QI-Core Implementation Guide
4.1.1 - STU 4.1.1 US

This page is part of the Quality Improvement Core Framework (v4.1.1: STU 4) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 6.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Precoordinated Body Structures

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/us/qicore/ValueSet/qicore-bodystructure-precoordinated Version: 4.1.1
Draft as of 2018-08-22 Computable Name: QICoreBodyStructurePreCoordinated

Copyright/Legal: This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

SELECT SNOMED CT code system values representing precoordinated body structures.


Logical Definition (CLD)



This value set has >1000 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown

Expansion based on SNOMED CT United States edition 01-Mar 2022

All codes in this table are from the system http://snomed.info/sct

  91723000Anatomical structure
  106004Posterior carpal region
  107008Fetal part of placenta
  108003Entire condylar emissary vein
  110001Visceral layer of Bowman's capsule
  111002Parathyroid gland
  116007Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of index finger
  124002Coronoid process of mandible
  149003Central pair of microtubules, cilium or flagellum, not bacterial
  155008Deep circumflex artery of ilium
  167005Supraclavicular part of brachial plexus
  202009Anterior division of renal artery
  205006Entire left commissure of aortic valve
  206007Gluteus maximus muscle
  221001Articular surface, phalanges, of fourth metacarpal bone
  227002Canal of Hering
  233006Hepatocolic ligament
  235004Superior labial artery
  246001Lateral vestibular nucleus
  251007Pectoral region
  256002Kupffer cell
  263002Thoracic nerve
  266005Right lower lobe of lung
  272005Superior articular process of lumbar vertebra
  273000Lateral myocardium
  283001Central axillary lymph node
  284007Entire flexor tendon and tendon sheath of fourth toe
  289002Metacarpophalangeal joint of index finger
  301000Fifth metatarsal bone
  311007Plantar surface of great toe
  315003Skin of umbilicus
  318001Cardiac impression of liver
  345000Atrioventricular bundle
  356000Reticular corium
  393006Wall of urinary bladder
  402006Dental branches of inferior alveolar artery
  405008Entire posterior temporal diploic vein
  414003Gastric fundus
  422005Inferior surface of tongue
  446003Trochanteric bursa
  457008Collateral ligament
  461002Lateral corticospinal tract
  464005Basophilic normoblast
  465006Ascending frontal gyrus
  471000Flexor hallucis longus muscle
  480000Cardiopulmonary circulatory system
  485005Transverse colon
  528006Costal surface of lung
  552004Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to cardiac plexus
  565008Intervertebral disc space of fifth lumbar vertebra
  582005Head of phalanx of great toe
  587004Capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of third toe
  589001Interventricular septum
  595000Palpebral fissure
  608002Subcutaneous tissue of philtrum
  621009Multivesicular body, internal vesicles
  635006Tuberosity of distal phalanx of little toe
  650002Superior articular process of seventh thoracic vertebra
  660006Tracheal mucous membrane
  667009Embryonic structure
  688000Fetal hyaloid artery
  691000Small intestine submucosa
  692007Body of ischium
  723004Dense intermediate filament bundles
  774007Head and neck structure
  790007Visceral aspect of liver
  798000Entire deep temporal vein
  808000Posterior intercostal arteries
  809008Fetal chondrocranium
  823005Posterior cervical spinal cord nerve root
  830004Spinous process of fifth thoracic vertebra
  836005Oral region of face
  885000Lamina muscularis of colonic mucous membrane
  895007Anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint
  917004Superior laryngeal aperture
  921006Thyrohyoid branch of ansa cervicalis
  947002Crus of diaphragm
  976004Ovarian vein
  996007Meningeal branches of occipital artery
  1005009Entire diaphragmatic lymph node
  1012000Fibrous portion of pericardium
  1015003Peritonsillar tissue
  1028005Sebaceous gland
  1030007Vesicular bursa of sternohyoid muscle
  1063000Frontozygomatic suture of skull
  1076006Entire subcutaneous prepatellar bursa
  1087003Sternothyroid muscle
  1092001Superior occipital gyrus
  1099005Thymic cortex
  1101003Cranial cavity
  1106008Entire major calyx
  1110006Tarsal gland
  1122009Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue
  1136004Aortopulmonary septum
  1159005Frenulum linguae
  1172006Odontoid process of axis
  1173001Mandibular nerve
  1174007Chromosomes, group E
  1193009Teres major muscle
  1236009Duodenal serosa
