Item | Property | Value | Comments |
include | | | | 2020 | |
 Concept | % | | Version: percent | | |
 Concept | cm | | Version: centimeter | | |
 Concept | [in_i] | | Version: inch (international) | | |
 Concept | kg | | Version: kilogram | | |
 Concept | g | | Version: gram | | |
 Concept | [lb_av] | | Version: pound (US and British) | | |
 Concept | Cel | | Version: degree Celsius | | |
 Concept | [degF] | | Version: degree Fahrenheit | | |
 Concept | mm[Hg] | | Version: millimeter of mercury | | |
 Concept | /min | | Version: per minute | | |
 Concept | kg/m2 | | Version: kilogram / (meter ^ 2) | | |
 Concept | m2 | | Version: square meter | | |
 Concept | | Q99.1 | | Version: 46,XX true hermaphrodite [Q99.1] | |
 Concept | | A42.1 | | Version: Abdominal actinomycosis [A42.1] | |
 Concept | | R83.6 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal cytological findings [R83.6] | |
 Concept | | R83.7 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal histological findings [R83.7] | |
 Concept | | R83.4 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal immunological findings [R83.4] | |
 Concept | | R83.0 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of enzymes [R83.0] | |
 Concept | | R83.1 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of hormones [R83.1] | |
 Concept | | R83.2 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments, and biological substances [R83.2] | |
 Concept | | R83.3 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source [R83.3] | |
 Concept | | R83.5 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal microbiological findings [R83.5] | |
 Concept | | R83.8 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, other abnormal findings [R83.8] | |
 Concept | | R83.9 | | Version: Abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid, unspecified abnormal finding [R83.9] | |
 Concept | | R85.6 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal cytological findings [R85.6] | |
 Concept | | R85.7 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal histological findings [R85.7] | |
 Concept | | R85.4 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal immunological findings [R85.4] | |
 Concept | | R85.0 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of enzymes [R85.0] | |
 Concept | | R85.1 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of hormones [R85.1] | |
 Concept | | R85.2 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances [R85.2] | |
 Concept | | R85.3 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source [R85.3] | |
 Concept | | R85.5 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, abnormal microbiological findings [R85.5] | |
 Concept | | R85.8 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, other abnormal findings [R85.8] | |
 Concept | | R85.9 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from digestive organs and abdominal cavity, unspecified abnormal finding [R85.9] | |
 Concept | | R89.8 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from other organs, systems, and tissues, other abnormal findings [R89.8] | |
 Concept | | R84.6 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal cytological findings [R84.6] | |
 Concept | | R84.7 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal histological findings [R84.7] | |
 Concept | | R84.4 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal immunological findings [R84.4] | |
 Concept | | R84.0 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of enzymes [R84.0] | |
 Concept | | R84.1 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of hormones [R84.1] | |
 Concept | | R84.2 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances [R84.2] | |
 Concept | | R84.3 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal level of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source [R84.3] | |
 Concept | | R84.5 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, abnormal microbiological findings [R84.5] | |
 Concept | | R84.8 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, other abnormal findings [R84.8] | |
 Concept | | R84.9 | | Version: Abnormal findings in specimens from respiratory organs and thorax, unspecified abnormal finding [R84.9] | |
 Concept | | E16.4 | | Version: Abnormal secretion of gastrin [E16.4] | |
 Concept | | R77.2 | | Version: Abnormality of alphafetoprotein [R77.2] | |
 Concept | | T80.3 | | Version: ABO incompatibility reaction [T80.3] | |
 Concept | | P55.1 | | Version: ABO isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [P55.1] | |
 Concept | | D73.3 | | Version: Abscess of spleen [D73.3] | |
 Concept | | E32.1 | | Version: Abscess of thymus [E32.1] | |
 Concept | | Q10.4 | | Version: Absence and agenesis of lacrimal apparatus [Q10.4] | |
 Concept | | Q55.0 | | Version: Absence and aplasia of testis [Q55.0] | |
 Concept | | Q16.2 | | Version: Absence of eustachian tube [Q16.2] | |
 Concept | | Q13.1 | | Version: Absence of iris [Q13.1] | |
 Concept | | Q83.2 | | Version: Absent nipple [Q83.2] | |
 Concept | | B60.1 | | Version: Acanthamoebiasis [B60.1] | |
 Concept | | Q17.0 | | Version: Accessory auricle [Q17.0] | |
 Concept | | Q83.1 | | Version: Accessory breast [Q83.1] | |
 Concept | | Q69.0 | | Version: Accessory finger(s) [Q69.0] | |
 Concept | | Q63.0 | | Version: Accessory kidney [Q63.0] | |
 Concept | | Q33.1 | | Version: Accessory lobe of lung [Q33.1] | |
 Concept | | Q83.3 | | Version: Accessory nipple [Q83.3] | |
 Concept | | Q69.1 | | Version: Accessory thumb(s) [Q69.1] | |
 Concept | | Q69.2 | | Version: Accessory toe(s) [Q69.2] | |
 Concept | | V93.5 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, canoe or kayak [V93.5] | |
 Concept | | V93.2 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, fishing boat [V93.2] | |
 Concept | | V93.6 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, inflatable craft (nonpowered) [V93.6] | |
 Concept | | V93.0 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, merchant ship [V93.0] | |
 Concept | | V93.3 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other powered watercraft [V93.3] | |
 Concept | | V93.8 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, other unpowered watercraft [V93.8] | |
 Concept | | V93.1 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, passenger ship [V93.1] | |
 Concept | | V93.4 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, sailboat [V93.4] | |
 Concept | | V93.9 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, unspecified watercraft [V93.9] | |
 Concept | | V93.7 | | Version: Accident onboard watercraft without accident to watercraft, not causing drowning and submersion, water-skis [V93.7] | |
 Concept | | V95.3 | | Version: Accident to commercial fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant [V95.3] | |
 Concept | | V95.2 | | Version: Accident to other private fixed-wing aircraft, injuring occupant [V95.2] | |
 Concept | | V91.5 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, canoe or kayak [V91.5] | |
 Concept | | V91.2 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, fishing boat [V91.2] | |
 Concept | | V91.6 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, inflatable craft (nonpowered) [V91.6] | |
 Concept | | V91.0 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, merchant ship [V91.0] | |
 Concept | | V91.3 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other powered watercraft [V91.3] | |
 Concept | | V91.8 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, other unpowered watercraft [V91.8] | |
 Concept | | V91.1 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, passenger ship [V91.1] | |
 Concept | | V91.4 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, sailboat [V91.4] | |
 Concept | | V91.9 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, unspecified watercraft [V91.9] | |
 Concept | | V91.7 | | Version: Accident to watercraft causing other injury, water-skis [V91.7] | |
 Concept | | X45 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol [X45] | |
 Concept | | X41 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic, antiparkinsonism, and psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified [X41] | |
 Concept | | X42 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified [X42] | |
 Concept | | X40 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics [X40] | |
 Concept | | X46 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapors [X46] | |
 Concept | | X49 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances [X49] | |
 Concept | | X44 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments, and biological substances [X44] | |
 Concept | | X43 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system [X43] | |
 Concept | | X47 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapors [X47] | |
 Concept | | X48 | | Version: Accidental poisoning by and exposure to pesticides [X48] | |
 Concept | | T81.2 | | Version: Accidental puncture and laceration during a procedure, not elsewhere classified [T81.2] | |
 Concept | | Q77.0 | | Version: Achondrogenesis [Q77.0] | |
 Concept | | Q77.4 | | Version: Achondroplasia [Q77.4] | |
 Concept | | D68.4 | | Version: Acquired coagulation factor deficiency [D68.4] | |
 Concept | | D59.9 | | Version: Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified [D59.9] | |
 Concept | | P91.1 | | Version: Acquired periventricular cysts of newborn [P91.1] | |
 Concept | | D60.9 | | Version: Acquired pure red cell aplasia, unspecified [D60.9] | |
 Concept | | E22.0 | | Version: Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism [E22.0] | |
 Concept | | B47.1 | | Version: Actinomycetoma [B47.1] | |
 Concept | | A42.9 | | Version: Actinomycosis, unspecified [A42.9] | |
 Concept | | A42.7 | | Version: Actinomycotic sepsis [A42.7] | |
 Concept | | A06.0 | | Version: Acute amoebic dysentery [A06.0] | |
 Concept | | A24.1 | | Version: Acute and fulminating melioidosis [A24.1] | |
 Concept | | G36.1 | | Version: Acute and subacute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis [Hurst] [G36.1] | |
 Concept | | I33.0 | | Version: Acute and subacute infective endocarditis [I33.0] | |
 Concept | | B57.0 | | Version: Acute Chagas' disease with heart involvement [B57.0] | |
 Concept | | B57.1 | | Version: Acute Chagas disease without heart involvement [B57.1] | |
 Concept | | B17.0 | | Version: Acute delta-(super) infection of hepatitis B carrier [B17.0] | |
 Concept | | G36.9 | | Version: Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified [G36.9] | |
 Concept | | G04.0 | | Version: Acute disseminated encephalitis [G04.0] | |
 Concept | | I33.9 | | Version: Acute endocarditis, unspecified [I33.9] | |
 Concept | | B16.0 | | Version: Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) with hepatic coma [B16.0] | |
 Concept | | B16.1 | | Version: Acute hepatitis B with delta-agent (coinfection) without hepatic coma [B16.1] | |
 Concept | | B16.9 | | Version: Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent and without hepatic coma [B16.9] | |
 Concept | | B16.2 | | Version: Acute hepatitis B without delta-agent with hepatic coma [B16.2] | |
 Concept | | B17.1 | | Version: Acute hepatitis C [B17.1] | |
 Concept | | B23.0 | | Version: Acute HIV infection syndrome [B23.0] | |
 Concept | | I24.9 | | Version: Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified [I24.9] | |
 Concept | | A39.2 | | Version: Acute meningococcaemia [A39.2] | |
 Concept | | A19.0 | | Version: Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site [A19.0] | |
 Concept | | A19.1 | | Version: Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites [A19.1] | |
 Concept | | A19.2 | | Version: Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified [A19.2] | |
 Concept | | I21.9 | | Version: Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified [I21.9] | |
 Concept | | I40.9 | | Version: Acute myocarditis, unspecified [I40.9] | |
 Concept | | A80.4 | | Version: Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis [A80.4] | |
 Concept | | I30.0 | | Version: Acute nonspecific idiopathic pericarditis [I30.0] | |
 Concept | | A80.3 | | Version: Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, other and unspecified [A80.3] | |
 Concept | | A80.0 | | Version: Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated [A80.0] | |
 Concept | | A80.2 | | Version: Acute paralytic poliomyelitis, wild virus, indigenous [A80.2] | |
 Concept | | I30.9 | | Version: Acute pericarditis, unspecified [I30.9] | |
 Concept | | A80.9 | | Version: Acute poliomyelitis, unspecified [A80.9] | |
 Concept | | B40.0 | | Version: Acute pulmonary blastomycosis [B40.0] | |
 Concept | | B38.0 | | Version: Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis [B38.0] | |
 Concept | | B39.0 | | Version: Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati [B39.0] | |
 Concept | | T81.6 | | Version: Acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure [T81.6] | |
 Concept | | I21.4 | | Version: Acute subendocardial myocardial infarction [I21.4] | |
 Concept | | I21.0 | | Version: Acute transmural myocardial infarction of anterior wall [I21.0] | |
 Concept | | I21.1 | | Version: Acute transmural myocardial infarction of inferior wall [I21.1] | |
 Concept | | I21.2 | | Version: Acute transmural myocardial infarction of other sites [I21.2] | |
 Concept | | I21.3 | | Version: Acute transmural myocardial infarction of unspecified site [I21.3] | |
 Concept | | G37.3 | | Version: Acute transverse myelitis in demyelinating disease of central [G37.3] | |
 Concept | | K55.0 | | Version: Acute vascular disorders of intestine [K55.0] | |
 Concept | | B17.9 | | Version: Acute viral hepatitis, unspecified [B17.9] | |
 Concept | | E27.2 | | Version: Addisonian crisis [E27.2] | |
 Concept | | D81.3 | | Version: Adenosine deaminase [ADA] deficiency [D81.3] | |
 Concept | | A85.1 | | Version: Adenoviral encephalitis [A85.1] | |
 Concept | | A08.2 | | Version: Adenoviral enteritis [A08.2] | |
 Concept | | A87.1 | | Version: Adenoviral meningitis [A87.1] | |
 Concept | | B34.0 | | Version: Adenovirus infection, unspecified site [B34.0] | |
 Concept | | E25.9 | | Version: Adrenogenital disorder, unspecified [E25.9] | |
 Concept | | E27.5 | | Version: Adrenomedullary hyperfunction [E27.5] | |
 Concept | | T78.9 | | Version: Adverse effect, unspecified [T78.9] | |
 Concept | | B56.9 | | Version: African trypanosomiasis, unspecified [B56.9] | |
 Concept | | Q51.5 | | Version: Agenesis and aplasia of cervix [Q51.5] | |
 Concept | | Q51.0 | | Version: Agenesis and aplasia of uterus [Q51.0] | |
 Concept | | Q30.1 | | Version: Agenesis and underdevelopment of nose [Q30.1] | |
 Concept | | Q33.3 | | Version: Agenesis of lung [Q33.3] | |
 Concept | | Q62.4 | | Version: Agenesis of ureter [Q62.4] | |
 Concept | | Q44.0 | | Version: Agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia of gallbladder [Q44.0] | |
 Concept | | Q45.0 | | Version: Agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia of pancreas [Q45.0] | |
 Concept | | D70 | | Version: Agranulocytosis [D70] | |
 Concept | | T79.0 | | Version: Air embolism (traumatic) [T79.0] | |
 Concept | | T80.0 | | Version: Air embolism following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection [T80.0] | |
 Concept | | E70.3 | | Version: Albinism [E70.3] | |
 Concept | | D69.0 | | Version: Allergic purpura [D69.0] | |
 Concept | | T78.4 | | Version: Allergy, unspecified [T78.4] | |
 Concept | | B48.2 | | Version: Allescheriasis [B48.2] | |
 Concept | | D56.0 | | Version: Alpha thalassaemia [D56.0] | |
 Concept | | A06.9 | | Version: Amoebiasis, unspecified [A06.9] | |
 Concept | | A06.6 | | Version: Amoebic brain abscess [A06.6] | |
 Concept | | A06.8 | | Version: Amoebic infection of other sites [A06.8] | |
 Concept | | A06.4 | | Version: Amoebic liver abscess [A06.4] | |
 Concept | | A06.5 | | Version: Amoebic lung abscess [A06.5] | |
 Concept | | A06.2 | | Version: Amoebic nondysenteric colitis [A06.2] | |
 Concept | | A06.3 | | Version: Amoeboma of intestine [A06.3] | |
 Concept | | Q06.0 | | Version: Amyelia [Q06.0] | |
 Concept | | E85.9 | | Version: Amyloidosis, unspecified [E85.9] | |
 Concept | | D55.2 | | Version: Anaemia due to disorders of glycolytic enzymes [D55.2] | |
 Concept | | D55.3 | | Version: Anaemia due to disorders of nucleotide metabolism [D55.3] | |
 Concept | | D55.9 | | Version: Anaemia due to enzyme disorder, unspecified [D55.9] | |
 Concept | | D55.0 | | Version: Anaemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase [G6PD] deficiency [D55.0] | |
 Concept | | D55.1 | | Version: Anaemia due to other disorders of glutathione metabolism [D55.1] | |
 Concept | | P61.2 | | Version: Anaemia of prematurity [P61.2] | |
 Concept | | D64.9 | | Version: Anaemia, unspecified [D64.9] | |
 Concept | | T88.6 | | Version: Anaphylactic shock due to adverse effect of correct drug or medicament properly administered [T88.6] | |
 Concept | | T78.0 | | Version: Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction [T78.0] | |
 Concept | | T80.5 | | Version: Anaphylactic shock due to serum [T80.5] | |
 Concept | | T78.2 | | Version: Anaphylactic shock, unspecified [T78.2] | |
 Concept | | B76.0 | | Version: Ancylostomiasis [B76.0] | |
 Concept | | E34.5 | | Version: Androgen resistance syndrome [E34.5] | |
 Concept | | Q00.0 | | Version: Anencephaly [Q00.0] | |
 Concept | | T78.3 | | Version: Angioneurotic oedema [T78.3] | |
 Concept | | C22.3 | | Version: Angiosarcoma of liver [C22.3] | |
 Concept | | B83.2 | | Version: Angiostrongyliasis due to Parastrongylus cantonensis [B83.2] | |
 Concept | | B81.0 | | Version: Anisakiasis [B81.0] | |
 Concept | | Q38.1 | | Version: Ankyloglossia [Q38.1] | |
 Concept | | Q45.1 | | Version: Annular pancreas [Q45.1] | |
 Concept | | A60.9 | | Version: Anogenital herpesviral infection, unspecified [A60.9] | |
 Concept | | K07.1 | | Version: Anomalies of jaw-cranial base relationship [K07.1] | |
 Concept | | Q26.5 | | Version: Anomalous portal venous connection [Q26.5] | |
 Concept | | Q26.4 | | Version: Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified [Q26.4] | |
 Concept | | Q34.0 | | Version: Anomaly of pleura [Q34.0] | |
 Concept | | Q84.3 | | Version: Anonychia [Q84.3] | |
 Concept | | A22.7 | | Version: Anthrax sepsis [A22.7] | |
 Concept | | A22.9 | | Version: Anthrax, unspecified [A22.9] | |
 Concept | | D80.6 | | Version: Antibody deficiency with near-normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinemia [D80.6] | |
 Concept | | Q21.4 | | Version: Aortopulmonary septal defect [Q21.4] | |
 Concept | | D61.2 | | Version: Aplastic anaemia due to other external agents [D61.2] | |
 Concept | | D61.9 | | Version: Aplastic anaemia, unspecified [D61.9] | |
 Concept | | A96.9 | | Version: Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever, unspecified [A96.9] | |
 Concept | | Q04.1 | | Version: Arhinencephaly [Q04.1] | |
 Concept | | Q07.0 | | Version: Arnold–Chiari syndrome [Q07.0] | |
 Concept | | Q28.2 | | Version: Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels [Q28.2] | |
 Concept | | Q28.0 | | Version: Arteriovenous malformation of precerebral vessels [Q28.0] | |
 Concept | | M00.8 | | Version: Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents [M00.8] | |
 Concept | | Q74.3 | | Version: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita [Q74.3] | |
 Concept | | A85.2 | | Version: Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified [A85.2] | |
 Concept | | B77.0 | | Version: Ascariasis with intestinal complications [B77.0] | |
 Concept | | B77.8 | | Version: Ascariasis with other complications [B77.8] | |
 Concept | | B77.9 | | Version: Ascariasis, unspecified [B77.9] | |
 Concept | | R18 | | Version: Ascites [R18] | |
 Concept | | B44.9 | | Version: Aspergillosis, unspecified [B44.9] | |
 Concept | | T71 | | Version: Asphyxiation [T71] | |
 Concept | | Y00 | | Version: Assault by blunt object [Y00] | |
 Concept | | X85 | | Version: Assault by drugs, medicaments and biological substances [X85] | |
 Concept | | X96 | | Version: Assault by explosive material [X96] | |
 Concept | | X88 | | Version: Assault by gases and vapours [X88] | |
 Concept | | X93 | | Version: Assault by handgun discharge [X93] | |
 Concept | | X95 | | Version: Assault by other and unspecified firearm discharge [X95] | |
 Concept | | X89 | | Version: Assault by other specified chemicals and noxious substances [X89] | |
 Concept | | X87 | | Version: Assault by pesticides [X87] | |
 Concept | | Y02 | | Version: Assault by pushing or placing victim before moving object [Y02] | |
 Concept | | X94 | | Version: Assault by rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge [X94] | |
 Concept | | X99 | | Version: Assault by sharp object [X99] | |
 Concept | | X97 | | Version: Assault by smoke, fire and flames [X97] | |
 Concept | | X98 | | Version: Assault by steam, hot vapours and hot objects [X98] | |
 Concept | | X90 | | Version: Assault by unspecified chemical or noxious substance [X90] | |
 Concept | | G80.4 | | Version: Ataxic cerebral palsy [G80.4] | |
 Concept | | I25.1 | | Version: Atherosclerotic heart disease [I25.1] | |
 Concept | | Q62.1 | | Version: Atresia and stenosis of ureter [Q62.1] | |
 Concept | | Q25.2 | | Version: Atresia of aorta [Q25.2] | |
 Concept | | Q44.2 | | Version: Atresia of bile ducts [Q44.2] | |
 Concept | | Q03.1 | | Version: Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka [Q03.1] | |
 Concept | | Q39.1 | | Version: Atresia of oesophagus with tracheo-oesophageal fistula [Q39.1] | |
 Concept | | Q39.0 | | Version: Atresia of oesophagus without fistula [Q39.0] | |
 Concept | | Q25.5 | | Version: Atresia of pulmonary artery [Q25.5] | |
 Concept | | Q55.3 | | Version: Atresia of vas deferens [Q55.3] | |
 Concept | | Q21.1 | | Version: Atrial septal defect [Q21.1] | |
 Concept | | Q21.2 | | Version: Atrioventricular septal defect [Q21.2] | |
 Concept | | A81.9 | | Version: Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified [A81.9] | |
 Concept | | B87.4 | | Version: Aural myiasis [B87.4] | |
 Concept | | A83.4 | | Version: Australian encephalitis [A83.4] | |
 Concept | | E31.0 | | Version: Autoimmune polyglandular failure [E31.0] | |
 Concept | | G90.4 | | Version: Autonomic dysreflexia [G90.4] | |
 Concept | | S05.7 | | Version: Avulsion of eye [S05.7] | |
 Concept | | S08.0 | | Version: Avulsion of scalp [S08.0] | |
 Concept | | B60.0 | | Version: Babesiosis [B60.0] | |
 Concept | | A05.9 | | Version: Bacterial foodborne intoxication, unspecified [A05.9] | |
 Concept | | A49.9 | | Version: Bacterial infection, unspecified [A49.9] | |
 Concept | | A04.9 | | Version: Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified [A04.9] | |
 Concept | | G00.9 | | Version: Bacterial meningitis, unspecified [G00.9] | |
 Concept | | G04.2 | | Version: Bacterial meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis, not elsewhere classified [G04.2] | |
 Concept | | P36.9 | | Version: Bacterial sepsis of newborn, unspecified [P36.9] | |
 Concept | | Q95.2 | | Version: Balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual [Q95.2] | |
