Profile Comparison between vs

Left:US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile (
Right:Tumor Size Profile (


ErrorStructureDefinition.urlValues for url differ: '' vs ''
ErrorStructureDefinition.versionValues for version differ: '6.0.0-ballot' vs '3.0.0-ballot'
InformationStructureDefinition.nameValues for name differ: 'USCorePediatricWeightForHeightObservationProfile' vs 'TumorSize'
InformationStructureDefinition.titleValues for title differ: 'US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile' vs 'Tumor Size Profile'
InformationStructureDefinition.dateValues for date differ: '2022-04-20' vs '2023-03-28T19:28:28+00:00'
InformationStructureDefinition.publisherValues for publisher differ: 'HL7 International - Cross-Group Projects' vs 'HL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council'
ErrorStructureDefinition.baseDefinitionValues for baseDefinition differ: '' vs ''
WarningObservationElements differ in short: 'US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile' vs 'Measurements and simple assertions'
WarningObservationElements differ in definition: '\-' vs 'Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.'
WarningObservationElements differ in comments: '\-' vs 'Used for simple observations such as device measurements, laboratory atomic results, vital signs, height, weight, smoking status, comments, etc. Other resources are used to provide context for observations such as laboratory reports, etc.'
WarningObservation.statusElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
WarningObservation.categoryElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
InformationObservation.categoryElement minimum cardinalities differ: '1' vs '0'
WarningObservation.codeElements differ in short: 'Weight-for-length per age and gender' vs 'Type of observation (code / type)'
WarningObservation.codeElements differ in definition: 'Coded Responses from C-CDA Vital Sign Results.' vs 'Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation 'name'.'
WarningObservation.codeElements differ in requirements: '5. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] code, where the @code SHOULD be selected from ValueSet HITSP Vital Sign Result Type 2.16.840.1.113883. DYNAMIC (CONF:7301).' vs 'Knowing what kind of observation is being made is essential to understanding the observation.'
WarningObservation.codeElements differ in binding.description: 'The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.' vs 'Codes identifying names of simple observations.'
WarningObservation.subjectElements differ in short: 'Who and/or what the observation is about' vs 'The patient whose tumor was measured.'
WarningObservation.subjectElements differ in definition: 'The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the `focus` element or the `code` itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.' vs 'The patient whose tumor was measured. SHALL be a `Patient` resource conforming to `CancerPatient`.'
WarningObservation.focusElements differ in short: 'What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record' vs 'Identifies a tumor that has NOT been removed from the body'
WarningObservation.focusElements differ in definition: 'The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.' vs 'Reference to a BodyStructure resource conforming to Tumor.'
WarningObservation.focusElements differ in comments: 'Typically, an observation is made about the subject - a patient, or group of patients, location, or device - and the distinction between the subject and what is directly measured for an observation is specified in the observation code itself ( e.g., 'Blood Glucose') and does not need to be represented separately using this element. Use `specimen` if a reference to a specimen is required. If a code is required instead of a resource use either `bodysite` for bodysites or the standard extension [focusCode].' vs 'Use **only** when the tumor **has not** been removed from the body. If the tumor has been removed, use `specimen` instead and leave `focus` empty.'
WarningObservation.focusElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
InformationObservation.focusElement maximum cardinalities differ: '2147483647' vs '1'
WarningObservation.effective[x]Elements differ in short: 'Often just a dateTime for Vital Signs' vs 'Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation'
WarningObservation.effective[x]Elements differ in definition: 'Often just a dateTime for Vital Signs.' vs 'The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the 'physiologically relevant time'. This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.'