  1243003Inferior articular process of sixth cervical vertebra
  1246006Dorsal digital nerves of radial nerve
  1263005Distinctive arrangement of microtubules
  1277008Vertebral nerve
  1311000Telogen hair
  1350001Deep flexor tendon of index finger
  1353004Gastric serosa
  1403006Vastus lateralis muscle
  1425000Posterior limb of stapes
  1439000Paravesicular lymph node
  1441004Ventricle of larynx
  1456008Yellow fibrocartilage
  1467009Parietal branch of superficial temporal artery
  1490004Soft tissues of trunk
  1502004Anterior cecal artery
  1511004Ejaculatory duct
  1516009Frontomental diameter of head
  1527006Lamina of fourth thoracic vertebra
  1537001Intervertebral disc of eleventh thoracic vertebra
  1541002Coccygeal plexus
  1562001Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of third lumbar vertebra
  1580005Ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus
  1581009Ileal arteries
  1584001Entire symphysis
  1600003Splenius capitis muscle
  1611006Entire paramammary lymph node
  1617005Intrinsic larynx
  1620002Metaphase nucleus
  1626008Third thoracic vertebra
  1627004Medial collateral ligament of knee joint
  1630006Supraorbital vein
  1650005Hilum of left lung
  1655000Transverse peduncular tract nucleus
  1659006Dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus
  1684009Ligamentum teres of liver
  1706004Thymic lobule
  1707008Ventral nuclear group of thalamus
  1711002Periorbital region
  1716007Cupula ampullaris
  1721005Right tonsil
  1729007Central tegmental tract
  1732005Thoracic duct
  1765002Lymphatic of thorax
  1781007Sacroiliac region
  1818002Greater circulus arteriosus of iris
  1825009Entire root of nose
  1832000Bulbar conjunctiva
  1840006Arrector pili muscles
  1849007Pharyngeal recess
  1853009Suprahyoid muscles
  1874005Entire promontory common iliac lymph node
  1895000Entire musculophrenic vein
  1902009Skin of external ear
  1910005Entire ear
  1918003Suprarenal aorta
  1927002Entire left elbow region
  1992003Porus acusticus internus
  1997009Cingulum dentis
  2010005Clavicular facet of scapula
  2020000Superior thoracic artery
  2031008Spinal cord ventral median fissure
  2033006Right fallopian tube
  2044003Vaginal nerves
  2048000Lingual tonsil
  2049008Chorionic villi
  2059009Skin of ear lobule
  2071003Reticular formation of spinal cord
  2076008Head of phalanx of hand
  2083001Nucleus ambiguus
  2095001Accessory sinus
  2123001Tuberomammillary nucleus
  2150006Urinary tract transitional epithelial cell
  2156000Glial cell
  2160002Ligamentum arteriosum
  2175005Pharyngeal cavity
  2182009Endometrial zona basalis
  2192001Clavicular part of pectoralis major muscle
  2205003Lamina of fifth thoracic vertebra
  2209009Cerebral basal surface
  2236006Lesser osseous pelvis
  2246008Type I hair cell
  2292006Nasopharyngeal gland
  2302002Veins of the knee
  2305000Spinous process of cervical vertebra
  2306004Base of third metacarpal bone
  2327009Entire salivary seromucous gland (body structure)
  2330002Segmental bronchial branches
  2332005Metencephalon of fetus
  2349003Nasal suture of skull
  2372001Medial surface of toe
  2383005Papillary muscles of right ventricle
  2389009Superior margin of adrenal gland
  2395005Transverse facial artery
  2397002First metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform bone
  2400006Mandibular left first premolar tooth
  2402003Dorsum of foot
  2421006Submaxillary ganglion
  2433001Digital tendon and tendon sheath of foot
  2436009Tunica intima of vein
  2453002Subcutaneous tissue of posterior surface of forearm
  2454008Articular surface, third metacarpal, of second metacarpal bone
  2484000Skin of frenulum of clitoris
  2489005Medial check ligament of eye
  2499000Entire cisterna pontis
  2502001Membrane of lysosome
  2504000Pancreatic plexus
  2510000Femoral triangle
  2539000Superior rectal artery
  2543001Cuboid articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone
  2550002Phalanx of thumb
  2577006Gracilis muscle
  2592007All extremities
  2600000Flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon
  2620004Intervertebral disc of third thoracic vertebra
  2639009Neuroendocrine tissue
  2653009Posterior thalamic radiation of internal capsule
  2666009Semispinalis capitis muscle
  2672009Anterior cutaneous branch of lumbosacral plexus
  2675006Anterior ethmoidal artery
  2681003Dorsal nerve of penis
  2682005Mucous membrane of urinary bladder
  2686008Medial olfactory gyrus
  2687004Bowman's space
  2695000Left maxillary sinus
  2703009Entire calcarine artery
  2712006Capsule of ankle joint
