Single Institutional Review Board (sIRB) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - STU 1 ballot

This page is part of the Single Institutional Review Board (sIRB) Implementation Guide (v0.1.0: STU 1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Questionnaire: Recruitment Materials Questionnaire

The Recruitment Materials Form is used to seek approval from the sIRB to use the specified recruitment materials (at the requested time, place, duration and medium) during the study and for the methods of communication that are proposed for responding to the study participants.

LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeFlagsDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. RecruitmentMaterialsQuestionnaire
... rm1Research Study0..1group
.... rm1.1Study Title0..1string
..... rm1.1_helpShort Title of the Research Study intended for the lay audience0..1display
.... rm1.2IRB Protocol Number0..1string
..... rm1.2_helpIRB number assigned0..1display
... rm2Study Institution for which Recruitment Materials are being provided0..1group
.... rm2.1Institution Name1..1string
.... rm2.2City1..1string
.... rm2.3State1..1string
.... rm2.4Country1..1string
.... rm2.5Is this institution the sIRB (Reviewing Site) or a Relying Site?1..1choiceOptions: 2 options
... rm3Site Principal Investigator for the Site for which Recruitment Materials are being submitted0..1group
.... rm3_helpThe primary site investigator to contact0..1display
.... rm3.1First Name1..1string
..... rm3.1_helpFirst or given name associated with the site principal investigator0..1display
.... rm3.3Last Name1..1string
..... rm3.3_helpSurname or family name associated with the site principal investigator0..1display
.... rm3.2Suffix0..1string
..... rm3.2_helpSuffix such as Junior (Jr.), Senior (Sr.), I, II, III, IV, etc. associated with the site principal investigator's name0..1display
.... rm3.4Degree(s)0..1string
..... rm3.4_helpProfessional and Academic degrees associated with the site principal investigator0..1display
... rm4Recruitment Materials0..1group
.... rm4_helpMedia of any type used as part of a participant recruitment strategy.0..1display
.... rm4.1Will Recruitment Materials be Utilized?1..1choiceOptions: 2 options
.... rm4.2Will Broadcast Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.2_helpThe distribution of audio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium.0..1display
.... rm4.3Broadcast Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.3_helpAudio or video content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium0..1display
..... rm4.3.1Audio0..1boolean
...... rm4.3.1_helpA contiguous sound recording used to relay audible information.0..1display
..... rm4.3.2Audio Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.3.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.3.3Video0..1boolean
...... rm4.3.3_helpVideo content to a dispersed audience via any electronic mass communications medium0..1display
..... rm4.3.4Video Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.3.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.3.5Radio Spot0..1boolean
...... rm4.3.5_helpA contiguous segment of audio broadcasting airtime.0..1display
..... rm4.3.6Radio Spot Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.3.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.3.7TV Spot0..1boolean
...... rm4.3.7_helpA contiguous segment of video broadcasting airtime.0..1display
..... rm4.3.8TV Spot Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.3.8_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
.... rm4.4Will Printed Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.4_helpMaterials produced by printers or publishers, such as books, magazines, booklets, brochures, newspaper.0..1display
.... rm4.5Printed Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.5.1Billboard/Bus Ad0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.1_helpA large outdoor advertising space designed to capture the attention of motorists and pedestrians.0..1display
..... rm4.5.2Billboard/Bus Ad Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.3Brochure/Pamphlet0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.3_helpA small book or magazine that contains images and information about a company or organization's products and/or services.0..1display
..... rm4.5.4Brochure/Pamphlet Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.5Flyer/Notice0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.5_helpA small piece of paper with information on it about a product or event0..1display
..... rm4.5.6Flyer/Notice Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.7Magazine0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.7_helpA periodical publication containing articles and illustrations.0..1display
..... rm4.5.8Magazine Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.8_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.9Mail0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.9_helpLetters and packages conveyed by the postal system.0..1display
..... rm4.5.10Mail Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.10_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.11Newspaper0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.11_helpA printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles and advertisements.0..1display
..... rm4.5.12Newspaper Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.12_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.13Postcard0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.13_helpA message by mail without an envelope.0..1display
