This page is part of the Protocols for Clinical Registry Extraction and Data Submission (CREDS) IG (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Active as of 2021-11-01 |
Definitions for the ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed logical model.
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here.
1. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed | |
Definition | This is an example of the data that would be used for a Cath-PCI Submission. The full map is a logical model as that allows conformance to the FHIR Standard the way a custom Resource would not. Each element has the short name of the data, a full description and the paths to fetch and place the information, by data standard type, for each. A section (such as Demographics) is a BackboneElement (holds no values). All subordinate elements are strings. Each mapping includes the following:
Environment Variables used: %patient (Patient resource for the subject of the procedure) %period (Encounter period i.e. Encounter.period) %procedure (Cath PCI Procedure resource) %procedure.period (CathPCI Procedure period i.e., Procedure.performedPeriod) |
Control | 0..? |
2. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration | |
Definition | Adminstrative Data |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
3. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.event | |
Definition | Code used for reason of submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | CathPCI-Discharge |
4. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.participantId | |
Definition | ACC Assigned Facilty ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
5. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorIdentifier | |
Definition | Software Vendor ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
6. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorSoftwareVersion | |
Definition | Vendor Software Version |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
7. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.status | |
Definition | Status of the Submission, always final |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | final |
8. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.type | |
Definition | Submission Type, always Episode of Care Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | 11516-2 |
9. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.timeFrameOfDataSubmission | |
Definition | Time Frame of Data Submission quarter start (e.g., Q2 start date Apr 1) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
10. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.registryIdentifier | |
Definition | Registry Identifier |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
Fixed Value | ACC-NCDR-CathPCI-5.0 |
11. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.submissionType | |
Definition | Submission Type |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
12. | |
Definition | Date and Time of the Submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
13. | |
Definition | Organization Submitting the Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
14. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.demographics | |
Definition | The Patient who is the subject of this record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
15. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation | |
Definition | Episode information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
16. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.episodeUniqueKey | |
Definition | Indicate the unique key associated with each patient episode record as assigned by the EMR/EHR or your software application. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
17. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsurancePaymentSource | |
Definition | Health Insurance Provider |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
18. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsuranceClaimNumber | |
Definition | Medicare Claim Number |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
19. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.patientRestriction | |
Definition | patient requested for their information not to be used for any research or studies for the associated episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
20. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.admittingProvider | |
Definition | Admitting Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
21. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.attendingProvider | |
Definition | Attending Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
22. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.researchStudy | |
Definition | ACC study the patient is currently enrolled |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
23. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors | |
Definition | History and Risk Factors |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
24. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.familyHistoryOfPrematureCoronaryArteryDisease | |
Definition | Family History of Premature Coronary Artery Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
25. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorMyocardialInfarction | |
Definition | Prior MI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
26. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorPercutaneousCoronaryIntervention | |
Definition | Prior PCI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
27. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorCoronaryArteryBypassGraft | |
Definition | Prior CABG Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
28. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.cerebrovascularDisease | |
Definition | Current Cerebrovascual Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
29. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.diabetesMellitus | |
Definition | Current Diabetes Mellitus |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
30. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.currentlyOnDialysis | |
Definition | Patient on Dialysis |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
31. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.canadianStudyOfHealthAndAgingClinicalFrailtyScale | |
Definition | Frailty Scale |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
32. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.chronicLungDisease | |
Definition | Current Chronic Lung Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
33. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.peripheralArterialDisease | |
Definition | Peripheral Arterial Disease Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
34. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.hypertension | |
Definition | Hypertension Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
35. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.dyslipidemia | |
Definition | Dyslipidemia Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
36. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.tobaccoUse | |
Definition | This is for encoding all smoking status, including quantity |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
37. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.height | |
Definition | Patient Height |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
38. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.weight | |
Definition | Patient Weight |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
39. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus | |
Definition | Cardiac Status |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
40. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestOutofHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred outside of any healthcare facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
41. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestWitnessed | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was witnessed by another person. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
42. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestAfterArrivalofEMS | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
43. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.firstCardiacArrestRhythm | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
44. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestatTransferringHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had cardiac arrest at the transferring healthcare facility prior to arrival at the current facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
45. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation | |
Definition | CathPCI Procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
46. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.systolicBloodPressure | |
Definition | Blood Pressure (Systolic) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
47. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciPatientProcedure | |
Definition | Results of this query will fill the %Procedure and %procedure.period environment variables |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
48. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCoronaryAngiographyProcedure | |
Definition | Diagnostic Coronary Angiography |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
49. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCatheterizationOperator | |
Definition | Diagnostic Catheterization Operator |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
50. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Instance of Left Heart Diagnostic Catheterization |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
51. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.lvefPercentDiagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Diagnositic Left Heart Cath LVEF% |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
52. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.concomitantProceduresPerformed | |
Definition | Concomitant Procedures Performed |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
53. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cumulativeAirKerma | |
Definition | Cumulative Air Kerma |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
54. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.fluoroscopyTime | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy time recorded to the nearest 0.1-minute. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
55. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.doseAreaProduct | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy dose to the nearest integer. The value recorded should include the total dose for the lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
56. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.arterialCrossOver | |
Definition | Indicate if the procedure involved a crossover to a different access site. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
57. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.venousAccess | |
Definition | Indicate if a venous access was obtained for the purpose of the diagnostic or PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
58. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cardiacArrestAtThisFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred at this facility PRIOR to the cath lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
59. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
60. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.heartFailure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has been diagnosed with heart failure, diagnosis date and the Heart Failure type. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
61. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.newYorkHeartAssociationClassification | |
Definition | Indicate the patient's latest dyspnea or functional class, coded as the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
62. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Diagnostic Tests |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
63. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
64. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.newAntiarrhythmicTherapyInitiatedPriorToCathLab | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient received a NEW antiarrhythmic therapy PRIOR to evaluation within the cath lab. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
65. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAbnormalityType | |
Definition | Indicate the findings of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
66. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.nonSustainedVentricularTachycardiaType | |
Definition | Last value between 30 days prior to 1st procedure (or previous procedure) and current procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
67. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.lvef | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most recent left ventricular ejection fraction within 6 months of procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
68. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.cardiacCta | |
Definition | Cardiac CTA |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
69. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.agatstonCalciumScore | |
Definition | Agatston Calcium Score |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
70. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapWithoutIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had a prior diagnostic coronary angiography procedure without a subsequent intervention. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
71. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapResults | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the prior diagnostic coronary angiography. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
72. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.heartRate | |
Definition | Heart Rate |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
73. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest | |
Definition | Indicate Stress Test Performed and results |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
74. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest.riskOrExtentOfIschemia | |
