National Directory of Healthcare Providers & Services (NDH) Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - ballot United States of America flag

This page is part of the National Directory of Healthcare Providers and Services (NDH) Implementation Guide (v1.0.0-ballot: STU1 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase Code System

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Active as of 2023-07-30 Computable Name: NdhDirectTrustEndpointUsecaseCS

NDH Direct Trust Endpoint Usecase

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

payer-payer-data-exchange information exchange between payersinformation exchange between payers
payer-provider-data-exchange information exchange between payers and providersinformation exchange between payers and providers
payer-patient-data-exchange information exchange between payers and patientsinformation exchange between payers and patients
provider-provider-data-exchange information exchange between providersinformation exchange between providers
provider-payer-data-exchange information exchange between providers and payersinformation exchange between providers and payers
provider-to-patient-data-exchange information exchange between providers and patientsinformation exchange between providers and patients
patient-payer-data-exchange information exchange between patients and payersinformation exchange between patients and payers
patient-provider-data-exchange information exchange between patients and providersinformation exchange between patients and providers
patient-public-health-data-exchange information exchange between patients and public healthinformation exchange between patients and public health
patient-research-data-exchange information exchange between patients and researchinformation exchange between patients and research
public-health-patient-data-exchange information exchange between public health and patientsinformation exchange between public health and patients
research-patient-data-exchange information exchange between research and patientsinformation exchange between research and patients
patient-access information exchange for patientsinformation exchange for patients
care-case-manager information exchange with a care or case managersinformation exchange with a care or case managers
care-coordination information exchange for care coordination across the entire patient care teaminformation exchange for care coordination across the entire patient care team
advanced-eob information exchange for advanced eobsinformation exchange for advanced eobs
coverage-requirements-discovery-crd information exchange for discovering coverage requirementsinformation exchange for discovering coverage requirements
documentation-templates-rules-dtr information exchange for documentation templates and rulesinformation exchange for documentation templates and rules
prior-authorization information exchange for prior authorizationinformation exchange for prior authorization
formulary information exchange for drug formularyinformation exchange for drug formulary
prescriptions information exchange for prescriptionsinformation exchange for prescriptions
item-service-price-transparency information exchange for item or service price transparencyinformation exchange for item or service price transparency
patient-cost-transparency-gfe information exchange for making patient costs transparentinformation exchange for making patient costs transparent
quality-measure-reporting information exchange for quality measure reportinginformation exchange for quality measure reporting
adverse-event-reporting information exchange for adverse event reportinginformation exchange for adverse event reporting
notifications information exchange for notificationsinformation exchange for notifications
adt-notifications information exchange for ADT notificationsinformation exchange for ADT notifications
scheduling information exchange for schedulinginformation exchange for scheduling
release-of-information information exchange for release of informationinformation exchange for release of information
medical-records information exchange for medical recordsinformation exchange for medical records
administrative information exchange for administrative activitiesinformation exchange for administrative activities
support information exchange for technical or customer support activitiesinformation exchange for technical or customer support activities
billing information exchange for billinginformation exchange for billing
referrals information exchange for referralsinformation exchange for referrals
transfer-transition-of-care information exchange for transfers and transitions of careinformation exchange for transfers and transitions of care
provider-directory information exchange for directory maintenance and qualityinformation exchange for directory maintenance and quality
care-plans-review-or-approval information exchange to support care plan review and approvalinformation exchange to support care plan review and approval
public-health-reporting information exchange for public health reportinginformation exchange for public health reporting
payers-and-payments information exchange for billinginformation exchange for billing
break-the-glass information exchange that requires break the glassinformation exchange that requires break the glass
individual-practitioner information exchange with an individual providerinformation exchange with an individual provider
individual-patient-member-consumer information exchange with an individual patient-member-client-consumerinformation exchange with an individual patient-member-client-consumer
location information exchange with a treating facilityinformation exchange with a treating facility
group information exchange with a provider groupinformation exchange with a provider group
department information exchange with a provider departmentinformation exchange with a provider department
no-reply endpoint does not accept information for exchangeendpoint does not accept information for exchange
any-all endpoint that accepts any and all types of information exchange possible for its endpoint typeendpoint that accepts any and all types of information exchange possible for its endpoint type