Vital Records Common Library (VRCL) FHIR Implementation Guide
2.0.0 - STU2 United States of America flag

This page is part of the Vital Records Common Profile Library (v2.0.0: STU2) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. This is the current published version. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Content Transitions (STU1.1 to STU2 Changes)


Below are descriptions for each of the headers found in the transition tables. The tables are meant to describe changes to resources and their movements between IGs.

Field Name Description
Name Name of the resource (past or present)
Previous Version/Location Previous location of resource (links to past version)
Current Version/Location Current location of resource (links to current version)
Comments/Updates Description of changes specific to the resource

STU2 Profiles

Name Previous Version/Location Comments/Updates
LocationVitalRecords New New abstract profile of USCoreLocation defining all extensions.
ObservationCodedRaceAndEthnicityVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
ObservationEducationLevelVitalRecords VRCL Generalized profile now has subject set to patient, focus set to mother or parent, and profile now includes bypassEditFlag
ObservationEmergingIssuesVitalRecords VRDR Moved to VRCL to be used in BFDR (fetal birth/death) and VRDR (mortality) use cases
ObservationInputRaceAndEthnicityVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
PatientChildVitalRecords VRCL Now inherits from PatientVitalRecords rather than USCorePatient, added bypassedit flag to multiplebirth, birthTime, dataAbsentReason, partialDate no longer extensions
PatientMotherVitalRecords VRCL New profile inherits from PatientVitalRecords rather than USCorePatient
PatientVitalRecords New New addition, serves as a new abstract profile (parent to PatientChild, PatientDecedentFetus, PatientMotherVitalRecords, and Decedent)
PractitionerVitalRecords VRCL Now includes slice for qualification, optional extension for role, additional address slice items, and name field constrained to exactly one
RelatedPersonFatherNaturalVitalRecords VRCL -
RelatedPersonFatherVitalRecords VRCL Now includes birthDate bypassEditFlag
RelatedPersonMotherVitalRecords VRCL Now includes birthDate bypassEditFlag, communication field no longer MS
RelatedPersonParentVitalRecords VRCL Now includes birthDate bypassEditFlag, subject generalized to PatientVitalRecords

STU2 Extensions

Name Previous Version/Location Comments/Updates
ExtensionBypassEditFlagVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionPartialDateVitalRecords VRCL -
ExtensionPartialDateTimeVitalRecords VRCL -
ExtensionRelatedpersonBirthplaceVitalRecords VRCL -
ExtensionPatientFetalDeathVitalRecords VRCL Converted from flag (presence-absence) extension to Patient to Boolean valued extension to Patient.deceased
ExtensionCityCodeVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionDistrictCodeVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionPostDirectionalVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionPreDirectionalVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionReportedParentAgeAtDeliveryVitalRecords VRCL -
ExtensionStreetDesignatorVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionStreetNameVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionStreetNumberVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionUnitOrAptNumberVitalRecords VRDR -
ExtensionWithinCityLimitsIndicatorVitalRecords VRCL changed to reference VRCL, rather than phinvads valueset
AuxiliaryStateIdentifier1 VRDR -
AuxiliaryStateIdentifier2 VRDR -
CertificateNumber VRDR -

STU2 Valuesets

Name Previous Version/Location Comments/Updates
ValueSetBirthAttendantTitlesVitalRecords PHINVADS -
ValueSetBirthplaceCountryVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
ValueSetCodedRaceAndEthnicityPersonVitalRecords New New addition, incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
ValueSetDateOfBirthEditFlagsVitalRecords PHINVADS -
ValueSetEducationLevelVitalRecords VRDR replaced PHINVADS
ValueSetEducationLevelPersonVitalRecords VRCL Now includes "Highest level of education [US Standard Certificate of Death]"
ValueSetFatherRelationshipVitalRecords VRCL -
ValueSetHispanicOriginVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
ValueSetJurisdictionVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
ValueSetInputRaceAndEthnicityPersonVitalRecords New Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
ValueSetMotherRelationshipVitalRecords VRCL -
ValueSetMaritalStatusVitalRecords VRDR Tentatively added T for domestic partnership. Not included in Concept Map
ValueSetRaceCodeVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
ValueSetRaceMissingValueReasonVitalRecords VRDR Meant to be used outside of just mortality use case
ValueSetRaceRecode40VitalRecords VRDR Meant to be used outside of just mortality use case
ValueSetResidenceCountryVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
ValueSetSexAssignedAtBirthVitalRecords USCoreBirthSex Restricted to NCHS-specific codes
ValueSetStatesTerritoriesAndProvincesVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
ValueSetUSStatesAndTerritoriesVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
ValueSetUSTerritoriesVitalRecords New Needed for BFDR Questionnaire
ValueSetUSStatesVitalRecords New Needed for BFDR Questionnaire
ValueSetUnitsOfAgeVitalRecords VRDR -
ValueSetYesNoNotApplicableVitalRecords VRCL -
ValueSetYesNoUnknownVitalRecords VRCL -
ValueSetYesNoUnknownNotApplicableVitalRecords VRCL -
ValueSetEditBypass01234VitalRecords VRDR Meant to be used outside of just mortality use case
ValueSetPluralityEditFlagsVitalRecords PHINVADS -
ValueSetRoleVitalRecords New New Addition

