceous gland of conjunctiva
714653004Entire sebaceous gland of eyelid (body structure)
714654005Structure of gland of Zeis
714655006Entire gland of Zeis (body structure)
715648002Skin structure of epicanthus inversus (body structure)
715649005Entire skin of epicanthus inversus (body structure)
715650005Skin structure of epicanthus tarsalis (body structure)
715651009Entire skin of epicanthus tarsalis (body structure)
717762003Structure of anterior eyeball segment of left eye (body structure)
719099004Structure of vascular smooth muscle of orbit (body structure)
719100007Entire vascular smooth muscle of orbit (body structure)
719530005Structure of iridocorneal angle of left eye (body structure)
719531009Structure of iridocorneal angle of right eye (body structure)
719532002Structure of right lacrimal sac (body structure)
719533007Structure of left lacrimal sac (body structure)
719534001Structure of left anterior uveal tract (body structure)
719535000Structure of right anterior uveal tract (body structure)
719585009Structure of right lacrimal canaliculus
719586005Structure of left lacrimal canaliculus (body structure)
719881006Skin structure of right eyelid (body structure)
719882004Skin structure of left eyelid (body structure)
719883009Skin structure of right lower eyelid (body structure)
719884003Skin structure of left lower eyelid (body structure)
721024004External structure of right eye region (body structure)
721025003External structure of left eye region (body structure)
721045006Skin structure of right upper eyelid
721046007Structure of skin of left upper eyelid (body structure)
721065004Structure of left eyelid (body structure)
721066003Structure of right eyelid (body structure)
721067007Structure of sebaceous gland of right eyelid (body structure)
721068002Structure of sebaceous gland of left eyelid (body structure)
721896007Structure of left orbit proper (body structure)
721897003Structure of right orbit proper (body structure)
721899000Structure of left optic disc (body structure)
721900005Structure of right optic disc (body structure)
721945009Structure of macula lutea of right eye (body structure)
721947001Structure of macula lutea of left eye (body structure)
721948006Structure of choroid and/or retina of right eye (body structure)
721949003Structure of choroid and/or retina of left eye
721959002Vitreous body structure of right eye (body structure)
721960007Vitreous body structure of left eye (body structure)
721986002Structure of anterior chamber of left eye (body structure)
721987006Structure of anterior chamber of right eye (body structure)
721992008Structure of left bulbar conjunctiva (body structure)
721993003Structure of right bulbar conjunctiva (body structure)
722011002Structure of eyebrow of left eye region (body structure)
722012009Structure of eyebrow of right eye region (body structure)
722016007Structure of lens capsule of left eye
722017003Structure of lens capsule of right eye (body structure)
722040004Structure of neuroepithelial layer of retina of left eye (body structure)
722041000Structure of neuroepithelial layer of retina of right eye (body structure)
722049003Structure of anterior eyeball segment of right eye (body structure)
722079005Structure of blood vessel of retina of right eye (body structure)
722080008Structure of blood vessel of retina of left eye (body structure)
722083005Structure of branch of retinal artery of left eye (body structure)
722084004Structure of branch of retinal artery of right eye (body structure)
722093003Structure of meibomian gland of right eyelid (body structure)
722094009Structure of meibomian gland of left eyelid (body structure)
722141002Structure of retinal artery of left eye (body structure)
722142009Structure of retinal artery of right eye (body structure)
723298005Structure of fundus of right eye (body structure)
723299002Structure of fundus of left eye (body structure)
723836004Right posterior lens capsule
723837008Left posterior lens capsule
723963004Subconjunctival space of left eye (body structure)
723964005Subconjunctival space of right eye (body structure)
725338006Structure of left superior oblique muscle (body structure)
725339003Structure of right superior oblique muscle (body structure)
726558000Structure of periorbital region of left eye (body structure)
726559008Structure of periorbital region of right eye (body structure)
726560003Structure of substantia propria of cornea of left eye (body structure)
726561004Structure of substantia propria of cornea of right eye (body structure)
726675003Structure of left eye region (body structure)
726680007Structure of right eye region (body structure)
726803009Entire main zonular fiber (body structure)
726804003Entire auxiliary zonular fiber (body structure)
726805002Entire longitudinal fiber of ciliary muscle (body structure)

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
Source The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code