STU 2 Ballot

This page is part of the Data Access Framework (v1.6.0: STU 2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v1.6.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

D.25 Conformance Resource Registry

This table contains a list of all the conformance resources defined as part of the Data Access Framework:

daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-bodysiteVaccine Administered Body SiteThis identifies the body site at which the substance was administered
daf-cvxVaccine Administered Value SetThis identifies the vaccine substance administered - CVX codes
daf-cvxVaccine Administered Value SetThis identifies the vaccine substance administered - CVX codes
daf-encounter-dischargedispositionDAF Encounter Discharge DispositionDischarge Disposition - NUBC manual UB-04, UB form locator 17
daf-encounter-dischargedispositionDAF Encounter Discharge DispositionDischarge Disposition - NUBC manual UB-04, UB form locator 17
daf-encounter-reasonDAF Encounter DiagnosesEncounter Diagnoses: a specific code indicating type of service provided: SNOMED CT, ICD-10-AM, or CPT
daf-encounter-reasonDAF Encounter DiagnosesEncounter Diagnoses: a specific code indicating type of service provided: SNOMED CT, ICD-10-AM, or CPT
daf-encounter-typeDAF Encounter TypeThe type of encounter: a specific code indicating type of service provided, from CPT
daf-encounter-typeDAF Encounter TypeThe type of encounter: a specific code indicating type of service provided, from CPT
daf-ethnicityEthnicity groupWhether the patient is hispanic or not
daf-ethnicityEthnicity groupWhether the patient is hispanic or not
daf-list-MedListCodeDAF Medication List CodesThis value set indicates the allowed Medication list values in list.code. The vocabulary selected for this value set aligns with the C-CDA section codes.
daf-list-MedListCodeDAF Medication List CodesThis value set indicates the allowed Medication list values in list.code. The vocabulary selected for this value set aligns with the C-CDA section codes.
daf-manifestation-ccda-codesManifestation C-CDA codesThis value set includes all SNOMED CT Clinical Findings or Situation with Explicit Context hierarchies.
daf-manifestation-ccda-codesManifestation C-CDA codesThis value set includes all SNOMED CT Clinical Findings or Situation with Explicit Context hierarchies.
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-codesMedication Clinical Drug (RxNorm)All prescribable medication formulations represented using either a 'generic' or 'brand-specific' concept. This includes RxNorm codes whose Term Type is SCD (semantic clinical drug), SBD (semantic brand drug), GPCK (generic pack), BPCK (brand pack), SCDG (semantic clinical drug group), SBDG (semantic brand drug group), SCDF (semantic clinical drug form), or SBDF (semantic brand drug form)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-medication-routeMedication Route FDA Value SetRoute of Administration value set is based upon FDA Drug Registration and Listing Database (FDA Orange Book) which are used in FDA structured product and labelling (SPL)
daf-observation-CCDAVitalSignResultC-CDA Vital Sign Result This value set indicates the allowed vital sign result types. The vocabulary selected for this value set align with requirements in the Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2. Note the concept Blood pressure systolic and diastolic (55284-4) is used to group the related observations Systolic blood pressure (8480-6) and Diastolic blood pressure (8462-4). It SHALL NOT be used alone, but both 8480-6 and 8462-2 SHALL also be valued.
daf-observation-CCDAVitalSignResultC-CDA Vital Sign Result This value set indicates the allowed vital sign result types. The vocabulary selected for this value set align with requirements in the Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2. Note the concept Blood pressure systolic and diastolic (55284-4) is used to group the related observations Systolic blood pressure (8480-6) and Diastolic blood pressure (8462-4). It SHALL NOT be used alone, but both 8480-6 and 8462-2 SHALL also be valued.
daf-observation-ccdasmokingstatusSmoking StatusThis value set indicates the current smoking status of a patient. The vocabulary selected for this value set is the best approximation of the statuses in Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2. The smoking status value set includes a special code to communicate if the smoking status is unknown
daf-observation-ccdasmokingstatusSmoking StatusThis value set indicates the current smoking status of a patient. The vocabulary selected for this value set is the best approximation of the statuses in Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 2. The smoking status value set includes a special code to communicate if the smoking status is unknown
daf-problemProblem Value SetThis describes the problem. Diagnosis/Problem List is broadly defined as a series of brief statements that catalog a patient's medical, nursing, dental, social, preventative and psychiatric events and issues that are relevant to that patient's healthcare (e.g., signs, symptoms, and defined conditions)
daf-problemProblem Value SetThis describes the problem. Diagnosis/Problem List is broadly defined as a series of brief statements that catalog a patient's medical, nursing, dental, social, preventative and psychiatric events and issues that are relevant to that patient's healthcare (e.g., signs, symptoms, and defined conditions)