 Concept | | Q95.9 | | Version: Balanced rearrangement and structural marker, unspecified [Q95.9] | |
 Concept | | V96.0 | | Version: Balloon accident injuring occupant [V96.0] | |
 Concept | | A44.9 | | Version: Bartonellosis, unspecified [A44.9] | |
 Concept | | D17.5 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of intra-abdominal organs [D17.5] | |
 Concept | | D17.4 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of intrathoracic organs [D17.4] | |
 Concept | | D17.7 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of other sites [D17.7] | |
 Concept | | D17.0 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of head, face, and neck [D17.0] | |
 Concept | | D17.2 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of limbs [D17.2] | |
 Concept | | D17.3 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of other and unspecified sites [D17.3] | |
 Concept | | D17.1 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of skin and subcutaneous tissue of trunk [D17.1] | |
 Concept | | D17.6 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm of spermatic cord [D17.6] | |
 Concept | | D17.9 | | Version: Benign lipomatous neoplasm, unspecified [D17.9] | |
 Concept | | D35.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland [D35.0] | |
 Concept | | D12.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of anus and anal canal [D12.9] | |
 Concept | | D35.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia [D35.6] | |
 Concept | | D12.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of appendix [D12.1] | |
 Concept | | D12.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ascending colon [D12.2] | |
 Concept | | D30.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of bladder [D30.3] | |
 Concept | | D16.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, unspecified [D16.9] | |
 Concept | | D16.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and face [D16.4] | |
 Concept | | D33.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of brain, infratentorial [D33.1] | |
 Concept | | D33.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial [D33.0] | |
 Concept | | D33.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of brain, unspecified [D33.2] | |
 Concept | | D24 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of breast [D24] | |
 Concept | | D14.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of bronchus and lung [D14.3] | |
 Concept | | D35.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of carotid body [D35.5] | |
 Concept | | D12.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of cecum [D12.0] | |
 Concept | | D33.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of central nervous system, unspecified [D33.9] | |
 Concept | | D32.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges [D32.0] | |
 Concept | | D26.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of cervix uteri [D26.0] | |
 Concept | | D31.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of choroid [D31.3] | |
 Concept | | D31.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ciliary body [D31.4] | |
 Concept | | D12.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of colon, unspecified [D12.6] | |
 Concept | | D31.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of conjunctiva [D31.0] | |
 Concept | | D21.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen [D21.4] | |
 Concept | | D21.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of head, face, and neck [D21.0] | |
 Concept | | D21.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of lower limb, including hip [D21.2] | |
 Concept | | D21.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of pelvis [D21.5] | |
 Concept | | D21.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of thorax [D21.3] | |
 Concept | | D21.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of trunk, unspecified [D21.6] | |
 Concept | | D21.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder [D21.1] | |
 Concept | | D21.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue, unspecified [D21.9] | |
 Concept | | D31.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of cornea [D31.1] | |
 Concept | | D26.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri [D26.1] | |
 Concept | | D33.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves [D33.3] | |
 Concept | | D35.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct [D35.3] | |
 Concept | | D12.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of descending colon [D12.4] | |
 Concept | | D13.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of duodenum [D13.2] | |
 Concept | | D35.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified [D35.9] | |
 Concept | | D13.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreas [D13.7] | |
 Concept | | D29.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of epididymis [D29.3] | |
 Concept | | D13.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of esophagus [D13.0] | |
 Concept | | D13.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts [D13.5] | |
 Concept | | D31.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of eye, unspecified [D31.9] | |
 Concept | | D28.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified [D28.9] | |
 Concept | | D10.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth [D10.2] | |
 Concept | | D15.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of heart [D15.1] | |
 Concept | | D10.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx [D10.7] | |
 Concept | | D13.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the digestive system [D13.9] | |
 Concept | | D30.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of kidney [D30.0] | |
 Concept | | D31.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland and duct [D31.5] | |
 Concept | | D14.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of larynx [D14.1] | |
 Concept | | D10.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of lip [D10.0] | |
 Concept | | D13.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of liver [D13.4] | |
 Concept | | D16.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limb [D16.2] | |
 Concept | | D16.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone [D16.5] | |
 Concept | | D36.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of lymph nodes [D36.0] | |
 Concept | | D11.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecified [D11.9] | |
 Concept | | D29.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified [D29.9] | |
 Concept | | D15.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of mediastinum [D15.2] | |
 Concept | | D32.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified [D32.9] | |
 Concept | | D19.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of other sites [D19.7] | |
 Concept | | D19.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of peritoneum [D19.1] | |
 Concept | | D19.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue of pleura [D19.0] | |
 Concept | | D19.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of mesothelial tissue, unspecified [D19.9] | |
 Concept | | D14.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of middle ear, nasal cavity, and accessory sinuses [D14.0] | |
 Concept | | D10.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx [D10.6] | |
 Concept | | D31.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of orbit, unspecified [D31.6] | |
 Concept | | D10.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth [D10.3] | |
 Concept | | D13.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of small intestine [D13.3] | |
 Concept | | D11.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other major salivary glands [D11.7] | |
 Concept | | D29.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other male genital organs [D29.7] | |
 Concept | | D10.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other parts of oropharynx [D10.5] | |
 Concept | | D26.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other parts of uterus [D26.7] | |
 Concept | | D35.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other specified endocrine glands [D35.7] | |
 Concept | | D28.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other specified female genital organs [D28.7] | |
 Concept | | D15.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other specified intrathoracic organs [D15.7] | |
 Concept | | D33.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other specified parts of central nervous system [D33.7] | |
 Concept | | D36.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other specified sites [D36.7] | |
 Concept | | D30.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of other urinary organs [D30.7] | |
 Concept | | D27 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ovary [D27] | |
 Concept | | D13.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pancreas [D13.6] | |
 Concept | | D35.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland [D35.1] | |
 Concept | | D11.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of parotid gland [D11.0] | |
 Concept | | D16.8 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum, and coccyx [D16.8] | |
 Concept | | D29.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of penis [D29.0] | |
 Concept | | D36.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system [D36.1] | |
 Concept | | D20.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of peritoneum [D20.1] | |
 Concept | | D10.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified [D10.9] | |
 Concept | | D35.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pineal gland [D35.4] | |
 Concept | | D35.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland [D35.2] | |
 Concept | | D35.8 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of pluriglandular involvement [D35.8] | |
 Concept | | D29.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of prostate [D29.1] | |
 Concept | | D12.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction [D12.7] | |
 Concept | | D12.8 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of rectum [D12.8] | |
 Concept | | D30.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis [D30.1] | |
 Concept | | D14.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of respiratory system, unspecified [D14.4] | |
 Concept | | D31.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of retina [D31.2] | |
 Concept | | D20.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of retroperitoneum [D20.0] | |
 Concept | | D16.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ribs, sternum, and clavicle [D16.7] | |
 Concept | | D16.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb [D16.0] | |
 Concept | | D29.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of scrotum [D29.4] | |
 Concept | | D16.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limb [D16.3] | |
 Concept | | D16.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of short bones of upper limb [D16.1] | |
 Concept | | D12.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of sigmoid colon [D12.5] | |
 Concept | | D23.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of ear and external auricular canal [D23.2] | |
 Concept | | D23.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of eyelid, including canthus [D23.1] | |
 Concept | | D23.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of lip [D23.0] | |
 Concept | | D23.7 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip [D23.7] | |
 Concept | | D23.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of other and unspecified parts of face [D23.3] | |
 Concept | | D23.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of scalp and neck [D23.4] | |
 Concept | | D23.5 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk [D23.5] | |
 Concept | | D23.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulder [D23.6] | |
 Concept | | D23.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified [D23.9] | |
 Concept | | D33.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of spinal cord [D33.4] | |
 Concept | | D32.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges [D32.1] | |
 Concept | | D13.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of stomach [D13.1] | |
 Concept | | D29.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of testis [D29.2] | |
 Concept | | D15.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of thymus [D15.0] | |
 Concept | | D34 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland [D34] | |
 Concept | | D10.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of tongue [D10.1] | |
 Concept | | D10.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of tonsil [D10.4] | |
 Concept | | D14.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of trachea [D14.2] | |
 Concept | | D12.3 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of transverse colon [D12.3] | |
 Concept | | D36.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of unspecified site [D36.9] | |
 Concept | | D30.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of ureter [D30.2] | |
 Concept | | D30.4 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of urethra [D30.4] | |
 Concept | | D30.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified [D30.9] | |
 Concept | | D28.2 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of uterine tubes and ligaments [D28.2] | |
 Concept | | D26.9 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of uterus, unspecified [D26.9] | |
 Concept | | D28.1 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of vagina [D28.1] | |
 Concept | | D16.6 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of vertebral column [D16.6] | |
 Concept | | D28.0 | | Version: Benign neoplasm of vulva [D28.0] | |
 Concept | | D56.1 | | Version: Beta thalassaemia [D56.1] | |
 Concept | | Q51.3 | | Version: Bicornate uterus [Q51.3] | |
 Concept | | K41.1 | | Version: Bilateral femoral hernia, with gangrene [K41.1] | |
 Concept | | K41.0 | | Version: Bilateral femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene [K41.0] | |
 Concept | | K41.2 | | Version: Bilateral femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene [K41.2] | |
 Concept | | K40.1 | | Version: Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene [K40.1] | |
 Concept | | K40.0 | | Version: Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene [K40.0] | |
 Concept | | K40.2 | | Version: Bilateral inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene [K40.2] | |
 Concept | | K74.5 | | Version: Biliary cirrhosis, unspecified [K74.5] | |
 Concept | | P21.9 | | Version: Birth asphyxia, unspecified [P21.9] | |
 Concept | | P14.8 | | Version: Birth injuries to other parts of peripheral nervous system [P14.8] | |
 Concept | | P13.8 | | Version: Birth injuries to other parts of skeleton [P13.8] | |
 Concept | | P11.9 | | Version: Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified [P11.9] | |
 Concept | | P15.5 | | Version: Birth injury to external genitalia [P15.5] | |
 Concept | | P15.3 | | Version: Birth injury to eye [P15.3] | |
 Concept | | P15.4 | | Version: Birth injury to face [P15.4] | |
 Concept | | P11.3 | | Version: Birth injury to facial nerve [P11.3] | |
 Concept | | P13.2 | | Version: Birth injury to femur [P13.2] | |
 Concept | | P15.0 | | Version: Birth injury to liver [P15.0] | |
 Concept | | P11.4 | | Version: Birth injury to other cranial nerves [P11.4] | |
 Concept | | P13.3 | | Version: Birth injury to other long bones [P13.3] | |
 Concept | | P14.9 | | Version: Birth injury to peripheral nervous system, unspecified [P14.9] | |
 Concept | | P12.9 | | Version: Birth injury to scalp, unspecified [P12.9] | |
 Concept | | P13.9 | | Version: Birth injury to skeleton, unspecified [P13.9] | |
 Concept | | P11.5 | | Version: Birth injury to spine and spinal cord [P11.5] | |
 Concept | | P15.1 | | Version: Birth injury to spleen [P15.1] | |
 Concept | | P15.9 | | Version: Birth injury, unspecified [P15.9] | |
 Concept | | W58 | | Version: Bitten or struck by crocodile or alligator [W58] | |
 Concept | | W55 | | Version: Bitten or struck by other mammals [W55] | |
 Concept | | B40.9 | | Version: Blastomycosis, unspecified [B40.9] | |
 Concept | | Q13.5 | | Version: Blue sclera [Q13.5] | |
 Concept | | A66.6 | | Version: Bone and joint lesions of yaws [A66.6] | |
 Concept | | T86.0 | | Version: Bone-marrow transplant rejection [T86.0] | |
 Concept | | A30.3 | | Version: Borderline leprosy [A30.3] | |
 Concept | | A05.1 | | Version: Botulism [A05.1] | |
 Concept | | A48.4 | | Version: Brazilian purpuric fever [A48.4] | |
 Concept | | P27.1 | | Version: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia originating in the perinatal period [P27.1] | |
 Concept | | A23.1 | | Version: Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus [A23.1] | |
 Concept | | A23.3 | | Version: Brucellosis due to Brucella canis [A23.3] | |
 Concept | | A23.0 | | Version: Brucellosis due to Brucella melitensis [A23.0] | |
 Concept | | A23.2 | | Version: Brucellosis due to Brucella suis [A23.2] | |
 Concept | | A23.9 | | Version: Brucellosis, unspecified [A23.9] | |
 Concept | | P12.3 | | Version: Bruising of scalp due to birth injury [P12.3] | |
 Concept | | A20.0 | | Version: Bubonic plague [A20.0] | |
 Concept | | C83.7 | | Version: Burkitt lymphoma [C83.7] | |
 Concept | | T27.1 | | Version: Burn involving larynx and trachea with lung [T27.1] | |
 Concept | | T26.1 | | Version: Burn of cornea and conjunctival sac [T26.1] | |
 Concept | | T26.4 | | Version: Burn of eye and adnexa, part unspecified [T26.4] | |
 Concept | | T26.0 | | Version: Burn of eyelid and periocular area [T26.0] | |
 Concept | | T25.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of ankle and foot [T25.1] | |
 Concept | | T20.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of head and neck [T20.1] | |
 Concept | | T24.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.1] | |
 Concept | | T22.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.1] | |
 Concept | | T21.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of trunk [T21.1] | |
 Concept | | T23.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree of wrist and hand [T23.1] | |
 Concept | | T30.1 | | Version: Burn of first degree, body region unspecified [T30.1] | |
 Concept | | T28.3 | | Version: Burn of internal genitourinary organs [T28.3] | |
 Concept | | T27.0 | | Version: Burn of larynx and trachea [T27.0] | |
 Concept | | T28.0 | | Version: Burn of mouth and pharynx [T28.0] | |
 Concept | | T28.1 | | Version: Burn of oesophagus [T28.1] | |
 Concept | | T28.4 | | Version: Burn of other and unspecified internal organs [T28.4] | |
 Concept | | T28.2 | | Version: Burn of other parts of alimentary tract [T28.2] | |
 Concept | | T26.3 | | Version: Burn of other parts of eye and adnexa [T26.3] | |
 Concept | | T27.2 | | Version: Burn of other parts of respiratory tract [T27.2] | |
 Concept | | T27.3 | | Version: Burn of respiratory tract, part unspecified [T27.3] | |
 Concept | | T25.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of ankle and foot [T25.2] | |
 Concept | | T20.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of head and neck [T20.2] | |
 Concept | | T24.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.2] | |
 Concept | | T22.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.2] | |
 Concept | | T21.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of trunk [T21.2] | |
 Concept | | T23.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree of wrist and hand [T23.2] | |
 Concept | | T30.2 | | Version: Burn of second degree, body region unspecified [T30.2] | |
 Concept | | T25.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of ankle and foot [T25.3] | |
 Concept | | T20.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of head and neck [T20.3] | |
 Concept | | T24.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.3] | |
 Concept | | T22.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.3] | |
 Concept | | T21.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of trunk [T21.3] | |
 Concept | | T23.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree of wrist and hand [T23.3] | |
 Concept | | T30.3 | | Version: Burn of third degree, body region unspecified [T30.3] | |
 Concept | | T30.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified body region, unspecified degree [T30.0] | |
 Concept | | T25.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of ankle and foot [T25.0] | |
 Concept | | T20.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of head and neck [T20.0] | |
 Concept | | T24.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.0] | |
 Concept | | T22.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.0] | |
 Concept | | T21.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of trunk [T21.0] | |
 Concept | | T23.0 | | Version: Burn of unspecified degree of wrist and hand [T23.0] | |
 Concept | | T26.2 | | Version: Burn with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball [T26.2] | |
 Concept | | T31.1 | | Version: Burns involving 10–19% of body surface [T31.1] | |
 Concept | | T31.2 | | Version: Burns involving 20–29% of body surface [T31.2] | |
 Concept | | T31.3 | | Version: Burns involving 30–39% of body surface [T31.3] | |
 Concept | | T31.4 | | Version: Burns involving 40–49% of body surface [T31.4] | |
 Concept | | T31.5 | | Version: Burns involving 50–59% of body surface [T31.5] | |
 Concept | | T31.6 | | Version: Burns involving 60–69% of body surface [T31.6] | |
 Concept | | T31.7 | | Version: Burns involving 70–79% of body surface [T31.7] | |
 Concept | | T31.8 | | Version: Burns involving 80–89% of body surface [T31.8] | |
 Concept | | T31.9 | | Version: Burns involving 90% or more of body surface [T31.9] | |
 Concept | | T31.0 | | Version: Burns involving less than 10% of body surface [T31.0] | |
 Concept | | V73.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V73.1] | |
 Concept | | V73.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V73.6] | |
 Concept | | V77.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V77.1] | |
 Concept | | V77.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V77.6] | |
 Concept | | V74.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V74.1] | |
 Concept | | V74.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V74.6] | |
 Concept | | V76.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V76.1] | |
 Concept | | V76.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V76.6] | |
 Concept | | V71.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V71.1] | |
 Concept | | V71.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V71.6] | |
 Concept | | V70.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V70.1] | |
 Concept | | V70.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V70.6] | |
 Concept | | V75.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V75.1] | |
 Concept | | V75.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V75.6] | |
 Concept | | V72.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V72.1] | |
 Concept | | V72.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V72.6] | |
