Error | StructureDefinition.url | Values for url differ: '' vs '' |
Error | StructureDefinition.version | Values for version differ: '4.0.0' vs '1.0.0' |
Information | | Values for name differ: 'USCoreSmokingStatusProfile' vs 'ObservationParentEducationLevel' |
Information | StructureDefinition.title | Values for title differ: 'US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile' vs 'Observation - Parent Education Level' |
Information | | Values for date differ: '2019-05-21T00:00:00+00:00' vs '2020-07-17T18:56:31.000Z' |
Information | StructureDefinition.publisher | Values for publisher differ: 'HL7 International - US Realm Steering Committee' vs 'HL7 International - Public Health Work Group' |
Warning | Observation | Elements differ in definition:
'The US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile is based upon the core FHIR Observation Resource and created to meet the USCDI Data Set 'Smoking status' requirements.'
'Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.' |
Error | Observation.status | Elements differ in definition for mustSupport:
'false' |
Error | Observation.category | Elements differ in definition for mustSupport:
'false' |
Warning | Observation.code | Elements differ in short:
'Smoking Status'
'Persons for whom education level can be reported.' |
Error | Observation.code | Elements differ in definition for mustSupport:
'false' |
Warning | Observation.subject | Elements differ in short:
'Who and/or what the observation is about'
'This is the subject of the report, not the parent' |
Error | Observation.subject | Elements differ in definition for mustSupport:
'false' |
Warning | Observation.focus | Elements differ in short:
'What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record'
'The RelatedPerson record for the parent' |
Warning | Observation.value[x] | Elements differ in short:
'Actual result'
'The collection of education levels used for vital records reporting.' |