library MATGlobalCommonFunctions version '5.0.000'
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers
codesystem "LOINC": ''
codesystem "SNOMEDCT": ''
codesystem "RoleCode": ''
codesystem "Diagnosis Role": ''
codesystem "RequestIntent": ''
codesystem "MedicationRequestCategory": ''
codesystem "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "ConditionVerificationStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes": ''
codesystem "AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes": ''
valueset "Encounter Inpatient": ''
valueset "Emergency Department Visit": ''
valueset "Observation Services": ''
code "Birthdate": '21112-8' from "LOINC" display 'Birth date'
code "Dead": '419099009' from "SNOMEDCT" display 'Dead'
code "ER": 'ER' from "RoleCode" display 'Emergency room'
code "ICU": 'ICU' from "RoleCode" display 'Intensive care unit'
code "Billing": 'billing' from "Diagnosis Role" display 'Billing'
// Condition Clinical Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "active": 'active' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "recurrence": 'recurrence' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "relapse": 'relapse' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "inactive": 'inactive' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "remission": 'remission' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
code "resolved": 'resolved' from "ConditionClinicalStatusCodes"
// Condition Verification Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "unconfirmed": 'unconfirmed' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "provisional": 'provisional' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "differential": 'differential' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "confirmed": 'confirmed' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "refuted": 'refuted' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "entered-in-error": 'entered-in-error' from ConditionVerificationStatusCodes
code "allergy-active": 'active' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"
code "allergy-inactive": 'inactive' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"
code "allergy-resolved": 'resolved' from "AllergyIntoleranceClinicalStatusCodes"
// Allergy/Intolerance Verification Status Codes - Consider value sets for these
code "allergy-unconfirmed": 'unconfirmed' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes
code "allergy-confirmed": 'confirmed' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes
code "allergy-refuted": 'refuted' from AllergyIntoleranceVerificationStatusCodes
// MedicationRequest Category Codes
code "Community": 'community' from "MedicationRequestCategory" display 'Community'
code "Discharge": 'discharge' from "MedicationRequestCategory" display 'Discharge'
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<DateTime>
default Interval[@2019-01-01T00:00:00.0, @2020-01-01T00:00:00.0)
context Patient
define "Inpatient Encounter":
[Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] EncounterInpatient
where EncounterInpatient.status = 'finished'
and "LengthInDays"(EncounterInpatient.period) <= 120
and EncounterInpatient.period ends during "Measurement Period"
define function "ToDate"(Value DateTime):
DateTime(year from Value, month from Value, day from Value, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezoneoffset from Value)
define function "CalendarAgeInDaysAt"(BirthDateTime DateTime, AsOf DateTime):
days between ToDate(BirthDateTime)and ToDate(AsOf)
define function "CalendarAgeInDays"(BirthDateTime DateTime):
CalendarAgeInDaysAt(BirthDateTime, Today())
define function "CalendarAgeInMonthsAt"(BirthDateTime DateTime, AsOf DateTime):
months between ToDate(BirthDateTime)and ToDate(AsOf)
define function "CalendarAgeInMonths"(BirthDateTime DateTime):
CalendarAgeInMonthsAt(BirthDateTime, Today())
define function "CalendarAgeInYearsAt"(BirthDateTime DateTime, AsOf DateTime):
years between ToDate(BirthDateTime)and ToDate(AsOf)
define function "CalendarAgeInYears"(BirthDateTime DateTime):
CalendarAgeInYearsAt(BirthDateTime, Today())
define function "LengthInDays"(Value Interval<DateTime>):
difference in days between start of Value and end of Value
define function "ED Visit"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
singleton from (
[Encounter: "Emergency Department Visit"] EDVisit
where EDVisit.status = 'finished'
and EDVisit.period ends 1 hour or less on or before start of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(TheEncounter.period)
define function "Hospitalization"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
( "ED Visit"(TheEncounter) ) X
if X is null then TheEncounter.period
else Interval[start of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(X.period), end of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(TheEncounter.period)]
define function "Hospitalization Locations"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
( "ED Visit"(TheEncounter) ) EDEncounter
if EDEncounter is null then TheEncounter.location
else flatten { EDEncounter.location, TheEncounter.location }
define function "Hospitalization Length of Stay"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
define function "Hospital Admission Time"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
start of "Hospitalization"(TheEncounter)
define function "Hospital Discharge Time"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
end of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(TheEncounter.period)
define function "Hospital Arrival Time"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
start of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(First(
( "Hospitalization Locations"(TheEncounter) ) HospitalLocation
