0 Table of Contents |
  1 Home |
  2 Credits |
  3 Background |
  4 Scope of the VRDR IG |
  5 Usage |
  6 Conformance |
  7 Artifacts Summary |
   7.1 Decedent |
   7.2 Decedent Age |
   7.3 Decedent Education Level |
   7.4 Decedent Father |
   7.5 Decedent Military Service |
   7.6 Decedent Mother |
   7.7 Decedent Spouse |
   7.8 Birth Record Identifier Child |
   7.9 Birth Record Identifier Infant |
   7.10 Fetal Death Record Identifier |
   7.11 Autopsy Performed Indicator |
   7.12 Death Location |
   7.13 Examiner Contacted |
   7.14 Injury Location |
   7.15 Observation - Death Date |
   7.16 Observation - Decedent Pregnancy |
   7.17 Observation - Injury Incident |
   7.18 Surgery Date |
   7.19 Tobacco Use Contributed To Death |
   7.20 Cause Of Death Part 1 |
   7.21 Cause of Death Part 2 |
   7.22 Death Certification Procedure |
   7.23 Death Certifier |
   7.24 Manner of Death |
   7.25 Decedent Disposition Method |
   7.26 Disposition Location |
   7.27 Funeral Home |
   7.28 Mortician |
   7.29 Activity at Time of Death |
   7.30 Automated Underlying Cause Of Death |
   7.31 Coding Status Values |
   7.32 Entity Axis Cause Of Death |
   7.33 Manual Underlying Cause Of Death |
   7.34 Place Of Injury |
   7.35 Record Axis Cause Of Death |
   7.36 Cause of Death Coded Content Bundle |
   7.37 Death Certificate |
   7.38 Death Certificate Document |
   7.39 Demographic Coded Content Bundle |
   7.40 Industry Occupation Coded Content Bundle |
   7.41 Mortality Roster Bundle |
   7.42 Auxiliary State Identifier1 |
   7.43 Auxiliary State Identifier2 Vital Records |
   7.44 Birth and Death Edit Flags Vital Records |
   7.45 Certificate Number |
   7.46 Edit Bypass 01234 Vital Records |
   7.47 Location for Vital Records |
   7.48 Location Jurisdiction Id Vital Records |
   7.49 Marital Status Vital Records |
   7.50 CauseOfDeathCodedContentBundle-Example1 |
   7.51 Death Certificate for Davis Lineberry Jr |
   7.52 DeathCertificateDocument-UT-1 |
   7.53 DeathCertification-Example1 |
   7.54 DeathCertification-Example2 |
   7.55 DemographicCodedContentBundle-Example1 |
   7.56 MortalityRosterBundle-Example1 |
   7.57 Alias Status of a Death Roster |
   7.58 Filing Format |
   7.59 NVSS SexAtDeath |
   7.60 Practitioner Role |
   7.61 Replacement Status of a Death Record (deprecated) |
   7.62 Spouse Is Alive |
   7.63 State Specific Field |
   7.64 Activity at Time of Death ValueSet |
   7.65 Administrative Gender ValueSet |
   7.66 Administrative Gender ValueSet - Max |
   7.67 Administrative Gender ValueSet - Old |
   7.68 Certifier Types Value Set |
   7.69 Contributory Tobacco Use ValueSet |
   7.70 Date of Death Determination Methods Value Set |
   7.71 Death Pregnancy Status ValueSet |
   7.72 Edit Bypass 01 |
   7.73 Edit Bypass 012 |
   7.74 Edit Bypass 0124 |
   7.75 Event Code for Death Certificate Composition |
   7.76 Event Code for Death Certificate Composition - Max |
   7.77 Filing Format ValueSet |
   7.78 ICD10 Causes of Death ValueSet |
   7.79 Intentional Reject ValueSet |
   7.80 Manner of Death ValueSet |
   7.81 Method of Disposition ValueSet |
   7.82 Place of Death ValueSet |
   7.83 Place of Injury ValueSet |
   7.84 Replacement Status ValueSet |
   7.85 Spouse Alive ValueSet |
   7.86 System Reject ValueSet |
   7.87 Transax Conversion ValueSet |
   7.88 Transportation Incident Role ValueSet |
   7.89 Activity at Time of Death CodeSystem |
   7.90 Date of Death Determination Methods |
   7.91 Death Pregnancy Status Codesystem |
   7.92 Document Section |
   7.93 Filing Formats |
   7.94 Intentional Reject |
   7.95 Local Component Codes |
   7.96 Local Observation Codes |
   7.97 Local Organization Type |
   7.98 Location Type |
   7.99 Replacement Status of Death Record Submission CodeSystem |
   7.100 System Reject Code System |
   7.101 Transax Conversion CodeSystem |
   7.102 ActivityAtTimeOfDeath Concept Map |
   7.103 AdministrativeGender Concept Map |
   7.104 AdministrativeGenderOld Concept Map |
   7.105 CertifierTypes Concept Map |
   7.106 ContributoryTobaccoUse Concept Map |
   7.107 EditBypass01 Concept Map |
   7.108 EditBypass012 Concept Map |
   7.109 EditBypass0124 Concept Map |
