National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the National Directory of Healthcare Providers and Services (NDH) Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: NDH Verification Process Code System

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2023-07-30 Computable Name: NdhVerificationProcessCS

NDH Verification Process

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

primary Primary sourcePrimary source
multi Multiple sourceMultiple source
manual ManualManual
in-context In-contextelement or resource is verified by existence or value of another related element or resource
attester AttesterAttester
editcheck Edit checkelement or resource is verified for format, range, presence, or other similar properties
valueset Value setelement or resource is verified against a value set
extsource External sourceelement or resource is verified against an external source
standalone Standaloneelement or resource is verified by itself and is releated to other elements or resources