Definition | Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia for the non-invasive stress test. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
75. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.preprocedureMedication | |
Definition | Indicate the assigned identification number associated with the medications the patient was prescribed or received. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
76. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.saQuestionnaire | |
Definition | Responses to the Seattle Angina Questionnaire |
Control | 7..* |
Type | string |
77. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.roseDyspneaScale | |
Definition | Responses to the Rose Dyspnea Scale Questionnaire |
Control | 4..* |
Type | string |
78. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods | |
Definition | Method and Device used for procedure closures |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
79. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.arterialAccessClosureMethod | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Method |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
80. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.closureMethodUdi | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Devices |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
81. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Preprocedure Lab Results |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
82. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
83. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
84. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
85. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
86. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.totalCholesterol | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
87. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.highDensityLipoprotein | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
88. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Results of Postprocedure Labs |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
89. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
90. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
91. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
92. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
93. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit | |
Definition | Information Regarding the Cath Lab Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
94. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.indicationsForCathLabVisit | |
Definition | Indicate the patient symptoms or condition prompting the cath lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
95. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.chestPainSymptomAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the chest pain symptom assessment as diagnosed by the physician or described by the patient. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
96. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.cardiovascularInstabilitytype | |
Definition | Cardiovascular instability includes, but is not limited to, persistent ischemic symptoms (such as chest pain or ST elevation), cardiogenic shock, ventricular arrhythmias, symptoms of acute heart failure, or hemodynamic instability (not cardiogenic shock). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
97. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.ventricularSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required any type of ventricular support (i.e. IV vasopressors or mechanical). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
98. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.pharmacologicVasopressorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required pharmacologic vasopressor support. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
99. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.mechanicalVentricularSupportTiming | |
Definition | Indicate when the mechanical ventricular support device was placed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
100. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.evaluationForSurgeryType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of surgery for which the diagnostic coronary angiography is being performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
101. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.functionalCapacity | |
Definition | Indicate the functional capacity of the patient as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
102. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.surgicalRisk | |
Definition | Indicate the surgical risk category as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
103. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.solidOrganTransplantdonor | |
Definition | Instance and Type of Organ Donor |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
104. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the severity and cardiac valve(s) with stenosis as diagnosed by the physician. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
105. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseRegurgitation | |
Definition | Valvular Disease Stenosis |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
106. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy | |
Definition | Coronary Anatomy |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
107. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel | |
Definition | Native Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
108. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Native Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
109. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the native coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
110. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
111. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
112. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel | |
Definition | Graft Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
113. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Graft Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
114. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the graft coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
115. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.cabg | |
Definition | Indicate the vessel that was used for the coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
116. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the graft vessel intra-procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
117. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the graft vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
118. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure | |
Definition | information regarding the PCI Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
119. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the PCI. The status is determined at the time the operator decides to perform a PCI. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
120. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.hypothermiaInduced | |
Definition | Indicate when hypothermia was initiated. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
121. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.decisionForPciWithSurgicalConsult | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac surgical consult was obtained prior to engaging in PCI. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
122. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.cardiovascularTreatmentDecision | |
Definition | Indicate the cardiovascular surgery recommendation and/or patient/family decision. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
123. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciForMultivesselDisease | |
Definition | Indicate if the PCI procedure was performed in the presence of multi-vessel disease. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
124. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.multiVesselProcedureType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of multi-vessel PCI procedure that was performed during this lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
125. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.percutaneousCoronaryInterventionIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason the percutaneous coronary intervention PCI is being performed. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
126. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.acuteCoronarySyndromeSymptom | |
Definition | Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
127. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.syntaxScore | |
Definition | Indicate the Syntax Score for the PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
128. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.stemiOrStemiEquivalentFirstNoted | |
Definition | Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on either the first ECG or a subsequent ECG. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
129. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgWithStemiOrStemiEquivalent | |
Definition | Indicate the Subsequent ECG date and time. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
130. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgObtainedInEmergencyDepartment | |
Definition | Indicate if the subsequent ECG was obtained in the Emergency Department at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
131. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientTransferredInForImmediatePciForStemi | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred from another facility to have a primary PCI for STEMI at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
132. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.emergencyDepartmentPresentationAtReferringFacility | |
Definition | Code the date and time of arrival to the original, transferring facility as documented in the medical record. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
133. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.firstDeviceActivation | |
Definition | Indicate the date and time the first device was activated regardless of type of device used. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Use the earliest time from the following:
134. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientCenteredReasonForDelayInPci | |
Definition | Indicate the patient-centered reason for delay in performing the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), if needed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
135. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciOperator | |
Definition | The operator who is performing the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
136. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.arterialAccessSite | |
Definition | Indicate the location of percutaneous entry for the procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
137. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required mechanical ventricular support. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
138. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupportDevice | |
Definition | Indicate the mechanical ventricular support device used. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
139. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciProcedureMedicationCode | |
Definition | Medications administred intra-procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
140. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices | |
Definition | Information on the Lesions treated and Devices Used |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
141. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionCounter | |
Definition | The lesion counter is used to distinguish between multiple lesions on which a PCI is attempted or performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | When specifying intracoronary devices, list all treated lesions in which the device was utilized. The software-assigned lesion counter should start at one and be incremented by one for each lesion. The lesion counter is reset back to one for each new PCI lab visit. At least one lesion must be specified for each PCI procedure. |
142. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.nativeLesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Indicate the segment that the current lesion spans. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
143. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.culpritStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the stenosis is considered to be responsible for the acute coronary syndrome. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
144. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stenosisImmediatelyPriorToTreatment | |
Definition | Indicate the percent diameter stenosis immediately prior to the treatment of this lesion. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
145. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.chronicTotalOcclusion | |
Definition | Indicate if the segment with 100% pre-procedure stenosis was presumed to be 100% occluded for at least 3 months previous to this procedure AND not related to a clinical event prompting (or leading to) this procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
146. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.timiFlowPreIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate the pre-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | If a lesion spans multiple segments with different TIMI flow, code the lowest TIMI flow within the entire lesion. |
147. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.previouslyTreatedLesion | |
Definition | Indicate the date the lesion has been treated in a prior episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
148. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentRestenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated for in-stent restenosis. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
149. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentThrombosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated because of the presence of a thrombus in the stent. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
150. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stentType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of stent used in the previously treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If a patient has multiple stents in the lesion code 'bioabsorbable' over either of the other two options when it is present. |
151. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionInGraft | |
Definition | Indicated if the lesion is in a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
152. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.typeOfCabgGraft | |
Definition | Indicate in which type of bypass graft the lesion is located. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
153. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.locationInGraft | |
Definition | Indicate the location of the most severe stenosis, if the lesion is in the graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
154. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.navigateThroughGraftToNativeLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if treatment of the native artery lesion required navigating through a graft (to reach the lesion). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
155. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionComplexity | |
Definition | Indicate the complexity of the lesion |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
156. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionLength | |
Definition | Indicate the length of the treated lesion in millimeters. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If the lesion length is not available it is acceptable to code the length of the device used to treat the lesion. If multiple devices are used sequentially, total the individual device lengths. Information obtained after the baseline angiogram can be used to help determine lesion length (e.g. for total occlusions where the distal vessel can not be visualized). |
157. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.severeCalcification | |
Definition | Indicate if there was severe calcification of the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
158. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.guidewireAcrossLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if a guidewire successfully crossed the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
159. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.deviceDeployed | |
Definition | Indicate if a device was deployed during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
160. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention percent stenosis for the treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
161. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionTimiFlow | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
162. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices | |
Definition | Devices used during the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
163. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.device | |
Definition | Indicate the devices utilized during the current procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
164. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents | |
Definition | Events occuring Intra and post-procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
165. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.event | |
Definition | Indicate the event that occurred between the procedure and the next procedure or discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
166. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.significantCoronaryArteryDissection | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
167. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.numberOfUnitsOfPrbcsTransfused | |
Definition | Indicate the number of transfusion(s) of packed red blood cells. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
168. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge | |
Definition | Discharge Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
169. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.interventionsThisHospitalization | |
Definition | Indicate other interventions (percutaneous or surgical) that occurred during this hospitalization. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
170. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
171. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is being performed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
172. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeProvider | |
Definition | Provider that discharged the patient |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
173. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.transferredForCabg | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred for the purpose of performing a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
174. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgPlannedAfterDischarge | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has a CABG planned after discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
175. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cardiacRehabilitationReferral | |
Definition | Indicate if there was written documentation of a referral for the patient (by the physician, nurse, or other personnel) to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, or a documented medical or patient-centered reason why such a referral was not made. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
176. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.deathDuringTheProcedure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient expired during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Make sure to only capture 'Death during the procedure' in the procedure appropriate registry. For example, if the patient had a CathPCI procedure and a TVT procedure in the same episode of care (hospitalization) but different cath lab visits and the death occurred during the TVT procedure. Code 'Yes' only in the TVT Registry and not the CathPCI Registry. If the CathPCI procedure and TVT procedure occurred during the same cath lab visit then code 'Yes' in both registries. |
177. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationReconciliationCompleted | |
Definition | Indicate if the medication reconciliation was completed as recommended by the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
178. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationsReconciled | |
Definition | Indicate the specific medication classes that were reconciled. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here.
1. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed | |
Definition | This is an example of the data that would be used for a Cath-PCI Submission. The full map is a logical model as that allows conformance to the FHIR Standard the way a custom Resource would not. Each element has the short name of the data, a full description and the paths to fetch and place the information, by data standard type, for each. A section (such as Demographics) is a BackboneElement (holds no values). All subordinate elements are strings. Each mapping includes the following:
Environment Variables used: %patient (Patient resource for the subject of the procedure) %period (Encounter period i.e. Encounter.period) %procedure (Cath PCI Procedure resource) %procedure.period (CathPCI Procedure period i.e., Procedure.performedPeriod) |
Control | 0..* |
2. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration | |
Definition | Adminstrative Data |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
3. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
4. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.event | |
Definition | Code used for reason of submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | CathPCI-Discharge |
5. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.participantId | |
Definition | ACC Assigned Facilty ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
6. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorIdentifier | |
Definition | Software Vendor ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
7. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorSoftwareVersion | |
Definition | Vendor Software Version |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
8. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.status | |
Definition | Status of the Submission, always final |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | final |
9. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.type | |
Definition | Submission Type, always Episode of Care Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | 11516-2 |
10. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.timeFrameOfDataSubmission | |
Definition | Time Frame of Data Submission quarter start (e.g., Q2 start date Apr 1) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
11. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.registryIdentifier | |
Definition | Registry Identifier |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
Fixed Value | ACC-NCDR-CathPCI-5.0 |
12. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.submissionType | |
Definition | Submission Type |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
13. | |
Definition | Date and Time of the Submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
14. | |
Definition | Organization Submitting the Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
15. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.demographics | |
Definition | The Patient who is the subject of this record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
16. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation | |
Definition | Episode information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
17. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
18. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.episodeUniqueKey | |
Definition | Indicate the unique key associated with each patient episode record as assigned by the EMR/EHR or your software application. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
19. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsurancePaymentSource | |
Definition | Health Insurance Provider |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
20. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsuranceClaimNumber | |
Definition | Medicare Claim Number |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
21. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.patientRestriction | |
Definition | patient requested for their information not to be used for any research or studies for the associated episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
22. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.admittingProvider | |
Definition | Admitting Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
23. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.attendingProvider | |
Definition | Attending Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
24. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.researchStudy | |
Definition | ACC study the patient is currently enrolled |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
25. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors | |
Definition | History and Risk Factors |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
26. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
27. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.familyHistoryOfPrematureCoronaryArteryDisease | |
Definition | Family History of Premature Coronary Artery Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
28. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorMyocardialInfarction | |
Definition | Prior MI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
29. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorPercutaneousCoronaryIntervention | |
Definition | Prior PCI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
30. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorCoronaryArteryBypassGraft | |
Definition | Prior CABG Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
31. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.cerebrovascularDisease | |
Definition | Current Cerebrovascual Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
32. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.diabetesMellitus | |
Definition | Current Diabetes Mellitus |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
33. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.currentlyOnDialysis | |
Definition | Patient on Dialysis |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
34. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.canadianStudyOfHealthAndAgingClinicalFrailtyScale | |
Definition | Frailty Scale |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
35. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.chronicLungDisease | |
Definition | Current Chronic Lung Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
36. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.peripheralArterialDisease | |
Definition | Peripheral Arterial Disease Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
37. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.hypertension | |
Definition | Hypertension Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
38. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.dyslipidemia | |
Definition | Dyslipidemia Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
39. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.tobaccoUse | |
Definition | This is for encoding all smoking status, including quantity |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
40. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.height | |
Definition | Patient Height |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
41. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.weight | |
Definition | Patient Weight |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
42. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus | |
Definition | Cardiac Status |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
43. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
44. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestOutofHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred outside of any healthcare facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
45. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestWitnessed | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was witnessed by another person. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
46. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestAfterArrivalofEMS | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
47. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.firstCardiacArrestRhythm | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
48. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestatTransferringHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had cardiac arrest at the transferring healthcare facility prior to arrival at the current facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
49. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation | |
Definition | CathPCI Procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
50. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
51. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.systolicBloodPressure | |
Definition | Blood Pressure (Systolic) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
52. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciPatientProcedure | |
Definition | Results of this query will fill the %Procedure and %procedure.period environment variables |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
53. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCoronaryAngiographyProcedure | |
Definition | Diagnostic Coronary Angiography |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
54. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCatheterizationOperator | |
Definition | Diagnostic Catheterization Operator |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
55. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Instance of Left Heart Diagnostic Catheterization |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
56. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.lvefPercentDiagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Diagnositic Left Heart Cath LVEF% |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
57. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.concomitantProceduresPerformed | |
Definition | Concomitant Procedures Performed |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
58. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cumulativeAirKerma | |
Definition | Cumulative Air Kerma |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
59. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.fluoroscopyTime | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy time recorded to the nearest 0.1-minute. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
60. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.doseAreaProduct | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy dose to the nearest integer. The value recorded should include the total dose for the lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
61. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.arterialCrossOver | |
Definition | Indicate if the procedure involved a crossover to a different access site. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
62. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.venousAccess | |
Definition | Indicate if a venous access was obtained for the purpose of the diagnostic or PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
63. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cardiacArrestAtThisFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred at this facility PRIOR to the cath lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
64. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
65. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
66. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.heartFailure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has been diagnosed with heart failure, diagnosis date and the Heart Failure type. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
67. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.newYorkHeartAssociationClassification | |
Definition | Indicate the patient's latest dyspnea or functional class, coded as the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
68. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Diagnostic Tests |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
69. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
70. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
71. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.newAntiarrhythmicTherapyInitiatedPriorToCathLab | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient received a NEW antiarrhythmic therapy PRIOR to evaluation within the cath lab. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
72. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAbnormalityType | |
Definition | Indicate the findings of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
73. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.nonSustainedVentricularTachycardiaType | |
Definition | Last value between 30 days prior to 1st procedure (or previous procedure) and current procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
74. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.lvef | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most recent left ventricular ejection fraction within 6 months of procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
75. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.cardiacCta | |
Definition | Cardiac CTA |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
76. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.agatstonCalciumScore | |
Definition | Agatston Calcium Score |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
77. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapWithoutIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had a prior diagnostic coronary angiography procedure without a subsequent intervention. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
78. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapResults | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the prior diagnostic coronary angiography. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
79. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.heartRate | |
Definition | Heart Rate |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
80. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest | |
Definition | Indicate Stress Test Performed and results |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
81. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest.riskOrExtentOfIschemia | |
Definition | Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia for the non-invasive stress test. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
82. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.preprocedureMedication | |
Definition | Indicate the assigned identification number associated with the medications the patient was prescribed or received. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
83. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.saQuestionnaire | |
Definition | Responses to the Seattle Angina Questionnaire |
Control | 7..* |
Type | string |
84. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.roseDyspneaScale | |
Definition | Responses to the Rose Dyspnea Scale Questionnaire |
Control | 4..* |
Type | string |
85. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods | |
Definition | Method and Device used for procedure closures |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
86. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
87. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.arterialAccessClosureMethod | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Method |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
88. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.closureMethodUdi | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Devices |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
89. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Preprocedure Lab Results |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
90. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
91. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
92. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
93. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
94. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
95. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.totalCholesterol | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
96. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.highDensityLipoprotein | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
97. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Results of Postprocedure Labs |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
98. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
99. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
100. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
101. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
102. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
103. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit | |
Definition | Information Regarding the Cath Lab Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
104. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
105. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.indicationsForCathLabVisit | |
Definition | Indicate the patient symptoms or condition prompting the cath lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
106. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.chestPainSymptomAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the chest pain symptom assessment as diagnosed by the physician or described by the patient. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
107. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.cardiovascularInstabilitytype | |
Definition | Cardiovascular instability includes, but is not limited to, persistent ischemic symptoms (such as chest pain or ST elevation), cardiogenic shock, ventricular arrhythmias, symptoms of acute heart failure, or hemodynamic instability (not cardiogenic shock). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
108. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.ventricularSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required any type of ventricular support (i.e. IV vasopressors or mechanical). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
109. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.pharmacologicVasopressorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required pharmacologic vasopressor support. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
110. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.mechanicalVentricularSupportTiming | |
Definition | Indicate when the mechanical ventricular support device was placed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
111. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.evaluationForSurgeryType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of surgery for which the diagnostic coronary angiography is being performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
112. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.functionalCapacity | |
Definition | Indicate the functional capacity of the patient as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
113. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.surgicalRisk | |
Definition | Indicate the surgical risk category as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
114. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.solidOrganTransplantdonor | |
Definition | Instance and Type of Organ Donor |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
115. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the severity and cardiac valve(s) with stenosis as diagnosed by the physician. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
116. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseRegurgitation | |
Definition | Valvular Disease Stenosis |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
117. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy | |
Definition | Coronary Anatomy |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
118. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
119. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel | |
Definition | Native Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
120. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
121. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Native Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
122. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the native coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
123. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
124. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
125. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel | |
Definition | Graft Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
126. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
127. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Graft Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
128. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the graft coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
129. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.cabg | |
Definition | Indicate the vessel that was used for the coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
130. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the graft vessel intra-procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
131. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the graft vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
132. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure | |
Definition | information regarding the PCI Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
133. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
134. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the PCI. The status is determined at the time the operator decides to perform a PCI. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
135. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.hypothermiaInduced | |
Definition | Indicate when hypothermia was initiated. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
136. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.decisionForPciWithSurgicalConsult | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac surgical consult was obtained prior to engaging in PCI. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
137. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.cardiovascularTreatmentDecision | |
Definition | Indicate the cardiovascular surgery recommendation and/or patient/family decision. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
138. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciForMultivesselDisease | |
Definition | Indicate if the PCI procedure was performed in the presence of multi-vessel disease. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
139. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.multiVesselProcedureType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of multi-vessel PCI procedure that was performed during this lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
140. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.percutaneousCoronaryInterventionIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason the percutaneous coronary intervention PCI is being performed. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
141. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.acuteCoronarySyndromeSymptom | |
Definition | Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
142. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.syntaxScore | |
Definition | Indicate the Syntax Score for the PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
143. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.stemiOrStemiEquivalentFirstNoted | |
Definition | Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on either the first ECG or a subsequent ECG. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
144. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgWithStemiOrStemiEquivalent | |
Definition | Indicate the Subsequent ECG date and time. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
145. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgObtainedInEmergencyDepartment | |
Definition | Indicate if the subsequent ECG was obtained in the Emergency Department at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
146. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientTransferredInForImmediatePciForStemi | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred from another facility to have a primary PCI for STEMI at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
147. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.emergencyDepartmentPresentationAtReferringFacility | |
Definition | Code the date and time of arrival to the original, transferring facility as documented in the medical record. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
148. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.firstDeviceActivation | |
Definition | Indicate the date and time the first device was activated regardless of type of device used. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Use the earliest time from the following:
149. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientCenteredReasonForDelayInPci | |
Definition | Indicate the patient-centered reason for delay in performing the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), if needed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
150. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciOperator | |
Definition | The operator who is performing the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
151. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.arterialAccessSite | |
Definition | Indicate the location of percutaneous entry for the procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
152. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required mechanical ventricular support. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
153. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupportDevice | |
Definition | Indicate the mechanical ventricular support device used. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
154. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciProcedureMedicationCode | |
Definition | Medications administred intra-procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
155. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices | |
Definition | Information on the Lesions treated and Devices Used |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
156. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
157. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionCounter | |
Definition | The lesion counter is used to distinguish between multiple lesions on which a PCI is attempted or performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | When specifying intracoronary devices, list all treated lesions in which the device was utilized. The software-assigned lesion counter should start at one and be incremented by one for each lesion. The lesion counter is reset back to one for each new PCI lab visit. At least one lesion must be specified for each PCI procedure. |
158. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.nativeLesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Indicate the segment that the current lesion spans. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
159. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.culpritStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the stenosis is considered to be responsible for the acute coronary syndrome. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
160. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stenosisImmediatelyPriorToTreatment | |
Definition | Indicate the percent diameter stenosis immediately prior to the treatment of this lesion. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
161. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.chronicTotalOcclusion | |
Definition | Indicate if the segment with 100% pre-procedure stenosis was presumed to be 100% occluded for at least 3 months previous to this procedure AND not related to a clinical event prompting (or leading to) this procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
162. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.timiFlowPreIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate the pre-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | If a lesion spans multiple segments with different TIMI flow, code the lowest TIMI flow within the entire lesion. |
163. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.previouslyTreatedLesion | |
Definition | Indicate the date the lesion has been treated in a prior episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
164. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentRestenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated for in-stent restenosis. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
165. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentThrombosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated because of the presence of a thrombus in the stent. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
166. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stentType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of stent used in the previously treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If a patient has multiple stents in the lesion code 'bioabsorbable' over either of the other two options when it is present. |
167. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionInGraft | |
Definition | Indicated if the lesion is in a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
168. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.typeOfCabgGraft | |
Definition | Indicate in which type of bypass graft the lesion is located. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
169. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.locationInGraft | |
Definition | Indicate the location of the most severe stenosis, if the lesion is in the graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
170. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.navigateThroughGraftToNativeLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if treatment of the native artery lesion required navigating through a graft (to reach the lesion). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
171. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionComplexity | |
Definition | Indicate the complexity of the lesion |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
172. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionLength | |
Definition | Indicate the length of the treated lesion in millimeters. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If the lesion length is not available it is acceptable to code the length of the device used to treat the lesion. If multiple devices are used sequentially, total the individual device lengths. Information obtained after the baseline angiogram can be used to help determine lesion length (e.g. for total occlusions where the distal vessel can not be visualized). |
173. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.severeCalcification | |
Definition | Indicate if there was severe calcification of the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
174. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.guidewireAcrossLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if a guidewire successfully crossed the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
175. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.deviceDeployed | |
Definition | Indicate if a device was deployed during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
176. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention percent stenosis for the treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
177. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionTimiFlow | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
178. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices | |
Definition | Devices used during the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
179. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
180. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.device | |
Definition | Indicate the devices utilized during the current procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
181. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents | |
Definition | Events occuring Intra and post-procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
182. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
183. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.event | |
Definition | Indicate the event that occurred between the procedure and the next procedure or discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
184. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.significantCoronaryArteryDissection | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
185. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.numberOfUnitsOfPrbcsTransfused | |
Definition | Indicate the number of transfusion(s) of packed red blood cells. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
186. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge | |
Definition | Discharge Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
187. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
188. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.interventionsThisHospitalization | |
Definition | Indicate other interventions (percutaneous or surgical) that occurred during this hospitalization. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
189. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
190. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is being performed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
191. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeProvider | |
Definition | Provider that discharged the patient |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
192. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.transferredForCabg | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred for the purpose of performing a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
193. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgPlannedAfterDischarge | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has a CABG planned after discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
194. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cardiacRehabilitationReferral | |
Definition | Indicate if there was written documentation of a referral for the patient (by the physician, nurse, or other personnel) to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, or a documented medical or patient-centered reason why such a referral was not made. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
195. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.deathDuringTheProcedure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient expired during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Make sure to only capture 'Death during the procedure' in the procedure appropriate registry. For example, if the patient had a CathPCI procedure and a TVT procedure in the same episode of care (hospitalization) but different cath lab visits and the death occurred during the TVT procedure. Code 'Yes' only in the TVT Registry and not the CathPCI Registry. If the CathPCI procedure and TVT procedure occurred during the same cath lab visit then code 'Yes' in both registries. |
196. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationReconciliationCompleted | |
Definition | Indicate if the medication reconciliation was completed as recommended by the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
197. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationsReconciled | |
Definition | Indicate the specific medication classes that were reconciled. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Guidance on how to interpret the contents of this table can be found here.
1. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed | |
Definition | This is an example of the data that would be used for a Cath-PCI Submission. The full map is a logical model as that allows conformance to the FHIR Standard the way a custom Resource would not. Each element has the short name of the data, a full description and the paths to fetch and place the information, by data standard type, for each. A section (such as Demographics) is a BackboneElement (holds no values). All subordinate elements are strings. Each mapping includes the following:
Environment Variables used: %patient (Patient resource for the subject of the procedure) %period (Encounter period i.e. Encounter.period) %procedure (Cath PCI Procedure resource) %procedure.period (CathPCI Procedure period i.e., Procedure.performedPeriod) |
Control | 0..* |
2. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration | |
Definition | Adminstrative Data |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
3. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
4. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
5. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
6. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.event | |
Definition | Code used for reason of submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | CathPCI-Discharge |
7. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.participantId | |
Definition | ACC Assigned Facilty ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
8. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorIdentifier | |
Definition | Software Vendor ID |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
9. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.vendorSoftwareVersion | |
Definition | Vendor Software Version |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
10. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.status | |
Definition | Status of the Submission, always final |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | final |
11. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.type | |
Definition | Submission Type, always Episode of Care Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | code |
Fixed Value | 11516-2 |
12. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.timeFrameOfDataSubmission | |
Definition | Time Frame of Data Submission quarter start (e.g., Q2 start date Apr 1) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
13. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.registryIdentifier | |
Definition | Registry Identifier |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
Fixed Value | ACC-NCDR-CathPCI-5.0 |
14. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.administration.submissionType | |
Definition | Submission Type |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
15. | |
Definition | Date and Time of the Submission |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
16. | |
Definition | Organization Submitting the Record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
17. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.demographics | |
Definition | The Patient who is the subject of this record |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
18. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation | |
Definition | Episode information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
19. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
20. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
21. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
22. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.episodeUniqueKey | |
Definition | Indicate the unique key associated with each patient episode record as assigned by the EMR/EHR or your software application. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
23. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsurancePaymentSource | |
Definition | Health Insurance Provider |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
24. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.healthInsuranceClaimNumber | |
Definition | Medicare Claim Number |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
25. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.patientRestriction | |
Definition | patient requested for their information not to be used for any research or studies for the associated episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
26. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.admittingProvider | |
Definition | Admitting Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
27. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.episodeInformation.attendingProvider | |
Definition | Attending Provider |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
28. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.researchStudy | |
Definition | ACC study the patient is currently enrolled |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
29. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors | |
Definition | History and Risk Factors |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
30. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
31. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
32. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
33. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.familyHistoryOfPrematureCoronaryArteryDisease | |
Definition | Family History of Premature Coronary Artery Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
34. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorMyocardialInfarction | |
Definition | Prior MI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
35. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorPercutaneousCoronaryIntervention | |
Definition | Prior PCI Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
36. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.priorCoronaryArteryBypassGraft | |
Definition | Prior CABG Incidence |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
37. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.cerebrovascularDisease | |
Definition | Current Cerebrovascual Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
38. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.diabetesMellitus | |
Definition | Current Diabetes Mellitus |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
39. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.currentlyOnDialysis | |
Definition | Patient on Dialysis |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
40. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.canadianStudyOfHealthAndAgingClinicalFrailtyScale | |
Definition | Frailty Scale |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
41. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.chronicLungDisease | |
Definition | Current Chronic Lung Disease |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
42. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.peripheralArterialDisease | |
Definition | Peripheral Arterial Disease Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
43. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.hypertension | |
Definition | Hypertension Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
44. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.dyslipidemia | |
Definition | Dyslipidemia Instance |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
45. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.tobaccoUse | |
Definition | This is for encoding all smoking status, including quantity |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
46. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.height | |
Definition | Patient Height |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
47. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.historyAndRiskFactors.weight | |
Definition | Patient Weight |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
48. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus | |
Definition | Cardiac Status |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
49. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
50. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
51. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
52. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestOutofHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred outside of any healthcare facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
53. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestWitnessed | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was witnessed by another person. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
54. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestAfterArrivalofEMS | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
55. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.firstCardiacArrestRhythm | |
Definition | Indicate if the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest occurred after arrival of Emergency Medical Services (EMS). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
56. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.cardiacStatus.cardiacArrestatTransferringHealthcareFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had cardiac arrest at the transferring healthcare facility prior to arrival at the current facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
57. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation | |
Definition | CathPCI Procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
58. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
59. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
60. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
61. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.systolicBloodPressure | |
Definition | Blood Pressure (Systolic) |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
62. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciPatientProcedure | |
Definition | Results of this query will fill the %Procedure and %procedure.period environment variables |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
63. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCoronaryAngiographyProcedure | |
Definition | Diagnostic Coronary Angiography |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
64. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticCatheterizationOperator | |
Definition | Diagnostic Catheterization Operator |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
65. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.diagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Instance of Left Heart Diagnostic Catheterization |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
66. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.lvefPercentDiagnosticLeftHeartCath | |
Definition | Diagnositic Left Heart Cath LVEF% |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
67. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.concomitantProceduresPerformed | |
Definition | Concomitant Procedures Performed |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
68. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cumulativeAirKerma | |
Definition | Cumulative Air Kerma |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
69. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.fluoroscopyTime | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy time recorded to the nearest 0.1-minute. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
70. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.doseAreaProduct | |
Definition | Indicate the total fluoroscopy dose to the nearest integer. The value recorded should include the total dose for the lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
71. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.arterialCrossOver | |
Definition | Indicate if the procedure involved a crossover to a different access site. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
72. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.venousAccess | |
Definition | Indicate if a venous access was obtained for the purpose of the diagnostic or PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
73. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cardiacArrestAtThisFacility | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac arrest event occurred at this facility PRIOR to the cath lab visit. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
74. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
75. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
76. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
77. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
78. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.heartFailure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has been diagnosed with heart failure, diagnosis date and the Heart Failure type. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
79. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.newYorkHeartAssociationClassification | |
Definition | Indicate the patient's latest dyspnea or functional class, coded as the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
80. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest | |
Definition | Pre-procedure Diagnostic Tests |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
81. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
82. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
83. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
84. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
85. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.newAntiarrhythmicTherapyInitiatedPriorToCathLab | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient received a NEW antiarrhythmic therapy PRIOR to evaluation within the cath lab. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
86. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.electrocardiacAbnormalityType | |
Definition | Indicate the findings of the electrocardiac assessment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
87. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.nonSustainedVentricularTachycardiaType | |
Definition | Last value between 30 days prior to 1st procedure (or previous procedure) and current procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
88. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.lvef | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most recent left ventricular ejection fraction within 6 months of procedure. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
89. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.cardiacCta | |
Definition | Cardiac CTA |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
90. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.agatstonCalciumScore | |
Definition | Agatston Calcium Score |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
91. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapWithoutIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient had a prior diagnostic coronary angiography procedure without a subsequent intervention. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
92. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.priorDcapResults | |
Definition | Indicate the results of the prior diagnostic coronary angiography. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
93. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.heartRate | |
Definition | Heart Rate |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
94. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest | |
Definition | Indicate Stress Test Performed and results |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
95. | |
Definition | unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references) |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
96. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
97. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest.value | |
Definition | The actual value |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
Max Length | 1048576 |
98. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.diagnosticTest.stressTest.riskOrExtentOfIschemia | |
Definition | Indicate the risk or extent of ischemia for the non-invasive stress test. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
99. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.preprocedureMedication | |
Definition | Indicate the assigned identification number associated with the medications the patient was prescribed or received. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
100. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.saQuestionnaire | |
Definition | Responses to the Seattle Angina Questionnaire |
Control | 7..* |
Type | string |
101. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureInformation.roseDyspneaScale | |
Definition | Responses to the Rose Dyspnea Scale Questionnaire |
Control | 4..* |
Type | string |
102. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods | |
Definition | Method and Device used for procedure closures |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
103. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
104. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
105. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
106. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.arterialAccessClosureMethod | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Method |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
107. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.closureMethods.closureMethodUdi | |
Definition | Arterial Access Closure Devices |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
108. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Preprocedure Lab Results |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
109. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
110. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
111. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
112. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
113. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
114. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
115. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
116. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.totalCholesterol | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
117. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.preprocedureLabs.highDensityLipoprotein | |
Definition | Indicate the cholesterol level mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
118. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs | |
Definition | Results of Postprocedure Labs |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
119. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
120. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
121. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
122. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.hemoglobin | |
Definition | Indicate the hemoglobin (Hgb) value in g/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
123. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.creatinine | |
Definition | Indicate the creatinine (Cr) level in mg/dL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
124. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinI | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
125. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.postprocedureLabs.troponinT | |
Definition | Indicate the Troponin I result in ng/mL. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
126. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit | |
Definition | Information Regarding the Cath Lab Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
127. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
128. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
129. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
130. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.indicationsForCathLabVisit | |
Definition | Indicate the patient symptoms or condition prompting the cath lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
131. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.chestPainSymptomAssessment | |
Definition | Indicate the chest pain symptom assessment as diagnosed by the physician or described by the patient. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
132. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.cardiovascularInstabilitytype | |
Definition | Cardiovascular instability includes, but is not limited to, persistent ischemic symptoms (such as chest pain or ST elevation), cardiogenic shock, ventricular arrhythmias, symptoms of acute heart failure, or hemodynamic instability (not cardiogenic shock). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
133. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.ventricularSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required any type of ventricular support (i.e. IV vasopressors or mechanical). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
134. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.pharmacologicVasopressorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required pharmacologic vasopressor support. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
135. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.mechanicalVentricularSupportTiming | |
Definition | Indicate when the mechanical ventricular support device was placed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
136. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.evaluationForSurgeryType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of surgery for which the diagnostic coronary angiography is being performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
137. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.functionalCapacity | |
Definition | Indicate the functional capacity of the patient as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
138. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.surgicalRisk | |
Definition | Indicate the surgical risk category as documented by the physician in the medical record. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
139. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.solidOrganTransplantdonor | |
Definition | Instance and Type of Organ Donor |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
140. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the severity and cardiac valve(s) with stenosis as diagnosed by the physician. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
141. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.cathLabVisit.valvularDiseaseRegurgitation | |
Definition | Valvular Disease Stenosis |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
142. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy | |
Definition | Coronary Anatomy |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
143. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
144. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
145. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
146. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel | |
Definition | Native Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
147. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
148. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
149. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
150. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Native Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
151. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the native coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
152. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
153. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.nativeVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the native vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
154. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel | |
Definition | Graft Vessel |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
155. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
156. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
157. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
158. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.lesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Graft Lesion Segment Number |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
159. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.coronaryVesselStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the best estimate of the most severe percent stenosis in the segment of the graft coronary vessel identified. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
160. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.cabg | |
Definition | Indicate the vessel that was used for the coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
161. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.adjunctiveMeasurementsObtained | |
Definition | Indicate if an invasive diagnostic measurement was obtained of the graft vessel intra-procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
162. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.coronaryAnatomy.graftVessel.instantaneousWaveFreeRatio | |
Definition | Indicate the instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR ratio) of the graft vessel segment. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
163. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure | |
Definition | information regarding the PCI Procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
164. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
165. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
166. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
167. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the PCI. The status is determined at the time the operator decides to perform a PCI. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
168. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.hypothermiaInduced | |
Definition | Indicate when hypothermia was initiated. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
169. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.decisionForPciWithSurgicalConsult | |
Definition | Indicate if a cardiac surgical consult was obtained prior to engaging in PCI. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
170. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.cardiovascularTreatmentDecision | |
Definition | Indicate the cardiovascular surgery recommendation and/or patient/family decision. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
171. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciForMultivesselDisease | |
Definition | Indicate if the PCI procedure was performed in the presence of multi-vessel disease. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
172. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.multiVesselProcedureType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of multi-vessel PCI procedure that was performed during this lab visit. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
173. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.percutaneousCoronaryInterventionIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason the percutaneous coronary intervention PCI is being performed. |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
174. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.acuteCoronarySyndromeSymptom | |
Definition | Acute Coronary Syndrome Symptom |
Control | 1..* |
Type | string |
175. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.syntaxScore | |
Definition | Indicate the Syntax Score for the PCI procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
176. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.stemiOrStemiEquivalentFirstNoted | |
Definition | Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on either the first ECG or a subsequent ECG. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
177. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgWithStemiOrStemiEquivalent | |
Definition | Indicate the Subsequent ECG date and time. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
178. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.subsequentEcgObtainedInEmergencyDepartment | |
Definition | Indicate if the subsequent ECG was obtained in the Emergency Department at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
179. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientTransferredInForImmediatePciForStemi | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred from another facility to have a primary PCI for STEMI at this facility. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
180. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.emergencyDepartmentPresentationAtReferringFacility | |
Definition | Code the date and time of arrival to the original, transferring facility as documented in the medical record. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
181. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.firstDeviceActivation | |
Definition | Indicate the date and time the first device was activated regardless of type of device used. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Use the earliest time from the following:
182. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.patientCenteredReasonForDelayInPci | |
Definition | Indicate the patient-centered reason for delay in performing the percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), if needed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
183. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciOperator | |
Definition | The operator who is performing the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
184. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.arterialAccessSite | |
Definition | Indicate the location of percutaneous entry for the procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
185. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupport | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient required mechanical ventricular support. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
186. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.mechanicalVentilatorSupportDevice | |
Definition | Indicate the mechanical ventricular support device used. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
187. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.pciProcedureMedicationCode | |
Definition | Medications administred intra-procedure |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
188. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices | |
Definition | Information on the Lesions treated and Devices Used |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
189. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
190. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
191. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
192. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionCounter | |
Definition | The lesion counter is used to distinguish between multiple lesions on which a PCI is attempted or performed. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | When specifying intracoronary devices, list all treated lesions in which the device was utilized. The software-assigned lesion counter should start at one and be incremented by one for each lesion. The lesion counter is reset back to one for each new PCI lab visit. At least one lesion must be specified for each PCI procedure. |
193. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.nativeLesionSegmentNumber | |
Definition | Indicate the segment that the current lesion spans. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
194. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.culpritStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the stenosis is considered to be responsible for the acute coronary syndrome. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
195. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stenosisImmediatelyPriorToTreatment | |
Definition | Indicate the percent diameter stenosis immediately prior to the treatment of this lesion. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
196. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.chronicTotalOcclusion | |
Definition | Indicate if the segment with 100% pre-procedure stenosis was presumed to be 100% occluded for at least 3 months previous to this procedure AND not related to a clinical event prompting (or leading to) this procedure. |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
197. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.timiFlowPreIntervention | |
Definition | Indicate the pre-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |
Comments | If a lesion spans multiple segments with different TIMI flow, code the lowest TIMI flow within the entire lesion. |
198. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.previouslyTreatedLesion | |
Definition | Indicate the date the lesion has been treated in a prior episode of care. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
199. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentRestenosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated for in-stent restenosis. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
200. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.inStentThrombosis | |
Definition | Indicate if the previously treated and stented lesion is being treated because of the presence of a thrombus in the stent. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
201. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.stentType | |
Definition | Indicate the type of stent used in the previously treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If a patient has multiple stents in the lesion code 'bioabsorbable' over either of the other two options when it is present. |
202. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionInGraft | |
Definition | Indicated if the lesion is in a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
203. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.typeOfCabgGraft | |
Definition | Indicate in which type of bypass graft the lesion is located. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
204. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.locationInGraft | |
Definition | Indicate the location of the most severe stenosis, if the lesion is in the graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
205. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.navigateThroughGraftToNativeLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if treatment of the native artery lesion required navigating through a graft (to reach the lesion). |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
206. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionComplexity | |
Definition | Indicate the complexity of the lesion |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
207. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.lesionLength | |
Definition | Indicate the length of the treated lesion in millimeters. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | If the lesion length is not available it is acceptable to code the length of the device used to treat the lesion. If multiple devices are used sequentially, total the individual device lengths. Information obtained after the baseline angiogram can be used to help determine lesion length (e.g. for total occlusions where the distal vessel can not be visualized). |
208. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.severeCalcification | |
Definition | Indicate if there was severe calcification of the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
209. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.guidewireAcrossLesion | |
Definition | Indicate if a guidewire successfully crossed the lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
210. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.deviceDeployed | |
Definition | Indicate if a device was deployed during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
211. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionStenosis | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention percent stenosis for the treated lesion. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
212. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.lesionsAndDevices.postInterventionTimiFlow | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
213. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices | |
Definition | Devices used during the PCI procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
214. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
215. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
216. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
217. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intracoronaryDevices.device | |
Definition | Indicate the devices utilized during the current procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
218. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents | |
Definition | Events occuring Intra and post-procedure |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
219. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
220. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
221. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
222. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.event | |
Definition | Indicate the event that occurred between the procedure and the next procedure or discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
223. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.significantCoronaryArteryDissection | |
Definition | Indicate the post-intervention TIMI flow. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
224. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.procedureInformation.pciProcedure.intraAndPostProcedureEvents.numberOfUnitsOfPrbcsTransfused | |
Definition | Indicate the number of transfusion(s) of packed red blood cells. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
225. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge | |
Definition | Discharge Information |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | BackboneElement |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) |
226. | |
Definition | Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not contain spaces. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
XML Representation | In the XML format, this property is represented as an attribute. |
Summary | false |
227. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.extension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Summary | false |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
Slicing | This element introduces a set of slices on ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.extension. The slices are unordered and Open, and can be differentiated using the following discriminators:
228. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.modifierExtension | |
Definition | May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). |
Control | 0..* |
Type | Extension |
Is Modifier | true |
Summary | true |
Requirements | Modifier extensions allow for extensions that cannot be safely ignored to be clearly distinguished from the vast majority of extensions which can be safely ignored. This promotes interoperability by eliminating the need for implementers to prohibit the presence of extensions. For further information, see the definition of modifier extensions. |
Alternate Names | extensions, user content, modifiers |
Comments | There can be no stigma associated with the use of extensions by any application, project, or standard - regardless of the institution or jurisdiction that uses or defines the extensions. The use of extensions is what allows the FHIR specification to retain a core level of simplicity for everyone. |
Invariants | Defined on this element ele-1: All FHIR elements must have a @value or children (: hasValue() or (children().count() > id.count())) ext-1: Must have either extensions or value[x], not both (: extension.exists() != value.exists()) |
229. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.interventionsThisHospitalization | |
Definition | Indicate other interventions (percutaneous or surgical) that occurred during this hospitalization. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
230. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgStatus | |
Definition | Indicate the status of the coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
231. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgIndication | |
Definition | Indicate the reason coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is being performed. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
232. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeProvider | |
Definition | Provider that discharged the patient |
Control | 1..1 |
Type | string |
233. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.transferredForCabg | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient was transferred for the purpose of performing a coronary artery bypass graft. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
234. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cabgPlannedAfterDischarge | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient has a CABG planned after discharge. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
235. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.cardiacRehabilitationReferral | |
Definition | Indicate if there was written documentation of a referral for the patient (by the physician, nurse, or other personnel) to an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, or a documented medical or patient-centered reason why such a referral was not made. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
236. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.deathDuringTheProcedure | |
Definition | Indicate if the patient expired during the procedure. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
Comments | Make sure to only capture 'Death during the procedure' in the procedure appropriate registry. For example, if the patient had a CathPCI procedure and a TVT procedure in the same episode of care (hospitalization) but different cath lab visits and the death occurred during the TVT procedure. Code 'Yes' only in the TVT Registry and not the CathPCI Registry. If the CathPCI procedure and TVT procedure occurred during the same cath lab visit then code 'Yes' in both registries. |
237. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationReconciliationCompleted | |
Definition | Indicate if the medication reconciliation was completed as recommended by the Joint Commission's National Patient Safety Goals. |
Control | 0..1 |
Type | string |
238. ACCNCDRCathPCIDetailed.discharge.dischargeMedicationsReconciled | |
Definition | Indicate the specific medication classes that were reconciled. |
Control | 0..* |
Type | string |