Quality Checks |
Publisher Version: | IG Publisher Version: v1.6.4 |
Publication Code: | medication-rems . PackageId = hl7.fhir.us.medication-rems, Canonical = http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems |
Realm Check for US: | Snomed: The IG doesn't use SNOMED CT Profiles: All OK |
Publication Request: |
package-id | hl7.fhir.us.medication-rems |
version | 1.0.0-ballot |
path | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems/2024May |
Pub-Mode | working release |
status | ballot |
Release-Label | STU1 Ballot |
sequence | STU1 |
desc | This is the proposed STU1 version of the US Medication REMS FHIR IG for ballot in May 2024. It is sponsored by the HL7 Pharmacy Work Group |
changes | changes.html |
first | true |
category | Medications / Immunizations |
title | US Medication REMS |
introduction | A Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) is a drug safety program that the U.S. FDA requires for certain medications with serious safety concerns. Complying with REMS can introduce manual work for the provider and potential delays in getting the medication to the patient. This IG provides guidance on using FHIR to automate notifications and information exchange between the provider and the REMS Administrator--to reduce burden on the provider and prevent delays in patient care. |
ci-build | https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-medication-rems-ig |
- Error fetching package-list from http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems: Not Found

- Proposed path for this publication should usually be the canonical with the version or sequence appended and then some kind of label (typically '-snapshot')

Supressed Messages: | No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks: | Package | Version | FHIR | Canonical | Web Base | Comment |
 hl7.fhir.us.medication-rems | 1.0.0-ballot | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems | | |
  hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.3.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.3.0 | Latest Release is 5.5.0 |
  hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r4 | 1.0.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions | http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/1.0.0 | |
  hl7.fhir.us.core | 3.1.1 O | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core | http://hl7.org/fhir/us/core/STU3.1.1 | Latest Release is 6.1.0 |
  hl7.fhir.uv.smart-app-launch | 2.1.0 M | R4 | http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch | http://hl7.org/fhir/smart-app-launch/STU2.1 | |
   hl7.terminology.r4 | 5.0.0 O | R4 | http://terminology.hl7.org | http://terminology.hl7.org/5.0.0 | Latest Release is 5.5.0 |
Templates: rems-ig.template#null -> hl7.fhir.template#current -> hl7.base.template#current -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.1.0 |
Dependent IGs: | no references |
Global Profiles: | (none declared) |
Terminology Server(s): | http://tx.fhir.org/r4 (details) |
HTA Analysis: | no Non-HL7 references found |
R5 Dependencies: | |
Draft Dependencies: |
hl7.fhir.r4.core#4.0.1: wg
(4 uses), GuideParameterCode
(15 uses), expectation
(4 uses), bestpractice
(1 uses), bestpractice-explanation
(1 uses), Task
(2 uses),
(7 uses), maxValueSet
(1 uses), bindingName
(13 uses), CommonLanguages
(1 uses), ActivityDefinition
(1 uses), TaskStatus
(1 uses), TaskIntent
(1 uses), RequestPriority
(1 uses), Encounter
(1 uses), Organization
(3 uses), ProcedurePerformerRoleCodes
(1 uses), Practitioner
(3 uses), Location
(1 uses), MedicationRequest
(2 uses), translatable
(1 uses), Coverage
(1 uses), ClaimResponse
(1 uses), Provenance
(1 uses), PractitionerRole
(1 uses), RelatedPerson
(1 uses), Group
(1 uses), explicit-type-name
(3 uses)
hl7.fhir.uv.tools#0.1.0: ResourceSortExt
(6 uses)
Modifier Extensions: | (none) |
Previous Version Comparison: | Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems (Problem #1 with package-list.json at http://hl7.org/fhir/us/medication-rems: Not Found) |
IPA Comparison: | n/a |
IPS Comparison: | n/a |
Summary: | errors = 0, warn = 0, info = 0, broken links = 0 |