..... rm4.5.14Postcard Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.14_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.15Poster/Sign0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.15_helpA large printed picture, photograph, or notice that you stick or pin to a wall or board, usually for decoration or to advertise something.0..1display
..... rm4.5.16Poster/Sign Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.16_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.5.17Table Tent0..1boolean
...... rm4.5.17_helpA self-standing promotional unit created from printed and folded card stock for table tops.0..1display
..... rm4.5.18Table Tent Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.5.18_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
.... rm4.6Will Electronic Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.6_helpComputer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas and information and the building of virtual networks and communities.0..1display
.... rm4.7Electronic Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.7.1Email0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.1_helpMessages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.0..1display
..... rm4.7.2Email Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.3Networking Site0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.3_helpAn online platform that allows users to create a public profile and interact with other users on the website.0..1display
..... rm4.7.4Networking Site Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.5Podcast0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.5_helpA digital audio file made available on the internet for download to a computer or mobile device. Typically available as a series.0..1display
..... rm4.7.6Podcast Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.7Social Media0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.7_helpA computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas and information and the building of virtual networks and communities.0..1display
..... rm4.7.8Social Media Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.8_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.11Web Page Advertising0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.11_helpA form of advertising on the Word Wide Web delivered by an ad server and/or embedded in a web page.0..1display
..... rm4.7.12Web Page Ad Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.12_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.13Web/Internet Posting0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.13_helpCommunication posted for public viewing or an electronic message sent to & displayed on an online forum.0..1display
..... rm4.7.14Web/Internet Posting Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.14_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.15Website0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.15_helpA page or collection of pages on the World Wide Web that contains specific information which was all provided by one person, group or an organization0..1display
..... rm4.7.16Website Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.16_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.17Text messaging0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.17_helpText messaging, or texting, is the transmission of electronic communication between two or more users, often via mobile phones.0..1display
..... rm4.7.18Texting Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.18_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.19eHealth Portal0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.19_helpCommunication to user(s) via the eHealth Portal or similar electronic medical record system0..1display
..... rm4.7.20eHealthPortal Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.20_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.7.21Video Conferencing0..1boolean
...... rm4.7.21_helpUse of two-way video communications via a computer, tablet or mobile phone0..1display
..... rm4.7.22Video Conferencing Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.7.22_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
.... rm4.8Will Direct Communication Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.8_helpCommunication addressed to a specific person.0..1display
.... rm4.9Direct Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.9.1In-Person Discussion0..1boolean
...... rm4.9.1_helpInvolves a person's physical presence rather than communication by phone, email, etc.,0..1display
..... rm4.9.2In-Person Discussion Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.9.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.9.3Letter/Invitation0..1boolean
...... rm4.9.3_helpA written, typed, or printed communication, especially one sent in an envelope by mail or messenger:0..1display
..... rm4.9.4Letter/Invitation Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.9.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.9.5Phone Call0..1boolean
...... rm4.9.5_helpA communication or conversation by phone.0..1display
..... rm4.9.6Phone Call Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.9.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
.... rm4.10Will Group Communication Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.10_helpCommunication addressed to a defined group of people.0..1display
.... rm4.11Group Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.11.1Advertisement0..1boolean
...... rm4.11.1_helpAn ad that may take many different forms. It could be a banner, a graphic image or an animated GIF of a designated pixel size and byte size.0..1display