 Concept | | V78.1 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V78.1] | |
 Concept | | V78.6 | | Version: Bus occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V78.6] | |
 Concept | | T70.3 | | Version: Caisson disease [decompression sickness] [T70.3] | |
 Concept | | A83.5 | | Version: California encephalitis [A83.5] | |
 Concept | | A04.5 | | Version: Campylobacter enteritis [A04.5] | |
 Concept | | V43.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V43.1] | |
 Concept | | V43.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V43.6] | |
 Concept | | V47.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V47.1] | |
 Concept | | V47.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V47.6] | |
 Concept | | V44.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V44.1] | |
 Concept | | V44.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V44.6] | |
 Concept | | V46.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V46.1] | |
 Concept | | V46.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V46.6] | |
 Concept | | V41.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V41.1] | |
 Concept | | V41.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V41.6] | |
 Concept | | V40.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V40.1] | |
 Concept | | V40.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V40.6] | |
 Concept | | V45.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V45.1] | |
 Concept | | V45.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V45.6] | |
 Concept | | V42.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V42.1] | |
 Concept | | V42.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V42.6] | |
 Concept | | V48.1 | | Version: Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V48.1] | |
 Concept | | V48.6 | | Version: Car occupant injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V48.6] | |
 Concept | | D01.3 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of anus and anal canal [D01.3] | |
 Concept | | D09.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of bladder [D09.0] | |
 Concept | | D05.9 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of breast, unspecified [D05.9] | |
 Concept | | D02.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of bronchus and lung [D02.2] | |
 Concept | | D06.9 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of cervix, unspecified [D06.9] | |
 Concept | | D01.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of colon [D01.0] | |
 Concept | | D01.9 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of digestive organ, unspecified [D01.9] | |
 Concept | | D06.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of endocervix [D06.0] | |
 Concept | | D07.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of endometrium [D07.0] | |
 Concept | | D00.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of esophagus [D00.1] | |
 Concept | | D06.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of exocervix [D06.1] | |
 Concept | | D09.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of eye [D09.2] | |
 Concept | | D02.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of larynx [D02.0] | |
 Concept | | D00.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx [D00.0] | |
 Concept | | D01.5 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts [D01.5] | |
 Concept | | D07.3 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified female genital organs [D07.3] | |
 Concept | | D07.6 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified male genital organs [D07.6] | |
 Concept | | D01.4 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of intestine [D01.4] | |
 Concept | | D09.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified urinary organs [D09.1] | |
 Concept | | D06.7 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix [D06.7] | |
 Concept | | D02.3 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other parts of respiratory system [D02.3] | |
 Concept | | D01.7 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs [D01.7] | |
 Concept | | D09.7 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites [D09.7] | |
 Concept | | D07.4 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of penis [D07.4] | |
 Concept | | D07.5 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of prostate [D07.5] | |
 Concept | | D01.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of rectosigmoid junction [D01.1] | |
 Concept | | D01.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of rectum [D01.2] | |
 Concept | | D02.4 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system, unspecified [D02.4] | |
 Concept | | D04.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of ear and external auricular canal [D04.2] | |
 Concept | | D04.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of eyelid, including canthus [D04.1] | |
 Concept | | D04.0 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip [D04.0] | |
 Concept | | D04.7 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb, including hip [D04.7] | |
 Concept | | D04.3 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of other and unspecified parts of face [D04.3] | |
 Concept | | D04.8 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of other sites [D04.8] | |
 Concept | | D04.4 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of scalp and neck [D04.4] | |
 Concept | | D04.5 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk [D04.5] | |
 Concept | | D04.6 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb, including shoulder [D04.6] | |
 Concept | | D04.9 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of skin, unspecified [D04.9] | |
 Concept | | D00.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of stomach [D00.2] | |
 Concept | | D09.3 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of thyroid and other endocrine glands [D09.3] | |
 Concept | | D02.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of trachea [D02.1] | |
 Concept | | D07.2 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of vagina [D07.2] | |
 Concept | | D07.1 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ of vulva [D07.1] | |
 Concept | | D09.9 | | Version: Carcinoma in situ, unspecified [D09.9] | |
 Concept | | I46.0 | | Version: Cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation [I46.0] | |
 Concept | | I46.9 | | Version: Cardiac arrest, unspecified [I46.9] | |
 Concept | | P29.9 | | Version: Cardiovascular disorder originating in the perinatal period, unspecified [P29.9] | |
 Concept | | A28.1 | | Version: Cat-scratch disease [A28.1] | |
 Concept | | W23 | | Version: Caught, crushed, jammed or pinched in or between objects [W23] | |
 Concept | | A20.1 | | Version: Cellulocutaneous plague [A20.1] | |
 Concept | | G37.1 | | Version: Central demyelination of corpus callosum [G37.1] | |
 Concept | | A84.1 | | Version: Central European tick-borne encephalitis [A84.1] | |
 Concept | | G37.2 | | Version: Central pontine myelinolysis [G37.2] | |
 Concept | | P12.0 | | Version: Cephalhaematoma due to birth injury [P12.0] | |
 Concept | | B65.3 | | Version: Cercarial dermatitis [B65.3] | |
 Concept | | P52.6 | | Version: Cerebellar (nontraumatic) and posterior fossa haemorrhage of fetus and newborn [P52.6] | |
 Concept | | B45.1 | | Version: Cerebral cryptococcosis [B45.1] | |
 Concept | | G93.0 | | Version: Cerebral cysts [G93.0] | |
 Concept | | P10.1 | | Version: Cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury [P10.1] | |
 Concept | | I63.6 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic [I63.6] | |
 Concept | | I63.4 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to embolism of cerebral arteries [I63.4] | |
 Concept | | I63.1 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to embolism of precerebral arteries [I63.1] | |
 Concept | | I63.3 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries [I63.3] | |
 Concept | | I63.0 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of precerebral arteries [I63.0] | |
 Concept | | I63.5 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of cerebral arteries [I63.5] | |
 Concept | | I63.2 | | Version: Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of precerebral arteries [I63.2] | |
 Concept | | I63.9 | | Version: Cerebral infarction, unspecified [I63.9] | |
 Concept | | P11.0 | | Version: Cerebral oedema due to birth injury [P11.0] | |
 Concept | | G80.9 | | Version: Cerebral palsy, unspecified [G80.9] | |
 Concept | | Q76.5 | | Version: Cervical rib [Q76.5] | |
 Concept | | Q05.0 | | Version: Cervical spina bifida with hydrocephalus [Q05.0] | |
 Concept | | Q05.5 | | Version: Cervical spina bifida without hydrocephalus [Q05.5] | |
 Concept | | A42.2 | | Version: Cervicofacial actinomycosis [A42.2] | |
 Concept | | B71.9 | | Version: Cestode infection, unspecified [B71.9] | |
 Concept | | B57.3 | | Version: Chagas disease (chronic) with digestive system involvement [B57.3] | |
 Concept | | B57.2 | | Version: Chagas disease (chronic) with heart involvement [B57.2] | |
 Concept | | B57.4 | | Version: Chagas disease (chronic) with nervous system involvement [B57.4] | |
 Concept | | B57.5 | | Version: Chagas disease (chronic) with other organ involvement [B57.5] | |
 Concept | | P12.1 | | Version: Chignon due to birth injury [P12.1] | |
 Concept | | A92.0 | | Version: Chikungunya virus disease [A92.0] | |
 Concept | | T69.1 | | Version: Chilblains [T69.1] | |
 Concept | | Q99.0 | | Version: Chimera 46,XX/46,XY [Q99.0] | |
 Concept | | A70 | | Version: Chlamydia psittaci infection [A70] | |
 Concept | | Q30.0 | | Version: Choanal atresia [Q30.0] | |
 Concept | | Q44.4 | | Version: Choledochal cyst [Q44.4] | |
 Concept | | A00.0 | | Version: Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar cholerae [A00.0] | |
 Concept | | A00.1 | | Version: Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae 01, biovar eltor [A00.1] | |
 Concept | | A00.9 | | Version: Cholera, unspecified [A00.9] | |
 Concept | | Q77.3 | | Version: Chondrodysplasia punctata [Q77.3] | |
 Concept | | Q77.6 | | Version: Chondroectodermal dysplasia [Q77.6] | |
 Concept | | B43.9 | | Version: Chromomycosis, unspecified [B43.9] | |
 Concept | | Q99.9 | | Version: Chromosomal abnormality, unspecified [Q99.9] | |
 Concept | | Q95.1 | | Version: Chromosome inversion in normal individual [Q95.1] | |
 Concept | | Q93.2 | | Version: Chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric [Q93.2] | |
 Concept | | D60.0 | | Version: Chronic acquired pure red cell aplasia [D60.0] | |
 Concept | | D73.2 | | Version: Chronic congestive splenomegaly [D73.2] | |
 Concept | | A06.1 | | Version: Chronic intestinal amoebiasis [A06.1] | |
 Concept | | A39.3 | | Version: Chronic meningococcaemia [A39.3] | |
 Concept | | D47.1 | | Version: Chronic myeloproliferative disease [D47.1] | |
 Concept | | B40.1 | | Version: Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis [B40.1] | |
 Concept | | B38.1 | | Version: Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis [B38.1] | |
 Concept | | B39.1 | | Version: Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati [B39.1] | |
 Concept | | B18.0 | | Version: Chronic viral hepatitis B with delta-agent [B18.0] | |
 Concept | | B18.1 | | Version: Chronic viral hepatitis B without delta-agent [B18.1] | |
 Concept | | B18.2 | | Version: Chronic viral hepatitis C [B18.2] | |
 Concept | | B18.9 | | Version: Chronic viral hepatitis, unspecified [B18.9] | |
 Concept | | E70.0 | | Version: Classical phenylketonuria [E70.0] | |
 Concept | | Q37.4 | | Version: Cleft hard and soft palate with bilateral cleft lip [Q37.4] | |
 Concept | | Q37.5 | | Version: Cleft hard and soft palate with unilateral cleft lip [Q37.5] | |
 Concept | | Q35.1 | | Version: Cleft hard palate [Q35.1] | |
 Concept | | Q37.0 | | Version: Cleft hard palate with bilateral cleft lip [Q37.0] | |
 Concept | | Q35.5 | | Version: Cleft hard palate with cleft soft palate [Q35.5] | |
 Concept | | Q37.1 | | Version: Cleft hard palate with unilateral cleft lip [Q37.1] | |
 Concept | | Q36.0 | | Version: Cleft lip, bilateral [Q36.0] | |
 Concept | | Q36.1 | | Version: Cleft lip, median [Q36.1] | |
 Concept | | Q36.9 | | Version: Cleft lip, unilateral [Q36.9] | |
 Concept | | Q35.9 | | Version: Cleft palate, unspecified [Q35.9] | |
 Concept | | Q35.3 | | Version: Cleft soft palate [Q35.3] | |
 Concept | | Q37.2 | | Version: Cleft soft palate with bilateral cleft lip [Q37.2] | |
 Concept | | Q37.3 | | Version: Cleft soft palate with unilateral cleft lip [Q37.3] | |
 Concept | | Q35.7 | | Version: Cleft uvula [Q35.7] | |
 Concept | | B66.1 | | Version: Clonorchiasis [B66.1] | |
 Concept | | D68.9 | | Version: Coagulation defect, unspecified [D68.9] | |
 Concept | | Q25.1 | | Version: Coarctation of aorta [Q25.1] | |
 Concept | | B38.4 | | Version: Coccidioidomycosis meningitis [B38.4] | |
 Concept | | B38.9 | | Version: Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified [B38.9] | |
 Concept | | Q13.0 | | Version: Coloboma of iris [Q13.0] | |
 Concept | | Q12.2 | | Version: Coloboma of lens [Q12.2] | |
 Concept | | A93.2 | | Version: Colorado tick fever [A93.2] | |
 Concept | | D81.9 | | Version: Combined immunodeficiency, unspecified [D81.9] | |
 Concept | | S68.3 | | Version: Combined traumatic amputation of (part of) finger(s) with other parts of wrist and hand [S68.3] | |
 Concept | | Q20.0 | | Version: Common arterial trunk [Q20.0] | |
 Concept | | D83.2 | | Version: Common variable immunodeficiency with autoantibodies to B- or T-cells [D83.2] | |
 Concept | | D83.0 | | Version: Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant abnormalities of B-cell numbers and function [D83.0] | |
 Concept | | D83.1 | | Version: Common variable immunodeficiency with predominant immunoregulatory T-cell disorders [D83.1] | |
 Concept | | D83.9 | | Version: Common variable immunodeficiency, unspecified [D83.9] | |
 Concept | | G91.0 | | Version: Communicating hydrocephalus [G91.0] | |
 Concept | | T88.9 | | Version: Complication of surgical and medical care, unspecified [T88.9] | |
 Concept | | P96.5 | | Version: Complications of intrauterine procedures, not elsewhere classified [P96.5] | |
 Concept | | T87.2 | | Version: Complications of other reattached body part [T87.2] | |
 Concept | | T87.1 | | Version: Complications of reattached (part of) lower extremity [T87.1] | |
 Concept | | T87.0 | | Version: Complications of reattached (part of) upper extremity [T87.0] | |
 Concept | | Q67.1 | | Version: Compression facies [Q67.1] | |
 Concept | | G93.5 | | Version: Compression of brain [G93.5] | |
 Concept | | G37.5 | | Version: Concentric sclerosis [BalĂł] [G37.5] | |
 Concept | | S06.0 | | Version: Concussion [S06.0] | |
 Concept | | S14.0 | | Version: Concussion and oedema of cervical spinal cord [S14.0] | |
 Concept | | S34.0 | | Version: Concussion and oedema of lumbar spinal cord [S34.0] | |
 Concept | | S24.0 | | Version: Concussion and oedema of thoracic spinal cord [S24.0] | |
 Concept | | P96.9 | | Version: Condition originating in the perinatal period, unspecified [P96.9] | |
 Concept | | Q55.5 | | Version: Congenital absence and aplasia of penis [Q55.5] | |
 Concept | | Q27.0 | | Version: Congenital absence and hypoplasia of umbilical artery [Q27.0] | |
 Concept | | Q16.0 | | Version: Congenital absence of (ear) auricle [Q16.0] | |
 Concept | | Q64.5 | | Version: Congenital absence of bladder and urethra [Q64.5] | |
 Concept | | Q71.2 | | Version: Congenital absence of both forearm and hand [Q71.2] | |
 Concept | | Q72.2 | | Version: Congenital absence of both lower leg and foot [Q72.2] | |
 Concept | | Q83.0 | | Version: Congenital absence of breast with absent nipple [Q83.0] | |
 Concept | | Q72.3 | | Version: Congenital absence of foot and toe(s) [Q72.3] | |
 Concept | | Q71.3 | | Version: Congenital absence of hand and finger(s) [Q71.3] | |
 Concept | | Q50.0 | | Version: Congenital absence of ovary [Q50.0] | |
 Concept | | Q72.1 | | Version: Congenital absence of thigh and lower leg with foot present [Q72.1] | |
 Concept | | Q73.0 | | Version: Congenital absence of unspecified limb(s) [Q73.0] | |
 Concept | | Q71.1 | | Version: Congenital absence of upper arm and forearm with hand present [Q71.1] | |
 Concept | | Q52.0 | | Version: Congenital absence of vagina [Q52.0] | |
 Concept | | Q42.2 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of anus with fistula [Q42.2] | |
 Concept | | Q42.3 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of anus without fistula [Q42.3] | |
 Concept | | Q41.0 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of duodenum [Q41.0] | |
 Concept | | Q41.2 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of ileum [Q41.2] | |
 Concept | | Q41.1 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of jejunum [Q41.1] | |
 Concept | | Q42.0 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia and stenosis of rectum with fistula [Q42.0] | |
 Concept | | Q42.9 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stenosis of large intestine, part unspecified [Q42.9] | |
 Concept | | Q42.8 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stenosis of other parts of large intestine [Q42.8] | |
 Concept | | Q41.8 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stenosis of other specified parts of small intestine [Q41.8] | |
 Concept | | Q42.1 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stenosis of rectum without fistula [Q42.1] | |
 Concept | | Q41.9 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stenosis of small intestine, part unspecified [Q41.9] | |
 Concept | | Q16.1 | | Version: Congenital absence, atresia, and stricture of auditory canal (external) [Q16.1] | |
 Concept | | E25.0 | | Version: Congenital adrenogenital disorders associated with enzyme [E25.0] | |
 Concept | | Q84.0 | | Version: Congenital alopecia [Q84.0] | |
 Concept | | P61.3 | | Version: Congenital anaemia from fetal blood loss [P61.3] | |
 Concept | | Q12.3 | | Version: Congenital aphakia [Q12.3] | |
 Concept | | Q68.3 | | Version: Congenital bowing of femur [Q68.3] | |
 Concept | | Q68.5 | | Version: Congenital bowing of long bones of leg, unspecified [Q68.5] | |
 Concept | | Q68.4 | | Version: Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula [Q68.4] | |
 Concept | | Q33.4 | | Version: Congenital bronchiectasis [Q33.4] | |
 Concept | | Q32.2 | | Version: Congenital bronchomalacia [Q32.2] | |
 Concept | | Q80.3 | | Version: Congenital bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma [Q80.3] | |
 Concept | | Q12.0 | | Version: Congenital cataract [Q12.0] | |
 Concept | | Q04.6 | | Version: Congenital cerebral cysts [Q04.6] | |
 Concept | | Q54.4 | | Version: Congenital chordee [Q54.4] | |
 Concept | | Q72.0 | | Version: Congenital complete absence of lower limb(s) [Q72.0] | |
 Concept | | Q71.0 | | Version: Congenital complete absence of upper limb(s) [Q71.0] | |
 Concept | | Q13.3 | | Version: Congenital corneal opacity [Q13.3] | |
 Concept | | Q34.1 | | Version: Congenital cyst of mediastinum [Q34.1] | |
 Concept | | Q33.0 | | Version: Congenital cystic lung [Q33.0] | |
 Concept | | P35.1 | | Version: Congenital cytomegalovirus infection [P35.1] | |
 Concept | | Q66.9 | | Version: Congenital deformity of feet, unspecified [Q66.9] | |
 Concept | | Q68.1 | | Version: Congenital deformity of hand [Q68.1] | |
 Concept | | Q65.9 | | Version: Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified [Q65.9] | |
 Concept | | Q68.2 | | Version: Congenital deformity of knee [Q68.2] | |
 Concept | | Q67.5 | | Version: Congenital deformity of spine [Q67.5] | |
 Concept | | Q68.0 | | Version: Congenital deformity of sternocleidomastoid muscle [Q68.0] | |
 Concept | | Q79.0 | | Version: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia [Q79.0] | |
 Concept | | Q39.5 | | Version: Congenital dilatation of oesophagus [Q39.5] | |
 Concept | | Q65.2 | | Version: Congenital dislocation of hip, unspecified [Q65.2] | |
 Concept | | Q12.1 | | Version: Congenital displaced lens [Q12.1] | |
 Concept | | Q64.6 | | Version: Congenital diverticulum of bladder [Q64.6] | |
 Concept | | D64.4 | | Version: Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia [D64.4] | |
 Concept | | Q10.1 | | Version: Congenital ectropion [Q10.1] | |
 Concept | | Q10.2 | | Version: Congenital entropion [Q10.2] | |
 Concept | | P37.3 | | Version: Congenital falciparum malaria [P37.3] | |
 Concept | | Q43.6 | | Version: Congenital fistula of rectum and anus [Q43.6] | |
 Concept | | Q51.7 | | Version: Congenital fistulae between uterus and digestive and urinary tracts [Q51.7] | |
 Concept | | Q15.0 | | Version: Congenital glaucoma [Q15.0] | |
 Concept | | Q24.6 | | Version: Congenital heart block [Q24.6] | |
 Concept | | P35.2 | | Version: Congenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection [P35.2] | |
 Concept | | Q40.1 | | Version: Congenital hiatus hernia [Q40.1] | |
 Concept | | Q03.9 | | Version: Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified [Q03.9] | |
 Concept | | Q62.0 | | Version: Congenital hydronephrosis [Q62.0] | |
 Concept | | P94.1 | | Version: Congenital hypertonia [P94.1] | |
 Concept | | Q40.0 | | Version: Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis [Q40.0] | |
 Concept | | E03.0 | | Version: Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre [E03.0] | |
 Concept | | E03.1 | | Version: Congenital hypothyroidism without goitre [E03.1] | |
 Concept | | P94.2 | | Version: Congenital hypotonia [P94.2] | |
 Concept | | Q80.9 | | Version: Congenital ichthyosis, unspecified [Q80.9] | |
 Concept | | P37.9 | | Version: Congenital infectious and parasitic disease, unspecified [P37.9] | |
 Concept | | Q23.1 | | Version: Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve [Q23.1] | |
 Concept | | E00.2 | | Version: Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, mixed type [E00.2] | |
 Concept | | E00.1 | | Version: Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, myxoedematous type [E00.1] | |
 Concept | | E00.0 | | Version: Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, neurological type [E00.0] | |
 Concept | | E00.9 | | Version: Congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome, unspecified [E00.9] | |
 Concept | | Q31.5 | | Version: Congenital laryngomalacia [Q31.5] | |
 Concept | | Q12.9 | | Version: Congenital lens malformation, unspecified [Q12.9] | |
 Concept | | Q84.4 | | Version: Congenital leukonychia [Q84.4] | |
 Concept | | Q13.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of anterior segment of eye, unspecified [Q13.9] | |
 Concept | | Q23.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves, unspecified [Q23.9] | |
 Concept | | Q76.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of bony thorax, unspecified [Q76.9] | |
 Concept | | Q04.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of brain, unspecified [Q04.9] | |
 Concept | | Q83.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of breast, unspecified [Q83.9] | |
 Concept | | Q21.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified [Q21.9] | |
