Data Exchange For Quality Measures Implementation Guide
3.1.0 - STU 3.1.0 US

This page is part of the Da Vinci Data Exchange for Quality Measures (DEQM) FHIR IG (v3.1.0: STU 3) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 4.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Behavior: Capability Statements

The following artifacts define the specific capabilities that different types of systems are expected to have in order to comply with this implementation guide. Systems conforming to this implementation guide are expected to declare conformance to one or more of the following capability statements.

Producer Server CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Producer Server when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Producers include systems that are primary producers of patient healthcare information. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Producer Server could support. Servers have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Consumer Server CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Consumer Server when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Consumers include systems that are primary consumers of patient healthcare information and systems that consume data from Producers. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Consumer Server could support. Servers have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Receiver Server CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Receiver Server when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Receivers include systems that are primary receivers of Measure data such as payers as well as public health and other healthcare-related agencies. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Receiver Server could support. Servers have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Reporter Client CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Reporter Client when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Reporters include systems that are primary reporters of patient healthcare information and systems that consume data from Producers. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Reporter Client could support. Clients have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Producer Client CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Producer Client when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Producers include systems that are primary producers of patient healthcare information. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that are Da Vinci DEQM Producer Client could support. Clients have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Consumer Client CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Consumer Client when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide. Consumers include systems that are primary consumers of patient healthcare information and systems that consume data from Producers. This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Consumer Client could support. Clients have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Gaps In Care Client CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Gaps In Care Client when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide for interactions between Clients and Servers to exchange the Gaps in Care Reports for a measure. Clients are the actors requesting the gaps in care results of quality measure(s). This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Da Vinci DEQM Gaps In Care Client could support. Clients have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Gaps In Care Server CapabilityStatement

This profile defines the expected capabilities of a Da Vinci DEQM Gaps In Care Server when conforming to the Da Vinci DEQM Implementation Guide for interactions between Clients and Servers to exchange the Gaps in Care Reports for a measure. Servers are the actors receiving the request for Gaps in Care Reports for quality measure(s). This CapabilityStatement resource includes the complete list of the recommended Da Vinci DEQM profiles and RESTful operations that a Gaps In Care Server could support. Servers have the option of choosing from this list based on their local use cases and other contextual requirements.

Behavior: Operation Definitions

These are custom operations that can be supported by and/or invoked by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Care Gaps Operation

The care-gaps operation is used to determine gaps in care for a specified gaps through period based on the results of quality measures.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DEQM Practitioner Profile

The DEQM Practitioner Profile defines the constraints for representing the practitioner who performed the measure or to which is attesting.

DEQM Summary MeasureReport Profile

MeasureReport is used as an organizer for both data exchange for measure and for measure reporting. Three profiles on the MeasureReport resource are defined in this guide to delineate these different uses. The DEQM Summary MeasureReport Profile defined here is used when a measure is reported to an aggregator for a group of patients. It contains all of the data that is relevant to generate the report including the measure outcome and is similar to a QRDA Category 3 report. Unlike the DEQM Individual MeasureReport Profile, the report is typically transacted as a single MeasureReport report.

DEQM Individual MeasureReport Profile

MeasureReport is used as an organizer for both data exchange for measure and for measure reporting. Three profiles on the MeasureReport resource are defined in this guide to delineate these different uses. The DEQM Individual MeasureReport Profile defined here is used when a measure is reported to an aggregator for one specific patient. It contains all of the data that is relevant to generate the report including the measure outcome and is similar to a QRDA Category 1 report. In addition to the MeasureReport, the report would be collected in a Bundle with the Organization, Patient and any other resources that were used to calculate this measure.

DEQM Data Exchange MeasureReport Profile

MeasureReport is used as an organizer for both data exchange for measure and for measure reporting. Three profiles on the MeasureReport resource are defined in this guide to delineate these different uses. When a data producer needs to send data to a data consumer, they use the DEQM Data-Exchange MeasureReport Profile defined here. The type element in this profile is set to “data-collection”. Along with the MeasureReport profile, the data producer sends the Organization, Patient and any relevant resources for the measure they have produced data on. When a data producer sends a MeasureReport and the associated data, they may not have all the data that is required to calculate the measure report. Additional data may need to be collected later or there may be additional data used in the measure that the aggregator owns such as a continuous coverage period requirement.

DEQM Coverage Profile

The DEQM Coverage Profile defines the constraints for representing the subscriber information to the Payer. This along with the patient first name, last name, date of birth and gender allows the payer to identify the member in their system.

