This page is part of the HL7 FHIR Profile: Breast Radiology Report (BRR) (v0.1.0: Comment Ballot 1) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. No current official version has been published yet. For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions
Example: BreastAbnormalityExample1
This is an example Breast Abnormality Observation.
Id: BreastAbnormalityExample1
Status: 'Final'
Code: [] 'BreastAbnormalityObservationCode'
Subject: Reference to subject of exam
AbnormalityDensity [Component]: CentralLucent
AsymmetryTypes [Component]: DensityFocalAsymmetry
BiRadCode [Component]: BIRAD2Benign
CalcificationType [Component]: Spherical
Change [Component]: DecreaseInCalcifications
CystTypes [Component]: ComplexCyst
ForeignBody [Component]: BiopsyClip
Hilum [Component]: HilumFatty
LymphNodeQualifiers [Component]: LevelILymphNode
Margin [Component]: AngularMargin
MassTypes [Component]: xxyyz
NodeTypes [Component]: AxillaryNode
Shape [Component]: IrregularShape
Vascularity [Component]: Adjacent
Wall [Component]: IrregularInternalWall
MaxLength [Component]: 1 mm
MaxWidth [Component]: 2 mm