  2718005Apical foramen of tooth
  2726002Fold for stapes
  2730004Entire vitelline vein of placenta
  2741002Medial occipitotemporal gyrus
  2746007Circular layer of gastric muscularis
  2748008Spinal cord
  2759004Eccrine gland
  2771005Lamina propria of ureter
  2789006Apocrine gland
  2792005Pars tensa of tympanic membrane
  2803000Tendon sheath of popliteus muscle
  2810006Cremasteric fascia
  2812003Head of femur
  2824005Spinous process of fourth thoracic vertebra
  2826007Lamina of fourth lumbar vertebra
  2830005Dorsal digital nerves of lateral hallux and medial second toe
  2839006Perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles
  2841007Renal artery
  2845003Respiratory epithelium
  2848001Superficial epigastric artery
  2855004Accessory cephalic vein
  2861001Entire gland (organ)
  2894003Posterior epiglottis
  2905008Anterior ligament of uterus
  2909002Posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver
  2920002Facial nerve motor branch
  2922005Posterior papillary muscle of left ventricle
  2923000Subcutaneous tissue of supraorbital area
  2969000Anatomical space structure (body structure)
  2979003Medial cuneiform bone
  2986006Talar facet of navicular bone of foot
  2998001Entire right margin of uterus
  3003007Anterior limb of internal capsule
  3008003White fibrocartilage
  3028004Transitional epithelial cell
  3039001Subcutaneous tissue of thigh
  3042007Glomerular urinary pole
  3054007Articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of thumb
  3055008Bone marrow of vertebral body
  3056009Anteroventral nucleus of thalamus
  3058005Peripheral nervous system
  3062004Spinal arachnoid
  3068000Seminal vesicle lumen
  3081007Mitochondrion in division
  3093003Tendinous arch of pelvic fascia
  3100007Clinical crown of tooth
  3113001Suprachoroidal space
  3117000Dorsal surface of index finger
  3118005Trabecula carnea of left ventricle
  3134008Head of fourth metatarsal bone
  3138006Bony tissue
  3153003Tractus olivocochlearis
  3156006Obturator artery
  3159004Costocervical trunk
  3169005Spinal nerve
  3178004Raphe of soft palate
  3194006Endocardium of right atrium
  3198009Monostomatic sublingual gland
  3215002Subcutaneous tissue of nuchal region
  3222005All large arteries
  3227004Left coronary artery main stem
  3236000Posterior segment of right upper lobe of lung
  3243006Parametrial lymph node
  3255000Papillary area
  3262009Root canal of tooth
  3279003Pedicle of third cervical vertebra
  3295003Ventral anterior nucleus
  3301002Tectopontine fibers
  3302009Splenic branches of splenic artery
  3315000Vestibulospinal tract
  3332001Occipitofrontal diameter of head
  3336003Haversian canal
  3341006Right lung
  3350008Entire right commissure of pulmonic valve
  3362007Intertragal incisure
  3366005Anterior papillary muscle of left ventricle
  3370002Supporting tissue of rectum
  3374006Secondary spermatocyte
  3377004Agger nasi
  3382006Rima oris
  3383001Nonsegmented basophil
  3394002Suboccipitobregmatic diameter of head
  3395001Superior palpebral arch
  3400000Cell of bone
  3409004Lateral margin of forearm
  3417007Rotator muscles
  3438001Deep lymphatics of upper extremity
  3444002Thalamostriate veins
  3447009Penetrated oocyte
  3460003Anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus
  3462006Commissure of tricuspid valve
  3471002Posterior midline of trunk
  3478008Vastus medialis muscle
  3481003Embryonic testis
  3488009Annulate lamella, cisternal lumen
  3490005Subcutaneous tissue of suboccipital region
  3524005Lateral wall of mastoid antrum
  3538003Capsule of proximal tibiofibular joint
  3541007Dorsal metatarsal artery
  3553006Thyroid capsule
  3556003Dorsal nucleus of trapezoid body
  3563003Muscularis of ureter
  3572006Body of vertebra
  3578005Body of gallbladder
  3582007Gastrophrenic ligament
  3584008Arch of tenth thoracic vertebra
  3594003Straight part of longus colli muscle
  3608004Ischiococcygeus muscle
  3609007Occipital branch of posterior auricular artery
  3663005Tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube
  3665003Pelvic wall
  3670005Entire subpyloric lymph node
  3711007Great vessel
  3743007Lateral thoracic artery
  3761003Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of first thoracic vertebra
  3766008Subcutaneous tissue of lower extremity
  3785006Entire dorsal metacarpal ligament
  3788008Superior segment of right lower lobe of lung
  3789000Argentaffin cells
  3810000Nasal septal cartilage
  3838008Apex of coccyx
  3860006Transplanted liver
  3865001Interscapular region of back
  3867009Dorsal surface of great toe