DEQM MedicationAdministration Profile

The DEQM MedicationAdministration Profile describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication

DEQM Gaps In Care Bundle Profile

The DEQM Gaps In Care Bundle Profile describes a bundle returned by the Measure care-gaps operation. This bundle consists of a document composition for gaps in care and supporting resources referenced by the composition.

DEQM Gaps In Care Composition Profile

The DEQM Gaps In Care Composition Profile defines a document composition consisting of one or more indivdiual MeasureReport(s). Each section of this composition corresponds to an indivdiual MeasureReport for a specific measure. The subject of each individual MeasureReport referenced by the section must be for the same individual specified in the subject of this Composition.

DEQM Gaps In Care Detected Issue Profile

The DEQM Gaps In Care DetectedIssue Profile indicates that the measure reported has an open gap or a closed gap as identified in the gapStatus modifier extension.

DEQM Gaps In Care Group Profile

The DEQM Gaps In Care Group Profile describes a group consisting of one or more patients.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DEQM Measure Scoring Extension

Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be represented. It is expected to be the same as the scoring element on the referenced Measure

DEQM Alternate Score Type Extension

Possible value types for the measureScore elements in addition to the standard Quantity type. The alternate type is determined by the Quality Measure Aggregate Method extension used on the Measure. The reported type of the measureScore for continuous variable measures is determined by the result type of the aggregate method operation. This extension corresponds to the measureScore types in the FHIR R5 version of MeasureReport.

DEQM Reporter Group Extension

Group of practitioners responsible for a report. This extension is used to provide the capability to allow the participating practitioners to be documented.

DEQM Reporting Vendor Extension

A reference to the vendor who queried the data, calculated results and/or generated the report. The ‘reporting vendor’ is intended to represent the submitting entity when it is not the same as the reporting entity. This extension is used when the Receiver is interested in getting vendor information in the report.

DEQM Certification Identifier Extension

An identifier that represents the EHR certication number (CERHT). See Certified EHR Technology For more information. This Extension is used when the receiver is interested in getting EHR certification information in the report.

DEQM Population Reference Extension

Identifies which measure population that a specific resource is used for evaluating their logics by referencing population criteria id ( specified in Measure resource.

DEQM Submit Data Update Type Extension

This Extension supports the concepts ‘incremental’ and ‘snapshot’ and corresponds to the measureScore types in the FHIR R5 version of MeasureReport.

  • The DEQM Consumer Server SHALL use this Extension to advertise whether it supports snapshot or incremental updates for the DEQM Submit Data transaction.
  • The DEQM Producer Client SHALL use this Extension to indicate whether the payload is a snapshot or incremental update for DEQM Submit Data transaction. When responding to the DEQM Collect Data transaction, the DEQM Producer Server SHALL value it ‘incremental’ if the lastReceivedOn parameter is present or ‘snapshot if the lastReceivedOn parameter is absent.
DEQM Gap Status Modifier Extension

Identifies detected care gap status.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DEQM Update Type Value Set

Concepts for how a DEQM Consumer supports data exchange updates. The choices are snapshot or incremental updates

DEQM Gaps In Care Gap Status Value Set

Concepts for care gap status

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

DEQM Update Type Code System

Concepts for how a DEQM Consumer supports data exchange updates. The choices are snapshot or incremental updates

DEQM Gaps In Care Gap Status Code System

This is a code system for Gaps in Care gap status.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


