This page is part of the Quality Improvement Core Framework (v2.0.0: STU 2) based on FHIR R3. The current version which supercedes this version is 4.1.1. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions 
D.4.1.4 StructureDefinition: qicore-deviceusestatement - Mappings
Mappings for the StructureDefinition-qicore-deviceusestatement Profile.
Mappings for Quality Data Model (
QICore-DeviceUseStatement |
DeviceUseStatement | Device, Applied |
whenUsed | start datetime, removal datetime |
timing[x] | start datetime, removal datetime |
device | Device.type |
indication | reason |
Mappings for HL7 v2 Mapping (
QICore-DeviceUseStatement |
DeviceUseStatement | |
bodySite | anatomical location site |
Mappings for Quality Improvement and Clinical Knowledge (QUICK) (
QICore-DeviceUseStatement |
DeviceUseStatement | DeviceUsePerformanceOccurrence |
identifier | ClinicalStatement.identifier |
status | …status |
subject | ClinicalStatement.subject |
whenUsed | Performance.performanceTime |
timing[x] | DeviceUse.applicationSchedule |
recordedOn | ClinicalStatement.statementDateTime |
device | DeviceUse.device |
indication | Action.indication.reason |
note | ClinicalStatement.additionalText |
Mappings for W5 Mapping (
QICore-DeviceUseStatement |
DeviceUseStatement | workflow.order |
identifier | id |
status | status |
subject | who.focus |
whenUsed | when.done |
timing[x] | when.done |
recordedOn | when.recorded |
source | |
device | |
indication | why |
Mappings for RIM Mapping (
QICore-DeviceUseStatement |
DeviceUseStatement | Entity. Role, or Act |
text | Act.text? |
contained | N/A |
extension | N/A |
modifierExtension | N/A |
status | .statusCode |
bodySite | targetSiteCode |