InformationObservation.effective[x]Element minimum cardinalities differ: '1' vs '0'
WarningObservation.value[x]Elements differ in short: 'Vital Signs Value' vs 'Not used in this profile'
WarningObservation.value[x]Elements differ in definition: 'Vital Signs value are typically recorded using the Quantity data type.' vs 'Not used in this profile'
WarningObservation.value[x]Elements differ in requirements: '9. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type='PQ' (CONF:7305).' vs 'An observation exists to have a value, though it might not if it is in error, or if it represents a group of observations.'
WarningObservation.value[x]Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
WarningObservation.dataAbsentReasonElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
WarningObservation.methodElements differ in short: 'How it was done' vs 'Method for measuring the tumor'
WarningObservation.methodElements differ in definition: 'Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.' vs 'Method for measuring the tumor'
WarningObservation.methodElements differ in comments: 'Only used if not implicit in code for Observation.code.' vs 'Tumors are typically measured via gross pathology after excision, or via diagnostic imaging or physical exam prior to removal. If `specimen` is set, `method` is expected to be a 'gross pathology' code. If `focus` is set, `method` is expected to be a type of diagnostic imaging or physical exam.'
WarningObservation.methodElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
WarningObservation.specimenElements differ in short: 'Specimen used for this observation' vs 'Identifies a tumor that has been removed from the body'
WarningObservation.specimenElements differ in definition: 'The specimen that was used when this observation was made.' vs 'Reference to a Specimen resource consistent with HumanSpecimen with type ='
WarningObservation.specimenElements differ in comments: 'Should only be used if not implicit in code found in `Observation.code`. Observations are not made on specimens themselves; they are made on a subject, but in many cases by the means of a specimen. Note that although specimens are often involved, they are not always tracked and reported explicitly. Also note that observation resources may be used in contexts that track the specimen explicitly (e.g. Diagnostic Report).' vs 'Use specimen **only** when the tumor **has** been removed from the body. If the tumor has been not removed, use `focus` instead and leave `specimen` empty.'
WarningObservation.specimenElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
WarningObservation.hasMemberElements differ in short: 'Used when reporting vital signs panel components' vs 'Related resource that belongs to the Observation group'
WarningObservation.hasMemberElements differ in definition: 'Used when reporting vital signs panel components.' vs 'This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.'
ErrorObservation.hasMemberType Mismatch: Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]]) vs Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]])
WarningObservation.componentElements differ in short: 'Component observations' vs 'Component results'
WarningObservation.componentElements differ in definition: 'Used when reporting component observation such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure.' vs 'Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.'
InformationObservation.componentElement minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
WarningObservation.component.codeElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
WarningObservation.component.codeElements differ in binding.description: 'The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.' vs 'Codes identifying names of simple observations.'
WarningObservation.component.value[x]Elements differ in short: 'Vital Sign Component Value' vs 'Actual component result'
WarningObservation.component.value[x]Elements differ in definition: 'Vital Signs value are typically recorded using the Quantity data type. For supporting observations such as cuff size could use other datatypes such as CodeableConcept.' vs 'The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.'
WarningObservation.component.value[x]Elements differ in requirements: '9. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type='PQ' (CONF:7305).' vs 'An observation exists to have a value, though it might not if it is in error, or if it represents a group of observations.'
WarningObservation.component.value[x]Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
WarningObservation.component.dataAbsentReasonElements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'