 Concept | | Q14.3 | | Version: Congenital malformation of choroid [Q14.3] | |
 Concept | | Q28.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecified [Q28.9] | |
 Concept | | Q52.6 | | Version: Congenital malformation of clitoris [Q52.6] | |
 Concept | | Q45.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of digestive system, unspecified [Q45.9] | |
 Concept | | Q16.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of ear causing impairment of hearing, unspecified [Q16.9] | |
 Concept | | Q16.3 | | Version: Congenital malformation of ear ossicles [Q16.3] | |
 Concept | | Q17.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of ear, unspecified [Q17.9] | |
 Concept | | Q15.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of eye, unspecified [Q15.9] | |
 Concept | | Q18.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of face and neck, unspecified [Q18.9] | |
 Concept | | Q52.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of female genitalia, unspecified [Q52.9] | |
 Concept | | Q25.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified [Q25.9] | |
 Concept | | Q26.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified [Q26.9] | |
 Concept | | Q24.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of heart, unspecified [Q24.9] | |
 Concept | | Q16.5 | | Version: Congenital malformation of inner ear [Q16.5] | |
 Concept | | Q84.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of integument, unspecified [Q84.9] | |
 Concept | | Q43.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of intestine, unspecified [Q43.9] | |
 Concept | | Q63.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of kidney, unspecified [Q63.9] | |
 Concept | | Q74.1 | | Version: Congenital malformation of knee [Q74.1] | |
 Concept | | Q31.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of larynx, unspecified [Q31.9] | |
 Concept | | Q33.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of lung, unspecified [Q33.9] | |
 Concept | | Q55.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of male genital organ, unspecified [Q55.9] | |
 Concept | | Q79.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of musculoskeletal system, unspecified [Q79.9] | |
 Concept | | Q07.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of nervous system, unspecified [Q07.9] | |
 Concept | | Q30.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of nose, unspecified [Q30.9] | |
 Concept | | Q39.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of oesophagus, unspecified [Q39.9] | |
 Concept | | Q14.2 | | Version: Congenital malformation of optic disc [Q14.2] | |
 Concept | | Q10.7 | | Version: Congenital malformation of orbit [Q10.7] | |
 Concept | | Q27.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of peripheral vascular system, unspecified [Q27.9] | |
 Concept | | Q34.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of respiratory system, unspecified [Q34.9] | |
 Concept | | Q14.1 | | Version: Congenital malformation of retina [Q14.1] | |
 Concept | | Q82.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of skin, unspecified [Q82.9] | |
 Concept | | Q75.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of skull and face bones, unspecified [Q75.9] | |
 Concept | | Q06.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of spinal cord, unspecified [Q06.9] | |
 Concept | | Q76.7 | | Version: Congenital malformation of sternum [Q76.7] | |
 Concept | | Q40.3 | | Version: Congenital malformation of stomach, unspecified [Q40.3] | |
 Concept | | Q22.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified [Q22.9] | |
 Concept | | Q40.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of upper alimentary tract, unspecified [Q40.9] | |
 Concept | | Q64.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of urinary system, unspecified [Q64.9] | |
 Concept | | Q51.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation of uterus and cervix, unspecified [Q51.9] | |
 Concept | | Q14.0 | | Version: Congenital malformation of vitreous humour [Q14.0] | |
 Concept | | Q87.3 | | Version: Congenital malformation syndromes involving early overgrowth [Q87.3] | |
 Concept | | Q87.0 | | Version: Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance [Q87.0] | |
 Concept | | Q87.1 | | Version: Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature [Q87.1] | |
 Concept | | Q87.2 | | Version: Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs [Q87.2] | |
 Concept | | Q89.9 | | Version: Congenital malformation, unspecified [Q89.9] | |
 Concept | | Q89.1 | | Version: Congenital malformations of adrenal gland [Q89.1] | |
 Concept | | Q04.0 | | Version: Congenital malformations of corpus callosum [Q04.0] | |
 Concept | | Q43.3 | | Version: Congenital malformations of intestinal fixation [Q43.3] | |
 Concept | | Q38.0 | | Version: Congenital malformations of lips, not elsewhere classified [Q38.0] | |
 Concept | | Q89.2 | | Version: Congenital malformations of other endocrine glands [Q89.2] | |
 Concept | | Q38.5 | | Version: Congenital malformations of palate, not elsewhere classified [Q38.5] | |
 Concept | | Q38.4 | | Version: Congenital malformations of salivary glands and ducts [Q38.4] | |
 Concept | | Q89.0 | | Version: Congenital malformations of spleen [Q89.0] | |
 Concept | | Q62.2 | | Version: Congenital megaloureter [Q62.2] | |
 Concept | | D74.0 | | Version: Congenital methaemoglobinaemia [D74.0] | |
 Concept | | Q23.3 | | Version: Congenital mitral insufficiency [Q23.3] | |
 Concept | | Q23.2 | | Version: Congenital mitral stenosis [Q23.2] | |
 Concept | | Q84.1 | | Version: Congenital morphological disturbances of hair, not elsewhere classified [Q84.1] | |
 Concept | | G71.2 | | Version: Congenital myopathies [G71.2] | |
 Concept | | Q82.5 | | Version: Congenital non-neoplastic naevus [Q82.5] | |
 Concept | | Q45.2 | | Version: Congenital pancreatic cyst [Q45.2] | |
 Concept | | Q30.3 | | Version: Congenital perforated nasal septum [Q30.3] | |
 Concept | | Q66.5 | | Version: Congenital pes planus [Q66.5] | |
 Concept | | Q27.4 | | Version: Congenital phlebectasia [Q27.4] | |
 Concept | | P23.1 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to Chlamydia [P23.1] | |
 Concept | | P23.4 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to Escherichia coli [P23.4] | |
 Concept | | P23.6 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to other bacterial agents [P23.6] | |
 Concept | | P23.8 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to other organisms [P23.8] | |
 Concept | | P23.5 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to Pseudomonas [P23.5] | |
 Concept | | P23.2 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to Staphylococcus [P23.2] | |
 Concept | | P23.3 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to Streptococcus, group B [P23.3] | |
 Concept | | P23.0 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia due to viral agent [P23.0] | |
 Concept | | P23.9 | | Version: Congenital pneumonia, unspecified [P23.9] | |
 Concept | | Q64.2 | | Version: Congenital posterior urethral valves [Q64.2] | |
 Concept | | Q10.0 | | Version: Congenital ptosis [Q10.0] | |
 Concept | | Q22.2 | | Version: Congenital pulmonary valve insufficiency [Q22.2] | |
 Concept | | Q22.1 | | Version: Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis [Q22.1] | |
 Concept | | Q52.2 | | Version: Congenital rectovaginal fistula [Q52.2] | |
 Concept | | Q27.1 | | Version: Congenital renal artery stenosis [Q27.1] | |
 Concept | | P96.0 | | Version: Congenital renal failure [P96.0] | |
 Concept | | P35.0 | | Version: Congenital rubella syndrome [P35.0] | |
 Concept | | Q76.3 | | Version: Congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation [Q76.3] | |
 Concept | | Q61.0 | | Version: Congenital single renal cyst [Q61.0] | |
 Concept | | Q76.2 | | Version: Congenital spondylolisthesis [Q76.2] | |
 Concept | | Q44.3 | | Version: Congenital stenosis and stricture of bile ducts [Q44.3] | |
 Concept | | Q10.5 | | Version: Congenital stenosis and stricture of lacrimal duct [Q10.5] | |
 Concept | | Q39.3 | | Version: Congenital stenosis and stricture of oesophagus [Q39.3] | |
 Concept | | Q23.0 | | Version: Congenital stenosis of aortic valve [Q23.0] | |
 Concept | | Q32.3 | | Version: Congenital stenosis of bronchus [Q32.3] | |
 Concept | | Q26.0 | | Version: Congenital stenosis of vena cava [Q26.0] | |
 Concept | | Q24.4 | | Version: Congenital subaortic stenosis [Q24.4] | |
 Concept | | Q31.1 | | Version: Congenital subglottic stenosis [Q31.1] | |
 Concept | | A50.9 | | Version: Congenital syphilis, unspecified [A50.9] | |
 Concept | | Q50.2 | | Version: Congenital torsion of ovary [Q50.2] | |
 Concept | | P37.1 | | Version: Congenital toxoplasmosis [P37.1] | |
 Concept | | Q32.0 | | Version: Congenital tracheomalacia [Q32.0] | |
 Concept | | Q39.2 | | Version: Congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula without atresia [Q39.2] | |
 Concept | | Q22.4 | | Version: Congenital tricuspid stenosis [Q22.4] | |
 Concept | | P37.0 | | Version: Congenital tuberculosis [P37.0] | |
 Concept | | Q62.7 | | Version: Congenital vesico-uretero-renal reflux [Q62.7] | |
 Concept | | P35.9 | | Version: Congenital viral disease, unspecified [P35.9] | |
 Concept | | P35.3 | | Version: Congenital viral hepatitis [P35.3] | |
 Concept | | Q89.4 | | Version: Conjoined twins [Q89.4] | |
 Concept | | D61.0 | | Version: Constitutional aplastic anaemia [D61.0] | |
 Concept | | W30 | | Version: Contact with agricultural machinery [W30] | |
 Concept | | Y29 | | Version: Contact with blunt object, undetermined intent [Y29] | |
 Concept | | Y25 | | Version: Contact with explosive material, undetermined intent [Y25] | |
 Concept | | W24 | | Version: Contact with lifting and transmission devices, not elsewhere classified [W24] | |
 Concept | | W27 | | Version: Contact with nonpowered hand tool [W27] | |
 Concept | | X19 | | Version: Contact with other and unspecified heat and hot substances [X19] | |
 Concept | | W31 | | Version: Contact with other and unspecified machinery [W31] | |
 Concept | | W29 | | Version: Contact with other powered hand tools and household machinery [W29] | |
 Concept | | W26 | | Version: Contact with other sharp objects [W26] | |
 Concept | | W28 | | Version: Contact with powered lawnmower [W28] | |
 Concept | | W25 | | Version: Contact with sharp glass [W25] | |
 Concept | | Y28 | | Version: Contact with sharp object, undetermined intent [Y28] | |
 Concept | | Y27 | | Version: Contact with steam, hot vapours and hot objects, undetermined intent [Y27] | |
 Concept | | S30.1 | | Version: Contusion of abdominal wall [S30.1] | |
 Concept | | S90.0 | | Version: Contusion of ankle [S90.0] | |
 Concept | | S20.0 | | Version: Contusion of breast [S20.0] | |
 Concept | | S50.0 | | Version: Contusion of elbow [S50.0] | |
 Concept | | S30.2 | | Version: Contusion of external genital organs [S30.2] | |
 Concept | | S05.1 | | Version: Contusion of eyeball and orbital tissues [S05.1] | |
 Concept | | S00.1 | | Version: Contusion of eyelid and periocular area [S00.1] | |
 Concept | | S60.1 | | Version: Contusion of finger(s) with damage to nail [S60.1] | |
 Concept | | S60.0 | | Version: Contusion of finger(s) without damage to nail [S60.0] | |
 Concept | | S70.0 | | Version: Contusion of hip [S70.0] | |
 Concept | | S80.0 | | Version: Contusion of knee [S80.0] | |
 Concept | | S30.0 | | Version: Contusion of lower back and pelvis [S30.0] | |
 Concept | | S90.3 | | Version: Contusion of other and unspecified parts of foot [S90.3] | |
 Concept | | S50.1 | | Version: Contusion of other and unspecified parts of forearm [S50.1] | |
 Concept | | S80.1 | | Version: Contusion of other and unspecified parts of lower leg [S80.1] | |
 Concept | | S60.2 | | Version: Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand [S60.2] | |
 Concept | | S40.0 | | Version: Contusion of shoulder and upper arm [S40.0] | |
 Concept | | S70.1 | | Version: Contusion of thigh [S70.1] | |
 Concept | | S20.2 | | Version: Contusion of thorax [S20.2] | |
 Concept | | S10.0 | | Version: Contusion of throat [S10.0] | |
 Concept | | S90.2 | | Version: Contusion of toe(s) with damage to nail [S90.2] | |
 Concept | | S90.1 | | Version: Contusion of toe(s) without damage to nail [S90.1] | |
 Concept | | Q24.2 | | Version: Cor triatriatum [Q24.2] | |
 Concept | | G95.2 | | Version: Cord compression, unspecified [G95.2] | |
 Concept | | B34.2 | | Version: Coronavirus infection, unspecified site [B34.2] | |
 Concept | | T27.5 | | Version: Corrosion involving larynx and trachea with lung [T27.5] | |
 Concept | | T26.6 | | Version: Corrosion of cornea and conjunctival sac [T26.6] | |
 Concept | | T26.9 | | Version: Corrosion of eye and adnexa, part unspecified [T26.9] | |
 Concept | | T26.5 | | Version: Corrosion of eyelid and periocular area [T26.5] | |
 Concept | | T25.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of ankle and foot [T25.5] | |
 Concept | | T20.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of head and neck [T20.5] | |
 Concept | | T24.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.5] | |
 Concept | | T22.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.5] | |
 Concept | | T21.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of trunk [T21.5] | |
 Concept | | T23.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree of wrist and hand [T23.5] | |
 Concept | | T30.5 | | Version: Corrosion of first degree, body region unspecified [T30.5] | |
 Concept | | T28.8 | | Version: Corrosion of internal genitourinary organs [T28.8] | |
 Concept | | T27.4 | | Version: Corrosion of larynx and trachea [T27.4] | |
 Concept | | T28.5 | | Version: Corrosion of mouth and pharynx [T28.5] | |
 Concept | | T28.6 | | Version: Corrosion of oesophagus [T28.6] | |
 Concept | | T28.9 | | Version: Corrosion of other and unspecified internal organs [T28.9] | |
 Concept | | T28.7 | | Version: Corrosion of other parts of alimentary tract [T28.7] | |
 Concept | | T26.8 | | Version: Corrosion of other parts of eye and adnexa [T26.8] | |
 Concept | | T27.6 | | Version: Corrosion of other parts of respiratory tract [T27.6] | |
 Concept | | T27.7 | | Version: Corrosion of respiratory tract, part unspecified [T27.7] | |
 Concept | | T25.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of ankle and foot [T25.6] | |
 Concept | | T20.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of head and neck [T20.6] | |
 Concept | | T24.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.6] | |
 Concept | | T22.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of shoulder and upper limb, wrist and hand [T22.6] | |
 Concept | | T21.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of trunk [T21.6] | |
 Concept | | T23.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand [T23.6] | |
 Concept | | T30.6 | | Version: Corrosion of second degree, body region unspecified [T30.6] | |
 Concept | | T25.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot [T25.7] | |
 Concept | | T20.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of head and neck [T20.7] | |
 Concept | | T24.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.7] | |
 Concept | | T22.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.7] | |
 Concept | | T21.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of trunk [T21.7] | |
 Concept | | T23.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand [T23.7] | |
 Concept | | T30.7 | | Version: Corrosion of third degree, body region unspecified [T30.7] | |
 Concept | | T30.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified body region, unspecified degree [T30.4] | |
 Concept | | T25.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of ankle and foot [T25.4] | |
 Concept | | T20.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of head and neck [T20.4] | |
 Concept | | T24.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of hip and lower limb, except ankle and foot [T24.4] | |
 Concept | | T22.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of shoulder and upper limb, except wrist and hand [T22.4] | |
 Concept | | T21.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of trunk [T21.4] | |
 Concept | | T23.4 | | Version: Corrosion of unspecified degree of wrist and hand [T23.4] | |
 Concept | | T26.7 | | Version: Corrosion with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball [T26.7] | |
 Concept | | T32.1 | | Version: Corrosions involving 10–19% of body surface [T32.1] | |
 Concept | | T32.2 | | Version: Corrosions involving 20–29% of body surface [T32.2] | |
 Concept | | T32.3 | | Version: Corrosions involving 30–39% of body surface [T32.3] | |
 Concept | | T32.4 | | Version: Corrosions involving 40–49% of body surface [T32.4] | |
 Concept | | T32.5 | | Version: Corrosions involving 50–59% of body surface [T32.5] | |
 Concept | | T32.6 | | Version: Corrosions involving 60–69% of body surface [T32.6] | |
 Concept | | T32.7 | | Version: Corrosions involving 70–79% of body surface [T32.7] | |
 Concept | | T32.8 | | Version: Corrosions involving 80–89% of body surface [T32.8] | |
 Concept | | T32.9 | | Version: Corrosions involving 90% or more of body surface [T32.9] | |
 Concept | | T32.0 | | Version: Corrosions involving less than 10% of body surface [T32.0] | |
 Concept | | Q75.1 | | Version: Craniofacial dysostosis [Q75.1] | |
 Concept | | Q00.1 | | Version: Craniorachischisis [Q00.1] | |
 Concept | | Q75.0 | | Version: Craniosynostosis [Q75.0] | |
 Concept | | Y32 | | Version: Crashing of motor vehicle, undetermined intent [Y32] | |
 Concept | | A81.0 | | Version: Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease [A81.0] | |
 Concept | | E80.5 | | Version: Crigler–Najjar syndrome [E80.5] | |
 Concept | | A98.0 | | Version: Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever [A98.0] | |
 Concept | | S28.0 | | Version: Crushed chest [S28.0] | |
 Concept | | W52 | | Version: Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede [W52] | |
 Concept | | T04.3 | | Version: Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of lower limb(s) [T04.3] | |
 Concept | | T04.2 | | Version: Crushing injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) [T04.2] | |
 Concept | | T04.8 | | Version: Crushing injuries involving other combinations of body regions [T04.8] | |
 Concept | | T04.1 | | Version: Crushing injuries involving thorax with abdomen, lower back, and pelvis [T04.1] | |
 Concept | | T14.7 | | Version: Crushing injury and traumatic amputation of unspecified body region [T14.7] | |
 Concept | | S97.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of ankle [S97.0] | |
 Concept | | S57.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of elbow [S57.0] | |
 Concept | | S38.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of external genital organs [S38.0] | |
 Concept | | S07.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of face [S07.0] | |
 Concept | | S57.9 | | Version: Crushing injury of forearm, part unspecified [S57.9] | |
 Concept | | S07.9 | | Version: Crushing injury of head, part unspecified [S07.9] | |
 Concept | | S77.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of hip [S77.0] | |
 Concept | | S77.2 | | Version: Crushing injury of hip with thigh [S77.2] | |
 Concept | | S87.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of knee [S87.0] | |
 Concept | | S17.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of larynx and trachea [S17.0] | |
 Concept | | S17.9 | | Version: Crushing injury of neck, part unspecified [S17.9] | |
 Concept | | S38.1 | | Version: Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back, and pelvis [S38.1] | |
 Concept | | S87.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of lower leg [S87.8] | |
 Concept | | S67.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand [S67.8] | |
 Concept | | S97.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other parts of ankle and foot [S97.8] | |
 Concept | | S57.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other parts of forearm [S57.8] | |
 Concept | | S07.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other parts of head [S07.8] | |
 Concept | | S17.8 | | Version: Crushing injury of other parts of neck [S17.8] | |
 Concept | | S47 | | Version: Crushing injury of shoulder and upper arm [S47] | |
 Concept | | S07.1 | | Version: Crushing injury of skull [S07.1] | |
 Concept | | S77.1 | | Version: Crushing injury of thigh [S77.1] | |
 Concept | | S67.0 | | Version: Crushing injury of thumb and other finger(s) [S67.0] | |
 Concept | | S97.1 | | Version: Crushing injury of toe(s) [S97.1] | |
 Concept | | D89.1 | | Version: Cryoglobulinaemia [D89.1] | |
 Concept | | B45.9 | | Version: Cryptococcosis, unspecified [B45.9] | |
 Concept | | A07.2 | | Version: Cryptosporidiosis [A07.2] | |
 Concept | | E24.9 | | Version: Cushing syndrome, unspecified [E24.9] | |
 Concept | | A06.7 | | Version: Cutaneous amoebiasis [A06.7] | |
 Concept | | A44.1 | | Version: Cutaneous and mucocutaneous bartonellosis [A44.1] | |
 Concept | | A22.0 | | Version: Cutaneous anthrax [A22.0] | |
 Concept | | B40.3 | | Version: Cutaneous blastomycosis [B40.3] | |
 Concept | | B43.0 | | Version: Cutaneous chromomycosis [B43.0] | |
 Concept | | B38.3 | | Version: Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis [B38.3] | |
 Concept | | B45.2 | | Version: Cutaneous cryptococcosis [B45.2] | |
 Concept | | A36.3 | | Version: Cutaneous diphtheria [A36.3] | |
 Concept | | A26.0 | | Version: Cutaneous erysipeloid [A26.0] | |
 Concept | | B55.1 | | Version: Cutaneous leishmaniasis [B55.1] | |
 Concept | | A32.0 | | Version: Cutaneous listeriosis [A32.0] | |
 Concept | | B46.3 | | Version: Cutaneous mucormycosis [B46.3] | |
 Concept | | A31.1 | | Version: Cutaneous mycobacterial infection [A31.1] | |
 Concept | | B87.0 | | Version: Cutaneous myiasis [B87.0] | |
 Concept | | A43.1 | | Version: Cutaneous nocardiosis [A43.1] | |
 Concept | | B78.1 | | Version: Cutaneous strongyloidiasis [B78.1] | |
 Concept | | D73.4 | | Version: Cyst of spleen [D73.4] | |
 Concept | | Q44.6 | | Version: Cystic disease of liver [Q44.6] | |
 Concept | | Q11.0 | | Version: Cystic eyeball [Q11.0] | |
 Concept | | E84.1 | | Version: Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations [E84.1] | |
 Concept | | E84.8 | | Version: Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations [E84.8] | |
 Concept | | E84.0 | | Version: Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations [E84.0] | |
 Concept | | E84.9 | | Version: Cystic fibrosis, unspecified [E84.9] | |
 Concept | | Q61.9 | | Version: Cystic kidney disease, unspecified [Q61.9] | |
 Concept | | B69.0 | | Version: Cysticercosis of central nervous system [B69.0] | |
 Concept | | B69.1 | | Version: Cysticercosis of eye [B69.1] | |
 Concept | | B69.8 | | Version: Cysticercosis of other sites [B69.8] | |
 Concept | | B69.9 | | Version: Cysticercosis, unspecified [B69.9] | |
 Concept | | B25.9 | | Version: Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified [B25.9] | |
 Concept | | B25.1 | | Version: Cytomegaloviral hepatitis [B25.1] | |
 Concept | | B27.1 | | Version: Cytomegaloviral mononucleosis [B27.1] | |