sort by start of FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(period)
define function "HospitalizationWithObservation"(TheEncounter FHIR.Encounter):
TheEncounter Visit
let ObsVisit: Last([Encounter: "Observation Services"] LastObs
where LastObs.period ends 1 hour or less on or before start of Visit.period
sort by end of period
VisitStart: Coalesce(start of ObsVisit.period, start of Visit.period),
EDVisit: Last([Encounter: "Emergency Department Visit"] LastED
where LastED.period ends 1 hour or less on or before VisitStart
sort by end of period
return Interval[Coalesce(start of EDVisit.period, VisitStart), end of Visit.period]
define function "HospitalizationWithObservationLengthofStay"(Encounter FHIR.Encounter):
* CQFMeasures Common Logic
define function "Normalize Interval"(choice Choice<FHIR.dateTime, FHIR.Period, FHIR.Timing, FHIR.instant, FHIR.string, FHIR.Age, FHIR.Range>):
when choice is FHIR.dateTime then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.dateTime), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.dateTime)]
when choice is FHIR.Period then
FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(choice as FHIR.Period)
when choice is FHIR.instant then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.instant), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(choice as FHIR.instant)]
when choice is FHIR.Age then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(choice as FHIR.Age),
FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(choice as FHIR.Age) + 1 year)
when choice is FHIR.Range then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((choice as FHIR.Range).low),
FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((choice as FHIR.Range).high) + 1 year)
when choice is FHIR.Timing then
Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute a single interval from a Timing type')
when choice is FHIR.string then
Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute an interval from a String value')
null as Interval<DateTime>
define function "Normalize Abatement"(condition Condition):
if condition.abatement is FHIR.dateTime then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(condition.abatement as FHIR.dateTime), FHIRHelpers.ToDateTime(condition.abatement as FHIR.dateTime)]
else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Period then
FHIRHelpers.ToInterval(condition.abatement as FHIR.Period)
else if condition.abatement is FHIR.string then
Message(null as Interval<DateTime>, true, '1', 'Error', 'Cannot compute an interval from a String value')
else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Age then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(condition.abatement as FHIR.Age),
FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(condition.abatement as FHIR.Age) + 1 year)
else if condition.abatement is FHIR.Range then
Interval[FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((condition.abatement as FHIR.Range).low),
FHIRHelpers.ToDate(Patient.birthDate) + FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity((condition.abatement as FHIR.Range).high) + 1 year)
else if condition.abatement is FHIR.boolean then
Interval[end of "Normalize Interval"(condition.onset), condition.recordedDate)
else null
define function "Prevalence Period"(condition Condition):
Interval[start of "Normalize Interval"(condition.onset), end of "Normalize Abatement"(condition))
define function "GetId"(uri String):
Last(Split(uri, '/'))
define function "EncounterDiagnosis"(Encounter Encounter):
Encounter.diagnosis D
return singleton from ([Condition] C where = "GetId"(D.condition.reference))
// Returns the condition that is specified as the principal diagnosis for the encounter
// TODO: BTR 2019-07-30: Shouldn't need the FHIRHelpers reference here, investigate
define function "PrincipalDiagnosis"(Encounter Encounter):
(singleton from (Encounter.diagnosis D where FHIRHelpers.ToInteger(D.rank) = 1)) PD
return singleton from ([Condition] C where = "GetId"(PD.condition.reference))
// Returns the location for the given location reference
define function GetLocation(reference Reference):
singleton from (
[Location] L where = GetId(reference.reference)
NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
CQL model info.
define function "GetExtensions"(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
domainResource.extension E
where E.url = ('' + url)
return E
define function "GetExtension"(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
singleton from "GetExtensions"(domainResource, url)
NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
CQL model info.
define function "GetExtensions"(element Element, url String):
element.extension E
where E.url = (url)
return E
define function "GetExtension"(element Element, url String):
singleton from "GetExtensions"(element, url)
NOTE: Extensions are not the preferred approach, but are used as a way to access
content that is defined by extensions but not yet surfaced in the
CQL model info.
define function "GetBaseExtensions"(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
domainResource.extension E
where E.url = ('' + url)
return E
define function "GetBaseExtension"(domainResource DomainResource, url String):
singleton from "GetBaseExtensions"(domainResource, url)
NOTE: Provenance is not the preferred approach, this is provided only as an illustration
for what using Provenance could look like, and is not a tested pattern
define function "GetProvenance"(resource Resource):
singleton from ([Provenance: target in])
define function "GetMedicationCode"(request MedicationRequest):
if request.medication is CodeableConcept then
request.medication as CodeableConcept
(singleton from ([Medication] M where = GetId((request.medication as Reference).reference))).code