    • Values Differ
    .copyrightUsed by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License
    • Removed the item 'Used by permission of HL7 International, all rights reserved Creative Commons License'
    • Values Differ
    .descriptionTo promote interoperability and adoption through common implementation, this profile sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search, and fetch pediatric weight-for-length per age and gender observations in FHIR with a standard LOINC code and UCUM units of measure. It is based on the US Core Vital Signs Profile and identifies the *additional* mandatory core elements, extensions, vocabularies and value sets which **SHALL** be present in the Observation resource when using this profile. It provides the floor for standards development for specific use cases.Records the dimensions of a tumor
    • Values Differ
    • Removed the item 'false'
            • Values Differ
            .publisherHL7 International - Cross-Group ProjectsHL7 International Clinical Interoperability Council
            • Values Differ
                .titleUS Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation ProfileTumor Size Profile
                • Values Differ
                  • Values Differ
                  • Values Differ


                  NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                  .. Observation C0..*USCoreVitalSignsProfileUS Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile
                  C0..*ObservationMeasurements and simple assertions
                  must-have-focus-or-specimen-invariant: Either `focus` OR `specimen` MUST be populated
                  • Elements differ in short: 'US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile' vs 'Measurements and simple assertions'
                  • Elements differ in definition: '\-' vs 'Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.'
                  • Elements differ in comments: '\-' vs 'Used for simple observations such as device measurements, laboratory atomic results, vital signs, height, weight, smoking status, comments, etc. Other resources are used to provide context for observations such as laboratory reports, etc.'
                  ... id Σ0..1idLogical id of this artifactΣ0..1idLogical id of this artifact
                    ... meta Σ0..1MetaMetadata about the resourceΣ0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
                      ... implicitRules ?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created?!Σ0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
                        ... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
                        Binding: ?? (preferred): A human language.

                        Additional BindingsPurpose
                        ??Max Binding
                        0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
                        Binding: ?? (preferred): A human language.

                        Additional BindingsPurpose
                        ??Max Binding
                          ... text 0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
                            ... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                            0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
                              ... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                              0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                ... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
                                  ... identifier Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for observation
                                  Σ0..*IdentifierBusiness Identifier for observation
                                    ... basedOn Σ0..*Reference(CarePlan | DeviceRequest | ImmunizationRecommendation | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | ServiceRequest)Fulfills plan, proposal or order
                                    Σ0..*Reference(CarePlan | DeviceRequest | ImmunizationRecommendation | MedicationRequest | NutritionOrder | ServiceRequest)Fulfills plan, proposal or order
                                      ... partOf Σ0..*Reference(MedicationAdministration | MedicationDispense | MedicationStatement | Procedure | Immunization | ImagingStudy)Part of referenced event
                                      Σ0..*Reference(MedicationAdministration | MedicationDispense | MedicationStatement | Procedure | Immunization | ImagingStudy)Part of referenced event
                                        ... status ?!SΣ1..1coderegistered | preliminary | final | amended +
                                        Binding: ?? (required)
                                        ?!Σ1..1coderegistered | preliminary | final | amended +
                                        Binding: ?? (required): Codes providing the status of an observation.

                                        • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                        ... Slices for category S1..*CodeableConceptClassification of type of observation
                                        Slice: Unordered, Open by value:coding.code, value:coding.system
                                        Binding: ?? (preferred): Codes for high level observation categories.

                                        0..*CodeableConceptClassification of type of observation
                                        Binding: ?? (preferred): Codes for high level observation categories.

                                        • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                        • Element minimum cardinalities differ: '1' vs '0'
                                        ... code SΣ1..1CodeableConceptWeight-for-length per age and gender
                                        Binding: ?? (extensible): The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.

                                        Required Pattern: {"coding":[{"system":"","code":"77606-2"}]}
                                        SΣ1..1CodeableConceptType of observation (code / type)
                                        Binding: ?? (example): Codes identifying names of simple observations.

