Name | Value | Comments |
caseSensitive | true | |
compositional | | |
content | complete | |
copyright | Used by permission of HL7 International - Clinical Quality Information Work Group, all rights reserved Creative Commons License | |
date | 2021-12-06T15:01:05+00:00 | 2021-12-06T22:33:15+00:00 | |
description | This is a code system for Risk Adjustment suspect type to indicate whether it is a suspected Condition Category (CC) gap,
a historic CC gap, or an unsuspected CC. Historic, suspected, and net-new are mutually exclusive. | |
experimental | | |
hierarchyMeaning | | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US | |
name | RiskAdjustmentSuspectTypeCodeSystem | |
publisher | HL7 Clinical Quality Information Work Group | |
purpose | | |
status | draft | |
title | Risk Adjustment Suspect Type Code System | |
url | | |
version | 0.1.0 | |
versionNeeded | | |