STU 2 Ballot

This page is part of the Data Access Framework (v1.6.0: STU 2 Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v1.6.0. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.0.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

D.4.1 StructureDefinition: DAF-encounter

The official URL for this profile is:

This profile was published on Thu Aug 21 00:00:00 AEST 2014 as a draft by Health Level Seven International (Infrastructure and Messaging - Data Access Framework).

D.4.1.1 Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.

This structure is derived from Encounter


Mandatory: 2 elements (+1 nested mandatory element)
Must-Support: 14 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter I0..*An interaction during which services are provided to the patient
dom-2: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
dom-1: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative
dom-4: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
dom-3: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource
... id 0..1idLogical id of this artifact
... meta 0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: Common Languages (extensible)
... text I0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier S0..*IdentifierIdentifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status ?!S1..1codeplanned | arrived | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
Binding: EncounterStatus (required)
... statusHistory 0..*BackboneElementList of past encounter statuses
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... status 1..1codeplanned | arrived | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
Binding: EncounterStatus (required)
.... period 1..1PeriodThe time that the episode was in the specified status
... class S0..1Codinginpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible)
... type S0..1CodeableConceptSpecific type of encounter
Binding: DAF Encounter Type (preferred)
... priority 0..1CodeableConceptIndicates the urgency of the encounter
Binding: v3 Code System ActPriority (example)
... patient S1..1Reference(Profile daf-patient)The patient present at the encounter
... episodeOfCare 0..*Reference(EpisodeOfCare)Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
... incomingReferral 0..*Reference(ReferralRequest)The ReferralRequest that initiated this encounter
... participant S0..*BackboneElementList of participants involved in the encounter
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... type S0..*CodeableConceptRole of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible)
.... period 0..1PeriodPeriod of time during the encounter participant was present
.... individual S0..1Reference(Profile daf-pract)Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... appointment 0..1Reference(Appointment)The appointment that scheduled this encounter
... period S0..1PeriodThe start and end time of the encounter
... length 0..1DurationQuantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)
... reason S0..1CodeableConceptReason the encounter takes place (code)
Binding: DAF Encounter Diagnoses (extensible)
... indication 0..*Reference(Condition | Procedure)Reason the encounter takes place (resource)
... account 0..*Reference(Account)The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter
... hospitalization S0..1BackboneElementDetails about the admission to a healthcare service
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... preAdmissionIdentifier 0..1IdentifierPre-admission identifier
.... origin 0..1Reference(Location)The location from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1CodeableConceptFrom where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: AdmitSource (preferred)
.... admittingDiagnosis 0..*Reference(Condition)The admitting diagnosis as reported by admitting practitioner
.... reAdmission 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission
Binding: v2 Re-Admission Indicator (example)
.... dietPreference 0..*CodeableConceptDiet preferences reported by the patient
Binding: Diet (example)
.... specialCourtesy 0..*CodeableConceptSpecial courtesies (VIP, board member)
Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred)
.... specialArrangement 0..*CodeableConceptWheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred)
.... destination 0..1Reference(Location)Location to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition S0..1CodeableConceptCategory or kind of location after discharge
Binding: DAF Encounter Discharge Disposition (extensible)
.... dischargeDiagnosis 0..*Reference(Condition)The final diagnosis given a patient before release from the hospital after all testing, surgery, and workup are complete
... location S0..1BackboneElementList of locations where the patient has been
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... location S1..1Reference(Profile daf-location)Location the encounter takes place
.... status 0..1codeplanned | active | reserved | completed
Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required)
.... period 0..1PeriodTime period during which the patient was present at the location
... serviceProvider 0..1Reference(Organization)The custodian organization of this Encounter record
... partOf 0..1Reference(Encounter)Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

yet to be done: Xml template

yet to be done: Json template

This structure is derived from Encounter.


Mandatory: 2 elements (+1 nested mandatory element)
Must-Support: 14 elements


This structure refers to these other structures:

