CodeSystem Comparison between vs


ErrorCodeSystem.versionValues for version differ: '2.0.0' vs '2.1.0'
InformationCodeSystem.dateValues for date differ: '2020-05-14T12:55:47+00:00' vs '2023-07-27T20:42:33+00:00'
InformationCodeSystem.publisherValues for publisher differ: 'HL7 International - Patient Care WG' vs 'HL7 International Patient Care WG'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='make-contact').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Designates that the action performed is to make contact (e.g., schedule an appointment, call for results, etc.) with a designated entity (e.g., a healthcare provider, social program, etc.). Details about the the reason for the contact may captured elsewhere' vs 'Designates that the action performed is to make contact (e.g., schedule an appointment, call for results, etc.) with a designated entity (e.g., a healthcare provider, social program, etc.). Details about the reason for the contact may captured elsewhere'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='review-material').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Designates that the action performed is to review material (e.g., attached instructions). Details about the type of material to be reviewed, the reason for reviewing the material, etc. may captured elsewhere.' vs 'Designates that the action performed is to review material (e.g., attached instructions). Details about the type of material to be reviewed, the reason for reviewing the material, etc. may be captured elsewhere.'


        .copyright(c) 2020
          • Values Differ
          .descriptionA local code system defined within the context of the SDOH-CC IG.
                      .publisherHL7 International - Patient Care WGHL7 International Patient Care WG
                      • Values Differ
                      .purposeThe purpose of this code system is to enable temporary codes to be assigned to concepts that are needed to document SDOH-related data elements defined by the Gravity Project community and concepts that are needed to facilitate the use of FHIR to exchange data as required in the use cases covered by this IG. After the IG has been sufficiently tested through HL7 Connectathons and the coded concepts have been confirmed as fit for the intended purpose, and consensus on the use of the codes has been confirmed through the HL7 Ballot process, the temporary codes will be replaced with coded concepts established within nationally recognized, open code systems. The replacement of temporary codes with permanent codes is intended to happen prior to the IG being published by HL7.The purpose of this code system is to enable temporary codes to be assigned to concepts that are needed to document SDOH-related data elements defined by the Gravity Project community and concepts that are needed to facilitate the use of FHIR to exchange data as required in the use cases covered by this IG. After the IG has been sufficiently tested through HL7 Connectathons and the coded concepts have been confirmed as fit for the intended purpose, and consensus on the use of the codes has been confirmed through the HL7 Ballot process, the temporary codes will be replaced with coded concepts established within nationally recognized, open code systems. The replacement of temporary codes with permanent codes is intended to happen in a future version of the IG.
                      • Values Differ
                        .titleSDOHCC CodeSystem Temporary Codes
                            • Values Differ


                              .sdoh-category-unspecifiedSDOH Category Unspecified
                                .food-insecurityFood Insecurity
                                  .housing-instabilityHousing Instability
                                      .inadequate-housingInadequate Housing
                                        .transportation-insecurityTransportation Insecurity
                                          .financial-insecurityFinancial Insecurity
                                            .material-hardshipMaterial Hardship
                                              .educational-attainmentEducational Attainment
                                                .employment-statusEmployment Status
                                                  .veteran-statusVeteran Status
                                                      .social-connectionSocial Connection
                                                        .intimate-partner-violenceIntimate Partner Violence
                                                          .elder-abuseElder Abuse
                                                            .personal-health-literacyPersonal Health Literacy
                                                              .health-insurance-coverage-statusHealth Insurance Coverage Status
                                                                .medical-cost-burdenMedical Cost Burden
                                                                  .resulting-activityResulting Activity
                                                                    .sdoh-condition-categoryCurrent Condition Category From SDOH Category
                                                                      .payer-coverageCoverage By Payer Organization
                                                                        .general-informationGeneral Information
                                                                          .make-contactMake Contact
                                                                          • definition changed from left to right
                                                                          .review-materialReview Material
                                                                          • definition changed from left to right
                                                                          .risk-questionnaireRisk Questionnaire
                                                                            .feedback-questionnaireFeedback Questionnaire
                                                                              .application-questionnaireApplication Questionnaire
                                                                                .personal-characteristics-questionnairePersonal Characteristics Questionnaire
                                                                                  .other-questionnaireOther Questionnaire
                                                                                  • Removed this concept
                                                                                  .contact-entityContact Entity
                                                                                    .general-information-responseGeneral Information Response
                                                                                      .questionnaire-categoryQuestionnaire Category
                                                                                        .questionnaire-pdfQuestionnaire PDF
                                                                                          .questionnaire-urlQuestionnaire URL
                                                                                            .questionnaire-pdf-completedQuestionnaire PDF Completed
                                                                                              .contacting-subject-prohibitedContacting Subject Prohibited
                                                                                                .self-reportedSelf Reported
                                                                                                  .reported-by-related-personReported By Related Person
                                                                                                        .derived-specifyDerived Specify
                                                                                                          .other-specifyOther Specify
                                                                                                            .personal-characteristicPersonal Characteristic
                                                                                                              .chosen-contactChosen Contact