Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI)
1.0.0 - STU 1 US

This page is part of the Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: CodeSystem - Local Component Codes

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2022-07-22 Computable Name: CodeSystemLocalComponentCodes

Local Component Codes for observation components that lack an appropriate LOINC code. The MDI CodeSystem - Local Component Codes artifact overlaps with the VRDR Local Component Codes artifact.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

This code system defines the following codes:

position position
lineNumber line number
eCodeIndicator e Code Indicator
wouldBeUnderlyingCauseOfDeathWithoutPregnancy Would be underlying cause of death without pregnancy.
EmergingIssue1_1 EmergingIssue1_1
EmergingIssue1_2 EmergingIssue1_2
EmergingIssue1_3 EmergingIssue1_3
EmergingIssue1_4 EmergingIssue1_4
EmergingIssue1_5 EmergingIssue1_5
EmergingIssue1_6 EmergingIssue1_6
EmergingIssue1_7 EmergingIssue1_7
EmergingIssue1_8 EmergingIssue1_8
EmergingIssue8_1 EmergingIssue8_1
EmergingIssue8_2 EmergingIssue8_2
EmergingIssue8_3 EmergingIssue8_3
EmergingIssue20 EmergingIssue20
FirstEditedCode First Edited Race Code
SecondEditedCode Second Edited Race Code
ThirdEditedCode Third Edited Race Code
FourthEditedCode Fourth Edited Race Code
FifthEditedCode Fifth Edited Race Code
SixthEditedCode Sixth Edited Race Code
SeventhEditedCode Seventh Edited Race Code
EighthEditedCode Eighth Edited Race Code
FirstAmericanIndianCode First Edited American Indian Race Code
SecondAmericanIndianCode Second Edited American Indian Race Code
FirstOtherAsianCode First Edited Other Asian Race Code
SecondOtherAsianCode Second Edited Other Asian Race Race Code
FirstOtherPacificIslanderCode First Edited Other Pacific Islander Race Code
SecondOtherPacificIslanderCode First Edited Other Pacific Islander Race Code
FirstOtherRaceCode First Edited Other Race Code
SecondOtherRaceCode First Edited Other Race Code
RaceRecode40 Race Recode 40
HispanicCode Hispanic Code
HispanicCodeForLiteral Hispanic Code for Literal
RACEMVR Race Missing Value Reason
HispanicMexican Hispanic Mexican
HispanicPuertoRican Hispanic Puerto Rican
HispanicCuban Hispanic Cuban
HispanicOther Hispanic Other
HispanicLiteral Hispanic Literal
White White
BlackOrAfricanAmerican Black Or African American
AmericanIndianOrAlaskanNative American Indian Or Alaska Native
AsianIndian Asian Indian
Chinese Chinese
Filipino Filipino
Japanese Japanese
Korean Korean
Vietnamese Vietnamese
OtherAsian OtherAsian
NativeHawaiian Native Hawaiian
GuamanianOrChamorro Guamanian Or Chamorro
Samoan Samoan
OtherPacificIslander Other Pacific Islander
OtherRace Other Race
FirstAmericanIndianOrAlaskanNativeLiteral First American Indian Or Alaska Native Literal
SecondAmericanIndianOrAlaskanNativeLiteral Second American Indian Or Alaska Native Literal
FirstOtherAsianLiteral First Other Asian Literal
SecondOtherAsianLiteral Second Other Asian Literal
FirstOtherPacificIslanderLiteral First Other Pacific Islander Literal
SecondOtherPacificIslanderLiteral Second Other Pacific Islander Literal
FirstOtherRaceLiteral First Other Race Literal
SecondOtherRaceLiteral Second Other Race Literal