
A sample to be used for analysis.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier0..*List<Identifier>Id for specimen.
accessionIdentifier0..1IdentifierThe identifier assigned by the lab when accessioning specimen(s). This is not necessarily the same as the specimen identifier, depending on local lab procedures.
status0..1StringThe availability of the specimen.
Binding: Codes providing the status/availability of a specimen. (required)
type0..1ConceptThe kind of material that forms the specimen.
Binding: The type of the specimen. (example)
subject0..1QICorePatient | QICoreDevice | QICoreSubstance | GroupWhere the specimen came from. This may be from patient(s), from a location (e.g., the source of an environmental sample), or a sampling of a substance or a device.
receivedTime0..1DateTimeTime when specimen was received for processing or testing.
parent0..*List<QICoreSpecimen>Reference to the parent (source) specimen which is used when the specimen was either derived from or a component of another specimen.
request0..*List<QICoreServiceNotRequested>Details concerning a service request that required a specimen to be collected.
collection0..1collectionDetails concerning the specimen collection.
processing0..*List<processing>Details concerning processing and processing steps for the specimen.
container0..*List<container>The container holding the specimen. The recursive nature of containers; i.e. blood in tube in tray in rack is not addressed here.
container-sequenceNumber0..1ExtensionAn assigned number on the specimen denoting the order of collection.
condition0..*List<Concept>A mode or state of being that describes the nature of the specimen.
Binding: Codes describing the state of the specimen. (extensible)
note0..*List<Annotation>To communicate any details or issues about the specimen or during the specimen collection. (for example: broken vial, sent with patient, frozen).