This page is part of the DaVinci PDEX Plan Net (v1.1.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 1.2.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Generated Narrative
Resource "AcmeQHPBronze" Updated "2020-07-07 01:26:22+0000" (Language "en-US")
Profile: Plan-Net InsurancePlan
status: active
type: Qualified Health Plan (Insurance Product Type#qhp)
name: Acme of CT QHP Bronze
ownedBy: Organization/Acme "Acme of CT"
administeredBy: Organization/Acme "Acme of CT"
coverageArea: Location/StateOfCTLocation "State of CT Area"
endpoint: Endpoint/AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint "Endpoint for Acme of CT Portal"
network: Organization/AcmeofCTStdNet "ACME CT Preferred Provider Network"
- | Type |
* | Bronze-QHP (Insurance Plan Type#bronze) |
Field | Value |
resourceType | "InsurancePlan" |
id | "AcmeQHPBronze" |
meta.profile[0] | "" |
meta.lastUpdated | "2020-07-07T13:26:22.0314215+00:00" |
status | "active" |
language | "en-US" |
name | "Acme of CT QHP Bronze" |
type[0].coding[0].code | #qhp |
type[0].coding[0].system | "" |
type[0].coding[0].display | "Qualified Health Plan" |
plan[0].type.coding[0].code | #bronze |
plan[0].type.coding[0].system | "" |
plan[0].type.coding[0].display | "Bronze-QHP" |
ownedBy.reference | "Organization/Acme" |
administeredBy.reference | "Organization/Acme" |
network[0].reference | "Organization/AcmeofCTStdNet" |
coverageArea[0].reference | "Location/StateOfCTLocation" |
endpoint[0].reference | "Endpoint/AcmeOfCTPortalEndpoint" |