This page is part of the Electronic Medicinal Product Information (ePI) FHIR Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU1) based on FHIR v5.0.0. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
Mappings for the MedicinalProductDefinition-uv-epi resource profile.
MedicinalProductDefinitionUvEpi |
MedicinalProductDefinition | Medicinal Product and Investigational Medicinal Product |
identifier | Medicinal Product.MPID, Investigational Medicinal Product.IMPID |
type | (indicates if this is Medicinal Product or an Investigational Medicinal Product) |
domain | n/a |
version | Medicinal Product.Header.Version Number |
status | n/a |
statusDate | n/a |
description | n/a |
combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm | Medicinal Product.Combined Pharmaceutical Dose Form |
route | Pharmaceutical Product.Route of Administration |
indication | (roll up of all text in Therapeutic Indication.Indication Text, for common case where information is not granular) |
legalStatusOfSupply | Marketing Authorisation.Legal Status of Supply (moved here for practicality) |
additionalMonitoringIndicator | Medicinal Product.Additional Monitoring Indicator |
specialMeasures | Medicinal Product.Special Measures |
pediatricUseIndicator | Medicinal Product.Pediatric Use Indicator |
classification | Product Classification.Value |
marketingStatus | Marketing Status |
packagedMedicinalProduct | Packaged Medicinal Product |
comprisedOf | Manufactured Item |
ingredient | Medicinal Product.Ingredient (see also FHIR Ingredient resource) |
impurity | n/a |
attachedDocument | Attached Document |
masterFile | Master File |
contact | n/a |
type | n/a |
contact | n/a |
clinicalTrial | Investigational Medicinal Product.Clinical Trial Status |
code | n/a |
name | Medicinal Product Name |
productName | Medicinal Product Name.Full Name |
type | n/a |
part | (any and all of the name parts e.g. Medicinal Product Name.Formulation Part) |
part | (text of any of the name parts e.g. Medicinal Product Name.Formulation Part) |
type | (which of the name parts this is e.g. Formulation Part) |
usage | Country / Language |
country | Country / Language.Country |
jurisdiction | Country / Language.Jurisdiction |
language | Country / Language.Language |
crossReference | Product Cross-Reference |
product | Product Cross-Reference |
type | Product Cross-Reference |
operation | Manufacturing / Business Operation |
type | Manufacturing / Business Operation.Operation Type |
effectiveDate | Manufacturing / Business Operation.Effective Date |
organization | Manufacturer / Establishment (Organisation) |
confidentialityIndicator | Manufacturing / Business Operation.Confidentiality Indicator |
characteristic | Package Item (Container).Physical Characteristics |
type | Physical Characteristics, all attributes |
value[x] | Physical Characteristics, attribute's value |
MedicinalProductDefinitionUvEpi |
MedicinalProductDefinition | Entity, Role, or Act,ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'] |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
identifier | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'].code |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
use | Role.code or implied by context |
type | Role.code or implied by context |
system | II.root or |
value | II.extension or II.root if system indicates OID or GUID (Or or root) |
period | Role.effectiveTime or implied by context |
assigner | II.assigningAuthorityName but note that this is an improper use by the definition of the field. Also Role.scoper |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asSpecializedKind.generalizedMaterialKind.code |
domain | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.characteristic[@code='{domain}'].value |
version | n/a |
status | n/a |
statusDate | n/a |
description | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'].desc |
combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'].formCode |
route | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].productOf.reconstitution.consumable.administerableMaterial.consumedIn.substanceAdministration1.routeCode |
indication | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].consumedIn.substanceAdministration1.reason.indicationObservationCriterion[@code='{Observation_MedicalProblem}'].value.originalText.@value |
legalStatusOfSupply | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.approval[@code='{Approval_MarketingAuthorization}'].pertinentInformation.policy.code |
additionalMonitoringIndicator | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.policy.code |
specialMeasures | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.policy.code[@nullFlavor='OTH'].displayName |
pediatricUseIndicator | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.policy.code |
classification | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct/asSpecializedKind/generalizedMaterialKind/code |
marketingStatus | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.approval[@code='{Approval_MarketingAuthorization}'].statusCode |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
packagedMedicinalProduct | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asContent.containerPackagedProduct.asContent.containerPackagedProduct.code |
comprisedOf | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.formCode |
ingredient | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'].ingredient.ingredientSubstance.code |
impurity | (to do) |
attachedDocument | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.document |
masterFile | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.document |
contact | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.assignedEntity.assignedOrganization.contactParty |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.assignedEntity.assignedOrganization.contactParty.code |
contact | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.assignedEntity.assignedOrganization.contactParty |
clinicalTrial | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.monitoringProgram |
code | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct[classCode='MMAT'].code |
name | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
productName | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'] |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity.code |
part | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'] |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
part | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'] |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity.code |
usage | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
country | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity.assigningTerritory.code |
jurisdiction | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asNamedEntity.assigningTerritory.code |
language | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'] |
crossReference | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asEquivalentEntity |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
product | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asEquivalentEntity.definingMaterialKind.code |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].manufacturedProduct.asEquivalentEntity.code |
operation | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.action |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.action.code |
effectiveDate | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.action.effectiveTime |
organization | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.action.participation.organzation |
confidentialityIndicator | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.action.confidentialityCode |
characteristic | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.characteristic |
id | n/a |
extension | n/a |
modifierExtension | N/A |
type | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.characteristic[@code='{type}'] |
value[x] | ManufacturedProduct[classCode='MANU'].subjectOf.characteristic[@code='{type}'].value |