
The QI Core CareTeam Profile is based upon the US Core CareTeam Resource.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

identifier0..*List<Identifier>Business identifiers assigned to this care team by the performer or other systems which remain constant as the resource is updated and propagates from server to server.
status0..1StringIndicates the current state of the care team.
Binding: Indicates whether the team is current , represents future intentions or is now a historical record. (required)
category0..*List<Concept>Identifies what kind of team. This is to support differentiation between multiple co-existing teams, such as care plan team, episode of care team, longitudinal care team.
Binding: Indicates the type of care team. (example)
name0..1StringA label for human use intended to distinguish like teams. E.g. the "red" vs. "green" trauma teams.
subject1..1QICorePatientIdentifies the patient or group whose intended care is handled by the team.
encounter0..1QICoreEncounterThe Encounter during which this CareTeam was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated.
period0..1Interval<DateTime>Indicates when the team did (or is intended to) come into effect and end.
participant1..*List<participant>Identifies all people and organizations who are expected to be involved in the care team.
reasonCode0..*List<Concept>Describes why the care team exists.
Binding: Indicates the reason for the care team. (example)
reasonReference0..*List<QICoreCondition>Condition(s) that this care team addresses.
managingOrganization0..*List<QICoreOrganization>The organization responsible for the care team.
telecom0..*List<ContactPoint>A central contact detail for the care team (that applies to all members).
note0..*List<Annotation>Comments made about the CareTeam.