  3876002Subcutaneous tissue of femoral region
  3877006Common carotid plexus
  3910004Subcutaneous tissue of lateral surface of fourth toe
  3916005Occipital lymph node
  3924000Pericardiophrenic artery
  3931001Vestibular window
  3935005Head of tenth rib
  3937002Entorhinal cortex
  3954005Lacrimal sac
  3956007Fifth metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal bone
  3959000Rectus capitis muscle
  3960005Olfactory tract
  3964001Gyrus of brain
  3966004Entire parietal branch of anterior cerebral artery
  3977005Subcutaneous tissue of concha
  3984002Deep veins of clitoris
  3989007Medial nuclei of globus pallidus
  4015004Chromosomes, group A
  4019005Posterior commissure of labia majora
  4029003Eosinophilic promyelocyte
  4061004Lateral wall of orbit
  4066009Capsule of proximal interphalangeal joint of index finger
  4072009Fourth coccygeal vertebra
  4081003Entire dorsal lingual vein
  4093007Vagus nerve bronchial branches
  4111006Macula of saccule
  4117005Lumbosacral spinal cord central canal
  4121003Superior frontal sulcus
  4146003Artery of extremity
  4148002Palmar surface of little finger
  4150005Celiac plexus
  4158003Abdominal aortic plexus
  4159006Hyparterial bronchi
  4180000Both lower extremities
  4193005Entire extensor tendon and tendon sheath of fifth toe
  4205002Türk cell
  4212006Epithelial cell
  4215008Head of second rib
  4247003First metacarpal bone
  4258007Posterior tibial veins
  4276000Inferior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra
  4281009Middle portion of ileum
  4295007Paracortical area of lymph node
  4303006Cartilage canal
  4312008Anterior midline of abdomen
  4317002Spinalis muscle
  4328003Protoplasmic astrocyte
  4335006Upper jaw
  4352005Subchorionic space
  4358009Lateral surface of little finger
  4360006Stratum spinosum
  4369007Small intestine mucous membrane
  4371007Fourth metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform bone
  4375003Incisure of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal
  4377006Parafascicular nucleus of thalamus
  4394008Scala vestibuli
  4402002Anterior articular surface for talus
  4419000Tracheal submucosa
  4430002Clivus ossis sphenoidalis
  4432005Ductus arteriosus
  4442007Dental arch
  4486002Accessory sinus gland
  4524000Subclavian plexus
  4527007Joint of lower extremity
  4537002Internal medullary lamina of thalamus
  4548009Lamellated granule, as in surfactant-secreting cell
  4549001Entire vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers to liver, gallbladder, bile ducts and pancreas
  4566004Tentorium cerebelli
  4578000Skin of posterior surface of thigh
  4588004Middle trunk of brachial plexus
  4603002Base of phalanx of foot
  4606005Tubercle of eighth rib
  4621004Lesser tuberosity of humerus
  4624007Medullary cord
  4647008Lipid droplet, homogeneous
  4651005Tunica albuginea of corpus spongiosum
  4658004Skin of nuchal region
  4677002Basal lamina, inclusion in subepithelial location
  4703008Cardinal vein
  4717004Neutrophilic myelocyte
  4718009Entire venous plexus of the foramen ovale basis cranii
  4743003Ventral sacrococcygeal ligament
  4755009Medial surface of great toe
  4759003Gemellus muscle
  4766002Supracardinal vein
  4768001Perineal nerve
  4774001Phrenic nerve pericardial branch
  4775000Ventral posterior inferior nucleus
  4799000Deiter's cell
  4810005Uterine venous plexus
  4812002Anterior tibial compartment
  4828007Femoral canal
  4840007Subcutaneous tissue of ring finger
  4843009Membranous ampulla
  4861000Tuberculum impar
  4866005Constrictor pharyngeus muscle
  4870002Dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain
  4871003Spiral lamina of modiolus
  4881004Entire sublingual vein
  4888005Entire interlobular vein of kidney
  4897009Cell membrane, prokaryotic
  4905007Uterovaginal plexus
  4906008Tympanic antrum
  4924005Cerebellar gracile lobule
  4942000Lymph node of lower extremity
  4954000Radial notch of ulna
  4956003Subcutaneous tissue of back
  4958002Amygdaloid nucleus
  5001007Superior temporal sulcus
  5023006Yellow bone marrow
  5026003Posterior surface of prostate
  5046008Superficial dorsal veins of clitoris
  5068003Obturator internus muscle ischial bursa
  5069006Rugal column
  5076001Infrasternal angle
  5115006Posterior auricular vein
  5122003Entire angle of first rib
  5128004Suspensory ligament of lens
  5192008Intervertebral foramen of twelfth thoracic vertebra
  5194009Epithelium of lens
  5195005Right external carotid artery
  5204005Superior ileocecal recess
  5213007Frontal veins
  5225005Uterine ostium of fallopian tube
  5228007Right cerebral hemisphere
