CodeSystem Comparison between vs


ErrorCodeSystem.versionValues for version differ: '2.0.0' vs '2.1.0'
InformationCodeSystem.dateValues for date differ: '2023-10-20T14:20:30+00:00' vs '2024-12-11T18:49:53+00:00'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='conditional').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Decision cannot be made without more information (more detailed code, service rendering information, etc.)' vs 'There is the potential for information requirements from a participant type not listed. However, a decision on whether there in fact are additional information requirements cannot be made without more information (more detailed code, service rendering information, etc.)'


          • Values Differ
          .descriptionCodes temporarily defined as part of the CRD implementation guide. These will eventually migrate into an officially maintained terminology (likely either SNOMED CT or HL7's UTG code systems).
                      .publisherHL7 International / Financial Management
                            .titleCRD Temporary Codes
                                • Values Differ


                                  .prior-auth-includeInclude in prior authorization
                                    .initial-claim-includeInclude in initial claim
                                      .all-claims-includeInclude in all claims
                                        .reason-prior-authPrior authorization
                                          .after-completion-actionAfter-completion action
                                            .gold-cardGold card
                                              .detail-codeDetail code
                                                .allowed-quantityMaximum quantity
                                                  .allowed-periodMaximum allowed period
                                                    .in-network-copayCopay for in-network
                                                      .out-network-copayCopay for out-of-network
                                                        .auth-out-network-onlyAuthorization out-of-network only
                                                          .concurrent-reviewConcurrent review
                                                            .appropriate-use-neededAppropriate use
                                                              • definition changed from left to right
                                                                .not-coveredNot covered
                                                                  .clinicalClinical Documentation
                                                                    .adminAdministrative Documentation
                                                                      .bothAdministrative & clinical doc
                                                                        .no-authNo Prior Authorization
                                                                          .auth-neededPrior Authorization Needed
                                                                            .satisfiedAuthorization Satisfied
                                                                              .performerPerformer Needed
                                                                                .locationLocation Needed
                                                                                  .timeframeTimeframe Needed
                                                                                    .contract-windowNew Contract Window
                                                                                      .usedAuthorization Token Used
                                                                                        .not-usedAuthorization Token Not Used
                                                                                              ._cardTypeCard Type (abstract)BooleanType[true]
                                                                                                ._HookTypeCDS Hook Type (abstract)BooleanType[true]
                                                                                                  ._docReasonAdditional Information PurposesBooleanType[true]
                                                                                                    .policy-linkPolicy Link
                                                                                                    • Added this concept
                                                                                                    • Added this concept
                                                                                                    .patientAdministrative & clinical doc
                                                                                                    • Added this concept
                                                                                                    ._cmsLocationCMS Location codes
                                                                                                    • Added this concept