 Concept | | B25.2 | | Version: Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis [B25.2] | |
 Concept | | B25.0 | | Version: Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis [B25.0] | |
 Concept | | E77.1 | | Version: Defects in glycoprotein degradation [E77.1] | |
 Concept | | E77.0 | | Version: Defects in post-translational modification of lysosomal enzymes [E77.0] | |
 Concept | | D84.1 | | Version: Defects in the complement system [D84.1] | |
 Concept | | E80.3 | | Version: Defects of catalase and peroxidase [E80.3] | |
 Concept | | G31.9 | | Version: Degenerative disease of nervous system, unspecified [G31.9] | |
 Concept | | P74.1 | | Version: Dehydration of newborn [P74.1] | |
 Concept | | Q93.9 | | Version: Deletion from autosomes, unspecified [Q93.9] | |
 Concept | | Q93.3 | | Version: Deletion of short arm of chromosome 4 [Q93.3] | |
 Concept | | Q93.4 | | Version: Deletion of short arm of chromosome 5 [Q93.4] | |
 Concept | | Q93.6 | | Version: Deletions seen only at prometaphase [Q93.6] | |
 Concept | | Q93.7 | | Version: Deletions with other complex rearrangements [Q93.7] | |
 Concept | | D56.2 | | Version: Delta-beta thalassaemia [D56.2] | |
 Concept | | G37.9 | | Version: Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified [G37.9] | |
 Concept | | A90 | | Version: Dengue fever [classical dengue] [A90] | |
 Concept | | A91 | | Version: Dengue hemorrhagic fever [A91] | |
 Concept | | K07.9 | | Version: Dentofacial anomaly, unspecified [K07.9] | |
 Concept | | Q50.1 | | Version: Developmental ovarian cyst [Q50.1] | |
 Concept | | Q24.0 | | Version: Dextrocardia [Q24.0] | |
 Concept | | Q06.2 | | Version: Diastematomyelia [Q06.2] | |
 Concept | | B66.2 | | Version: Dicrocoeliasis [B66.2] | |
 Concept | | D52.0 | | Version: Dietary folate deficiency anaemia [D52.0] | |
 Concept | | S06.2 | | Version: Diffuse brain injury [S06.2] | |
 Concept | | C83.3 | | Version: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [C83.3] | |
 Concept | | G37.0 | | Version: Diffuse sclerosis [G37.0] | |
 Concept | | D82.1 | | Version: DiGeorge syndrome [D82.1] | |
 Concept | | A36.9 | | Version: Diphtheria, unspecified [A36.9] | |
 Concept | | B70.0 | | Version: Diphyllobothriasis [B70.0] | |
 Concept | | B71.1 | | Version: Dipylidiasis [B71.1] | |
 Concept | | W34 | | Version: Discharge from other and unspecified firearms [W34] | |
 Concept | | W39 | | Version: Discharge of firework [W39] | |
 Concept | | Q20.5 | | Version: Discordant atrioventricular connection [Q20.5] | |
 Concept | | Q20.3 | | Version: Discordant ventriculoarterial connection [Q20.3] | |
 Concept | | D75.9 | | Version: Disease of blood and blood-forming organs, unspecified [D75.9] | |
 Concept | | I78.9 | | Version: Disease of capillaries, unspecified [I78.9] | |
 Concept | | I31.9 | | Version: Disease of pericardium, unspecified [I31.9] | |
 Concept | | G95.9 | | Version: Disease of spinal cord, unspecified [G95.9] | |
 Concept | | D73.9 | | Version: Disease of spleen, unspecified [D73.9] | |
 Concept | | E32.9 | | Version: Disease of thymus, unspecified [E32.9] | |
 Concept | | S43.1 | | Version: Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint [S43.1] | |
 Concept | | S93.0 | | Version: Dislocation of ankle joint [S93.0] | |
 Concept | | S13.1 | | Version: Dislocation of cervical vertebra [S13.1] | |
 Concept | | S53.1 | | Version: Dislocation of elbow, unspecified [S53.1] | |
 Concept | | S63.1 | | Version: Dislocation of finger [S63.1] | |
 Concept | | S73.0 | | Version: Dislocation of hip [S73.0] | |
 Concept | | S03.0 | | Version: Dislocation of jaw [S03.0] | |
 Concept | | S83.1 | | Version: Dislocation of knee [S83.1] | |
 Concept | | S33.1 | | Version: Dislocation of lumbar vertebra [S33.1] | |
 Concept | | S93.3 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of foot [S93.3] | |
 Concept | | S03.3 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of head [S03.3] | |
 Concept | | S33.3 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis [S33.3] | |
 Concept | | S13.2 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of neck [S13.2] | |
 Concept | | S43.3 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle [S43.3] | |
 Concept | | S23.2 | | Version: Dislocation of other and unspecified parts of thorax [S23.2] | |
 Concept | | S83.0 | | Version: Dislocation of patella [S83.0] | |
 Concept | | S53.0 | | Version: Dislocation of radial head [S53.0] | |
 Concept | | S33.2 | | Version: Dislocation of sacroiliac and sacrococcygeal joint [S33.2] | |
 Concept | | S03.1 | | Version: Dislocation of septal cartilage of nose [S03.1] | |
 Concept | | S43.0 | | Version: Dislocation of shoulder joint [S43.0] | |
 Concept | | S43.2 | | Version: Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint [S43.2] | |
 Concept | | S23.1 | | Version: Dislocation of thoracic vertebra [S23.1] | |
 Concept | | S93.1 | | Version: Dislocation of toe(s) [S93.1] | |
 Concept | | S03.2 | | Version: Dislocation of tooth [S03.2] | |
 Concept | | S63.0 | | Version: Dislocation of wrist [S63.0] | |
 Concept | | T14.3 | | Version: Dislocation, sprain and strain of unspecified body region [T14.3] | |
 Concept | | T13.2 | | Version: Dislocation, sprain, and strain of unspecified joint and ligament of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.2] | |
 Concept | | T09.2 | | Version: Dislocation, sprain, and strain of unspecified joint and ligament of trunk [T09.2] | |
 Concept | | T11.2 | | Version: Dislocation, sprain, and strain of unspecified joint and ligament of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.2] | |
 Concept | | T03.3 | | Version: Dislocations, sprains and strains involving multiple regions of lower limb(s) [T03.3] | |
 Concept | | T03.2 | | Version: Dislocations, sprains and strains involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) [T03.2] | |
 Concept | | T03.1 | | Version: Dislocations, sprains and strains involving thorax with lower back and pelvis [T03.1] | |
 Concept | | T03.8 | | Version: Dislocations, sprains, and strains involving other combinations of body regions [T03.8] | |
 Concept | | D89.9 | | Version: Disorder involving the immune mechanism, unspecified [D89.9] | |
 Concept | | E27.9 | | Version: Disorder of adrenal gland, unspecified [E27.9] | |
 Concept | | E72.9 | | Version: Disorder of amino-acid metabolism, unspecified [E72.9] | |
 Concept | | E70.9 | | Version: Disorder of aromatic amino-acid metabolism, unspecified [E70.9] | |
 Concept | | G90.9 | | Version: Disorder of autonomic nervous system, unspecified [G90.9] | |
 Concept | | E80.7 | | Version: Disorder of bilirubin metabolism, unspecified [E80.7] | |
 Concept | | E71.2 | | Version: Disorder of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism, unspecified [E71.2] | |
 Concept | | E74.9 | | Version: Disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, unspecified [E74.9] | |
 Concept | | E76.9 | | Version: Disorder of glucosaminoglycan metabolism, unspecified [E76.9] | |
 Concept | | E77.9 | | Version: Disorder of glycoprotein metabolism, unspecified [E77.9] | |
 Concept | | E78.9 | | Version: Disorder of lipoprotein metabolism, unspecified [E78.9] | |
 Concept | | E83.9 | | Version: Disorder of mineral metabolism, unspecified [E83.9] | |
 Concept | | P94.9 | | Version: Disorder of muscle tone of newborn, unspecified [P94.9] | |
 Concept | | E16.9 | | Version: Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified [E16.9] | |
 Concept | | E21.5 | | Version: Disorder of parathyroid gland, unspecified [E21.5] | |
 Concept | | E23.7 | | Version: Disorder of pituitary gland, unspecified [E23.7] | |
 Concept | | E79.9 | | Version: Disorder of purine and pyrimidine metabolism, unspecified [E79.9] | |
 Concept | | E07.9 | | Version: Disorder of thyroid, unspecified [E07.9] | |
 Concept | | D72.9 | | Version: Disorder of white blood cells, unspecified [D72.9] | |
 Concept | | E72.0 | | Version: Disorders of amino-acid transport [E72.0] | |
 Concept | | E83.0 | | Version: Disorders of copper metabolism [E83.0] | |
 Concept | | E71.3 | | Version: Disorders of fatty-acid metabolism [E71.3] | |
 Concept | | E74.1 | | Version: Disorders of fructose metabolism [E74.1] | |
 Concept | | E74.2 | | Version: Disorders of galactose metabolism [E74.2] | |
 Concept | | E72.5 | | Version: Disorders of glycine metabolism [E72.5] | |
 Concept | | E83.1 | | Version: Disorders of iron metabolism [E83.1] | |
 Concept | | E72.3 | | Version: Disorders of lysine and hydroxylysine metabolism [E72.3] | |
 Concept | | E72.4 | | Version: Disorders of ornithine metabolism [E72.4] | |
 Concept | | E83.3 | | Version: Disorders of phosphorus metabolism and phosphatases [E83.3] | |
 Concept | | E88.0 | | Version: Disorders of plasma-protein metabolism, not elsewhere classified [E88.0] | |
 Concept | | E74.4 | | Version: Disorders of pyruvate metabolism and gluconeogenesis [E74.4] | |
 Concept | | E72.1 | | Version: Disorders of sulfur-bearing amino-acid metabolism [E72.1] | |
 Concept | | E70.2 | | Version: Disorders of tyrosine metabolism [E70.2] | |
 Concept | | E72.2 | | Version: Disorders of urea cycle metabolism [E72.2] | |
 Concept | | E83.2 | | Version: Disorders of zinc metabolism [E83.2] | |
 Concept | | T81.3 | | Version: Disruption of operation wound, not elsewhere classified [T81.3] | |
 Concept | | B44.7 | | Version: Disseminated aspergillosis [B44.7] | |
 Concept | | B40.7 | | Version: Disseminated blastomycosis [B40.7] | |
 Concept | | B38.7 | | Version: Disseminated coccidioidomycosis [B38.7] | |
 Concept | | B45.7 | | Version: Disseminated cryptococcosis [B45.7] | |
 Concept | | B00.7 | | Version: Disseminated herpesviral disease [B00.7] | |
 Concept | | B39.3 | | Version: Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati [B39.3] | |
 Concept | | P60 | | Version: Disseminated intravascular coagulation of fetus and newborn [P60] | |
 Concept | | B46.4 | | Version: Disseminated mucormycosis [B46.4] | |
 Concept | | B41.7 | | Version: Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis [B41.7] | |
 Concept | | B42.7 | | Version: Disseminated sporotrichosis [B42.7] | |
 Concept | | B78.7 | | Version: Disseminated strongyloidiasis [B78.7] | |
 Concept | | B02.7 | | Version: Disseminated zoster [B02.7] | |
 Concept | | P91.9 | | Version: Disturbance of cerebral status of newborn, unspecified [P91.9] | |
 Concept | | P81.9 | | Version: Disturbance of temperature regulation of newborn, [P81.9] | |
 Concept | | P74.3 | | Version: Disturbances of potassium balance of newborn [P74.3] | |
 Concept | | P74.2 | | Version: Disturbances of sodium balance of newborn [P74.2] | |
 Concept | | Q39.6 | | Version: Diverticulum of oesophagus [Q39.6] | |
 Concept | | Q67.2 | | Version: Dolichocephaly [Q67.2] | |
 Concept | | D57.2 | | Version: Double heterozygous sickling disorders [D57.2] | |
 Concept | | Q20.4 | | Version: Double inlet ventricle [Q20.4] | |
 Concept | | Q20.2 | | Version: Double outlet left ventricle [Q20.2] | |
 Concept | | Q20.1 | | Version: Double outlet right ventricle [Q20.1] | |
 Concept | | Q51.1 | | Version: Doubling of uterus with doubling of cervix and vagina [Q51.1] | |
 Concept | | Q52.1 | | Version: Doubling of vagina [Q52.1] | |
 Concept | | Q90.9 | | Version: Down syndrome, unspecified [Q90.9] | |
 Concept | | B72 | | Version: Dracunculiasis [B72] | |
 Concept | | I24.1 | | Version: Dressler syndrome [I24.1] | |
 Concept | | T75.1 | | Version: Drowning and nonfatal submersion [T75.1] | |
 Concept | | D61.1 | | Version: Drug-induced aplastic anaemia [D61.1] | |
 Concept | | D59.0 | | Version: Drug-induced autoimmune haemolytic anaemia [D59.0] | |
 Concept | | D52.1 | | Version: Drug-induced folate deficiency anaemia [D52.1] | |
 Concept | | E16.0 | | Version: Drug-induced hypoglycaemia without coma [E16.0] | |
 Concept | | D59.2 | | Version: Drug-induced nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemia [D59.2] | |
 Concept | | Q43.4 | | Version: Duplication of intestine [Q43.4] | |
 Concept | | Q62.5 | | Version: Duplication of ureter [Q62.5] | |
 Concept | | Q92.4 | | Version: Duplications seen only at prometaphase [Q92.4] | |
 Concept | | Q92.5 | | Version: Duplications with other complex rearrangements [Q92.5] | |
 Concept | | E07.1 | | Version: Dyshormogenetic goitre [E07.1] | |
 Concept | | G80.3 | | Version: Dyskinetic cerebral palsy [G80.3] | |
 Concept | | Q86.2 | | Version: Dysmorphism due to warfarin [Q86.2] | |
 Concept | | Q77.5 | | Version: Dystrophic dysplasia [Q77.5] | |
 Concept | | A50.0 | | Version: Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic [A50.0] | |
 Concept | | A50.2 | | Version: Early congenital syphilis, unspecified [A50.2] | |
 Concept | | A83.2 | | Version: Eastern equine encephalitis [A83.2] | |
 Concept | | A98.4 | | Version: Ebola virus disease [A98.4] | |
 Concept | | Q22.5 | | Version: Ebstein’s anomaly [Q22.5] | |
 Concept | | B67.9 | | Version: Echinococcosis, other and unspecified [B67.9] | |
 Concept | | B67.8 | | Version: Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver [B67.8] | |
 Concept | | B67.2 | | Version: Echinococcus granulosus infection of bone [B67.2] | |
 Concept | | B67.0 | | Version: Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver [B67.0] | |
 Concept | | B67.1 | | Version: Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung [B67.1] | |
 Concept | | B67.3 | | Version: Echinococcus granulosus infection, other and multiple sites [B67.3] | |
 Concept | | B67.4 | | Version: Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified [B67.4] | |
 Concept | | B67.5 | | Version: Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver [B67.5] | |
 Concept | | B67.6 | | Version: Echinococcus multilocularis infection, other and multiple sites [B67.6] | |
 Concept | | B67.7 | | Version: Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified [B67.7] | |
 Concept | | Q82.4 | | Version: Ectodermal dysplasia (anhidrotic) [Q82.4] | |
 Concept | | E24.3 | | Version: Ectopic ACTH syndrome [E24.3] | |
 Concept | | Q43.5 | | Version: Ectopic anus [Q43.5] | |
 Concept | | Q63.2 | | Version: Ectopic kidney [Q63.2] | |
 Concept | | Q53.0 | | Version: Ectopic testis [Q53.0] | |
 Concept | | Q33.5 | | Version: Ectopic tissue in lung [Q33.5] | |
 Concept | | B00.0 | | Version: Eczema herpeticum [B00.0] | |
 Concept | | Q91.3 | | Version: Edwards syndrome, unspecified [Q91.3] | |
 Concept | | T70.9 | | Version: Effect of air pressure and water pressure, unspecified [T70.9] | |
 Concept | | T73.9 | | Version: Effect of deprivation, unspecified [T73.9] | |
 Concept | | T67.9 | | Version: Effect of heat and light, unspecified [T67.9] | |
 Concept | | T69.9 | | Version: Effect of reduced temperature, unspecified [T69.9] | |
 Concept | | T75.4 | | Version: Effects of electric current [T75.4] | |
 Concept | | T70.4 | | Version: Effects of high-pressure fluids [T70.4] | |
 Concept | | T73.0 | | Version: Effects of hunger [T73.0] | |
 Concept | | T75.0 | | Version: Effects of lightning [T75.0] | |
 Concept | | T73.1 | | Version: Effects of thirst [T73.1] | |
 Concept | | T75.2 | | Version: Effects of vibration [T75.2] | |
 Concept | | Q79.6 | | Version: Ehlers–Danlos syndrome [Q79.6] | |
 Concept | | Q50.5 | | Version: Embryonic cyst of broad ligament [Q50.5] | |
 Concept | | Q51.6 | | Version: Embryonic cyst of cervix [Q51.6] | |
 Concept | | Q50.4 | | Version: Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube [Q50.4] | |
 Concept | | Q01.8 | | Version: Encephalocele of other sites [Q01.8] | |
 Concept | | Q01.9 | | Version: Encephalocele, unspecified [Q01.9] | |
 Concept | | Q78.4 | | Version: Enchondromatosis [Q78.4] | |
 Concept | | I42.4 | | Version: Endocardial fibroelastosis [I42.4] | |
 Concept | | E34.9 | | Version: Endocrine disorder, unspecified [E34.9] | |
 Concept | | Q84.5 | | Version: Enlarged and hypertrophic nails [Q84.5] | |
 Concept | | A04.6 | | Version: Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica [A04.6] | |
 Concept | | B80 | | Version: Enterobiasis [B80] | |
 Concept | | A04.7 | | Version: Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile [A04.7] | |
 Concept | | A04.3 | | Version: Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection [A04.3] | |
 Concept | | A04.2 | | Version: Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infection [A04.2] | |
 Concept | | A04.0 | | Version: Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection [A04.0] | |
 Concept | | A04.1 | | Version: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection [A04.1] | |
 Concept | | A85.0 | | Version: Enteroviral encephalitis [A85.0] | |
 Concept | | A88.0 | | Version: Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthem] [A88.0] | |
 Concept | | A87.0 | | Version: Enteroviral meningitis [A87.0] | |
 Concept | | B34.1 | | Version: Enterovirus infection, unspecified site [B34.1] | |
 Concept | | P81.0 | | Version: Environmental hyperthermia of newborn [P81.0] | |
 Concept | | D72.1 | | Version: Eosinophilia [D72.1] | |
 Concept | | P12.2 | | Version: Epicranial subaponeurotic haemorrhage due to birth injury [P12.2] | |
 Concept | | A75.0 | | Version: Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii [A75.0] | |
 Concept | | B33.0 | | Version: Epidemic myalgia [B33.0] | |
 Concept | | A88.1 | | Version: Epidemic vertigo [A88.1] | |
 Concept | | Q81.2 | | Version: Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica [Q81.2] | |
 Concept | | Q81.1 | | Version: Epidermolysis bullosa letalis [Q81.1] | |
 Concept | | Q81.0 | | Version: Epidermolysis bullosa simplex [Q81.0] | |
 Concept | | Q81.9 | | Version: Epidermolysis bullosa, unspecified [Q81.9] | |
 Concept | | S06.4 | | Version: Epidural haemorrhage [S06.4] | |
 Concept | | Q64.0 | | Version: Epispadias [Q64.0] | |
 Concept | | P14.0 | | Version: Erb paralysis due to birth injury [P14.0] | |
 Concept | | A46 | | Version: Erysipelas [A46] | |
 Concept | | A26.9 | | Version: Erysipeloid, unspecified [A26.9] | |
 Concept | | A26.7 | | Version: Erysipelothrix sepsis [A26.7] | |
 Concept | | D47.3 | | Version: Essential (haemorrhagic) thrombocythaemia [D47.3] | |
 Concept | | D75.2 | | Version: Essential thrombocytosis [D75.2] | |
 Concept | | B47.0 | | Version: Eumycetoma [B47.0] | |
 Concept | | P08.0 | | Version: Exceptionally large baby [P08.0] | |
 Concept | | T73.3 | | Version: Exhaustion due to excessive exertion [T73.3] | |
 Concept | | T73.2 | | Version: Exhaustion due to exposure [T73.2] | |
 Concept | | Q79.2 | | Version: Exomphalos [Q79.2] | |
 Concept | | W35 | | Version: Explosion and rupture of boiler [W35] | |
 Concept | | W36 | | Version: Explosion and rupture of gas cylinder [W36] | |
 Concept | | W38 | | Version: Explosion and rupture of other specified pressurized devices [W38] | |
 Concept | | W37 | | Version: Explosion and rupture of pressurized tyre, pipe or hose [W37] | |
 Concept | | W40 | | Version: Explosion of other materials [W40] | |
 Concept | | W85 | | Version: Exposure to electric transmission lines [W85] | |
 Concept | | W93 | | Version: Exposure to excessive cold of man-made origin [W93] | |
 Concept | | W92 | | Version: Exposure to excessive heat of man-made origin [W92] | |
 Concept | | X31 | | Version: Exposure to excessive natural cold [X31] | |
 Concept | | X30 | | Version: Exposure to excessive natural heat [X30] | |
 Concept | | W41 | | Version: Exposure to high-pressure jet [W41] | |
 Concept | | W88 | | Version: Exposure to ionizing radiation [W88] | |
 Concept | | W89 | | Version: Exposure to man-made visible and ultraviolet light [W89] | |
 Concept | | W42 | | Version: Exposure to noise [W42] | |
 Concept | | W64 | | Version: Exposure to other and unspecified animate mechanical forces [W64] | |
 Concept | | X39 | | Version: Exposure to other and unspecified forces of nature [X39] | |
 Concept | | W49 | | Version: Exposure to other and unspecified inanimate mechanical forces [W49] | |
 Concept | | W99 | | Version: Exposure to other and unspecified man-made environmental factors [W99] | |
 Concept | | W90 | | Version: Exposure to other nonionizing radiation [W90] | |
 Concept | | W86 | | Version: Exposure to other specified electric current [W86] | |
 Concept | | X58 | | Version: Exposure to other specified factors [X58] | |
 Concept | | Y26 | | Version: Exposure to smoke, fire and flames, undetermined intent [Y26] | |
 Concept | | X32 | | Version: Exposure to sunlight [X32] | |
 Concept | | W87 | | Version: Exposure to unspecified electric current [W87] | |
 Concept | | X59.0 | | Version: Exposure to unspecified factor causing fracture [X59.0] | |
 Concept | | X59.9 | | Version: Exposure to unspecified factor causing other and unspecified injury [X59.9] | |
 Concept | | W91 | | Version: Exposure to unspecified type of radiation [W91] | |
 Concept | | W43 | | Version: Exposure to vibration [W43] | |
 Concept | | Q64.1 | | Version: Exstrophy of urinary bladder [Q64.1] | |
 Concept | | B88.3 | | Version: External hirudiniasis [B88.3] | |
 Concept | | Q92.6 | | Version: Extra marker chromosomes [Q92.6] | |
 Concept | | A28.2 | | Version: Extraintestinal yersiniosis [A28.2] | |
 Concept | | P07.2 | | Version: Extreme immaturity [P07.2] | |
 Concept | | P07.0 | | Version: Extremely low birth weight [P07.0] | |
 Concept | | Q67.0 | | Version: Facial asymmetry [Q67.0] | |
 Concept | | T88.4 | | Version: Failed or difficult intubation [T88.4] | |
 Concept | | T86.8 | | Version: Failure and rejection of other transplanted organs and tissues [T86.8] | |
 Concept | | T86.9 | | Version: Failure and rejection of unspecified transplanted organ and tissue [T86.9] | |
 Concept | | G90.1 | | Version: Familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day] [G90.1] | |
 Concept | | D75.0 | | Version: Familial erythrocytosis [D75.0] | |
 Concept | | A84.0 | | Version: Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian spring-summer encephalitis] [A84.0] | |
 Concept | | B66.3 | | Version: Fascioliasis [B66.3] | |
 Concept | | B66.5 | | Version: Fasciolopsiasis [B66.5] | |
 Concept | | T79.1 | | Version: Fat embolism (traumatic) [T79.1] | |
 Concept | | Q56.2 | | Version: Female pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified [Q56.2] | |
 Concept | | Q97.3 | | Version: Female with 46,XY karyotype [Q97.3] | |
 Concept | | Q97.1 | | Version: Female with more than three X chromosomes [Q97.1] | |
 Concept | | Q86.0 | | Version: Fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic) [Q86.0] | |
 Concept | | P00.7 | | Version: Fetal and newborn affected by other medical procedures on mother, not elsewhere classified [P00.7] | |
 Concept | | P50.5 | | Version: Fetal blood loss from cut end of co-twin’s cord [P50.5] | |
 Concept | | P50.2 | | Version: Fetal blood loss from placenta [P50.2] | |
 Concept | | P50.1 | | Version: Fetal blood loss from ruptured cord [P50.1] | |
 Concept | | P50.0 | | Version: Fetal blood loss from vasa praevia [P50.0] | |
 Concept | | P50.9 | | Version: Fetal blood loss, unspecified [P50.9] | |
 Concept | | P95 | | Version: Fetal death of unspecified cause [P95] | |
 Concept | | Q86.1 | | Version: Fetal hydantoin syndrome [Q86.1] | |
