
Indicates how the medication is/was taken or should be taken by the patient.

= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension

sequence0..1IntegerIndicates the order in which the dosage instructions should be applied or interpreted.
text0..1StringFree text dosage instructions e.g. SIG.
additionalInstruction0..*ConceptSupplemental instruction - e.g. "with meals".
patientInstruction0..1StringInstructions in terms that are understood by the patient or consumer.
timing0..1TimingWhen medication should be administered.
asNeeded[x]0..1Boolean | ConceptIndicates whether the Medication is only taken when needed within a specific dosing schedule (Boolean option), or it indicates the precondition for taking the Medication (CodeableConcept).
site0..1ConceptBody site to administer to.
route0..1ConceptHow drug should enter body.
method0..1ConceptTechnique for administering medication.
dose[x]0..1Interval<Quantity> | QuantityAmount of medication per dose.
maxDosePerPeriod0..1RatioUpper limit on medication per unit of time.
maxDosePerAdministration0..1QuantityUpper limit on medication per administration.
maxDosePerLifetime0..1QuantityUpper limit on medication per lifetime of the patient.
rate[x]0..1Ratio | Interval<Quantity> | QuantityAmount of medication per unit of time.