Intersection of and

This is the CodeSystem that contains codes in both C4BB Supporting Info Type Code System ( and C4BB Supporting Info Type Code System (


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem e3b48bb5-f595-464c-a9d8-b1089850b601-36

This code system defines codes, but no codes are represented here

admissionperiod Admission PeriodDates corresponding with the admission and discharge of the beneficiary to a facility
pointoforigin Point Of OriginUB-04 Source of Admission (FL-15) identifies the place where the patient was identified as needing admission to a facility.
admtype Admission TypeUB-04 Priority of the admission (FL-14) indicates, for example, an admission type of elective indicates that the patient's condition permitted time for medical services to be scheduled.
brandgenericindicator Brand Generic IndicatorNCPDP code indicating whether the plan adjudicated the claim as a brand or generic drug.
clmrecvddate Claim Received DateDate the claim was received by the payer.
compoundcode Compound CodeNCPDP code indicating whether or not the prescription is a compound.
dawcode DAW (Dispense As Written) CodeNCPDP code indicating the prescriber's instruction regarding substitution of generic equivalents or order to dispense the specific prescribed medication.
dayssupply Days SupplyNCPDP value indicating the Number of days supply of medication dispensed by the pharmacy.
discharge-status Discharge StatusUB-04 Discharge Status (FL-17) indicates the patient’s status as of the discharge date for a facility stay.
drg DRGDRG (Diagnosis Related Group), including the code system, the DRG version and the code value
refillnum Refill NumberNCPDP value indicating the number fill of the current dispensed supply (0, 1, 2, etc.)
refillsauthorized Refills AuthorizedNCPDP value indicating the number of refills authorized by the subscriber (0, 1, 2, etc.)
rxorigincode Rx Origin CodeNCPDP code indicating whether the prescription was transmitted as an electronic prescription, by phone, by fax, or as a written paper copy.
servicefacility Service FacilityThe facility where the service occurred. Examples include hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories or homeless shelters.
typeofbill Type of BillUB-04 Type of Bill (FL-04) provides specific information for payer purposes.
medicalrecordnumber Medical Record NumberPatient Medical Record Number associated with the specific claim.
patientaccountnumber Patient Account NumberPatient Account Number associated with the specific claim.
orthodontics OrthodonticsOrthodontics treatment indicator.
prosthesis ProsthesisProsthesis replacement indicator.
additionalbodysite Additional Body SiteAdditional tooth number or oral cavity. Additional body sites are specific to line item and have to be linked by ExplanationOfBenefit.item.informationSequence.
missingtoothnumber Missing Tooth NumberMissing tooth number.
patientweight Patient WeightPatient weight (for transportation services)
ambulancetransportreason Ambulance Transport ReasonReason ambulance transport was needed (for transportation services)
transportationdistance Transportation DistanceDistance traveled (for transportation services)
roudtrippurpose Round Trip PurposeReason for round trip (for transportation services)
stretcherpurpose Stretcher PurposePurpose of using a stretcher (for transportation services)
pickuplocation Pick-up LocationPatient pick-up Location (for transportation services)
dropofflocation Drop-off LocationPatient drop-off location (for transportation services)