..... rm4.11.2Advertisement Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.11.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.11.3Bulletin Board0..1boolean
...... rm4.11.3_helpA website or web page where users can post comments about a particular issue or topic and reply to other users' postings.0..1display
..... rm4.11.4Bulletin Board Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.11.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.11.5Newsletter0..1boolean
...... rm4.11.5_helpCommunication issued periodically to the members of a society, business, or organization.0..1display
..... rm4.11.6Newsletter Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.11.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.11.7Professional Journal0..1boolean
...... rm4.11.7_helpA scholarly journal addressed to a particular professional audience such as doctors, teachers or engineers and published by a professional organization.0..1display
..... rm4.11.8Professional Journal Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.11.8_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.11.9Tip Sheet0..1boolean
...... rm4.11.9_helpA publication that containing the latest information/tips/predictions for a particular business or stock market information or horse racing results, etc.0..1display
..... rm4.11.10Tip Sheet Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.11.10_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
.... rm4.12Will Public Communication Materials be Utilized?0..1choiceEnable When:
Options: 2 options
..... rm4.12_helpCommunication addressed to the public.0..1display
.... rm4.13Public Communication0..1groupEnable When:
..... rm4.13.1Announcement0..1boolean
...... rm4.13.1_helpA public and typically formal statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.0..1display
..... rm4.13.2Announcement Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.13.2_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.13.3Press Release0..1boolean
...... rm4.13.3_helpA written statement about a matter of public interest which is given to the press by an organization concerned with the matter.0..1display
..... rm4.13.4Press Release Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.13.4_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.13.5Public Solicitation0..1boolean
...... rm4.13.5_helpA method of communication involving asking for or trying to obtain something from someone in public.0..1display
..... rm4.13.6Public Solicitation Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.13.6_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
..... rm4.13.7Snowball Sampling0..1boolean
...... rm4.13.7_helpA technique among social scientists who wish to work with a population that is difficult to identify or locate.0..1display
..... rm4.13.8Snowball Sampling Description0..1textEnable When:
...... rm4.13.8_helpSpecify when, where, duration and frequency of the recruitment materials that will be published, aired, distributed, posted or sent.0..1display
... rm6Distribution List and Audience Identification0..1group
.... rm6.1If recruitment material is being mailed, emailed, texted or otherwise distributed, describe where/how the distribution list will be obtained.0..1text
.... rm6.2Describe methods that will be used to identify audiences for advertising messages (eg. web advertising will be displayed on web sites popular with a particular demographic)0..1text
.... rm6.3Any necessary permission will be obtained for posting/airing these (for example, permission to post a flyer on a bulletin board).1..1choiceOptions: 2 options
... rm7Response to Recruitment Materials0..1group
.... rm7.1When potential participants respond to recruitment material, describe the information that will be provided to them about the study.0..1text
.... rm7.2Describe the plan to respond to potential participants who respond to recruitment materials. Include how many times you will attempt to respond to call the participant back, leave a voice message, send a reply email or conduct other follow-up communication.0..1text
.... rm7.3Types of communication methods that will be used to reply to potential participants who respond to recruitment materials1..*open-choiceOptions: 5 options
.... rm7.4Attach the telephone and/or computer video conferencing script for responding to potential participants0..1attachment
.... rm7.5Attach the voice mail script for responding to potential participants0..1attachment
.... rm7.6Attach the email script for responding to potential participants0..1attachment
.... rm7.7Attach the text messaging script for responding to potential participants0..1attachment
.... rm7.8Attach any other script for responding to potential participants0..1attachment
... ADMIN00Administrative Use Only0..1group
.... ADMIN01Link ID prefix0..1stringInitial Value: string = rm
.... ADMIN02Questionnaire Response ID for the parent Questionnaire Response (such as the Initiate a Study Questionnaire Response), if any0..1stringInitial Value: string = temporarily unavailable
.... ADMIN03ID of the Research Study FHIR Resource associated with the study Questionnaire Responses0..1stringInitial Value: string = temporarily unavailable
.... ADMIN04Questionnaire Response ID of the local considerations Questionnaire Response, if any0..1string

doco Documentation for this format

Option Sets

Answer options for rm2.5

Answer options for rm4.1

Answer options for rm4.2

Answer options for rm4.4

Answer options for rm4.6

Answer options for rm4.8

Answer options for rm4.10

Answer options for rm4.12

Answer options for rm6.3

Answer options for rm7.3