   7.110 FilingFormat Concept Map |
   7.111 IntentionalReject Concept Map |
   7.112 MannerOfDeath Concept Map |
   7.113 MethodOfDisposition Concept Map |
   7.114 PlaceOfDeath Concept Map |
   7.115 PlaceOfInjury Concept Map |
   7.116 PregnancyStatus Concept Map |
   7.117 ReplaceStatus Concept Map |
   7.118 SpouseAlive Concept Map |
   7.119 SystemReject Concept Map |
   7.120 TransaxConversion Concept Map |
   7.121 TransportationIncidentRole Concept Map |
   7.122 ActivityAtTimeOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.123 AgeUT-Example1 |
   7.124 Atlanta GA Death Location - Freeman |
   7.125 Atlanta GA Injury Location - Freeman |
   7.126 AutomatedUnderlyingCauseOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.127 AutopsyPerformedIndicator-Example1 |
   7.128 AutopsyPerformedIndicatorUT-Example1 |
   7.129 BirthRecordIdentifier-Example1 |
   7.130 BirthRecordIdentifierChild-Example1 |
   7.131 BirthRecordIdentifierUT-Example1 |
   7.132 CauseOfDeathPart1-Example1 |
   7.133 CauseOfDeathPart1-Example2 |
   7.134 CauseOfDeathPart1UT-Example1 |
   7.135 CauseOfDeathPart2-Example1 |
   7.136 Certifier-Example1 |
   7.137 CodedRaceAndEthnicity-Example1 |
   7.138 CodingStatusValues-Example1 |
   7.139 DeathCertificate Example1 |
   7.140 DeathCertificate Example2 |
   7.141 DeathCertificateDocument-Example1 |
   7.142 DeathCertificateDocument-Example2 |
   7.143 DeathDate-Example1 |
   7.144 DeathDate-Example2 |
   7.145 DeathDate-Example3 |
   7.146 DeathDate-Example4 |
   7.147 DeathDateUT-Example1 |
   7.148 DeathLocation-Example1 |
   7.149 DeathLocation-Example2 |
   7.150 DeathLocation-Example3 |
   7.151 DeathLocationUT-Example1 |
   7.152 Decedent-Example1 |
   7.153 Decedent-Example2 |
   7.154 Decedent-Example3 |
   7.155 DecedentAge-Example1 |
   7.156 DecedentDispositionMethod-Example1 |
   7.157 DecedentEducationLevel-Example1 |
   7.158 DecedentFather-Example1 |
   7.159 DecedentMilitaryService-Example1 |
   7.160 DecedentMother-Example1 |
   7.161 DecedentPregnancyStatus-Example1 |
   7.162 DecedentSpouse-Example1 |
   7.163 DecedentUsualWork-Example1 |
   7.164 DecedentUsualWork-Example2 |
   7.165 DecedentUT-Example1 |
   7.166 DispositionLocation-Example1 |
   7.167 DispositionLocationUT-Example1 |
   7.168 DispositionMethodUT-Example1 |
   7.169 EducationUT-Example1 |
   7.170 EmergingIssues-Example1 |
   7.171 EmergingIssuesUT-Example1 |
   7.172 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.173 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example2 |
   7.174 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example3 |
   7.175 EntityAxisCauseOfDeath-Example4 |
   7.176 ExaminerContacted-Example1 |
   7.177 ExaminerContactedUT-Example1 |
   7.178 FatherUT-Example1 |
   7.179 FetalDeathRecordIdentifier-Example1 |
   7.180 FuneralHome-Example1 |
   7.181 FuneralHomeUT-Example1 |
   7.182 IndustryOccupationCodedContentBundle-Example1 |
   7.183 InjuryIncident-Example1 |
   7.184 InjuryIncident-Example2 |
   7.185 InjuryIncidentUT-Example1 |
   7.186 InjuryLocation-Example1 |
   7.187 InputRaceAndEthnicity-Example1 |
   7.188 InputRaceAndEthnicityUT-Example1 |
   7.189 MannerOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.190 MannerOfDeathUT-Example1 |
   7.191 ManualUnderlyingCauseOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.192 MilitaryServiceUT-Example1 |
   7.193 Mortician-Example1 |
   7.194 MotherUT-Example1 |
   7.195 PlaceOfInjury-Example1 |
   7.196 Practitioner - Vital Records - Janet Seito |
   7.197 PractitionerUT-Example1 |
   7.198 PregnancyUT-Example1 |
   7.199 Procedure - Death Certification Vital Records - A Freeman |
   7.200 ProcedureDeathCertificationUT-Example1 |
   7.201 RecordAxisCauseOfDeath-Example1 |
   7.202 RecordAxisCauseOfDeath-Example2 |
   7.203 SurgeryDate-Example1 |
   7.204 TobaccoUseContributedToDeath-Example1 |
   7.205 TobaccoUseUT-Example1 |
   7.206 USCorePatient - Patient example [A Freeman] |
   7.207 UsualWorkUT-Example1 |
  8 VRDR Forms Mapping |
  9 Death Record Data Dictionary |
  10 Mortality Roster Data Dictionary |
  11 Download Specification |
  12 Change Log |
  13 Content Transitions |