Network Profile
A Network refers to a healthcare provider insurance network. A healthcare provider insurance network is an aggregation of organizations and individuals that deliver a set of services across a geography through health insurance products/plans. A network is typically owned by a payer. In the PlanNet IG, individuals and organizations are represented as participants in a PLan-Net Network through the practitionerRole and Plan-Net-organizationAffiliation resources, respectively.
Mapping Summary
plannet.Network maps to Organization: PN_Identifier.IdentifierUse maps to identifier.use PN_Identifier.IdentifierSystem maps to identifier.system PN_Identifier.IdentifierValue maps to identifier.value PN_Identifier.IdentifierType maps to identifier.type PN_Identifier.IdentifierPeriod maps to identifier.period PN_Identifier.IdentifierAssigner maps to identifier.assigner NetworkActive maps to active NetworkType maps to type NetworkAddress maps to address NetworkName maps to name NetworkAlias maps to alias LocationReference maps to extension PartOf maps to partOf NetworkEndpoint maps to endpoint NetworkContact maps to contact NetworkContact.HumanName.Purpose maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.Name maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.FamilyName maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.GivenName maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.Prefix maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.Suffix maps to NetworkContact.HumanName.EffectiveTimePeriod maps to NetworkContact.ContactPoint.TelecomNumberOrAddress maps to contact.telecom.value NetworkContact.ContactPoint.Purpose maps to contact.telecom.use NetworkContact.ContactPoint.PriorityRank maps to contact.telecom.rank NetworkContact.ContactPoint.EffectiveTimePeriod maps to contact.telecom.period NetworkContact.ContactPoint.Type maps to contact.telecom.system constrain to 1..1 constrain to 1..1 constrain to 1..* constrain contact.telecom.system to 1..1 constrain contact.telecom.value to 1..1 constrain telecom to 0..0 constrain partOf to 1..1 constrain address.line to 0..4