Da Vinci Clinical Data Exchange (CDex)
2.1.0-snapshot - CI Build United States of America flag

This page is part of the Da Vinci Clinical Documentation Exchange (v2.1.0-snapshot: QA Preview) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Conforming to CDex Task Based Approach

Page standards status: Trial-use


CDex Task-based transactions have many optional capabilities. Systems may choose some or all of these capabilities and implement any combination. Refer to the CDex CapabilityStatements resources for conformance expectations for the various actors and roles. In contrast to the expectations in the CDex CapabilityStatements, Systems should define what they support in their local capability statement in one or more of the following ways:

  1. (Preferred) Formally derived implementable profile from CDex Task Data Request Profile
  2. Document their systems' capabilities for requesting attachments in CapabilityStatement.rest.resource.documentation for the Task resource.
  3. (Preferred) Formal OperationDefinition derived from $submit-attachment
  4. Document their systems' capabilities for submitting attachments in CapabilityStatement.rest.documentation

Actors for CDex Task Data Request Profile

  • Data Source in the Role of Data Source Server
  • Data Consumer in the Role of Data Consumer Client

Task-based Interaction Functional Requirements

Capability Required Optional
Support of Provenance  

Capabilities for Task-based Requests

Capability Must Support* Optional
Requesting Attachments Using Attachment Codes  
Requesting Attachments Using FHIR RESTful Query Syntax  
Requesting Attachments Using Free Text  
Requesting Attachments Using Questionnaire  
Support of Contained Task Outputs  
Representing The Purpose Of Use (POU) For The Requested Data  
Support of Work Queues Tags  
Support of Formal Authorizations  

* See the next section

CDex Must Support Definition

The CDex Profile elements consist of Mandatory, Must Support, and Optional elements. Elements that are neither Mandatory or Must Support are Optional. Mandatory elements are elements with a minimum cardinality greater than 0. Must Support elements are marked with the mustSupport flag and SHALL be interpreted as follows:

Task Source
Data Source server where the Task is stored and updated, or Data Consumer client that POST the Task to Data Source server.
Task Consumer
Data Consumer client receiving a Task from the Data Source server due to a FHIR interaction.
  • If the minimum cardinality of an element is greater than 0, the element is required and the Task Source SHALL populating the data element with value unless:
    • The profile references a dataAbsentReason (DAR) extension, then the Task Source SHALL use that extension to communicate the reason for missing data.
  • If the minimum cardinality of an element is equal to 0, the Task Source SHALL be capable of populating the data element when sharing Task compliant with a CDex profile. Therefore, the system must demonstrate the population and sharing of the element. However, it is acceptable to omit the element if the system doesn't have values in a particular instance. A system that is incapable of ever sharing the the element would be non-conformant.
  • The Task Consumer SHALL be capable of processing Task instances containing the data elements without generating an error or causing the application to fail.

NOTE: mustSupport indicates what Da Vinci CDex conformant systems are expected to be able to handle. Systems are free to include additional data - and receivers SHOULD NOT reject instances that contain unexpected data elements if those elements are not modifier elements. However, the Task Source should be aware that they can't count on the Task Consumer storing, processing, or doing anything other than ignoring data that is not marked as mustSupport.