Quality Measure Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot International flag

This page is part of the Quality Measure Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 (v1.0.0) Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Composite Measure Scoring mapping

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/cqm/ConceptMap/composite-measure-scoring Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2021-02-18 Computable Name: CompositeMeasureScoringMapping

The mapping of FHIR composite measure scoring codes to the corresponding HL7 V3 code used in HQMF for each type of composite measure scoring

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap composite-measure-scoring

Mapping from CompositeMeasureScoring to CompositeMeasureScoring

Group 1 Mapping from CompositeMeasureScoring to ObservationValue

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
all-or-nothingis equivalent toALLORNONESCR (all-or-nothing scoring)
linearis equivalent toLINEARSCR (linear scoring)
opportunityis equivalent toOPPORSCR (Opportunity scoring)
weightedis equivalent toWEIGHTSCR (Weighted scoring)