 Concept | | P05.2 | | Version: Fetal malnutrition without mention of light or small for gestational age [P05.2] | |
 Concept | | P03.6 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by abnormal uterine contractions [P03.6] | |
 Concept | | P02.9 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by abnormality of membranes, unspecified [P02.9] | |
 Concept | | P03.0 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by breech delivery and extraction [P03.0] | |
 Concept | | P03.4 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by caesarean delivery [P03.4] | |
 Concept | | P02.7 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by chorioamnionitis [P02.7] | |
 Concept | | P03.9 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by complication of labor and delivery, unspecified [P03.9] | |
 Concept | | P03.3 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by delivery by vacuum extractor [ventouse] [P03.3] | |
 Concept | | P01.4 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by ectopic pregnancy [P01.4] | |
 Concept | | P03.2 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by forceps delivery [P03.2] | |
 Concept | | P01.0 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by incompetent cervix [P01.0] | |
 Concept | | P01.7 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by malpresentation before labour [P01.7] | |
 Concept | | P04.0 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal anesthesia and analgesia in pregnancy, labor, and delivery [P04.0] | |
 Concept | | P01.9 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal complication of pregnancy, unspecified [P01.9] | |
 Concept | | P01.6 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal death [P01.6] | |
 Concept | | P04.6 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal exposure to environmental chemical substances [P04.6] | |
 Concept | | P00.2 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal infectious and parasitic diseases [P00.2] | |
 Concept | | P00.5 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal injury [P00.5] | |
 Concept | | P04.9 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal noxious influence, unspecified [P04.9] | |
 Concept | | P00.4 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal nutritional disorders [P00.4] | |
 Concept | | P00.1 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal renal and urinary tract diseases [P00.1] | |
 Concept | | P04.3 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of alcohol [P04.3] | |
 Concept | | P04.4 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of drugs of addiction [P04.4] | |
 Concept | | P04.5 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of nutritional chemical substances [P04.5] | |
 Concept | | P04.2 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by maternal use of tobacco [P04.2] | |
 Concept | | P01.5 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by multiple pregnancy [P01.5] | |
 Concept | | P01.2 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by oligohydramnios [P01.2] | |
 Concept | | P02.8 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other abnormalities of membranes [P02.8] | |
 Concept | | P02.6 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other and unspecified conditions of umbilical cord [P02.6] | |
 Concept | | P02.2 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other and unspecified morphological and functional abnormalities of placenta [P02.2] | |
 Concept | | P02.5 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other compression of umbilical cord [P02.5] | |
 Concept | | P02.1 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other forms of placental separation and hemorrhage [P02.1] | |
 Concept | | P03.1 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other malpresentation, malposition, and disproportion during labor and delivery [P03.1] | |
 Concept | | P00.3 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal circulatory and respiratory diseases [P00.3] | |
 Concept | | P01.8 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal complications of pregnancy [P01.8] | |
 Concept | | P00.8 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal conditions [P00.8] | |
 Concept | | P04.1 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal medication [P04.1] | |
 Concept | | P04.8 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other maternal noxious influences [P04.8] | |
 Concept | | P03.8 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by other specified complications [P03.8] | |
 Concept | | P02.0 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by placenta praevia [P02.0] | |
 Concept | | P02.3 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by placental transfusion syndromes [P02.3] | |
 Concept | | P01.3 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by polyhydramnios [P01.3] | |
 Concept | | P03.5 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by precipitate delivery [P03.5] | |
 Concept | | P01.1 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by premature rupture of membranes [P01.1] | |
 Concept | | P02.4 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by prolapsed cord [P02.4] | |
 Concept | | P00.6 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by surgical procedure on mother [P00.6] | |
 Concept | | P00.9 | | Version: Fetus and newborn affected by unspecified maternal condition [P00.9] | |
 Concept | | P00.0 | | Version: Fetus and newborn by maternal hypertensive disorders [P00.0] | |
 Concept | | B74.1 | | Version: Filariasis due to Brugia malayi [B74.1] | |
 Concept | | B74.0 | | Version: Filariasis due to Wuchereria bancrofti [B74.0] | |
 Concept | | B74.9 | | Version: Filariasis, unspecified [B74.9] | |
 Concept | | R78.7 | | Version: Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood [R78.7] | |
 Concept | | R78.0 | | Version: Finding of alcohol in blood [R78.0] | |
 Concept | | R78.2 | | Version: Finding of cocaine in blood [R78.2] | |
 Concept | | R78.3 | | Version: Finding of hallucinogen in blood [R78.3] | |
 Concept | | R78.1 | | Version: Finding of opiate drug in blood [R78.1] | |
 Concept | | R78.4 | | Version: Finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood [R78.4] | |
 Concept | | R78.8 | | Version: Finding of other specified substances, not normally found in blood [R78.8] | |
 Concept | | R78.5 | | Version: Finding of psychotropic drug in blood [R78.5] | |
 Concept | | R78.6 | | Version: Finding of steroid agent in blood [R78.6] | |
 Concept | | R78.9 | | Version: Finding of unspecified substance, not normally found in blood [R78.9] | |
 Concept | | Q30.2 | | Version: Fissured, notched and cleft nose [Q30.2] | |
 Concept | | S22.5 | | Version: Flail chest [S22.5] | |
 Concept | | R14 | | Version: Flatulence and related conditions [R14] | |
 Concept | | B66.9 | | Version: Fluke infection, unspecified [B66.9] | |
 Concept | | S06.3 | | Version: Focal brain injury [S06.3] | |
 Concept | | D52.9 | | Version: Folate deficiency anaemia, unspecified [D52.9] | |
 Concept | | C82.0 | | Version: Follicular lymphoma grade I [C82.0] | |
 Concept | | C82.1 | | Version: Follicular lymphoma grade II [C82.1] | |
 Concept | | C82.2 | | Version: Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified [C82.2] | |
 Concept | | C82.9 | | Version: Follicular lymphoma, unspecified [C82.9] | |
 Concept | | A05.2 | | Version: Foodborne Clostridium perfringens [Clostridium welchii] intoxication [A05.2] | |
 Concept | | A05.0 | | Version: Foodborne staphylococcal intoxication [A05.0] | |
 Concept | | A05.3 | | Version: Foodborne Vibrio parahaemolyticus intoxication [A05.3] | |
 Concept | | T81.5 | | Version: Foreign body accidentally left in body cavity or operation wound following a procedure [T81.5] | |
 Concept | | W44 | | Version: Foreign body entering into or through eye or natural orifice [W44] | |
 Concept | | T18.9 | | Version: Foreign body in alimentary tract, part unspecified [T18.9] | |
 Concept | | T18.5 | | Version: Foreign body in anus and rectum [T18.5] | |
 Concept | | T19.1 | | Version: Foreign body in bladder [T19.1] | |
 Concept | | T17.5 | | Version: Foreign body in bronchus [T17.5] | |
 Concept | | T18.4 | | Version: Foreign body in colon [T18.4] | |
 Concept | | T15.1 | | Version: Foreign body in conjunctival sac [T15.1] | |
 Concept | | T15.0 | | Version: Foreign body in cornea [T15.0] | |
 Concept | | T16 | | Version: Foreign body in ear [T16] | |
 Concept | | T19.9 | | Version: Foreign body in genitourinary tract, part unspecified [T19.9] | |
 Concept | | T17.3 | | Version: Foreign body in larynx [T17.3] | |
 Concept | | T18.0 | | Version: Foreign body in mouth [T18.0] | |
 Concept | | T17.0 | | Version: Foreign body in nasal sinus [T17.0] | |
 Concept | | T17.1 | | Version: Foreign body in nostril [T17.1] | |
 Concept | | T18.1 | | Version: Foreign body in oesophagus [T18.1] | |
 Concept | | T18.8 | | Version: Foreign body in other and multiple parts of alimentary tract [T18.8] | |
 Concept | | T15.8 | | Version: Foreign body in other and multiple parts of external eye [T15.8] | |
 Concept | | T19.8 | | Version: Foreign body in other and multiple parts of genitourinary tract [T19.8] | |
 Concept | | T17.8 | | Version: Foreign body in other and multiple parts of respiratory tract [T17.8] | |
 Concept | | T17.2 | | Version: Foreign body in pharynx [T17.2] | |
 Concept | | T17.9 | | Version: Foreign body in respiratory tract, part unspecified [T17.9] | |
 Concept | | T18.3 | | Version: Foreign body in small intestine [T18.3] | |
 Concept | | T18.2 | | Version: Foreign body in stomach [T18.2] | |
 Concept | | T17.4 | | Version: Foreign body in trachea [T17.4] | |
 Concept | | T19.0 | | Version: Foreign body in urethra [T19.0] | |
 Concept | | T19.3 | | Version: Foreign body in uterus [any part] [T19.3] | |
 Concept | | T19.2 | | Version: Foreign body in vulva and vagina [T19.2] | |
 Concept | | T15.9 | | Version: Foreign body on external eye, part unspecified [T15.9] | |
 Concept | | W45 | | Version: Foreign body or object entering through skin [W45] | |
 Concept | | S32.4 | | Version: Fracture of acetabulum [S32.4] | |
 Concept | | S02.1 | | Version: Fracture of base of skull [S02.1] | |
 Concept | | S22.9 | | Version: Fracture of bony thorax, part unspecified [S22.9] | |
 Concept | | S92.0 | | Version: Fracture of calcaneus [S92.0] | |
 Concept | | S42.0 | | Version: Fracture of clavicle [S42.0] | |
 Concept | | P13.4 | | Version: Fracture of clavicle due to birth injury [P13.4] | |
 Concept | | S32.2 | | Version: Fracture of coccyx [S32.2] | |
 Concept | | S72.9 | | Version: Fracture of femur, part unspecified [S72.9] | |
 Concept | | S82.4 | | Version: Fracture of fibula alone [S82.4] | |
 Concept | | S12.0 | | Version: Fracture of first cervical vertebra [S12.0] | |
 Concept | | S62.2 | | Version: Fracture of first metacarpal bone [S62.2] | |
 Concept | | S92.9 | | Version: Fracture of foot, unspecified [S92.9] | |
 Concept | | S52.9 | | Version: Fracture of forearm, part unspecified [S52.9] | |
 Concept | | S92.4 | | Version: Fracture of great toe [S92.4] | |
 Concept | | S32.3 | | Version: Fracture of ilium [S32.3] | |
 Concept | | S82.6 | | Version: Fracture of lateral malleolus [S82.6] | |
 Concept | | S52.6 | | Version: Fracture of lower end of both ulna and radius [S52.6] | |
 Concept | | S72.4 | | Version: Fracture of lower end of femur [S72.4] | |
 Concept | | S42.4 | | Version: Fracture of lower end of humerus [S42.4] | |
 Concept | | S52.5 | | Version: Fracture of lower end of radius [S52.5] | |
 Concept | | S82.3 | | Version: Fracture of lower end of tibia [S82.3] | |
 Concept | | S82.9 | | Version: Fracture of lower leg, part unspecified [S82.9] | |
 Concept | | T12 | | Version: Fracture of lower limb, level unspecified [T12] | |
 Concept | | S32.0 | | Version: Fracture of lumbar vertebra [S32.0] | |
 Concept | | S02.4 | | Version: Fracture of malar and maxillary bones [S02.4] | |
 Concept | | S02.6 | | Version: Fracture of mandible [S02.6] | |
 Concept | | S82.5 | | Version: Fracture of medial malleolus [S82.5] | |
 Concept | | S92.3 | | Version: Fracture of metatarsal bone [S92.3] | |
 Concept | | S02.2 | | Version: Fracture of nasal bones [S02.2] | |
 Concept | | S62.0 | | Version: Fracture of navicular [scaphoid] bone of hand [S62.0] | |
 Concept | | S72.0 | | Version: Fracture of neck of femur [S72.0] | |
 Concept | | S12.9 | | Version: Fracture of neck, part unspecified [S12.9] | |
 Concept | | S02.3 | | Version: Fracture of orbital floor [S02.3] | |
 Concept | | S32.8 | | Version: Fracture of other and unspecified parts of lumbar spine and pelvis [S32.8] | |
 Concept | | S62.8 | | Version: Fracture of other and unspecified parts of wrist and hand [S62.8] | |
 Concept | | S62.1 | | Version: Fracture of other carpal bone(s) [S62.1] | |
 Concept | | S62.6 | | Version: Fracture of other finger [S62.6] | |
 Concept | | S62.3 | | Version: Fracture of other metacarpal bone [S62.3] | |
 Concept | | S22.8 | | Version: Fracture of other parts of bony thorax [S22.8] | |
 Concept | | S52.8 | | Version: Fracture of other parts of forearm [S52.8] | |
 Concept | | S12.8 | | Version: Fracture of other parts of neck [S12.8] | |
 Concept | | S42.8 | | Version: Fracture of other parts of shoulder and upper arm [S42.8] | |
 Concept | | S12.2 | | Version: Fracture of other specified cervical vertebra [S12.2] | |
 Concept | | S92.2 | | Version: Fracture of other tarsal bone(s) [S92.2] | |
 Concept | | S92.5 | | Version: Fracture of other toe [S92.5] | |
 Concept | | S82.0 | | Version: Fracture of patella [S82.0] | |
 Concept | | S32.5 | | Version: Fracture of pubis [S32.5] | |
 Concept | | S22.3 | | Version: Fracture of rib [S22.3] | |
 Concept | | S32.1 | | Version: Fracture of sacrum [S32.1] | |
 Concept | | S42.1 | | Version: Fracture of scapula [S42.1] | |
 Concept | | S12.1 | | Version: Fracture of second cervical vertebra [S12.1] | |
 Concept | | S72.3 | | Version: Fracture of shaft of femur [S72.3] | |
 Concept | | S42.3 | | Version: Fracture of shaft of humerus [S42.3] | |
 Concept | | S52.3 | | Version: Fracture of shaft of radius [S52.3] | |
 Concept | | S82.2 | | Version: Fracture of shaft of tibia [S82.2] | |
 Concept | | S52.2 | | Version: Fracture of shaft of ulna [S52.2] | |
 Concept | | S52.4 | | Version: Fracture of shafts of both ulna and radius [S52.4] | |
 Concept | | S42.9 | | Version: Fracture of shoulder girdle, part unspecified [S42.9] | |
 Concept | | S02.9 | | Version: Fracture of skull and facial bones, part unspecified [S02.9] | |
 Concept | | P13.0 | | Version: Fracture of skull due to birth injury [P13.0] | |
 Concept | | T08 | | Version: Fracture of spine, level unspecified [T08] | |
 Concept | | S22.2 | | Version: Fracture of sternum [S22.2] | |
 Concept | | S92.1 | | Version: Fracture of talus [S92.1] | |
 Concept | | S22.0 | | Version: Fracture of thoracic vertebra [S22.0] | |
 Concept | | S62.5 | | Version: Fracture of thumb [S62.5] | |
 Concept | | S02.5 | | Version: Fracture of tooth [S02.5] | |
 Concept | | T14.2 | | Version: Fracture of unspecified body region [T14.2] | |
 Concept | | S42.2 | | Version: Fracture of upper end of humerus [S42.2] | |
 Concept | | S52.1 | | Version: Fracture of upper end of radius [S52.1] | |
 Concept | | S82.1 | | Version: Fracture of upper end of tibia [S82.1] | |
 Concept | | S52.0 | | Version: Fracture of upper end of ulna [S52.0] | |
 Concept | | T10 | | Version: Fracture of upper limb, level unspecified [T10] | |
 Concept | | S02.0 | | Version: Fracture of vault of skull [S02.0] | |
 Concept | | T02.5 | | Version: Fractures involving multiple regions of both lower limbs [T02.5] | |
 Concept | | T02.4 | | Version: Fractures involving multiple regions of both upper limbs [T02.4] | |
 Concept | | T02.3 | | Version: Fractures involving multiple regions of one lower limb [T02.3] | |
 Concept | | T02.2 | | Version: Fractures involving multiple regions of one upper limb [T02.2] | |
 Concept | | T02.8 | | Version: Fractures involving other combinations of body regions [T02.8] | |
 Concept | | T02.1 | | Version: Fractures involving thorax with lower back and pelvis [T02.1] | |
 Concept | | S72.8 | | Version: Fractures of other parts of femur [S72.8] | |
 Concept | | S82.8 | | Version: Fractures of other parts of lower leg [S82.8] | |
 Concept | | S02.8 | | Version: Fractures of other skull and facial bones [S02.8] | |
 Concept | | Q99.2 | | Version: Fragile X chromosome [Q99.2] | |
 Concept | | Q01.0 | | Version: Frontal encephalocele [Q01.0] | |
 Concept | | T35.1 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis involving multiple body regions [T35.1] | |
 Concept | | T34.3 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of abdominal wall, lower back [T34.3] | |
 Concept | | T34.8 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of ankle and foot [T34.8] | |
 Concept | | T34.4 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of arm [T34.4] | |
 Concept | | T34.0 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of head [T34.0] | |
 Concept | | T34.6 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of hip and thigh [T34.6] | |
 Concept | | T34.7 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of knee and lower leg [T34.7] | |
 Concept | | T34.1 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of neck [T34.1] | |
 Concept | | T34.9 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of other and unspecified sites [T34.9] | |
 Concept | | T34.2 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of thorax [T34.2] | |
 Concept | | T34.5 | | Version: Frostbite with tissue necrosis of wrist and hand [T34.5] | |
 Concept | | D71 | | Version: Functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils [D71] | |
 Concept | | Q70.0 | | Version: Fused fingers [Q70.0] | |
 Concept | | Q70.2 | | Version: Fused toes [Q70.2] | |
 Concept | | Q52.5 | | Version: Fusion of labia [Q52.5] | |
 Concept | | B56.0 | | Version: Gambiense trypanosomiasis [B56.0] | |
 Concept | | B27.0 | | Version: Gammaherpesviral mononucleosis [B27.0] | |
 Concept | | A66.5 | | Version: Gangosa [A66.5] | |
 Concept | | A48.0 | | Version: Gas gangrene [A48.0] | |
 Concept | | A09.9 | | Version: Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin [A09.9] | |
 Concept | | A22.2 | | Version: Gastrointestinal anthrax [A22.2] | |
 Concept | | B46.2 | | Version: Gastrointestinal mucormycosis [B46.2] | |
 Concept | | A21.3 | | Version: Gastrointestinal tularaemia [A21.3] | |
 Concept | | Q79.3 | | Version: Gastroschisis [Q79.3] | |
 Concept | | G40.3 | | Version: Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes [G40.3] | |
 Concept | | A21.7 | | Version: Generalized tularaemia [A21.7] | |
 Concept | | D72.0 | | Version: Genetic anomalies of leukocytes [D72.0] | |
 Concept | | B48.3 | | Version: Geotrichosis [B48.3] | |
 Concept | | E80.4 | | Version: Gilbert syndrome [E80.4] | |
 Concept | | A24.0 | | Version: Glanders [A24.0] | |
 Concept | | V96.2 | | Version: Glider (nonpowered) accident injuring occupant [V96.2] | |
 Concept | | E74.0 | | Version: Glycogen storage disease [E74.0] | |
 Concept | | R81 | | Version: Glycosuria [R81] | |
 Concept | | E75.0 | | Version: GM2 gangliosidosis [E75.0] | |
 Concept | | B83.1 | | Version: Gnathostomiasis [B83.1] | |
 Concept | | A54.6 | | Version: Gonococcal infection of anus and rectum [A54.6] | |
 Concept | | A54.3 | | Version: Gonococcal infection of eye [A54.3] | |
 Concept | | A54.1 | | Version: Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract with periurethral and accessory gland abscess [A54.1] | |
 Concept | | A54.0 | | Version: Gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract without periurethral or accessory gland abscess [A54.0] | |
 Concept | | A54.4 | | Version: Gonococcal infection of musculoskeletal system [A54.4] | |
 Concept | | A54.9 | | Version: Gonococcal infection, unspecified [A54.9] | |
 Concept | | A54.2 | | Version: Gonococcal pelviperitonitis and other gonococcal genitourinary infections [A54.2] | |
 Concept | | A54.5 | | Version: Gonococcal pharyngitis [A54.5] | |
 Concept | | A66.4 | | Version: Gummata and ulcers of yaws [A66.4] | |
 Concept | | D18.0 | | Version: Haemangioma, any site [D18.0] | |
 Concept | | D59.6 | | Version: Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from other external [D59.6] | |
 Concept | | P55.9 | | Version: Haemolytic disease of fetus and newborn, unspecified [P55.9] | |
 Concept | | D59.3 | | Version: Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome [D59.3] | |
 Concept | | D76.1 | | Version: Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis [D76.1] | |
 Concept | | D76.2 | | Version: Haemophagocytic syndrome, infection-associated [D76.2] | |
 Concept | | A49.2 | | Version: Haemophilus influenzae infection, unspecified site [A49.2] | |
 Concept | | G00.0 | | Version: Haemophilus meningitis [G00.0] | |
 Concept | | P50.3 | | Version: Haemorrhage into co-twin [P50.3] | |
 Concept | | P50.4 | | Version: Haemorrhage into maternal circulation [P50.4] | |
 Concept | | D69.9 | | Version: Haemorrhagic condition, unspecified [D69.9] | |
 Concept | | D68.3 | | Version: Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants [D68.3] | |
 Concept | | A98.5 | | Version: Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome [A98.5] | |
 Concept | | W32 | | Version: Handgun discharge [W32] | |
 Concept | | Y22 | | Version: Handgun discharge, undetermined intent [Y22] | |
 Concept | | V96.1 | | Version: Hang-glider accident injuring occupant [V96.1] | |
 Concept | | B33.4 | | Version: Hantavirus (cardio)-pulmonary syndrome [HPS][HCPS] [B33.4] | |
 Concept | | Q80.4 | | Version: Harlequin fetus [Q80.4] | |
 Concept | | T86.2 | | Version: Heart transplant failure and rejection [T86.2] | |
 Concept | | T86.3 | | Version: Heart-lung transplant failure and rejection [T86.3] | |
 Concept | | T67.2 | | Version: Heat cramp [T67.2] | |
 Concept | | T67.4 | | Version: Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion [T67.4] | |
 Concept | | T67.3 | | Version: Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic [T67.3] | |
 Concept | | T67.5 | | Version: Heat exhaustion, unspecified [T67.5] | |
 Concept | | T67.6 | | Version: Heat fatigue, transient [T67.6] | |
 Concept | | T67.7 | | Version: Heat oedema [T67.7] | |
 Concept | | T67.1 | | Version: Heat syncope [T67.1] | |
 Concept | | T67.0 | | Version: Heatstroke and sunstroke [T67.0] | |
 Concept | | V95.0 | | Version: Helicopter accident injuring occupant [V95.0] | |
 Concept | | B83.9 | | Version: Helminthiasis, unspecified [B83.9] | |
 Concept | | T81.0 | | Version: Hemorrhage and hematoma complicating a procedure, not elsewhere classified [T81.0] | |
 Concept | | K74.0 | | Version: Hepatic fibrosis [K74.0] | |
 Concept | | K74.2 | | Version: Hepatic fibrosis with hepatic sclerosis [K74.2] | |
 Concept | | K74.1 | | Version: Hepatic sclerosis [K74.1] | |
 Concept | | B15.0 | | Version: Hepatitis A with hepatic coma [B15.0] | |
 Concept | | B15.9 | | Version: Hepatitis A without hepatic coma [B15.9] | |
 Concept | | C22.2 | | Version: Hepatoblastoma [C22.2] | |