                                        Required Pattern: {"coding":[{"system":"","code":"21889-1"}]}
                                        • Elements differ in short: 'Weight-for-length per age and gender' vs 'Type of observation (code / type)'
                                        • Elements differ in definition: 'Coded Responses from C-CDA Vital Sign Results.' vs 'Describes what was observed. Sometimes this is called the observation "name".'
                                        • Elements differ in requirements: '5. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] code, where the @code SHOULD be selected from ValueSet HITSP Vital Sign Result Type 2.16.840.1.113883. DYNAMIC (CONF:7301).' vs 'Knowing what kind of observation is being made is essential to understanding the observation.'
                                        • Elements differ in binding.description: 'The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.' vs 'Codes identifying names of simple observations.'
                                        ... subject SΣ1..1Reference(US Core Patient Profile)Who and/or what the observation is aboutSΣ1..1Reference(Cancer Patient Profile)The patient whose tumor was measured.
                                        • Elements differ in short: 'Who and/or what the observation is about' vs 'The patient whose tumor was measured.'
                                        • Elements differ in definition: 'The patient, or group of patients, location, or device this observation is about and into whose record the observation is placed. If the actual focus of the observation is different from the subject (or a sample of, part, or region of the subject), the `focus` element or the `code` itself specifies the actual focus of the observation.' vs 'The patient whose tumor was measured. SHALL be a `Patient` resource conforming to `CancerPatient`.'
                                        ... focus ΣTU0..*Reference(Resource)What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record
                                        SΣ0..1Reference(Tumor Profile)Identifies a tumor that has NOT been removed from the body
                                        • Elements differ in short: 'What the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record' vs 'Identifies a tumor that has NOT been removed from the body'
                                        • Elements differ in definition: 'The actual focus of an observation when it is not the patient of record representing something or someone associated with the patient such as a spouse, parent, fetus, or donor. For example, fetus observations in a mother's record. The focus of an observation could also be an existing condition, an intervention, the subject's diet, another observation of the subject, or a body structure such as tumor or implanted device. An example use case would be using the Observation resource to capture whether the mother is trained to change her child's tracheostomy tube. In this example, the child is the patient of record and the mother is the focus.' vs 'Reference to a BodyStructure resource conforming to Tumor.'
                                        • Elements differ in comments: 'Typically, an observation is made about the subject - a patient, or group of patients, location, or device - and the distinction between the subject and what is directly measured for an observation is specified in the observation code itself ( e.g., "Blood Glucose") and does not need to be represented separately using this element. Use `specimen` if a reference to a specimen is required. If a code is required instead of a resource use either `bodysite` for bodysites or the standard extension [focusCode].' vs 'Use **only** when the tumor **has not** been removed from the body. If the tumor has been removed, use `specimen` instead and leave `focus` empty.'
                                        • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
                                        • Element maximum cardinalities differ: '2147483647' vs '1'
                                        ... encounter Σ0..1Reference(Encounter)Healthcare event during which this observation is madeΣ0..1Reference(Encounter)Healthcare event during which this observation is made
                                          ... effective[x] SΣC1..1dateTime S, PeriodOften just a dateTime for Vital SignsSΣ0..1dateTime, Period, Timing, instantClinically relevant time/time-period for observation
                                          • Elements differ in short: 'Often just a dateTime for Vital Signs' vs 'Clinically relevant time/time-period for observation'
                                          • Elements differ in definition: 'Often just a dateTime for Vital Signs.' vs 'The time or time-period the observed value is asserted as being true. For biological subjects - e.g. human patients - this is usually called the "physiologically relevant time". This is usually either the time of the procedure or of specimen collection, but very often the source of the date/time is not known, only the date/time itself.'
                                          • Element minimum cardinalities differ: '1' vs '0'
                                          ... issued Σ0..1instantDate/Time this version was made availableΣ0..1instantDate/Time this version was made available
                                            ... performer Σ0..*Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson)Who is responsible for the observation
                                            Σ0..*Reference(Practitioner | PractitionerRole | Organization | CareTeam | Patient | RelatedPerson)Who is responsible for the observation
                                              ... Slices for value[x] SΣC0..1Quantity S, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, Range, Ratio, SampledData, time, dateTime, PeriodVital Signs Value
                                              Slice: Unordered, Open by type:$this
                                              Binding: ?? (extensible): Common UCUM units for recording Vital Signs.

                                              ΣC0..1Quantity, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, Range, Ratio, SampledData, time, dateTime, PeriodNot used in this profile
                                              • Elements differ in short: 'Vital Signs Value' vs 'Not used in this profile'
                                              • Elements differ in definition: 'Vital Signs value are typically recorded using the Quantity data type.' vs 'Not used in this profile'
                                              • Elements differ in requirements: '9. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type="PQ" (CONF:7305).' vs 'An observation exists to have a value, though it might not if it is in error, or if it represents a group of observations.'
                                              • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                              ... dataAbsentReason SC0..1CodeableConceptWhy the result is missing
                                              Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing.