DEQM Organization02 example


DEQM Patient02 example

Summ Medicare Stratification Example

DEQM Summ Medicare Stratification Example example


DEQM Location03 example

Summ Measurereport01

DEQM Summ Measurereport01 example

Datax Measurereport02

DEQM Datax Measurereport02 example

Mrp Submit Task

DEQM Mrp Submit Task example

Multiple Indv Mrp Obs Report

DEQM Multiple Indv Mrp Obs Report example

Measure Mrp Example

DEQM Measure Mrp Example example

Measure Date of Last Power Outage

DEQM Measure Date of Last Power Outage example

Datax Measurereport03

DEQM Datax Measurereport03 example


DEQM Location02 example

Single Indv Vte Report Option 1

DEQM Single Indv Vte Report example using MedicationAdministration

Single Indv Vte Report Option 7

DEQM Single Indv Vte Report example using MedicationRequest

Col Submit Collect Obs

DEQM Col Submit Collect Obs example


DEQM Patient03 example


DEQM Coverage01 example


DEQM Organization03 example

Library Mrp Example

DEQM Library Mrp Example example


DEQM Organization04 example

Mrp Submit Obs

DEQM Mrp Submit Obs example


DEQM Observation01 example


DEQM Observation02 example


DEQM Observation03 example

Multiple Summ Report

DEQM Multiple Summ Report example

DEQM Software System Example

DEQM DEQM Software System Example example

Indv Measurereport01

DEQM Indv Measurereport01 example

Indv Measurereport02

DEQM Indv Measurereport02 example

Multiple Indv Mrp Task Report

DEQM Multiple Indv Mrp Task Report example


DEQM Encounter01 example


DEQM Encounter02 example


DEQM Encounter03 example

DNA Occult Blood

DEQM DNA Occult Blood example

Single Indv Mrp Task Report

DEQM Single Indv Mrp Task Report example

Single Indv Col Obs Report

DEQM Single Indv Col Obs Report example


DEQM Practitioner01 example


DEQM Practitioner02 example


DEQM Practitioner03 example


DEQM Group01 example

Indv Measurereport03

DEQM Indv Measurereport03 example

Indv Measurreport Stratification Example

DEQM Indv Measurreport Stratification Example


DEQM Coverage02 example


DEQM Location01 example

Single Indv Mrp Obs Report

DEQM Single Indv Mrp Obs Report example

Summ Measurereport02

DEQM Summ Measurereport02 example

Summary MeasureReport Date of Last Power Outage

DEQM Summary Measurereport Date of Last Power Outage example

Datax Measurereport01

DEQM Datax Measurereport01 example


DEQM Task01 example


DEQM Task02 example


DEQM Task03 example


DEQM Organization01 example


DEQM Coverage03 example

Gaps Individual MeasureReport01

GIC Individual MeasureReport01 example

Gaps Individual MeasureReport02

GIC Individual MeasureReport02 example

Gaps Individual MeasureReport03

GIC Individual MeasureReport03 example

Gaps Individual MeasureReport04

GIC Individual MeasureReport04 example

Gaps Patient01

GIC Patient01 example

Gaps Patient02

GIC Patient02 example

Gaps Encounter01

GIC Encounter01 example

Gaps Encounter02

GIC Encounter02 example

Gaps Encounter03

GIC Encounter03 example

Gaps Procedure01

GIC Procedure01 example

Gaps Procedure02

GIC Procedure02 example

Gaps Reporting Vendor Organization

GIC Reporting Vendor Organization example

Gaps Composition01

GIC Composition01 example

Gaps Composition02

GIC Composition02 example

Gaps Composition03

GIC Composition03 example

Gaps DetectedIssue01

GIC DetectedIssue01 example

Gaps DetectedIssue02

GIC DetectedIssue02 example

Gaps DetectedIssue03

GIC DetectedIssue03 example

Gaps DetectedIssue04

GIC DetectedIssue04 example

Gaps DetectedIssue05

GIC DetectedIssue05 example

Gaps Group01 subject

GIC Group01 subject example

Gaps Bundle Open Individual MeasureReports

GIC Bundle Open Individual MeasureReports example

Gaps Bundle Closed Individual MeasureReport01

GIC Bundle Closed Individual MeasureReport01 example

Gaps Bundle Closed Individual MeasureReport02

GIC Bundle Closed Individual MeasureReport02 example

Gaps Parameters Open Individual MeasureReports

GIC Parameters Open Individual MeasureReports example

Gaps Parameters Closed Individual MeasureReport01

GIC Parameters Closed Individual MeasureReport01 example

Gaps Parameters Closed Individual MeasureReport02

GIC Parameters Closed Individual MeasureReport02 example

Gaps Multiple Parameters Individual MeasureReports01

GIC Gaps Multiple Parameters Individual MeasureReports01 example

Gaps Multiple Parameters Individual MeasureReports02

GIC Gaps Multiple Parameters Individual MeasureReports02 example

Measure Colorectal Cancer Screening (EXM130)

Measure Colorectal Cancer Screening (EXM130) example

Measure Cervical Cancer Screening (EXM124)

Measure Cervical Cancer Screening (EXM124) example

Library Colorectal Cancer Screening (EXM130)

Library Colorectal Cancer Screening (EXM130) example

Library Cervical Cancer Screening (EXM124)

Library Cervical Cancer Screening (EXM124) example


DEQM Patient01 example

DEQM MedicationAdministration Example

DEQM MedicationAdministration Example example