US Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
1.0.0-ballot - STU1 Ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the US Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

OperationDefinition: PDMP Operation PDMP History

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2024-04-01 Computable Name: PdmpOperationGetPdmpHistory

Operation returning an individual patient’s PDMP history


  • Detailed parameter definitions. The table below describes the input and output parameters, including their uses and base FHIR resource types.The content conveyed in those parameters is further constrained by the PDMP Parameters - Request and PDMP Parameters - Response profiles referenced below.

  • PDMP dispensation history data definition. The PDMP History Result Bundle profile further profiles the pdmp-history-data response parameter’s content.

  • Output parameter cardinality. The four response parameters are each individually optional, but at least one must be present in the operation response, reflecting these scenarios:
    • PDMP history available. pdmp-history-data and/or pdmp-history-link are populated when the PDMP Responder has PDMP information available for the requested patient.
    • Pre-stage-only. outcome and, optionally, pre-stage-retrieval-key are populated when the PDMP Responder is replying to a request in which the pre-stage-only parameter is set to true (see details below).
    • Patient not found. outcome is populated if the PDMP Responder is unable to locate information for the requested patient. pdmp-history-link may also be populated in this scenario. See this section for additional response specifics and an example.
    • Fatal exception. only outcome is populated if the PDMP Responder encounters an exception that prevents completion of response processing. See this section for additional response specifics and an example.
    • Non-fatal exception impacting response content. outcome is populated in addition to one or more other parameters if the PDMP Responder encounters a non-fatal exception when executing a request that impacts the content of the response, to indicate the issue and impact on the PDMP history content see this section for additional response specifics and an example.
    • Other warning or information. outcome may be populated in addition to one or more other parameters to return other warning or processing information.

  • Requests to stage data for later retrieval. A request with the pre-stage-only input parameter set to true directs the PDMP Responder to gather information for the requested patient and stage it for retrieval via a subsequent pdmp-history call.
    • In response, the PDMP Responder populates the outcome parameter with an indication that the request was accepted and optionally returns a key value in the pre-stage-retrieval-key output parameter that the PDMP Requester must include in the subsequent operation call’s pre-stage-retrieval-key input parameter.
    • see this section for additional response specifics and an example.

  • FHIR resource references. Resources conveyed in the operation’s input and output parameters will typically contain references to other FHIR resources. Certain of these references are expected to resolve to other resources in the respective submission or response. Others, however, may refer to resources that are not present in the operation because they are not pertinent to the PDMP use case. Below are this guide’s expectations:

  • Operation request:
    • Authorized Practitioner Relationships. The PractitionerRole resource submitted in the authorized-practitioner-role parameter…
      • SHOULD contain a reference to the Practitioner resource submitted in the corresponding authorized-practitioner parameter in its .practitioner element.
      • SHOULD contain a reference to the Organization resource submitted in the corresponding authorized-practitioner-organization parameter in its .organization element.
    • Delegate Relationships. The PractitionerRole resource submitted in the delegate-practitioner-role parameter…
      • SHOULD contain a reference to the Practitioner resource submitted in the corresponding delegate-practitioner parameter in its .practitioner element.
      • SHOULD contain a reference to the Organization resource submitted in the corresponding delegate-organization parameter in its .organization element.
    • Other references may be present in submitted resources but are not required to resolve to other resources in the request.

  • Operation response - PDMP History Data parameter:
    • Resources contained in the bundle conveyed in the pdmp-history-data parameter are expected to reference one another according to the rules of the associated FHIR profiles.
    • See PDMP History Result Bundle for details about the Bundle that populates this parameter.


An example of the Parameters resource submitted to this operation:

An example of the Parameters resource returned by this operation:

URL: [base]/$pdmp-history

Input parameters Profile: PDMP Parameters - Request

Output parameters Profile: PDMP Parameters - Response



The patient whose PDMP history is desired


If the patient is an animal, this parameter reflects its owner's information


The Practitioner resource reflecting the provider who is authorized to view the returned PDMP information


The PractitionerRole resource reflecting the authorized provider's practice information


An Organization resource reflecting the authorized provider's organization


A Practitioner resource reflecting a provider who is requesting the PDMP information on behalf of another party


A PractitionerRole resource reflecting the delegate's practice information


An Organization resource reflecting the delegate's organization


Indicates that the PDMP Responder is expected to gather the requested information and stage it for future retrieval (via a subsequent invocation of this operation)


The pre-stage-retrieval-key returned from a previous operation call in which the pre-stage-only parameter was set to true


A Bundle of type 'collection' that contains medication dispensation and administration information for the requested patient (if found)


A url to access an external report containing a PDMP history for the requested patient


This parameter is used only when responding to an invocation in which the pre-stage-only parameter was set to true. This element may be populated with a string value that the requester is to submit in the pre-stage-retrieval-key parameter of the subsequent invocation that retrieves the staged information


An OperationOutcome resource containing processing information associated with the operation response, including error, warning and/or informational information