                                              C0..1CodeableConceptWhy the result is missing
                                              Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing.

                                              • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                              ... interpretation 0..*CodeableConceptHigh, low, normal, etc.
                                              Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations.

                                              0..*CodeableConceptHigh, low, normal, etc.
                                              Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations.

                                                ... note 0..*AnnotationComments about the observation
                                                0..*AnnotationComments about the observation
                                                  ... bodySite 0..1CodeableConceptObserved body part
                                                  Binding: ?? (example): Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality.

                                                  0..1CodeableConceptObserved body part
                                                  Binding: ?? (example): Codes describing anatomical locations. May include laterality.

                                                    ... method 0..1CodeableConceptHow it was done
                                                    Binding: ?? (example): Methods for simple observations.

                                                    S0..1CodeableConceptMethod for measuring the tumor
                                                    Binding: ?? (extensible)
                                                    • Elements differ in short: 'How it was done' vs 'Method for measuring the tumor'
                                                    • Elements differ in definition: 'Indicates the mechanism used to perform the observation.' vs 'Method for measuring the tumor'
                                                    • Elements differ in comments: 'Only used if not implicit in code for Observation.code.' vs 'Tumors are typically measured via gross pathology after excision, or via diagnostic imaging or physical exam prior to removal. If `specimen` is set, `method` is expected to be a "gross pathology" code. If `focus` is set, `method` is expected to be a type of diagnostic imaging or physical exam.'
                                                    • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
                                                    ... specimen 0..1Reference(Specimen)Specimen used for this observationS0..1Reference(Human Specimen Profile)Identifies a tumor that has been removed from the body
                                                    • Elements differ in short: 'Specimen used for this observation' vs 'Identifies a tumor that has been removed from the body'
                                                    • Elements differ in definition: 'The specimen that was used when this observation was made.' vs 'Reference to a Specimen resource consistent with HumanSpecimen with type ='
                                                    • Elements differ in comments: 'Should only be used if not implicit in code found in `Observation.code`. Observations are not made on specimens themselves; they are made on a subject, but in many cases by the means of a specimen. Note that although specimens are often involved, they are not always tracked and reported explicitly. Also note that observation resources may be used in contexts that track the specimen explicitly (e.g. Diagnostic Report).' vs 'Use specimen **only** when the tumor **has** been removed from the body. If the tumor has been not removed, use `focus` instead and leave `specimen` empty.'
                                                    • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'false' vs 'true'
                                                    ... device 0..1Reference(Device | DeviceMetric)(Measurement) Device0..1Reference(Device | DeviceMetric)(Measurement) Device
                                                      ... referenceRange C0..*BackboneElementProvides guide for interpretation
                                                      C0..*BackboneElementProvides guide for interpretation
                                                        .... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                          .... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                          0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                            .... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                            ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                              .... low C0..1??Low Range, if relevantC0..1??Low Range, if relevant
                                                                .... high C0..1??High Range, if relevantC0..1??High Range, if relevant
                                                                  .... type 0..1CodeableConceptReference range qualifier
                                                                  Binding: ?? (preferred): Code for the meaning of a reference range.

                                                                  0..1CodeableConceptReference range qualifier
                                                                  Binding: ?? (preferred): Code for the meaning of a reference range.

                                                                    .... appliesTo 0..*CodeableConceptReference range population
                                                                    Binding: ?? (example): Codes identifying the population the reference range applies to.

                                                                    0..*CodeableConceptReference range population
                                                                    Binding: ?? (example): Codes identifying the population the reference range applies to.