  5229004Mucosa of gallbladder
  5261000Intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra
  5272005Skin of lateral portion of neck
  5279001Foramen singulare
  5296000Anterior mediastinal lymph node
  5324007Superior pole of kidney
  5329002Fourth cervical vertebra
  5336001Inferior frontal gyrus
  5347008Synaptic specialization, cytoplasmic
  5362005Median arcuate ligament of diaphragm
  5379004Small intestine muscularis propria
  5382009Superior fascia of perineum
  5394000Uterine paracervical lymph node
  5398002Normal fat pad
  5403001Articular process of third lumbar vertebra
  5421003Sex chromosome Y
  5427004Apocrine intraepidermal duct
  5458003Deep artery of clitoris
  5459006Cardiac incisure of stomach
  5491007Lacrimal part of orbicularis oculi muscle
  5493005Metacarpophalangeal joint of little finger
  5498001Superior aberrant ductule of epididymis
  5520004Subcutaneous tissue of chin
  5538001Tegmental portion of pons
  5544002Longitudinal layer of duodenal muscularis propria
  5560003Alveolar ridge mucous membrane
  5574005Seventh costal cartilage
  5580002Tendon of supraspinatus muscle
  5597008Retina of right eye
  5611001Anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of fifth cervical vertebra
  5625000Navicular facet of intermediate cuneiform bone
  5627008Right visceral pleura
  5633004Muscular portion of interventricular septum
  5643001Canal of stomach
  5644007Fractured membrane P face
  5653000Entire inner surface of seventh rib
  5668004Lower digestive tract
  5682004Subcutaneous tissue of upper extremity
  5696005Entire articular part of tubercle of ninth rib
  5697001Skin of lateral surface of finger
  5709001Multifidus muscles
  5713008Submandibular triangle
  5717009Temporal fossa
  5718004Tendon and tendon sheath of leg and ankle
  5727003Anterior cervical lymph node
  5742000Skin of forearm
  5751008Subcutaneous tissue of anterior portion of neck
  5769004Endocervical epithelium
  5802004Medium sized neuron
  5814007Entire angle of seventh rib
  5815008Superior rectus muscle
  5816009Duodenal fold
  5825003Substantia propria of sclera
  5828001Posterior cord of brachial plexus
  5847003Superior articular process of seventh cervical vertebra
  5854009Orbital plate of ethmoid bone
  5868002Serosa of urinary bladder
  5872003Subcutaneous tissue of lateral border of sole of foot
  5881009Tuberosity of distal phalanx of hand
  5882002Endothelial sieve plate
  5889006Articular surface, third metacarpal, of fourth metacarpal bone
  5890002Posterior cells of ethmoid sinus
  5893000Superior recess of tympanic membrane
  5923009Articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra
  5926001Bronchial lumen
  5928000Great cardiac vein
  5942008Tensor tympani muscle
  5943003Vestibular vein
  5944009Posterior palatine arch
  5948007Capsule of distal interphalangeal joint of third toe
  5951000Left wrist
  5953002Eighth rib
  5976004Subcutaneous tissue of eyelid
  5979006Episcleral artery
  5996007Chromosomes, group D
  6001004Quadratus lumborum muscle
  6004007Intervertebral disc of second thoracic vertebra
  6006009Circular layer of duodenal muscularis propria
  6009002Mesentery of ascending colon
  6014003Penicilliary arteries
  6032003Columnar epithelial cell
  6046003Entire outer surface of third rib
  6050005Lacrimal vein
  6059006Metacarpophalangeal joint of middle finger
  6062009Deciduous mandibular right canine tooth
  6073002Ligament of left superior vena cava
  6074008Capsule of temporomandibular joint
  6076005Gastrointestinal subserosa
  6104005Subclavian nerve
  6105006Body of fifth thoracic vertebra
  6110005Facial nerve parasympathetic fibers
  6216007Entire postcapillary venule
  6217003Piriform recess
  6229007Os lacrimale
  6253001Sulcus terminalis cordis
  6268000Accessory phrenic nerves
  6269008Subcutaneous tissue of scalp
  6279005Skin of dorsal surface of finger
  6317000Posterior basal branch of left pulmonary artery
  6325003Aryepiglottic muscle
  6326002Structure of fetal atloid articulation
  6335009Lymphoid follicle of stomach
  6359004Hair medulla
  6371005Lymphatics of thyroid gland
  6375001Cavernous portion of urethra
  6392005Coccygeal nerve
  6404004Ligamentum nuchae
  6413002Presymphysial lymph node
  6417001Medial malleolus
  6423006Supraspinatus muscle
  6424000Structure of radiating portion of cortical lobule of kidney
  6445007Mast cell
  6448009Posterior vagal trunk
  6472004Medial aspect of ovary
  6504002Glans clitoridis
  6511003Distal portion of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
  6530003Cardiac valve leaflet
  6533001Colonic haustra
