Used to record and send details about a request for referral service or transfer of a patient to the care of another provider or provider organization.
= Must Support, = Is Modifier, = QiCore defined extension
Field | Card. | Type | Description |
refusalReason | 0..1 | Extension | An Extension Binding: The value set to instantiate this attribute should be drawn from a terminologically robust code system for reasons of rejecting or canceling a referral request. This value set is provided as a suggestive example. (example) |
status | 1..1 | String | The status of the authorization/intention reflected by the referral request record. Binding: The status of the referral. (required) |
type | 0..1 | Concept | An indication of the type of referral (or where applicable the type of transfer of care) request. Binding: Codes for types of referral; e.g. consult, transfer, temporary transfer. (example) |
priority | 0..1 | String | An indication of the urgency of referral (or where applicable the type of transfer of care) request. Binding: Codes indicating the relative priority of the referral. (required) |
serviceRequested | 0..* | List<Concept> | The service(s) that is/are requested to be provided to the patient. For example: cardiac pacemaker insertion. Binding: Codes indicating the types of services that might be requested as part of a referral. (example) |
subject | 1..1 | Patient | Group | The patient who is the subject of a referral or transfer of care request. |
context | 0..1 | Encounter | EpisodeOfCare | The encounter at which the request for referral or transfer of care is initiated. |
occurrence[x] | 0..1 | DateTime | Interval<DateTime> | The period of time within which the services identified in the referral/transfer of care is specified or required to occur. |
authoredOn | 0..1 | DateTime | Date/DateTime of creation for draft requests and date of activation for active requests. |
requester | 0..1 | requester | The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation. |
specialty | 0..1 | Concept | Indication of the clinical domain or discipline to which the referral or transfer of care request is sent. For example: Cardiology Gastroenterology Diabetology. Binding: Codes indicating the types of capability the referred to service provider must have. (example) |
recipient | 0..* | List<Practitioner | Organization> | The healthcare provider(s) or provider organization(s) who/which is to receive the referral/transfer of care request. |
reasonCode | 0..* | List<Concept> | Description of clinical condition indicating why referral/transfer of care is requested. For example: Pathological Anomalies, Disabled (physical or mental), Behavioral Management. Binding: Codes indicating why the referral is being requested. (example) |