daf-procedure-typeDAFProcedureTypeThis example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the type of procedure: a specific code indicating type of procedure performed, from CPT, SNOMED CT, ICD10-PCS.
daf-procedure-typeDAFProcedureTypeThis example value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate the type of procedure: a specific code indicating type of procedure performed, from CPT, SNOMED CT, ICD10-PCS.
daf-product-formMedication Product Form Value SetThis is the physical form of the product as presented to the individual. For example: tablet, capsule, liquid or ointment. NCI concept code for pharmaceutical dosage form: C42636
daf-product-formMedication Product Form Value SetThis is the physical form of the product as presented to the individual. For example: tablet, capsule, liquid or ointment. NCI concept code for pharmaceutical dosage form: C42636
daf-raceMU Race Value SetMeaningful use race code. The 5 base codes (see from PHIN VADS (oid: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14914).
daf-raceMU Race Value SetMeaningful use race code. The 5 base codes (see from PHIN VADS (oid: 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.14914).
daf-substanceDAF Substance-Reactant for Intolerance and Negation CodesA substance or other type of agent (e.g., sunshine) that may be associated with an intolerance reaction event or a propensity to such an event. These concepts are expected to be at a more general level of abstraction (ingredients versus more specific formulations). This value set is quite general and includes concepts that may never cause an adverse event, particularly the included SNOMED CT concepts. The code system-specific value sets in this grouping value set are intended to provide broad coverage of all kinds of agents, but the expectation for use is that the chosen concept identifier for a substance should be appropriately specific and drawn from the available code systems in the following priority order: NDFRT, then RXNORM, then UNII, then SNOMED CT. This overarching grouping value set is intended to support identification of drug classes, individual medication ingredients, foods, general substances and environmental entities
daf-substanceDAF Substance-Reactant for Intolerance and Negation CodesA substance or other type of agent (e.g., sunshine) that may be associated with an intolerance reaction event or a propensity to such an event. These concepts are expected to be at a more general level of abstraction (ingredients versus more specific formulations). This value set is quite general and includes concepts that may never cause an adverse event, particularly the included SNOMED CT concepts. The code system-specific value sets in this grouping value set are intended to provide broad coverage of all kinds of agents, but the expectation for use is that the chosen concept identifier for a substance should be appropriately specific and drawn from the available code systems in the following priority order: NDFRT, then RXNORM, then UNII, then SNOMED CT. This overarching grouping value set is intended to support identification of drug classes, individual medication ingredients, foods, general substances and environmental entities
daf-substance-ndfrtDAF Substance ND-FRT codesAll ND-FRT NUIs for concepts that are subsumed by 'Mechanism of Action - N0000000223', 'Physiologic Effect - N0000009802' or 'Chemical Structure - N0000000002'.
daf-substance-rxnormDAF Substance RxNorm CodesAll RxNorm codes that have TTY = IN,PIN,MIN,BN, but TTY != OCD.
daf-substance-sctDAF SNOMED CT Substances Other Than Clinical DrugsSNOMED CT Substance concepts Other Than Clinical Drug Substances that are not represented by RXNORM drug concepts or FDA UNII substance concepts. This value set is meant to be quite broad and includes many substances that may never be prescribed or be a reactant. It does not remove all overlap with RXNORM and UNII; for those concepts, the alternative code system should be chosen.
daf-substance-uniiDAF Substance UNII CodesAll UNII codes.
daf-ucum-vitals-commonCommon UCUM unitsCommon UCUM units for recording Vital Signs
daf-ucum-vitals-commonCommon UCUM unitsCommon UCUM units for recording Vital Signs
daf-allergylistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-conditionConditionThe occurrence of a condition.
daf-diagnosticreportDiagnosticReportThe scope is accessing a diagnostic report.
daf-encounterlistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-immunizationlistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-medicationMedicationUsed for identification and definition of a medication.
daf-medicationadministrationMedicationAdministrationProfile of MedicationAdministration for clinical quality rules and measures.
daf-medicationlistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-medicationstatementMedicationStatementStatement that a medication is/was actively taken by a patient.
daf-practPractitionerThis is basic constraint on provider for use in DAF resources.
daf-problemlistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-procedurelistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-resultlistListInformation summarized from a list of other resources.
daf-resultobsObservationUS Realm clinical coded results.
daf-smokingstatusObservationSmoking Status Observation.
daf-specSpecimenSpecimen resource defined for the USLab Implementation Guides.
Conformance Statements
conformance-daf-query-requestorDAF Requestor
conformance-daf-query-responderDAF Responder
conformance-daf-query-responder-coreDAF Responder Basic