Item | Property | Value | Comments |
include | | | |
 Concept | 455381000124109 | Medical Examiner/Coroner-On the basis of examination, and/or investigation, in my opinion, death occurred at the time, date, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification by medical examiner or coroner (procedure) | |
 Concept | 434641000124105 | Pronouncing & Certifying physician-To the best of my knowledge, death occurred at the time, date, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification and verification by physician (procedure) | |
 Concept | 434651000124107 | Certifying physician-To the best of my knowledge, death occurred due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification by physician (procedure) | |
include | | | |
 Concept | OTH | Other (Specify) | |
System | Code | Display | Comments |
---| | 455381000124109 | Medical Examiner/Coroner-On the basis of examination, and/or investigation, in my opinion, death occurred at the time, date, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification by medical examiner or coroner (procedure) | - display changed from left to right
| | 434641000124105 | Pronouncing & Certifying physician-To the best of my knowledge, death occurred at the time, date, and place, and due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification and verification by physician (procedure) | - display changed from left to right
| | 434651000124107 | Certifying physician-To the best of my knowledge, death occurred due to the cause(s) and manner stated. | Death certification by physician (procedure) | - display changed from left to right
| | OTH | Other (Specify) | |