This page is part of the Quality Measure Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 (v1.0.0) Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This page documents the use cases and conformance expectations of a measure repository service to support authoring, publishing, and distribution of FHIR-based quality measure specifications as described in this implementation guide.
The measure repository service described here is a specific case of the more general knowledge repository service and is built upon operations and capabilities defined in the Canonical Resource Management Infrastructure Implementation Guide (CRMI IG).
This implementation guide is not prescriptive about authentication or authorization, but strongly recommends that these capabilities be addressed through standard mechanisms, as described in FHIR standard security mechanisms.
Quality measures (QMs) and libraries are specific types of knowledge artifacts, and share common attributes with other knowledge artifact typesand are expected to conform to general artifact management principles defined in CRMI Knowledge Artifact Management. This section describes how general artifact management is applied to quality measures and libraries.
Quality Measure and libraries following a general, high-level workflow for content development: draft, active, and retired as defined in CRMI Artifact Lifecycle
Measure and library identity directly follows CRMI Artifact Identity guidance
As a best practice, measure and library versions SHOULD follow semantic versioning. This approach is summarized in CRMI Artifact Versioning.
In addition to identity, lifecycle, and versioning, measure and libraries typically have additional metadata such as descriptive content, documentation, justification, and source. This is especially true of published measures and libraries, which make this type of information available to enable consumers to find, understand, and ultimately implement the content. In FHIR, measures and libraries generally follow the Metadata Resource pattern.
The ShareableMeasureRepository capability statement defines the minimum expectations for a measure repository that provides basic access to shareable measure content. It describes the minimum required functionality for sharing FHIR-based measure content.
A ShareableMeasureRepository:
The CQMShareableMeasureRepository capability statement captures these requirements formally.
The PublishableMeasureRepository capability statement expresses additional functionality that is provided in support of providing published FHIR quality measures including additional searching and packaging capabilities.
A PublishableMeasureRepository:
The CQMPublishableMeasureRepository capability statement captures these requirements formally.
A PublishableMeasureRepository:
The AuthoringMeasureRepository capability statement defines additional capabilities that are required to support content authoring workflows in a shared environment. For systems that do not exchange in progress content, or support external review/approval processes, these capabilities are not required to be exposed.
For libraries and measures, an AuthoringMeasureRepository:
The CRMIAuthoringArtifactReposiotry capability statement captures these requirements formally, while the following sections provide a narrative description of them.