Name | Value | Comments |
abstract | false | |
baseDefinition | | |
copyright | | |
date | 2020-12-21T16:34:35+00:00 | 2021-10-15T15:46:55+00:00 | |
description | A health plan which contains links to administrative information, a list of formulary drugs covered under that plan, and a definition of drug tiers and their associated cost-sharing models. | |
experimental | | |
fhirVersion | 4.0.1 | |
jurisdiction | | |
 jurisdiction[0] | urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US | |
kind | resource | |
name | CoveragePlan | |
publisher | HL7 Pharmacy Working Group | |
purpose | | |
status | active | |
title | Formulary Coverage Plan | |
type | List | |
url | | |
version | 1.0.1 | 1.1.0 | |