library RiskAdjustment_FHIR2 version '0.0.001' using FHIR version '1.0.2' include FHIRHelpers version '1.0.2' called FHIRHelpers include SupplementalDataElements_FHIR2 version '1.0.0' called SDE valueset "Serum Albumin": '' valueset "Cirrhosis or other liver disease": '' valueset "Encounter Inpatient": '' valueset "CABG_Open and Endoscopic": '' valueset "Bilirubin": '' parameter "Measurement Period" Interval context Patient define "SDE Ethnicity": SDE."SDE Ethnicity" define "SDE Payer": SDE."SDE Payer" define "SDE Race": SDE."SDE Race" define "SDE Sex": SDE."SDE Sex" define "Encounter Inpatient 365": ["Encounter": "Encounter Inpatient"] E where FHIRHelpers.ToQuantity(E.length) <= 365 days // Shouldn't need the ToQuantity, need a FHIR.Duration conversion and E.period ends during "Measurement Period" and E.status.value in {'finished'} define "CABG_Open and Endoscopic During Encounter": ["Procedure": "CABG_Open and Endoscopic"] P with "Encounter Inpatient 365" E such that P.performedPeriod starts during E.period and P.status.value in {'completed'} define "Hepatic Failure": exists ("Cirrhosis Dx") and exists ("Bilirubin Test") and exists ("Serum Albumin Test") define "Cirrhosis Dx": ["Condition": "Cirrhosis or other liver disease"] D with "CABG_Open and Endoscopic During Encounter" C such that D.onsetDateTime.value before start of C.performedPeriod // such that Coalesce (D.onsetDateTime.value, start of ToInterval(D.onsetPeriod)) before start of ToInterval(C.performedPeriod) define "Bilirubin Test": ["Observation": "Bilirubin"] L with "CABG_Open and Endoscopic During Encounter" C such that L.effectiveDateTime.value before start of C.performedPeriod // such that Coalesce (L.effectiveDateTime.value, start of ToInterval(L.effectivePeriod)) starts before start of ToInterval(C.performedPeriod) with "Encounter Inpatient 365" E such that L.effectiveDateTime.value during E.period where L.valueQuantity > 2 'mg/dL' and L.status.value in {'final', 'amended', 'corrected', 'appended'} define "Serum Albumin Test": ["Observation": "Serum Albumin"] L with "CABG_Open and Endoscopic During Encounter" C such that L.effectiveDateTime.value before start of C.performedPeriod with "Encounter Inpatient 365" E such that L.effectiveDateTime.value during E.period where L.valueQuantity < 3.5 'g/dL' and L.status.value in {'final', 'amended', 'corrected', 'appended'} define "Initial Population": "Encounter Inpatient 365" define "Denominator": "Initial Population" define "Numerator": "CABG_Open and Endoscopic During Encounter"