CARIN Consumer Directed Payer Data Exchange (CARIN IG for Blue Button®)
1.0.0 - STU1

This page is part of the CARIN Blue Button Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Example Patient: Patient1

Generated Narrative

identifier: Member Number: 1234-234-1243-12345678901, Medical record number: 1234-234-1243-12345678901m, Unique Member ID: 1234-234-1243-12345678901u, Patient Account Number: 1234-234-1243-12345678901a

active: true

name: Johnny Example1

telecom: ph: (301)666-1212

gender: male

birthDate: 1986-01-01

address: 123 Main Street Pittsburgh PA 12519

maritalStatus: unknown


resourceType "Patient"
id "Patient1"
meta.lastUpdated "2020-07-07T13:26:22.0314215+00:00"
identifier[0].type.coding[0].code #MB
identifier[0].type.coding[0].system ""
identifier[0].value 1234-234-1243-12345678901
identifier[0].system ""
identifier[1].type.coding[0].code #MR
identifier[1].type.coding[0].system ""
identifier[1].value 1234-234-1243-12345678901m
identifier[1].system ""
identifier[2].type.coding[0].code #um
identifier[2].type.coding[0].system ""
identifier[2].value 1234-234-1243-12345678901u
identifier[2].system ""
identifier[3].type.coding[0].code #pat
identifier[3].type.coding[0].system ""
identifier[3].value 1234-234-1243-12345678901a
identifier[3].system ""
language "en-US"
active "true"
name[0].family "Example1"
telecom[0].system "phone"
telecom[0].value (301)666-1212
telecom[0].rank "2"
gender "male"
birthDate "1986-01-01"
address[0].type "physical"
address[0].line[0]"123 Main Street"
address[0].city "Pittsburgh"
address[0].state "PA"
address[0].postalCode "12519"
maritalStatus.coding[0].code #UNK
maritalStatus.coding[0].system ""