  6538005Thyrocervical trunk
  6541001Entire anterior commissure of mitral valve
  6544009Gastrohepatic ligament
  6550004Angular incisure of stomach
  6551000Pollicis artery
  6553002Inferior nasal turbinate
  6564004Medial border of sole
  6566002Cerebellar hemisphere
  6572002Base of phalanx of middle finger
  6598008Lingual nerve
  6606008Structure of dorsal intercuneiform ligaments
  6608009Sphenoparietal sinus
  6620001Cuticle of nail
  6623004Sternal muscle
  6633007Entire right posterior cerebral artery
  6643005Entire right anterior cerebral artery
  6646002Anterior fossa of cranial cavity
  6649009Uterine subserosa
  6651008Central lobule of cerebellum
  6684008Articular facet of head of fibula
  6685009Right ankle
  6711001Arch of second lumbar vertebra
  6720005Femoral nerve lateral muscular branches
  6731002Pleural recess
  6739000Chorda tympani
  6742006Entire callosomarginal branch of anterior cerebral artery
  6750002Mitochondrial inclusion
  6757004Right knee
  6787005Structure of tendon and tendon sheath of hand
  6799003Macula of utricle
  6805009Entire interstitial tissue of spleen
  6820003Obturator nerve anterior branch
  6828005Ligament of lumbosacral joint
  6829002Pars ciliaris of retina
  6834003Axial skeleton
  6841009Corticomedullary junction of kidney
  6844001Spore crystal
  6850006Secondary foot process
  6864006Leaf of epiglottis
  6866008Habenular commissure
  6871001Visceral pericardium
  6894000Medial surface of arm
  6902008Popliteal region
  6905005Subcutaneous tissue of medial surface of third toe
  6912001Lower alveolar ridge mucosa
  6914000Perivascular space
  6921000Right upper extremity
  6930008Entire jugular arch
  6944002Entire anterior labial vein
  6969002Lymphocytic tissue
  6975006Anterior myocardium
  6981003Posterior hypothalamic nucleus
  6987004Collateral sulcus
  6989001Thoracolumbar region of back
  6991009Subcutaneous tissue of jaw
  7035006Bile duct mucous membrane
  7050002Subcutaneous tissue of external genitalia
  7067009Right colic artery
  7076002Interstitial tissue of myocardium
  7083009Middle phalanx of index finger
  7090004Supraaortic branches
  7091000Ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus
  7099003Attachment plaque of desmosome or hemidesmosome
  7117004Fetal implantation site
  7148007Anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of thoracic vertebra
  7149004False rib
  7154008Trigeminal ganglion sensory root
  7160008Base of metacarpal bone
  7167006Paraduodenal recess
  7173007Cauda equina
  7188002Gustatory pore
  7192009Isthmus tympani posticus
  7227003Hypoglossal nerve intrinsic tongue muscle branch
  7234001Entire inferior choroid vein
  7242000Appendiceal muscularis propria
  7275008Lymphatics of appendix and large intestine
  7295002Muscle of perineum
  7296001Deep inguinal ring
  7311008Anterior surface of arm
  7344002Lingual gyrus
  7345001Ciliary processes
  7362006Lymphatic of head
  7376007Entire left margin of uterus
  7378008Paraventricular nucleus of thalamus
  7384006Entire plantar calcaneocuboidal ligament
  7404008Anterior semicircular duct
  7435002Ovarian ligament
  7471001Lateral surface of sublingual gland
  7477002Lipid, crystalline
  7480001Iliotibial tract
  7494000Cerebellar lenticular nucleus
  7498002Entire plantar tarsal ligament
  7507003Entire anterior ligament of head of fibula
  7524009Entire vasa vasorum
  7532001Vagus nerve parasympathetic fibers
  7554004Deep head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle
  7566005Mitotic cell in anaphase
  7591005Intervertebral disc space of eleventh thoracic vertebra
  7597009Subcutaneous tissue of vertex
  7610001Tenth thoracic vertebra
  7629007Thalamoolivary tract
  7651004Intervenous tubercle of right atrium
  7652006Frenulum labii
  7657000Femoral artery
  7658005Subtendinous bursa of triceps brachii muscle
  7697002Pontine portion of medial longitudinal fasciculus
  7712004Subdural space of spinal region
  7726008Skin of medial surface of fifth toe
  7736000Posterior choroidal artery
  7742001Palatine duct
  7748002Skin appendage
  7755000Mesovarian margin of ovary
  7756004Lamina of third thoracic vertebra
  7764005Entire striate artery
  7769000Right foot
  7783003Sympathetic trunk spinal nerve branch
  7820009Lateral posterior nucleus of thalamus
  7829005Anterior surface of manubrium
  7832008Abdominal aorta
  7835005Posterior margin of nasal septum
  7840002Subcutaneous tissue of submental area
  7841003Macrocytic normochromic erythrocyte
  7844006Sternoclavicular joint
  7851002Intracranial subdural space
  7854005Mandibular canal