                                                                      .... age 0..1RangeApplicable age range, if relevant0..1RangeApplicable age range, if relevant
                                                                        .... text 0..1stringText based reference range in an observation0..1stringText based reference range in an observation
                                                                          ... hasMember Σ0..*Reference(QuestionnaireResponse | MolecularSequence | Vital Signs Profile)Used when reporting vital signs panel components
                                                                          Σ0..*Reference(Observation | QuestionnaireResponse | MolecularSequence)Related resource that belongs to the Observation group
                                                                          • Elements differ in short: 'Used when reporting vital signs panel components' vs 'Related resource that belongs to the Observation group'
                                                                          • Elements differ in definition: 'Used when reporting vital signs panel components.' vs 'This observation is a group observation (e.g. a battery, a panel of tests, a set of vital sign measurements) that includes the target as a member of the group.'
                                                                          • Type Mismatch: Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]]) vs Reference([CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[], CanonicalType[]])
                                                                          ... derivedFrom Σ0..*Reference(DocumentReference | ImagingStudy | Media | QuestionnaireResponse | MolecularSequence | Vital Signs Profile)Related measurements the observation is made from
                                                                          Σ0..*Reference(DocumentReference | ImagingStudy | Media | QuestionnaireResponse | Observation | MolecularSequence)Related measurements the observation is made from
                                                                            ... component SΣC0..*BackboneElementComponent observations
                                                                            SΣ1..*BackboneElementComponent results
                                                                            Slice: Unordered, Open by pattern:code
                                                                            • Elements differ in short: 'Component observations' vs 'Component results'
                                                                            • Elements differ in definition: 'Used when reporting component observation such as systolic and diastolic blood pressure.' vs 'Some observations have multiple component observations. These component observations are expressed as separate code value pairs that share the same attributes. Examples include systolic and diastolic component observations for blood pressure measurement and multiple component observations for genetics observations.'
                                                                            • Element minimum cardinalities differ: '0' vs '1'
                                                                            .... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                                                              .... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                              0..*ExtensionAdditional content defined by implementations
                                                                                .... modifierExtension ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                                ?!Σ0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
                                                                                  .... code SΣ1..1CodeableConceptType of component observation (code / type)
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.

                                                                                  Σ1..1CodeableConceptType of component observation (code / type)
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (example): Codes identifying names of simple observations.

                                                                                  • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                                                                  • Elements differ in binding.description: 'The vital sign codes from the base FHIR and US Core Vital Signs.' vs 'Codes identifying names of simple observations.'
                                                                                  .... value[x] SΣC0..1Quantity S, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, Range, Ratio, SampledData, time, dateTime, PeriodVital Sign Component Value
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): Common UCUM units for recording Vital Signs.

                                                                                  Σ0..1Quantity, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, Range, Ratio, SampledData, time, dateTime, PeriodActual component result
                                                                                  • Elements differ in short: 'Vital Sign Component Value' vs 'Actual component result'
                                                                                  • Elements differ in definition: 'Vital Signs value are typically recorded using the Quantity data type. For supporting observations such as cuff size could use other datatypes such as CodeableConcept.' vs 'The information determined as a result of making the observation, if the information has a simple value.'
                                                                                  • Elements differ in requirements: '9. SHALL contain exactly one [1..1] value with @xsi:type="PQ" (CONF:7305).' vs 'An observation exists to have a value, though it might not if it is in error, or if it represents a group of observations.'
                                                                                  • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                                                                  .... dataAbsentReason SC0..1CodeableConceptWhy the component result is missing
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing.

                                                                                  C0..1CodeableConceptWhy the component result is missing
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes specifying why the result (Observation.value[x]) is missing.

                                                                                  • Elements differ in definition for mustSupport: 'true' vs 'false'
                                                                                  .... interpretation 0..*CodeableConceptHigh, low, normal, etc.
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations.

                                                                                  0..*CodeableConceptHigh, low, normal, etc.
                                                                                  Binding: ?? (extensible): Codes identifying interpretations of observations.

                                                                                    .... referenceRange 0..*See referenceRange (Observation)Provides guide for interpretation of component result
                                                                                    0..*See referenceRange (Observation)Provides guide for interpretation of component result

                                                                                      doco Documentation for this format