 Concept | | G60.9 | | Version: Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy, unspecified [G60.9] | |
 Concept | | D68.2 | | Version: Hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors [D68.2] | |
 Concept | | D58.1 | | Version: Hereditary elliptocytosis [D58.1] | |
 Concept | | E80.0 | | Version: Hereditary erythropoietic porphyria [E80.0] | |
 Concept | | D67 | | Version: Hereditary factor IX deficiency [D67] | |
 Concept | | D66 | | Version: Hereditary factor VIII deficiency [D66] | |
 Concept | | D68.1 | | Version: Hereditary factor XI deficiency [D68.1] | |
 Concept | | D58.9 | | Version: Hereditary haemolytic anaemia, unspecified [D58.9] | |
 Concept | | I78.0 | | Version: Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia [I78.0] | |
 Concept | | D80.0 | | Version: Hereditary hypogammaglobulinaemia [D80.0] | |
 Concept | | Q82.0 | | Version: Hereditary lymphoedema [Q82.0] | |
 Concept | | G60.0 | | Version: Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy [G60.0] | |
 Concept | | N07.6 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, dense deposit disease [N07.6] | |
 Concept | | N07.7 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis [N07.7] | |
 Concept | | N07.4 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [N07.4] | |
 Concept | | N07.2 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [N07.2] | |
 Concept | | N07.3 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [N07.3] | |
 Concept | | N07.5 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis [N07.5] | |
 Concept | | N07.1 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, focal and segmental glomerular lesions [N07.1] | |
 Concept | | N07.0 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, minor glomerular abnormality [N07.0] | |
 Concept | | N07.8 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, other [N07.8] | |
 Concept | | N07.9 | | Version: Hereditary nephropathy, not elsewhere classified, unspecified [N07.9] | |
 Concept | | D56.4 | | Version: Hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [HPFH] [D56.4] | |
 Concept | | D64.0 | | Version: Hereditary sideroblastic anaemia [D64.0] | |
 Concept | | D58.0 | | Version: Hereditary spherocytosis [D58.0] | |
 Concept | | E85.2 | | Version: Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified [E85.2] | |
 Concept | | Q56.0 | | Version: Hermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified [Q56.0] | |
 Concept | | B00.4 | | Version: Herpesviral encephalitis [B00.4] | |
 Concept | | B00.2 | | Version: Herpesviral gingivostomatitis and pharyngotonsillitis [B00.2] | |
 Concept | | A60.0 | | Version: Herpesviral infection of genitalia and urogenital tract [A60.0] | |
 Concept | | A60.1 | | Version: Herpesviral infection of perianal skin and rectum [A60.1] | |
 Concept | | B00.9 | | Version: Herpesviral infection, unspecified [B00.9] | |
 Concept | | B00.3 | | Version: Herpesviral meningitis [B00.3] | |
 Concept | | B00.5 | | Version: Herpesviral ocular disease [B00.5] | |
 Concept | | B00.1 | | Version: Herpesviral vesicular dermatitis [B00.1] | |
 Concept | | Q43.1 | | Version: Hirschsprung disease [Q43.1] | |
 Concept | | D47.0 | | Version: Histiocytic and mast cell tumours of uncertain and unknown behavior [D47.0] | |
 Concept | | B39.4 | | Version: Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified [B39.4] | |
 Concept | | B39.5 | | Version: Histoplasmosis duboisii [B39.5] | |
 Concept | | B39.9 | | Version: Histoplasmosis, unspecified [B39.9] | |
 Concept | | W50 | | Version: Hit, struck, kicked, twisted, bitten or scratched by another person [W50] | |
 Concept | | B23.1 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in (persistent) generalized lymphadenopathy [B23.1] | |
 Concept | | B21.1 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in Burkitt lymphoma [B21.1] | |
 Concept | | B20.4 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in candidiasis [B20.4] | |
 Concept | | B20.2 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in cytomegaloviral disease [B20.2] | |
 Concept | | B22.0 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in encephalopathy [B22.0] | |
 Concept | | B23.2 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in haematological and immunological abnormalities, not elsewhere classified [B23.2] | |
 Concept | | B21.0 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in Kaposi sarcoma [B21.0] | |
 Concept | | B22.1 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis [B22.1] | |
 Concept | | B20.0 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in mycobacterial infection [B20.0] | |
 Concept | | B20.1 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other bacterial infections [B20.1] | |
 Concept | | B20.8 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other infectious and parasitic diseases [B20.8] | |
 Concept | | B20.5 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other mycoses [B20.5] | |
 Concept | | B23.8 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other specified conditions [B23.8] | |
 Concept | | B21.2 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma [B21.2] | |
 Concept | | B20.3 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in other viral infections [B20.3] | |
 Concept | | B20.6 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia [B20.6] | |
 Concept | | B20.9 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in unspecified infectious or parasitic disease [B20.9] | |
 Concept | | B22.2 | | Version: HIV disease resulting in wasting syndrome [B22.2] | |
 Concept | | C81.9 | | Version: Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified [C81.9] | |
 Concept | | Q04.2 | | Version: Holoprosencephaly [Q04.2] | |
 Concept | | B76.9 | | Version: Hookworm disease, unspecified [B76.9] | |
 Concept | | G90.2 | | Version: Horner syndrome [G90.2] | |
 Concept | | G91.9 | | Version: Hydrocephalus, unspecified [G91.9] | |
 Concept | | Q06.4 | | Version: Hydromyelia [Q06.4] | |
 Concept | | P56.0 | | Version: Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization [P56.0] | |
 Concept | | P56.9 | | Version: Hydrops fetalis due to other and unspecified haemolytic disease [P56.9] | |
 Concept | | P83.2 | | Version: Hydrops fetalis not due to haemolytic disease [P83.2] | |
 Concept | | B71.0 | | Version: Hymenolepiasis [B71.0] | |
 Concept | | E26.9 | | Version: Hyperaldosteronism, unspecified [E26.9] | |
 Concept | | E78.3 | | Version: Hyperchylomicronaemia [E78.3] | |
 Concept | | E22.9 | | Version: Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified [E22.9] | |
 Concept | | D89.2 | | Version: Hypergammaglobulinaemia, unspecified [D89.2] | |
 Concept | | D82.4 | | Version: Hyperimmunoglobulin E [IgE] syndrome [D82.4] | |
 Concept | | A66.3 | | Version: Hyperkeratosis of yaws [A66.3] | |
 Concept | | E78.5 | | Version: Hyperlipidaemia, unspecified [E78.5] | |
 Concept | | E21.3 | | Version: Hyperparathyroidism, unspecified [E21.3] | |
 Concept | | Q63.3 | | Version: Hyperplastic and giant kidney [Q63.3] | |
 Concept | | E22.1 | | Version: Hyperprolactinaemia [E22.1] | |
 Concept | | D73.1 | | Version: Hypersplenism [D73.1] | |
 Concept | | Q75.2 | | Version: Hypertelorism [Q75.2] | |
 Concept | | E20.9 | | Version: Hypoparathyroidism, unspecified [E20.9] | |
 Concept | | E23.0 | | Version: Hypopituitarism [E23.0] | |
 Concept | | Q33.6 | | Version: Hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung [Q33.6] | |
 Concept | | Q06.1 | | Version: Hypoplasia and dysplasia of spinal cord [Q06.1] | |
 Concept | | Q55.1 | | Version: Hypoplasia of testis and scrotum [Q55.1] | |
 Concept | | Q23.4 | | Version: Hypoplastic left heart syndrome [Q23.4] | |
 Concept | | Q22.6 | | Version: Hypoplastic right heart syndrome [Q22.6] | |
 Concept | | Q54.0 | | Version: Hypospadias, balanic [Q54.0] | |
 Concept | | Q54.1 | | Version: Hypospadias, penile [Q54.1] | |
 Concept | | Q54.2 | | Version: Hypospadias, penoscrotal [Q54.2] | |
 Concept | | Q54.3 | | Version: Hypospadias, perineal [Q54.3] | |
 Concept | | Q54.9 | | Version: Hypospadias, unspecified [Q54.9] | |
 Concept | | D73.0 | | Version: Hyposplenism [D73.0] | |
 Concept | | E23.3 | | Version: Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified [E23.3] | |
 Concept | | T68 | | Version: Hypothermia [T68] | |
 Concept | | P91.6 | | Version: Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy of newborn [P91.6] | |
 Concept | | P70.3 | | Version: Iatrogenic neonatal hypoglycaemia [P70.3] | |
 Concept | | Q80.0 | | Version: Ichthyosis vulgaris [Q80.0] | |
 Concept | | D61.3 | | Version: Idiopathic aplastic anaemia [D61.3] | |
 Concept | | E20.0 | | Version: Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism [E20.0] | |
 Concept | | G90.0 | | Version: Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy [G90.0] | |
 Concept | | D69.3 | | Version: Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura [D69.3] | |
 Concept | | T69.0 | | Version: Immersion hand and foot [T69.0] | |
 Concept | | D82.9 | | Version: Immunodeficiency associated with major defect, unspecified [D82.9] | |
 Concept | | D82.8 | | Version: Immunodeficiency associated with other specified major defects [D82.8] | |
 Concept | | D82.3 | | Version: Immunodeficiency following hereditary defective response to Epstein-Barr virus [D82.3] | |
 Concept | | D80.5 | | Version: Immunodeficiency with increased immunoglobulin M [IgM] [D80.5] | |
 Concept | | D80.9 | | Version: Immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects, unspecified [D80.9] | |
 Concept | | D82.2 | | Version: Immunodeficiency with short-limbed stature [D82.2] | |
 Concept | | D84.9 | | Version: Immunodeficiency, unspecified [D84.9] | |
 Concept | | Q52.3 | | Version: Imperforate hymen [Q52.3] | |
 Concept | | K43.1 | | Version: Incisional hernia with gangrene [K43.1] | |
 Concept | | K43.0 | | Version: Incisional hernia with obstruction, without gangrene [K43.0] | |
 Concept | | Q82.3 | | Version: Incontinentia pigmenti [Q82.3] | |
 Concept | | E16.3 | | Version: Increased secretion of glucagon [E16.3] | |
 Concept | | A30.0 | | Version: Indeterminate leprosy [A30.0] | |
 Concept | | Q56.4 | | Version: Indeterminate sex, unspecified [Q56.4] | |
 Concept | | Q95.5 | | Version: Individuals with autosomal fragile site [Q95.5] | |
 Concept | | Q95.4 | | Version: Individuals with marker heterochromatin [Q95.4] | |
 Concept | | G12.0 | | Version: Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman] [G12.0] | |
 Concept | | D73.5 | | Version: Infarction of spleen [D73.5] | |
 Concept | | T82.6 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis [T82.6] | |
 Concept | | T84.6 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal fixation device [any site] [T84.6] | |
 Concept | | T84.5 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal joint prosthesis [T84.5] | |
 Concept | | T82.7 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants, and grafts [T82.7] | |
 Concept | | T84.7 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T84.7] | |
 Concept | | T85.7 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T85.7] | |
 Concept | | T83.6 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant, and graft in genital tract [T83.6] | |
 Concept | | T83.5 | | Version: Infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device, implant, and graft in urinary system [T83.5] | |
 Concept | | T81.4 | | Version: Infection following a procedure, not elsewhere classified [T81.4] | |
 Concept | | T88.0 | | Version: Infection following immunization [T88.0] | |
 Concept | | T87.4 | | Version: Infection of amputation stump [T87.4] | |
 Concept | | P39.9 | | Version: Infection specific to the perinatal period, unspecified [P39.9] | |
 Concept | | T80.2 | | Version: Infections following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection [T80.2] | |
 Concept | | B27.9 | | Version: Infectious mononucleosis, unspecified [B27.9] | |
 Concept | | I40.0 | | Version: Infective myocarditis [I40.0] | |
 Concept | | M60.0 | | Version: Infective myositis [M60.0] | |
 Concept | | I30.1 | | Version: Infective pericarditis [I30.1] | |
 Concept | | B88.9 | | Version: Infestation, unspecified [B88.9] | |
 Concept | | J10.8 | | Version: Influenza with other manifestations, seasonal influenza virus identified [J10.8] | |
 Concept | | J11.8 | | Version: Influenza with other manifestations, virus not identified [J11.8] | |
 Concept | | J10.1 | | Version: Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, seasonal influenza virus identified [J10.1] | |
 Concept | | J11.1 | | Version: Influenza with other respiratory manifestations, virus not identified [J11.1] | |
 Concept | | J10.0 | | Version: Influenza with pneumonia, seasonal influenza virus identified [J10.0] | |
 Concept | | J11.0 | | Version: Influenza with pneumonia, virus not identified [J11.0] | |
 Concept | | Q00.2 | | Version: Iniencephaly [Q00.2] | |
 Concept | | A66.0 | | Version: Initial lesions of yaws [A66.0] | |
 Concept | | T06.3 | | Version: Injuries of blood vessels involving multiple body regions [T06.3] | |
 Concept | | T06.5 | | Version: Injuries of intrathoracic organs with intra-abdominal and pelvic organs [T06.5] | |
 Concept | | T06.4 | | Version: Injuries of muscles and tendons involving multiple body regions [T06.4] | |
 Concept | | T06.2 | | Version: Injuries of nerves involving multiple body regions [T06.2] | |
 Concept | | S85.1 | | Version: Injury of (anterior)(posterior) tibial artery [S85.1] | |
 Concept | | S35.0 | | Version: Injury of abdominal aorta [S35.0] | |
 Concept | | S04.4 | | Version: Injury of abducent nerve [S04.4] | |
 Concept | | S04.7 | | Version: Injury of accessory nerve [S04.7] | |
 Concept | | S86.0 | | Version: Injury of Achilles tendon [S86.0] | |
 Concept | | S04.6 | | Version: Injury of acoustic nerve [S04.6] | |
 Concept | | S76.2 | | Version: Injury of adductor muscle and tendon of thigh [S76.2] | |
 Concept | | S45.0 | | Version: Injury of axillary artery [S45.0] | |
 Concept | | S44.3 | | Version: Injury of axillary nerve [S44.3] | |
 Concept | | S45.2 | | Version: Injury of axillary or brachial vein [S45.2] | |
 Concept | | S37.2 | | Version: Injury of bladder [S37.2] | |
 Concept | | S65.5 | | Version: Injury of blood vessel(s) of other finger [S65.5] | |
 Concept | | S65.4 | | Version: Injury of blood vessel(s) of thumb [S65.4] | |
 Concept | | T14.5 | | Version: Injury of blood vessel(s) of unspecified body region [T14.5] | |
 Concept | | S09.0 | | Version: Injury of blood vessels of head, not elsewhere classified [S09.0] | |
 Concept | | S45.1 | | Version: Injury of brachial artery [S45.1] | |
 Concept | | S14.3 | | Version: Injury of brachial plexus [S14.3] | |
 Concept | | S27.4 | | Version: Injury of bronchus [S27.4] | |
 Concept | | S15.0 | | Version: Injury of carotid artery [S15.0] | |
 Concept | | S34.3 | | Version: Injury of cauda equina [S34.3] | |
 Concept | | S14.5 | | Version: Injury of cervical sympathetic nerves [S14.5] | |
 Concept | | S35.2 | | Version: Injury of coeliac or mesenteric artery [S35.2] | |
 Concept | | S36.5 | | Version: Injury of colon [S36.5] | |
 Concept | | S05.0 | | Version: Injury of conjunctiva and corneal abrasion without mention of foreign body [S05.0] | |
 Concept | | S94.3 | | Version: Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level [S94.3] | |
 Concept | | S54.3 | | Version: Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level [S54.3] | |
 Concept | | S74.2 | | Version: Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level [S74.2] | |
 Concept | | S84.2 | | Version: Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level [S84.2] | |
 Concept | | S44.5 | | Version: Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level [S44.5] | |
 Concept | | S65.3 | | Version: Injury of deep palmar arch [S65.3] | |
 Concept | | S94.2 | | Version: Injury of deep peroneal nerve at ankle and foot level [S94.2] | |
 Concept | | S64.4 | | Version: Injury of digital nerve of other finger [S64.4] | |
 Concept | | S64.3 | | Version: Injury of digital nerve of thumb [S64.3] | |
 Concept | | S95.0 | | Version: Injury of dorsal artery of foot [S95.0] | |
 Concept | | S95.2 | | Version: Injury of dorsal vein of foot [S95.2] | |
 Concept | | S66.3 | | Version: Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level [S66.3] | |
 Concept | | S56.4 | | Version: Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of other finger(s) at forearm level [S56.4] | |
 Concept | | S66.2 | | Version: Injury of extensor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level [S66.2] | |
 Concept | | S56.3 | | Version: Injury of extensor or abductor muscles and tendons of thumb at forearm level [S56.3] | |
 Concept | | S15.2 | | Version: Injury of external jugular vein [S15.2] | |
 Concept | | S05.9 | | Version: Injury of eye and orbit, unspecified [S05.9] | |
 Concept | | S04.5 | | Version: Injury of facial nerve [S04.5] | |
 Concept | | S75.0 | | Version: Injury of femoral artery [S75.0] | |
 Concept | | S74.1 | | Version: Injury of femoral nerve at hip and thigh level [S74.1] | |
 Concept | | S75.1 | | Version: Injury of femoral vein at hip and thigh level [S75.1] | |
 Concept | | S66.1 | | Version: Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level [S66.1] | |
 Concept | | S56.1 | | Version: Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of other finger(s) at forearm level [S56.1] | |
 Concept | | S56.0 | | Version: Injury of flexor muscle and tendon of thumb at forearm level [S56.0] | |
 Concept | | S75.2 | | Version: Injury of greater saphenous vein at hip and thigh level [S75.2] | |
 Concept | | S85.3 | | Version: Injury of greater saphenous vein at lower leg level [S85.3] | |
 Concept | | S26.0 | | Version: Injury of heart with haemopericardium [S26.0] | |
 Concept | | S26.9 | | Version: Injury of heart, unspecified [S26.9] | |
 Concept | | S35.5 | | Version: Injury of iliac blood vessels [S35.5] | |
 Concept | | S35.1 | | Version: Injury of inferior vena cava [S35.1] | |
 Concept | | S25.1 | | Version: Injury of innominate or subclavian artery [S25.1] | |
 Concept | | S25.3 | | Version: Injury of innominate or subclavian vein [S25.3] | |
 Concept | | S25.5 | | Version: Injury of intercostal blood vessels [S25.5] | |
 Concept | | S15.3 | | Version: Injury of internal jugular vein [S15.3] | |
 Concept | | S39.6 | | Version: Injury of intra-abdominal organ(s) with pelvic organ(s) [S39.6] | |
 Concept | | S96.2 | | Version: Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level [S96.2] | |
 Concept | | S66.5 | | Version: Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of other finger at wrist and hand level [S66.5] | |
 Concept | | S66.4 | | Version: Injury of intrinsic muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level [S66.4] | |
 Concept | | S37.0 | | Version: Injury of kidney [S37.0] | |
 Concept | | S94.0 | | Version: Injury of lateral plantar nerve [S94.0] | |
 Concept | | S85.4 | | Version: Injury of lesser saphenous vein at lower leg level [S85.4] | |
 Concept | | S36.1 | | Version: Injury of liver or gallbladder [S36.1] | |
 Concept | | S66.0 | | Version: Injury of long flexor muscle and tendon of thumb at wrist and hand level [S66.0] | |
 Concept | | S34.5 | | Version: Injury of lumbar, sacral and pelvic sympathetic nerves [S34.5] | |
 Concept | | S34.4 | | Version: Injury of lumbosacral plexus [S34.4] | |
 Concept | | S94.1 | | Version: Injury of medial plantar nerve [S94.1] | |
 Concept | | S54.1 | | Version: Injury of median nerve at forearm level [S54.1] | |
 Concept | | S44.1 | | Version: Injury of median nerve at upper arm level [S44.1] | |
 Concept | | S64.1 | | Version: Injury of median nerve at wrist and hand level [S64.1] | |
 Concept | | S35.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at abdomen, lower back, and pelvis level [S35.7] | |
 Concept | | S95.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at ankle and foot level [S95.7] | |
 Concept | | S55.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at forearm level [S55.7] | |
 Concept | | S75.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at hip and thigh level [S75.7] | |
 Concept | | S85.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at lower leg level [S85.7] | |
 Concept | | S15.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at neck level [S15.7] | |
 Concept | | S45.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level [S45.7] | |
 Concept | | S65.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels at wrist and hand level [S65.7] | |
 Concept | | S25.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple blood vessels of thorax [S25.7] | |
 Concept | | S66.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple extensor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level [S66.7] | |
 Concept | | S66.6 | | Version: Injury of multiple flexor muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level [S66.6] | |
 Concept | | S36.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple intra-abdominal organs [S36.7] | |
 Concept | | S96.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at ankle and foot level [S96.7] | |
 Concept | | S56.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at forearm level [S56.7] | |
 Concept | | S76.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at hip and thigh level [S76.7] | |
 Concept | | S86.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at lower leg level [S86.7] | |
 Concept | | S46.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple muscles and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level [S46.7] | |
 Concept | | S94.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at ankle and foot level [S94.7] | |
 Concept | | S54.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at forearm level [S54.7] | |
 Concept | | S74.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at hip and thigh level [S74.7] | |
 Concept | | S84.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at lower leg level [S84.7] | |
 Concept | | S44.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at shoulder and upper arm level [S44.7] | |
 Concept | | S64.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple nerves at wrist and hand level [S64.7] | |
 Concept | | S37.7 | | Version: Injury of multiple pelvic organs [S37.7] | |
 Concept | | S16 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon at neck level [S16] | |
 Concept | | S29.0 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon at thorax level [S29.0] | |
 Concept | | S39.0 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S39.0] | |
 Concept | | S09.1 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of head [S09.1] | |
 Concept | | S76.0 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of hip [S76.0] | |
 Concept | | S96.1 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of long extensor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level [S96.1] | |
 Concept | | S96.0 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of long flexor muscle of toe at ankle and foot level [S96.0] | |
 Concept | | S46.1 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of long head of biceps [S46.1] | |