  7872004Myocardium of ventricle
  7874003Scapular region of back
  7880006Rhopheocytotic vesicle
  7884002Corneal corpuscle
  7885001Rotator cuff including muscles and tendons
  7892006Submucosa of anal canal
  7896009Occipital angle of parietal bone
  7911004Olivocerebellar fibers
  7925003Proximal phalanx of third toe
  7936005Ligament of diaphragm
  7944005Helper cell
  7954009Lamina propria of ethmoid sinus
  7967007Entire first left aortic arch
  7986004Abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system
  7991003Skin of glans penis
  7999001Articulations of auditory ossicles
  8001006Mucous membrane of tongue
  8012006Anterior communicating artery
  8017000Inflow tract of right ventricle
  8024004Limitans nucleus
  8039003Subcutaneous acromial bursa
  8040001Superficial flexor tendon of little finger
  8045006Membrane-coating granule, amorphous
  8057002Lateral nuclei of globus pallidus
  8059004Pancreatic veins
  8067007Entire superficial circumflex iliac vein
  8068002Stratum lemnisci of corpora quadrigemina
  8079007Radial nerve
  8091003Intervertebral disc space of twelfth thoracic vertebra
  8100009Infundibulum of Fallopian tube
  8111001Intranuclear crystal
  8119004Entire delphian lymph node
  8128003Supraaortic valve area
  8133004Superior anastomotic vein
  8157004Vein of head
  8158009Interlobar duct of pancreas
  8159001Superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina
  8160006Entire lateral striate artery
  8161005Infraorbital nerve
  8165001Superior articular process of fifth thoracic vertebra
  8225009Accessory atrioventricular bundle
  8242003Apical branch of right pulmonary artery
  8251006Osseous portion of Eustachian tube
  8264007Tunica interna of eyeball
  8265008Articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of hand
  8266009Small intestine serosa
  8289001Below knee region
  8292002Interlobular arteries of liver
  8314003Mastoid fontanel of skull
  8334002Lumbar lymph node
  8356004Colic lymph node
  8369000Sphincter pupillae muscle
  8373002Jugum of sphenoid bone
  8387002Lamina of eighth thoracic vertebra
  8389004Birth canal
  8412003Iliac fossa
  8415001Renal surface of adrenal gland
  8454000Joint of lumbar vertebra
  8464009Ligament of sacroiliac joint and pubic symphysis
  8482007Sinoatrial node branch of right coronary artery
  8483002Mesial surface of tooth
  8496001Obliquus capitis muscle
  8523001Inferior articular process of twelfth thoracic vertebra
  8546004Posterior intercavernous sinus
  8556000Lipid droplet
  8559007Entire juxtaintestinal lymph node
  8560002Interclavicular ligament
  8580001Both feet
  8595004Meissner's plexus
  8598002Vestibulocochlear nerve
  8600008Cricoid cartilage
  8603005Adductor hallucis muscle
  8604004Medulla oblongata fasciculus cuneatus
  8608001Right margin of heart
  8617001Zygomatic region of face
  8623006Transplanted ureter
  8629005Superior right pulmonary vein
  8640002Choroidal branches of posterior spinal artery
  8668003Glycogen vacuole
  8671006All toes
  8677005Body of right atrium
  8688004Lateral olfactory gyrus
  8695008Intervertebral foramen of second lumbar vertebra
  8710005Entire minor sublingual ducts
  8711009Periodontal tissues
  8714001Subcutaneous tissue of interdigital space of hand
  8752000Cavernous portion of internal carotid artery
  8775007Tendinous arch
  8784007Intranuclear body, granular with filamentous capsule
  8810002Corticomedullary junction of adrenal gland
  8814006Iliac tuberosity
  8815007Thenar and hypothenar spaces
  8820007Pedicle of eleventh thoracic vertebra
  8821006Peroneal artery
  8827005Shaft of phalanx of middle finger
  8839002Agranular endoplasmic reticulum, connection with other organelle
  8845005Entire subtendinous prepatellar bursa
  8850004Proper fasciculus
  8854008Crista galli
  8862000Palmar surface of middle finger
  8873007Mandibular right second premolar tooth
  8887007Brachiocephalic vein
  8892009Diaphragmatic surface of lung
  8894005Entire gastric cardiac gland (body structure)
  8897003Lateral glossoepiglottic fold
  8907008Entire left ulnar artery
  8910001Entire inferior transverse scapular ligament
  8911002Entire endocardium of right ventricle
  8928004Inguinal lymph node
  8931003Coracoid process of scapula
  8935007Cerebral meninges
  8942007Trapezoid ligament
  8965002Stratum zonale of corpora quadrigemina
  8966001Left eye
  8983005Joint of vertebral column
  8988001Marginal part of orbicularis oris muscle
  8993003Hepatic vein
  9000002Cerebellar peduncle
  9003000Left parietal lobe
  9018004Entire middle colic vein
  9040008Ascending colon
  9055004Both forearms