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Encounter I0..*An interaction during which services are provided to the patient
dom-2: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
dom-1: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative
dom-4: If a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
dom-3: If the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource
... id 0..1idLogical id of this artifact
... meta 0..1MetaMetadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!0..1uriA set of rules under which this content was created
... language 0..1codeLanguage of the resource content
Binding: Common Languages (extensible)
... text I0..1NarrativeText summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..*ResourceContained, inline Resources
... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
... identifier S0..*IdentifierIdentifier(s) by which this encounter is known
... status ?!S1..1codeplanned | arrived | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
Binding: EncounterStatus (required)
... statusHistory 0..*BackboneElementList of past encounter statuses
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... status 1..1codeplanned | arrived | in-progress | onleave | finished | cancelled | entered-in-error
Binding: EncounterStatus (required)
.... period 1..1PeriodThe time that the episode was in the specified status
... class S0..1Codinginpatient | outpatient | ambulatory | emergency +
Binding: ActEncounterCode (extensible)
... type S0..1CodeableConceptSpecific type of encounter
Binding: DAF Encounter Type (preferred)
... priority 0..1CodeableConceptIndicates the urgency of the encounter
Binding: v3 Code System ActPriority (example)
... patient S1..1Reference(Profile daf-patient)The patient present at the encounter
... episodeOfCare 0..*Reference(EpisodeOfCare)Episode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
... incomingReferral 0..*Reference(ReferralRequest)The ReferralRequest that initiated this encounter
... participant S0..*BackboneElementList of participants involved in the encounter
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... type S0..*CodeableConceptRole of participant in encounter
Binding: ParticipantType (extensible)
.... period 0..1PeriodPeriod of time during the encounter participant was present
.... individual S0..1Reference(Profile daf-pract)Persons involved in the encounter other than the patient
... appointment 0..1Reference(Appointment)The appointment that scheduled this encounter
... period S0..1PeriodThe start and end time of the encounter
... length 0..1DurationQuantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)
... reason S0..1CodeableConceptReason the encounter takes place (code)
Binding: DAF Encounter Diagnoses (extensible)
... indication 0..*Reference(Condition | Procedure)Reason the encounter takes place (resource)
... account 0..*Reference(Account)The set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter
... hospitalization S0..1BackboneElementDetails about the admission to a healthcare service
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... preAdmissionIdentifier 0..1IdentifierPre-admission identifier
.... origin 0..1Reference(Location)The location from which the patient came before admission
.... admitSource 0..1CodeableConceptFrom where patient was admitted (physician referral, transfer)
Binding: AdmitSource (preferred)
.... admittingDiagnosis 0..*Reference(Condition)The admitting diagnosis as reported by admitting practitioner
.... reAdmission 0..1CodeableConceptThe type of hospital re-admission that has occurred (if any). If the value is absent, then this is not identified as a readmission
Binding: v2 Re-Admission Indicator (example)
.... dietPreference 0..*CodeableConceptDiet preferences reported by the patient
Binding: Diet (example)
.... specialCourtesy 0..*CodeableConceptSpecial courtesies (VIP, board member)
Binding: SpecialCourtesy (preferred)
.... specialArrangement 0..*CodeableConceptWheelchair, translator, stretcher, etc.
Binding: SpecialArrangements (preferred)
.... destination 0..1Reference(Location)Location to which the patient is discharged
.... dischargeDisposition S0..1CodeableConceptCategory or kind of location after discharge
Binding: DAF Encounter Discharge Disposition (extensible)
.... dischargeDiagnosis 0..*Reference(Condition)The final diagnosis given a patient before release from the hospital after all testing, surgery, and workup are complete
... location S0..1BackboneElementList of locations where the patient has been
.... id 0..1stringxml:id (or equivalent in JSON)
.... extension 0..*ExtensionAdditional Content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!0..*ExtensionExtensions that cannot be ignored
.... location S1..1Reference(Profile daf-location)Location the encounter takes place
.... status 0..1codeplanned | active | reserved | completed
Binding: EncounterLocationStatus (required)
.... period 0..1PeriodTime period during which the patient was present at the location
... serviceProvider 0..1Reference(Organization)The custodian organization of this Encounter record
... partOf 0..1Reference(Encounter)Another Encounter this encounter is part of

doco Documentation for this format

XML Template

yet to be done: Xml template

JSON Template

yet to be done: Json template


D.4.1.2 Terminology Bindings

Terminology Bindings

Encounter.languageCommon LanguagesextensibleCommon Languages
Encounter.typeDAF Encounter TypepreferredDAF Encounter Type
Encounter.priorityv3 Code System ActPriorityexamplev3 Code System ActPriority
Encounter.reasonDAF Encounter DiagnosesextensibleDAF Encounter Diagnoses
Encounter.hospitalization.reAdmissionv2 Re-Admission Indicatorexamplev2 Re-Admission Indicator
Encounter.hospitalization.dischargeDispositionDAF Encounter Discharge DispositionextensibleDAF Encounter Discharge Disposition

D.4.1.3 Constraints


dom-2EncounterIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain nested Resources
XPath: not(parent::f:contained and f:contained)
dom-1EncounterIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT contain any narrative
XPath: not(parent::f:contained and f:text)
dom-4EncounterIf a resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL NOT have a meta.versionId or a meta.lastUpdated
XPath: not(exists(f:contained/*/f:meta/f:versionId)) and not(exists(f:contained/*/f:meta/f:lastUpdated))
dom-3EncounterIf the resource is contained in another resource, it SHALL be referred to from elsewhere in the resource
XPath: not(exists(for $id in f:contained/*/@id return $id[not(ancestor::f:contained/parent::*/descendant::f:reference/@value=concat('#', $id))]))