STU2 Codesystems

Name Previous Version/Location Comments/Updates
CodeSystemComponentVitalRecords VRCL -
CodeSystemCountryCodeVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to address
CodeSystemHispanicOriginVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
CodeSystemJurisdictionsVitalRecords VRDR Meant to be used outside of just mortality use case
CodeSystemRaceCodeVitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
CodeSystemRaceRecode40VitalRecords VRDR Incorporated standard vital records approach to race & ethnicity (generalized to support all vital records use cases)
CodeSystemLocalObservationsCodesVitalRecords VRDR Includes additional codes for decedent, mother, and father use cases
CodeSystemEditFlagsVitalRecords VRDR Includes additional codes for plurality and date of birth value sets, meant to be used outside of just mortality use case

Removed Profiles

This section has been updated to reflect changes at ballot time, allowing the reader to follow the harmonization process. For details on the subsequent evolution of these profiles, see their new home IG.

Name Current Version/Location Comments/Updates
ConditionEclampsiaHypertensionVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ConditionGestationalDiabetesVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ConditionGestationalHypertensionVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ConditionPrepregnancyDiabetesVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ConditionPrepregnancyHypertensionVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
LocationDeathVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
LocationInjuryVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationApgarScoreVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationBirthWeightVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationCauseOfDeathPart1VitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationContributingCauseOfDeathPart2VitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationDeathDateVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationDecedentPregnancyVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationGestationalAgeAtDeliveryVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationInfantLivingVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationInjuryIncidentVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationLastMenstrualPeriodVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationMannerOfDeathVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ObservationMotherDeliveryWeightVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationMotherHeightVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationMotherPrepregnancyWeightVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNoneOfSpecifiedPregnancyRiskFactorsVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberBirthsNowDeadVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberBirthsNowLivingVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberFetalDeathsThisDeliveryVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberLiveBirthsThisDeliveryVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberOtherPregnancyOutcomesVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberPrenatalVisitsVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationNumberPreviousCesareansVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationParentEducationLevelVitalRecords Deleted Removed (only relying on ObservationEducationLevelVitalRecords)
ObservationPluralityVitalRecords Deleted Removed (plurality is now specified with alive/dead births)
ObservationPreviousCesareanVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationPreviousPretermBirthVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ObservationRaceVitalRecords Deleted Superseded by input and coded race
ObservationTabulatedEthnicityVitalRecords Deleted Use was deprecated, superseded by input and coded race
ParametersCodingStatusValuesVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
PatientDecedentFetusVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ProcedureArtificialInseminationVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ProcedureAssistedFertilizationVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
ProcedureDeathCertificationVitalRecords VRDR Only used for death use case
ProcedureInfertilityTreatmentVitalRecords BFDR Only used for birth use case
RelatedPersonMotherGestationalVitalRecords Deleted Removed

Removed Extensions

Name Current Version/Location Comments/Updates
ExtensionDateDayVitalRecords Deleted No longer used in partial date/time extensions
ExtensionDateTimeVitalRecords Deleted No longer used in partial date/time extensions
ExtensionDateMonthVitalRecords Deleted No longer used in partial date/time extensions
ExtensionDateYearVitalRecords Deleted No longer used in partial date/time extensions
ExtensionRelatedPersonDeceasedVitalRecords Deleted Not needed for exchange of vital records data.

Removed Valuesets

Name Current Version/Location Comments/Updates
ValueSetApgarTimingVitalRecords BFDR Only relevant to birth use case
ValueSetCertifierTypesVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetContributoryTobaccoUseVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetDateEstablishmentApproachVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetDeathPregnancyStatusVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetIntentionalRejectVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetMannerOfDeathVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetPlaceOfDeathVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetSystemRejectVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetTransaxConversionVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
ValueSetTransportationIncidentRoleVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case

Removed Codesystems

Name Current Version/Location Comments/Updates
CodeSystemDeathPregnancyStatusVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
CodeSystemDeathReportingCodesVitalRecords MDI Only relevant to death investigation use case
IntentionalRejectCS VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
CodeSystemLocalComponentCodesVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
CodeSystemSystemRejectVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case
CodeSystemTransaxConversionVitalRecords VRDR Only relevant to mortality use case