  9073001White matter of insula
  9081000Splenic sinusoid
  9086005Superior laryngeal vein
  9089003Arch of foot
  9108007Vein of the scala tympani
  9127001Transverse folds of palate
  9156001Embryo stage 1 structure
  9185007Capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of fifth toe
  9186008Filaments of contractile apparatus
  9188009Intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra
  9212008Shaft of fifth metatarsal bone
  9229006Structure of lumbar rotator muscle (body structure)
  9231002Entire external pudendal vein
  9240003Niemann-Pick cell
  9242006Posterior segment of right lobe of liver
  9258009Gravid uterus
  9261005Tendon and tendon sheath of second toe
  9262003Pelvic fascia
  9284003Corpus cavernosum of penis
  9290004Posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis
  9305001Labial veins
  9317004Merkel's tactile disc
  9320007Subtendinous iliac bursa
  9321006Tail of epididymis
  9325002Interdental papilla of gingiva
  9332006Lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint
  9348007Skin of medial surface of middle finger
  9379006All permanent teeth
  9380009Pecten ani
  9384000Lumbar vein
  9390001Lymphatics of stomach
  9432007Plantar surface of fourth toe
  9438006Structure of deep cervical lymphatics
  9454009Subclavian vein
  9455005Structure of medial cartilaginous lamina of pharyngotympanic tube (body structure)
  9475001Structure of amacrine cell of retina (body structure)
  9481009Afferent glomerular arteriole
  9490002Pulmonary ligament
  9498009Head of metacarpal bone
  9502002Coronal depression of tooth
  9512009Calcaneocuboidal ligament
  9535007Pyramid of medulla oblongata
  9558005Entire facet for fifth costal cartilage of sternum
  9566001Duodenal lumen
  9568000Subcutaneous tissue of areola
  9596006Deep branch of ulnar nerve
  9609000Posterior process of nasal septal cartilage
  9625005Lanugo hair
  9642004Left superior vena cava
  9646001Entire superior transverse scapular ligament
  9654004Gastric mucous gland
  9659009Infraclavicular lymph node
  9662007Subcutaneous tissue of lower margin of nasal septum
  9668006Ciliary muscle
  9677004Head of second metatarsal bone
  9684007Posterior scrotal branches of internal pudendal artery
  9708001Iliac fascia
  9736006Right wrist
  9743000Entire tendon of index finger
  9758008Submucosa of tonsil
  9770007Genital tubercle
  9775002Left carotid sinus
  9779008Distinctive shape of mitochondrial cristae
  9783008Superficial lymphatics of thorax
  9791004Deep venous system of lower extremity
  9796009Skeletal muscle fiber, type IIb
  9813009Fascia of upper extremity
  9825007Proximal phalanx of little toe
  9837009Perforating branches of internal thoracic artery
  9840009Biparietal diameter of head
  9841008Interspinalis thoracis muscles
  9846003Right kidney
  9847007Hilum of adrenal gland
  9849005Fornix of lacrimal sac
  9870004Carunculae hymenales
  9878006Entire appendicular vein
  9880000Thyroid tubercle
  9881001Peripheral nerve myelinated nerve fiber
  9891007Transverse arytenoid muscle
  9898001Paracentral lobule
  9951005Posterior ethmoidal nerve
  9968009Primary foot process
  9970000Ileocecal ostium
  9976006Rhomboideus cervicis muscle
  9994000Superior articular process of sixth thoracic vertebra
  9999005Duodenal ampulla
  10013000Lateral meniscus of knee joint
  10024003Base of lung
  10025002Base of phalanx of index finger
  10026001Ventral spinocerebellar tract of pons
  10036009Nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc of eighth thoracic vertebra
  10042008Intervertebral foramen of fifth thoracic vertebra
  10047002Transplanted lung
  10056005Ophthalmic nerve
  10062000Levator labii superioris muscle
  10119003Deep volar arch of radial artery
  10124000Deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament
  10134009Medial surface of third toe
  10141003Zygomatic nerve
  10145007Vagus nerve pharyngeal plexus
  10148009Entire costal groove of fifth rib
  10149001Merkel's cell
  10151002Middle part of cartilaginous portion of auditory canal
  10167008Entire inner surface of eleventh rib
  10176001Supraoptic region of hypothalamus
  10208006Gynecoid pelvis
  10209003Parotid lymph node
  10245000Abductor digiti minimi muscle of foot
  10271001Entire anterior commissure of aortic valve
  10293006Iliac artery
  10299005Entire anteromedial perforating artery
  10328008Capsule of calcaneocuboidal joint
  10339006Anulus fibrosus of intervertebral disc of tenth thoracic vertebra
  10410005Sweat gland
  10415000Pigmented layer of ciliary body

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code