CARIN Consumer Directed Payer Data Exchange (CARIN IG for Blue Button®)
1.0.0 - STU1

This page is part of the CARIN Blue Button Implementation Guide (v1.0.0: STU 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. The current version which supersedes this version is 2.1.0. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

: EOB Professional - Example 1 - TTL Representation

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@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

 a fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; [ fhir:value "ProfessionalEOBExample1"];
  fhir:Resource.meta [
     fhir:Meta.lastUpdated [ fhir:value "2020-10-20T14:46:05-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime ];
     fhir:Meta.source [ fhir:value "Organization/PayerOrganizationExample1" ];
     fhir:Meta.profile [
       fhir:value "";
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:link <>     ]
  fhir:DomainResource.text [
     fhir:Narrative.status [ fhir:value "generated" ];
     fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Generated Narrative</b></p><p><b>identifier</b>: Indicates that the claim identifier is that assigned by a payer for a claim received from a provider or subscriber: ProfessionalEOBExample1</p><p><b>status</b>: active</p><p><b>type</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { professional}\">Professional</span></p><p><b>use</b>: claim</p><p><b>patient</b>: <a href=\"Patient-ExamplePatient1.html\">Generated Summary: language: en-US; An identifier for the insured of an insurance policy (this insured always has a subscriber), usually assigned by the insurance carrier.: 88800933501; active; Member 01 Test ; Phone: 5555555551, Phone: 5555555552, Phone: 5555555553, Phone: 5555555554, Phone: 5555555555, Phone: 5555555556,, Fax: 5555555557; gender: male; birthDate: 1943-01-01; <span title=\"Codes: { UNK}\">unknown</span></a></p><p><b>billablePeriod</b>: 2020-08-04 --&gt; 2020-08-04</p><p><b>created</b>: Aug 24, 2020 4:00:00 AM</p><p><b>insurer</b>: <a href=\"Organization-PayerOrganizationExample1.html\">UPMC Health Plan. Generated Summary: NAIC Code: 95216; active; <span title=\"Codes: { pay}\">Payer</span>; name: UPMC Health Plan; Phone: 1-844-220-4785 TTY: 711, Phone: 1-866-406-8762</a></p><p><b>provider</b>: <a href=\"Organization-ProviderOrganization1.html\">Generated Summary: National Provider Identifier: 1112223330; active; name: Orange Medical Group</a></p><h3>Payees</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td><td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Party</b></td></tr><tr><td>*</td><td><span title=\"Codes: { provider}\">Any benefit payable will be paid to the provider (Assignment of Benefit).</span></td><td><a href=\"Organization-ProviderOrganization1.html\">Generated Summary: National Provider Identifier: 1112223330; active; name: Orange Medical Group</a></td></tr></table><p><b>outcome</b>: complete</p><blockquote><p><b>careTeam</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 1</p><p><b>provider</b>: <a href=\"Organization-ProviderOrganization1.html\">Generated Summary: National Provider Identifier: 1112223330; active; name: Orange Medical Group</a></p><p><b>role</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { primary}\">The primary care provider.</span></p></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>careTeam</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 2</p><p><b>provider</b>: <a href=\"Practitioner-Practitioner1.html\">Generated Summary: National Provider Identifier: 6667778880; active; John Smith </a></p><p><b>role</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { referring}\">The referring physician</span></p></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>supportingInfo</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 1</p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { billingnetworkcontractingstatus}\">Indicates that the Billing Provider has a contract with the Payer as of the effective date of service or admission.</span></p><p><b>code</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { contracted}\">Indicates the provider was contracted for the service</span></p></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>supportingInfo</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 2</p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { clmrecvddate}\">Date the claim was received by the payer.</span></p><p><b>timing</b>: 2020-08-24</p></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>diagnosis</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 1</p><p><b>diagnosis</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { I70.249}\">I70.249</span></p><p><b>type</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { principal}\">The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment.</span></p></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>diagnosis</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 2</p><p><b>diagnosis</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { L97.929}\">L97.929</span></p><p><b>type</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { secondary}\">Required when necessary to report additional diagnoses on professional and non-clinician claims</span></p></blockquote><h3>Insurances</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td><td><b>Focal</b></td><td><b>Coverage</b></td></tr><tr><td>*</td><td>true</td><td><a href=\"Coverage-CoverageEx1.html\">Generated Summary: language: en-US; An identifier for the insured of an insurance policy (this insured always has a subscriber), usually assigned by the insurance carrier.: 88800933501; status: active; subscriberId: 888009335; dependent: 01; <span title=\"Codes: { self}\">Self</span>; period: 2020-01-01 --&gt; (ongoing); network: GR5-HMO DEDUCTIBLE</a></td></tr></table><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 1</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 75710}\">75710</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 2</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 75710}\">75710</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 3</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 75710}\">75710</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 4</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 37228}\">37228</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 5</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 37228}\">37228</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>item</b></p><p><b>sequence</b>: 6</p><p><b>productOrService</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 37228}\">37228</span></p><p><b>serviced</b>: 2020-08-04</p><p><b>location</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { 21}\">HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL</span></p><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>adjudication</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { innetwork}\">Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider</span></p></blockquote></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { submitted}\">The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { eligible}\">Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { deductible}\">Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { copay}\">Patient Co-Payment</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { noncovered}\">The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { benefit}\">Amount payable under the coverage</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote><blockquote><p><b>total</b></p><p><b>category</b>: <span title=\"Codes: { memberliability}\">The amount of the member's liability.</span></p><h3>Amounts</h3><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td>-</td></tr><tr><td>*</td></tr></table></blockquote></div>"
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.identifier [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:Identifier.type [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "uc" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Unique Claim ID" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates that the claim identifier is that assigned by a payer for a claim received from a provider or subscriber" ]     ];
     fhir:Identifier.system [ fhir:value "" ];
     fhir:Identifier.value [ fhir:value "ProfessionalEOBExample1" ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.status [ fhir:value "active"];
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.type [
     fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
       fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "professional" ]     ];
     fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Professional" ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.use [ fhir:value "claim"];
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.patient [
     fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Patient/ExamplePatient1" ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.billablePeriod [
     fhir:Period.start [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:Period.end [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.created [ fhir:value "2020-08-24T00:00:00-04:00"^^xsd:dateTime];
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.insurer [
     fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Organization/PayerOrganizationExample1" ];
     fhir:Reference.display [ fhir:value "UPMC Health Plan" ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.provider [
     fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Organization/ProviderOrganization1" ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.payee [
