This page is part of the CARIN Digital Insurance Card (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative
Resource "Example-Coverage-FSH" Version "1" Updated "2021-04-06 10:49:02+0000"
Profile: C4DIC Coverage
Plan Beneficiaries
value: 102345672-01
value: John Doe
Plan Beneficiaries
value: 102345672-02
value: jane Doe
Plan Beneficiaries
value: 102345672-03
value: Jimmy Doe
Plan Beneficiaries
value: 102345672-04
value: Ginny Doe
Additional Insurance Card Information: If you use a TTY, call 711. You may be asked to present this card when you receive care or fill a perscription. This card does not gaurentee coverage. Intentionally misusing this card may be considered fraud or a violation of the law. We encourage you to use a primary care physician as a valuable resource and personal health advocate.
Card Issue Date: 2020-12-15
Background Color: #00bfff (IEC 61966-2-1: Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB##00bfff)
Highlight Color: #ceebf5 (IEC 61966-2-1: Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB##ceebf5)
value: ACME Inc.
value: Company logo
QR Code
value: Some label for this QR code
value: Usage text for this QR code for the end user
value: Some label for this Barcode
value: Usage text for this Barcode for the end user
Supporting image
value: Some label text
value: Some text for the end user about the usage/meaning of this image
identifier: Member Number: 102345672-02
status: active
type: health insurance plan policy (ActCode#HIP)
subscriber: Patient/Example-Patient1: John Doe " DOE"
subscriberId: 102345672-01
beneficiary: Patient/Example-Patient2: Jane Doe " DOE"
dependent: 02
relationship: Spouse (SubscriberPolicyholder Relationship Codes#spouse)
period: 2021-01-01 --> (ongoing)
payor: Organization/Example-PayerOrganization1: Acme Insurance Co "Acme Insurance Co"
type: Group (Coverage Class Codes#group)
value: 993355
name: Stars Inc
type: Plan (Coverage Class Codes#plan)
value: 11461128
name: Acme Gold Plus
type: Division (C4DIC Extended Coverage Class#division)
value: 11
type: Network (C4DIC Extended Coverage Class#network)
value: 561490
name: Acme Gold Plus South
type: RX BIN (Coverage Class Codes#rxbin)
value: 100045
type: RX PCN (Coverage Class Codes#rxpcn)
value: 1234000
type: Family Out of Network Deductible (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamOutDed)
value: $10,000.00 (USD)
type: Family In Network Deductible (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamInDed)
value: $8,000.00 (USD)
type: Family Pharmacy Out of Network Deductible (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamRxOutDed)
value: $2,000.00 (USD)
type: Family Pharmacy In Network Deductible (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamRxInDed)
value: $1,500.00 (USD)
type: Family Out of Network Out of Pocket Maximum (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamOutMax)
value: $12,000.00 (USD)
type: Family In Network Out of Pocket Maximum (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamInMax)
value: $10,000.00 (USD)
type: Family Pharmacy Out of Network Out of Pocket Maximum (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamRxOutMax)
value: $3,000.00 (USD)
type: Family Pharmacy In Network Out of Pocket Maximum (C4DIC Extended Copay Type#FamRxInMax)
value: $2,000.00 (USD)
type: GP Office Visit (Coverage Copay Type Codes#gpvisit)
Exception generating Narrative: null