
Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier0..*List<Identifier>Identifier for a person within a particular scope.
active0..1BooleanWhether this related person record is in active use.
patient1..1QICorePatientThe patient this person is related to.
relationship0..*List<Concept>The nature of the relationship between a patient and the related person.
Binding: The nature of the relationship between a patient and the related person. (preferred)
name0..*List<HumanName>A name associated with the person.
telecom0..*List<ContactPoint>A contact detail for the person, e.g. a telephone number or an email address.
gender0..1StringAdministrative Gender - the gender that the person is considered to have for administration and record keeping purposes.
Binding: The gender of a person used for administrative purposes. (required)
birthDate0..1DateTimeThe date on which the related person was born.
address0..*List<Address>Address where the related person can be contacted or visited.
photo0..*List<Attachment>Image of the person.
period0..1Interval<DateTime>The period of time during which this relationship is or was active. If there are no dates defined, then the interval is unknown.
communication0..*List<communication>A language which may be used to communicate with about the patient's health.