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.payee.type [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "provider" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Provider" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Any benefit payable will be paid to the provider (Assignment of Benefit)." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Organization/ProviderOrganization1" ]     ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.outcome [ fhir:value "complete"];
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.sequence [ fhir:value "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.provider [
       fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Organization/ProviderOrganization1" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.role [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "primary" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Primary provider" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The primary care provider." ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.sequence [ fhir:value "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.provider [
       fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Practitioner/Practitioner1" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.careTeam.role [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "referring" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Referring" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The referring physician" ]     ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.sequence [ fhir:value "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.category [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "billingnetworkcontractingstatus" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Billing Network Contracting Status" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates that the Billing Provider has a contract with the Payer as of the effective date of service or admission." ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.code [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "contracted" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Contracted" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the provider was contracted for the service" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.sequence [ fhir:value "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.category [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "clmrecvddate" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Claim Received Date" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Date the claim was received by the payer." ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.supportingInfo.timingDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-24"^^xsd:date ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.sequence [ fhir:value "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "I70.249" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.type [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "principal" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Principal Diagnosis" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The single medical diagnosis that is most relevant to the patient's chief complaint or need for treatment." ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.sequence [ fhir:value "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.diagnosisCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "L97.929" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.diagnosis.type [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "secondary" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "secondary" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Required when necessary to report additional diagnoses on professional and non-clinician claims" ]     ]
  ]; [
     fhir:index 0; [ fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean ]; [
       fhir:Reference.reference [ fhir:value "Coverage/CoverageEx1" ]     ]
  fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item [
     fhir:index 0;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "1"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "75710" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "68.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "2"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "75710" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-68.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 2;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "3"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "75710" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "68.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "34.8"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 3;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "4"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "37228" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "751.2"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 4;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "5"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "37228" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "751.2"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 5;
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.sequence [ fhir:value "6"^^xsd:positiveInteger ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.productOrService [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "37228" ]       ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.servicedDate [ fhir:value "2020-08-04"^^xsd:date ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.locationCodeableConcept [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "21" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "HOSPITAL - INPATIENT HOSPITAL" ]     ];
     fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-751.2"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 1;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 2;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 3;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 4;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 5;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]       ];
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.amount [
         fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "-224.11"^^xsd:decimal ];
         fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]       ]     ], [
       fhir:index 6;
       fhir:ExplanationOfBenefit.item.adjudication.category [
         fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
           fhir:index 0;
           fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
           fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "innetwork" ];
           fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "In Network" ]         ];
         fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Indicates the claim or claim line was paid in network. This does not indicate the contracting status of the provider" ]       ]     ]
  ]; [
     fhir:index 0; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "submitted" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Submitted Amount" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The total submitted amount for the claim or group or line item." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "820.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 1; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "eligible" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Eligible Amount" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount of the change which is considered for adjudication." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "258.91"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 2; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "deductible" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Deductible" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount deducted from the eligible amount prior to adjudication." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 3; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "copay" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "CoPay" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Patient Co-Payment" ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 4; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "noncovered" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Noncovered" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The portion of the cost of this service that was deemed not eligible by the insurer because the service or member was not covered by the subscriber contract." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 5; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "benefit" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Benefit Amount" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "Amount payable under the coverage" ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "258.91"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]
  ], [
     fhir:index 6; [
       fhir:CodeableConcept.coding [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:Coding.system [ fhir:value "" ];
         fhir:Coding.code [ fhir:value "memberliability" ];
         fhir:Coding.display [ fhir:value "Member liability" ]       ];
       fhir:CodeableConcept.text [ fhir:value "The amount of the member's liability." ]     ]; [
       fhir:Money.value [ fhir:value "0.0"^^xsd:decimal ];
       fhir:Money.currency [ fhir:value "USD" ]     ]

# - ontology header ------------------------------------------------------------

 a owl:Ontology;
  owl:imports fhir:fhir.ttl.