This page is part of the Data Access Framework (v1.6.0: STU 2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v1.6.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
This implementation guide is prepared as a U.S. Realm Specification on behalf of the
U.S. Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) .
This DAF FHIR IG is submitted as a DSTU. The focus of the implementation guide is limited in scope to the profiles, operations, value sets and conformance
statements it defines. This guide is based on FHIR DSTU 2 and will be published separately from the FHIR specification itself. For full details of the DAF profiles please refer to DAF FHIR IG Table of Contents. For DAF background readers can also access the DAF Project wiki containing development materials and discussions. The DAF project wiki contents are not part of the normative implementation guide content but is provided as additional background reading material.
Readers are advised to read the sections below to get a good overview of the DAF context, however readers trying to access the DAF profiles can skip to the Complete Table of Contents directly.
The DAF FHIR IG contains four sections:
This section outlines important definitions used in the DAF FHIR IG including interpretations that need to be used in the context of DAF and conformance requirements common to all DAF actors. The conformance verbs used are defined in FHIR Conformance Rules.
In the context of DAF profiles, Supported on any data element SHALL be interpreted as follows:
Value Set bindings and interpretation: In the context of DAF profiles, value set bindings (required, extensible) for specific data elements follow FHIR terminology requirements.
FHIR Infrastructure usage: DAF uses FHIR RESTful API based on HTTP protocol along with FHIR data types, FHIR search and both xml and json FHIR Resource Formats.
Search Guidance: DAF profiles support the searching (querying) of resources such as Medications, Encounters, Problems, AllergyIntolerances, and Procedures for a particular patient. In order to achieve this in implementation, DAF actors SHOULD use Patient.identifier field to precisely identify the resources relevant to the patient. While other search parameters such as, Patient.given could be used as part of the query, incorrect Patient matching could lead to incorrect results.
Patient Matching Guidance: Patient Matching rules and related criteria have to be evaluated by the organization implementing DAF actors to ensure compliance with local policies and regulations. The DAF FHIR IG does not require specific algorithms to be used as part of the implementation.
This section outlines conformance requirements for each of the DAF actors identifying the specific profiles that need to be supported, the specific RESTful operations that need to be supported, and the search parameters that need to be supported. Note: The individual DAF profiles identify the structural constraints, terminology bindings and invariants, however, implementers must refer to the conformance requirements for details on the RESTful operations, specific profiles and the search parameters applicable to each of the DAF actors.
This section outlines the DAF profiles created using FHIR resources and include both extensions and constraints on top of the base FHIR Resources.
DAF profiles were created for each conceptual data element identified in the ONC 2014 Edition Standards and Certification Criteria (S&CC) related to Meaningful Use Stage 2 (MU2) .
The table below provides a top-level mapping of the ONC 2014 edition S&CC conceptual data elements to the corresponding DAF Resource profile along with the identification of the base FHIR resource.
In addition, within each profile, granular data elements are listed in the "Meaningful Use Data Element Mapping" section of each DAF profile description.
While many of these granular data elements were not explicitly mentioned in ONC or CMS Meaningful Use regulations, they are derived from the ONC 2014 Edition S&CC, which references other HL7 standards such as C-CDA, and HL7 v2.5.1 implementation guides for lab reporting and immunizations.
These standards identify granular data elements to represent the MU2 conceptual data elements and hence are identified in the individual DAF profiles.
For example, MU2 simply says "Medication Allergies" are required. On review of C-CDA an implementer would find that the Allergy Substance, Reaction, etc. are part of what comprises a Medication Allergy along with specific constraints on what is required and optional.
In addition to deriving the granular data elements from the MU2 conceptual data elements and referenced standards, the DAF community further refined these data elements as DAF priority data elements in the individual profiles. For sake of brevity the DAF profiles are referred to as DAF-Resource name.
Implementations must meet the security requirements documented in the security section of the DAF FHIR IG.
Author Name |
Brett Marquard (Primary) |
Nagesh Bashyam (Primary) |
Grahame Grieve (Supporting) |
Lloyd McKenzie (Supporting) |