 Concept | | S46.2 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of other parts of biceps [S46.2] | |
 Concept | | S76.3 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of the posterior muscle group at thigh level [S76.3] | |
 Concept | | S46.3 | | Version: Injury of muscle and tendon of triceps [S46.3] | |
 Concept | | S86.2 | | Version: Injury of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of anterior muscle group at lower leg level [S86.2] | |
 Concept | | S86.3 | | Version: Injury of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of peroneal muscle group at lower leg level [S86.3] | |
 Concept | | S46.0 | | Version: Injury of muscle(s) and tendon(s) of the rotator cuff of shoulder [S46.0] | |
 Concept | | T14.6 | | Version: Injury of muscles and tendons of unspecified body region [T14.6] | |
 Concept | | S44.4 | | Version: Injury of musculocutaneous nerve [S44.4] | |
 Concept | | S14.2 | | Version: Injury of nerve root of cervical spine [S14.2] | |
 Concept | | S34.2 | | Version: Injury of nerve root of lumbar and sacral spine [S34.2] | |
 Concept | | S24.2 | | Version: Injury of nerve root of thoracic spine [S24.2] | |
 Concept | | T14.4 | | Version: Injury of nerve(s) of unspecified body region [T14.4] | |
 Concept | | S04.1 | | Version: Injury of oculomotor nerve [S04.1] | |
 Concept | | S04.0 | | Version: Injury of optic nerve and pathways [S04.0] | |
 Concept | | S56.8 | | Version: Injury of other and unspecified muscles and tendons at forearm level [S56.8] | |
 Concept | | S76.4 | | Version: Injury of other and unspecified muscles and tendons at thigh level [S76.4] | |
 Concept | | S34.8 | | Version: Injury of other and unspecified nerves of abdomen, lower back, and pelvis level [S34.8] | |
 Concept | | S14.6 | | Version: Injury of other and unspecified nerves of neck [S14.6] | |
 Concept | | S35.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at abdomen, lower back, and pelvis level [S35.8] | |
 Concept | | S95.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at ankle and foot level [S95.8] | |
 Concept | | S55.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at forearm level [S55.8] | |
 Concept | | S75.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at hip and thigh level [S75.8] | |
 Concept | | S85.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at lower leg level [S85.8] | |
 Concept | | S15.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at neck level [S15.8] | |
 Concept | | S45.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at shoulder and upper arm level [S45.8] | |
 Concept | | S65.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels at wrist and hand level [S65.8] | |
 Concept | | S25.8 | | Version: Injury of other blood vessels of thorax [S25.8] | |
 Concept | | S04.8 | | Version: Injury of other cranial nerves [S04.8] | |
 Concept | | S56.5 | | Version: Injury of other extensor muscle and tendon at forearm level [S56.5] | |
 Concept | | S56.2 | | Version: Injury of other flexor muscle and tendon at forearm level [S56.2] | |
 Concept | | S36.8 | | Version: Injury of other intra-abdominal organs [S36.8] | |
 Concept | | S86.1 | | Version: Injury of other muscle(s) and tendon(s) of posterior muscle group at lower leg level [S86.1] | |
 Concept | | S96.8 | | Version: Injury of other muscles and tendons at ankle and foot level [S96.8] | |
 Concept | | S86.8 | | Version: Injury of other muscles and tendons at lower leg level [S86.8] | |
 Concept | | S46.8 | | Version: Injury of other muscles and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level [S46.8] | |
 Concept | | S66.8 | | Version: Injury of other muscles and tendons at wrist and hand level [S66.8] | |
 Concept | | S94.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at ankle and foot level [S94.8] | |
 Concept | | S54.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at forearm level [S54.8] | |
 Concept | | S74.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at hip and thigh level [S74.8] | |
 Concept | | S84.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at lower leg level [S84.8] | |
 Concept | | S44.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at shoulder and upper arm level [S44.8] | |
 Concept | | S64.8 | | Version: Injury of other nerves at wrist and hand level [S64.8] | |
 Concept | | S24.5 | | Version: Injury of other nerves of thorax [S24.5] | |
 Concept | | S37.8 | | Version: Injury of other pelvic organs [S37.8] | |
 Concept | | S27.8 | | Version: Injury of other specified intrathoracic organs [S27.8] | |
 Concept | | S36.2 | | Version: Injury of pancreas [S36.2] | |
 Concept | | S34.6 | | Version: Injury of peripheral nerve(s) of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S34.6] | |
 Concept | | S14.4 | | Version: Injury of peripheral nerves of neck [S14.4] | |
 Concept | | S24.3 | | Version: Injury of peripheral nerves of thorax [S24.3] | |
 Concept | | S85.2 | | Version: Injury of peroneal artery [S85.2] | |
 Concept | | S84.1 | | Version: Injury of peroneal nerve at lower leg level [S84.1] | |
 Concept | | S95.1 | | Version: Injury of plantar artery of foot [S95.1] | |
 Concept | | S27.6 | | Version: Injury of pleura [S27.6] | |
 Concept | | S85.0 | | Version: Injury of popliteal artery [S85.0] | |
 Concept | | S85.5 | | Version: Injury of popliteal vein [S85.5] | |
 Concept | | S35.3 | | Version: Injury of portal or splenic vein [S35.3] | |
 Concept | | S25.4 | | Version: Injury of pulmonary blood vessels [S25.4] | |
 Concept | | S76.1 | | Version: Injury of quadriceps muscle and tendon [S76.1] | |
 Concept | | S55.1 | | Version: Injury of radial artery at forearm level [S55.1] | |
 Concept | | S65.1 | | Version: Injury of radial artery at wrist and hand level [S65.1] | |
 Concept | | S54.2 | | Version: Injury of radial nerve at forearm level [S54.2] | |
 Concept | | S44.2 | | Version: Injury of radial nerve at upper arm level [S44.2] | |
 Concept | | S64.2 | | Version: Injury of radial nerve at wrist and hand level [S64.2] | |
 Concept | | S36.6 | | Version: Injury of rectum [S36.6] | |
 Concept | | S35.4 | | Version: Injury of renal blood vessels [S35.4] | |
 Concept | | S74.0 | | Version: Injury of sciatic nerve at hip and thigh level [S74.0] | |
 Concept | | S36.4 | | Version: Injury of small intestine [S36.4] | |
 Concept | | T09.3 | | Version: Injury of spinal cord, level unspecified [T09.3] | |
 Concept | | S36.0 | | Version: Injury of spleen [S36.0] | |
 Concept | | S36.3 | | Version: Injury of stomach [S36.3] | |
 Concept | | S65.2 | | Version: Injury of superficial palmar arch [S65.2] | |
 Concept | | S45.3 | | Version: Injury of superficial vein at shoulder and upper arm level [S45.3] | |
 Concept | | S25.2 | | Version: Injury of superior vena cava [S25.2] | |
 Concept | | S25.0 | | Version: Injury of thoracic aorta [S25.0] | |
 Concept | | S24.4 | | Version: Injury of thoracic sympathetic nerves [S24.4] | |
 Concept | | S27.5 | | Version: Injury of thoracic trachea [S27.5] | |
 Concept | | S84.0 | | Version: Injury of tibial nerve at lower leg level [S84.0] | |
 Concept | | S04.3 | | Version: Injury of trigeminal nerve [S04.3] | |
 Concept | | S04.2 | | Version: Injury of trochlear nerve [S04.2] | |
 Concept | | S55.0 | | Version: Injury of ulnar artery at forearm level [S55.0] | |
 Concept | | S65.0 | | Version: Injury of ulnar artery at wrist and hand level [S65.0] | |
 Concept | | S54.0 | | Version: Injury of ulnar nerve at forearm level [S54.0] | |
 Concept | | S44.0 | | Version: Injury of ulnar nerve at upper arm level [S44.0] | |
 Concept | | S64.0 | | Version: Injury of ulnar nerve at wrist and hand level [S64.0] | |
 Concept | | S35.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at abdomen, lower back, and pelvis level [S35.9] | |
 Concept | | S95.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at ankle and foot level [S95.9] | |
 Concept | | S55.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at forearm level [S55.9] | |
 Concept | | S75.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at hip and thigh level [S75.9] | |
 Concept | | S85.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at lower leg level [S85.9] | |
 Concept | | S15.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at neck level [S15.9] | |
 Concept | | S45.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at shoulder and upper arm level [S45.9] | |
 Concept | | S65.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel at wrist and hand level [S65.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.4 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.4] | |
 Concept | | S25.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel of thorax [S25.9] | |
 Concept | | T11.4 | | Version: Injury of unspecified blood vessel of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.4] | |
 Concept | | S04.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified cranial nerve [S04.9] | |
 Concept | | S36.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified intra-abdominal organ [S36.9] | |
 Concept | | S27.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified intrathoracic organ [S27.9] | |
 Concept | | S96.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level [S96.9] | |
 Concept | | S86.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at lower leg level [S86.9] | |
 Concept | | S46.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level [S46.9] | |
 Concept | | S66.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level [S66.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.5 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.5] | |
 Concept | | T09.5 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of trunk [T09.5] | |
 Concept | | T11.5 | | Version: Injury of unspecified muscle and tendon of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.5] | |
 Concept | | S94.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at ankle and foot level [S94.9] | |
 Concept | | S54.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at forearm level [S54.9] | |
 Concept | | S74.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at hip and thigh level [S74.9] | |
 Concept | | S84.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at lower leg level [S84.9] | |
 Concept | | S44.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at shoulder and upper arm level [S44.9] | |
 Concept | | S64.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve at wrist and hand level [S64.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.3 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.3] | |
 Concept | | S24.6 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve of thorax [S24.6] | |
 Concept | | T11.3 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.3] | |
 Concept | | T09.4 | | Version: Injury of unspecified nerve, spinal nerve root and plexus of trunk [T09.4] | |
 Concept | | S37.9 | | Version: Injury of unspecified pelvic organ [S37.9] | |
 Concept | | S37.1 | | Version: Injury of ureter [S37.1] | |
 Concept | | S37.3 | | Version: Injury of urethra [S37.3] | |
 Concept | | S55.2 | | Version: Injury of vein at forearm level [S55.2] | |
 Concept | | S15.1 | | Version: Injury of vertebral artery [S15.1] | |
 Concept | | S83.7 | | Version: Injury to multiple structures of knee [S83.7] | |
 Concept | | T14.9 | | Version: Injury, unspecified [T14.9] | |
 Concept | | P59.1 | | Version: Inspissated bile syndrome [P59.1] | |
 Concept | | A67.1 | | Version: Intermediate lesions of pinta [A67.1] | |
 Concept | | B83.4 | | Version: Internal hirudiniasis [B83.4] | |
 Concept | | P25.0 | | Version: Interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period [P25.0] | |
 Concept | | B81.3 | | Version: Intestinal angiostrongyliasis [B81.3] | |
 Concept | | B81.1 | | Version: Intestinal capillariasis [B81.1] | |
 Concept | | B82.0 | | Version: Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified [B82.0] | |
 Concept | | P76.9 | | Version: Intestinal obstruction of newborn, unspecified [P76.9] | |
 Concept | | B82.9 | | Version: Intestinal parasitism, unspecified [B82.9] | |
 Concept | | B78.0 | | Version: Intestinal strongyloidiasis [B78.0] | |
 Concept | | R19.0 | | Version: Intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump [R19.0] | |
 Concept | | P39.2 | | Version: Intra-amniotic infection of fetus, not elsewhere classified [P39.2] | |
 Concept | | I51.3 | | Version: Intracardiac thrombosis, not elsewhere classified [I51.3] | |
 Concept | | P52.4 | | Version: Intracerebral (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn [P52.4] | |
 Concept | | P52.9 | | Version: Intracranial (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn, unspecified [P52.9] | |
 Concept | | S06.7 | | Version: Intracranial injury with prolonged coma [S06.7] | |
 Concept | | S06.9 | | Version: Intracranial injury, unspecified [S06.9] | |
 Concept | | D05.1 | | Version: Intraductal carcinoma in situ [D05.1] | |
 Concept | | C22.1 | | Version: Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma [C22.1] | |
 Concept | | D25.1 | | Version: Intramural leiomyoma of uterus [D25.1] | |
 Concept | | P20.0 | | Version: Intrauterine hypoxia first noted before onset of labour [P20.0] | |
 Concept | | P20.1 | | Version: Intrauterine hypoxia first noted during labour and delivery [P20.1] | |
 Concept | | P20.9 | | Version: Intrauterine hypoxia, unspecified [P20.9] | |
 Concept | | P52.0 | | Version: Intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage, grade 1, of fetus and newborn [P52.0] | |
 Concept | | P52.1 | | Version: Intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage, grade 2, of fetus and newborn [P52.1] | |
 Concept | | P52.2 | | Version: Intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage, grade 3, and grade 4 of fetus and newborn [P52.2] | |
 Concept | | P10.2 | | Version: Intraventricular haemorrhage due to birth injury [P10.2] | |
 Concept | | B44.0 | | Version: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis [B44.0] | |
 Concept | | D50.9 | | Version: Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified [D50.9] | |
 Concept | | I25.5 | | Version: Ischaemic cardiomyopathy [I25.5] | |
 Concept | | Q20.6 | | Version: Isomerism of atrial appendages [Q20.6] | |
 Concept | | A07.3 | | Version: Isosporiasis [A07.3] | |
 Concept | | A83.0 | | Version: Japanese encephalitis [A83.0] | |
 Concept | | A96.0 | | Version: Junin haemorrhagic fever [A96.0] | |
 Concept | | C46.3 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of lymph nodes [C46.3] | |
 Concept | | C46.8 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of multiple organs [C46.8] | |
 Concept | | C46.7 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of other sites [C46.7] | |
 Concept | | C46.2 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of palate [C46.2] | |
 Concept | | C46.0 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of skin [C46.0] | |
 Concept | | C46.1 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma of soft tissue [C46.1] | |
 Concept | | C46.9 | | Version: Kaposi sarcoma, unspecified [C46.9] | |
 Concept | | Q96.0 | | Version: Karyotype 45,X [Q96.0] | |
 Concept | | Q96.1 | | Version: Karyotype 46,X iso (Xq) [Q96.1] | |
 Concept | | Q96.2 | | Version: Karyotype 46,X with abnormal sex chromosome, except iso (Xq) [Q96.2] | |
 Concept | | Q97.0 | | Version: Karyotype 47,XXX [Q97.0] | |
 Concept | | Q98.5 | | Version: Karyotype 47,XYY [Q98.5] | |
 Concept | | P57.0 | | Version: Kernicterus due to isoimmunization [P57.0] | |
 Concept | | P57.9 | | Version: Kernicterus, unspecified [P57.9] | |
 Concept | | T86.1 | | Version: Kidney transplant failure and rejection [T86.1] | |
 Concept | | Q98.0 | | Version: Klinefelter syndrome karyotype 47,XXY [Q98.0] | |
 Concept | | Q98.2 | | Version: Klinefelter syndrome, male with 46,XX karyotype [Q98.2] | |
 Concept | | Q98.4 | | Version: Klinefelter syndrome, unspecified [Q98.4] | |
 Concept | | Q98.1 | | Version: Klinefelter's syndrome, male with more than two X chromosomes [Q98.1] | |
 Concept | | Q76.1 | | Version: Klippel–Feil syndrome [Q76.1] | |
 Concept | | P14.1 | | Version: Klumpke paralysis due to birth injury [P14.1] | |
 Concept | | A98.2 | | Version: Kyasanur Forest disease [A98.2] | |
 Concept | | R75 | | Version: Laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] [R75] | |
 Concept | | Q24.1 | | Version: Laevocardia [Q24.1] | |
 Concept | | Q80.2 | | Version: Lamellar ichthyosis [Q80.2] | |
 Concept | | D76.0 | | Version: Langerhans' cell histiocytosis, not elsewhere classified [D76.0] | |
 Concept | | A36.2 | | Version: Laryngeal diphtheria [A36.2] | |
 Concept | | Q31.2 | | Version: Laryngeal hypoplasia [Q31.2] | |
 Concept | | Q31.3 | | Version: Laryngocele [Q31.3] | |
 Concept | | A96.2 | | Version: Lassa fever [A96.2] | |
 Concept | | A50.4 | | Version: Late congenital neurosyphilis [juvenile neurosyphilis] [A50.4] | |
 Concept | | A50.3 | | Version: Late congenital syphilitic oculopathy [A50.3] | |
 Concept | | D25.9 | | Version: Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified [D25.9] | |
 Concept | | B55.9 | | Version: Leishmaniasis, unspecified [B55.9] | |
 Concept | | A30.5 | | Version: Lepromatous leprosy [A30.5] | |
 Concept | | A30.9 | | Version: Leprosy, unspecified [A30.9] | |
 Concept | | A27.0 | | Version: Leptospirosis icterohaemorrhagica [A27.0] | |
 Concept | | A27.9 | | Version: Leptospirosis, unspecified [A27.9] | |
 Concept | | E79.1 | | Version: Lesch–Nyhan syndrome [E79.1] | |
 Concept | | P05.0 | | Version: Light for gestational age [P05.0] | |
 Concept | | E75.6 | | Version: Lipid storage disorder, unspecified [E75.6] | |
 Concept | | E88.1 | | Version: Lipodystrophy, not elsewhere classified [E88.1] | |
 Concept | | E88.2 | | Version: Lipomatosis, not elsewhere classified [E88.2] | |
 Concept | | E78.6 | | Version: Lipoprotein deficiency [E78.6] | |
 Concept | | A32.1 | | Version: Listerial meningitis and meningoencephalitis [A32.1] | |
 Concept | | A32.7 | | Version: Listerial sepsis [A32.7] | |
 Concept | | A32.9 | | Version: Listeriosis, unspecified [A32.9] | |
 Concept | | C22.0 | | Version: Liver cell carcinoma [C22.0] | |
 Concept | | T86.4 | | Version: Liver transplant failure and rejection [T86.4] | |
 Concept | | B48.0 | | Version: Lobomycosis [B48.0] | |
 Concept | | Q71.6 | | Version: Lobster-claw hand [Q71.6] | |
 Concept | | D05.0 | | Version: Lobular carcinoma in situ [D05.0] | |
 Concept | | Q63.1 | | Version: Lobulated, fused and horseshoe kidney [Q63.1] | |
 Concept | | A02.2 | | Version: Localized Salmonella infections [A02.2] | |
 Concept | | R22.0 | | Version: Localized swelling, mass and lump, head [R22.0] | |
 Concept | | B74.3 | | Version: Loiasis [B74.3] | |
 Concept | | Q72.4 | | Version: Longitudinal reduction defect of femur [Q72.4] | |
 Concept | | Q72.6 | | Version: Longitudinal reduction defect of fibula [Q72.6] | |
 Concept | | Q71.4 | | Version: Longitudinal reduction defect of radius [Q71.4] | |
 Concept | | Q72.5 | | Version: Longitudinal reduction defect of tibia [Q72.5] | |
 Concept | | Q71.5 | | Version: Longitudinal reduction defect of ulna [Q71.5] | |
 Concept | | A68.0 | | Version: Louse-borne relapsing fever [A68.0] | |
 Concept | | Q05.2 | | Version: Lumbar spina bifida with hydrocephalus [Q05.2] | |
 Concept | | Q05.7 | | Version: Lumbar spina bifida without hydrocephalus [Q05.7] | |
 Concept | | A69.2 | | Version: Lyme disease [A69.2] | |
 Concept | | D18.1 | | Version: Lymphangioma, any site [D18.1] | |
 Concept | | C83.5 | | Version: Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma [C83.5] | |
 Concept | | B42.1 | | Version: Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis [B42.1] | |
 Concept | | C81.3 | | Version: Lymphocyte depleted (classical) Hodgkin lymphoma [C81.3] | |
 Concept | | D84.0 | | Version: Lymphocyte function antigen-1 [LFA-1] defect [D84.0] | |
 Concept | | A87.2 | | Version: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis [A87.2] | |
 Concept | | A96.1 | | Version: Machupo haemorrhagic fever [A96.1] | |
 Concept | | Q75.3 | | Version: Macrocephaly [Q75.3] | |
 Concept | | Q18.6 | | Version: Macrocheilia [Q18.6] | |
 Concept | | Q38.2 | | Version: Macroglossia [Q38.2] | |
 Concept | | Q11.3 | | Version: Macrophthalmos [Q11.3] | |
 Concept | | Q18.4 | | Version: Macrostomia [Q18.4] | |
 Concept | | Q17.1 | | Version: Macrotia [Q17.1] | |
 Concept | | K07.0 | | Version: Major anomalies of jaw size [K07.0] | |
 Concept | | D81.6 | | Version: Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency [D81.6] | |
 Concept | | D81.7 | | Version: Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency [D81.7] | |
 Concept | | Q92.2 | | Version: Major partial trisomy [Q92.2] | |
 Concept | | B53.1 | | Version: Malaria due to simian plasmodia [B53.1] | |
 Concept | | Q56.1 | | Version: Male pseudohermaphroditism, not elsewhere classified [Q56.1] | |
 Concept | | Q98.7 | | Version: Male with sex chromosome mosaicism [Q98.7] | |
 Concept | | Q24.5 | | Version: Malformation of coronary vessels [Q24.5] | |
 Concept | | Q64.4 | | Version: Malformation of urachus [Q64.4] | |
 Concept | | Q03.0 | | Version: Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius [Q03.0] | |
 Concept | | T88.3 | | Version: Malignant hyperthermia due to anaesthesia [T88.3] | |
 Concept | | C96.2 | | Version: Malignant mast cell tumour [C96.2] | |
 Concept | | C43.2 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of ear and external auricular canal [C43.2] | |
 Concept | | C43.1 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of eyelid, including canthus [C43.1] | |
 Concept | | C43.0 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of lip [C43.0] | |
 Concept | | C43.7 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of lower limb, including hip [C43.7] | |
 Concept | | C43.3 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of other and unspecified parts of face [C43.3] | |
 Concept | | C43.4 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck [C43.4] | |
 Concept | | C43.9 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of skin, unspecified [C43.9] | |
 Concept | | C43.5 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of trunk [C43.5] | |
 Concept | | C43.6 | | Version: Malignant melanoma of upper limb, including shoulder [C43.6] | |
 Concept | | C76.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of abdomen [C76.2] | |
 Concept | | C15.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of abdominal part of esophagus [C15.2] | |
 Concept | | C31.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus, unspecified [C31.9] | |
 Concept | | C72.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of acoustic nerve [C72.4] | |
 Concept | | C74.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland, unspecified [C74.9] | |
 Concept | | C24.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater [C24.1] | |
 Concept | | C21.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anal canal [C21.1] | |
 Concept | | C04.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior floor of mouth [C04.0] | |
 Concept | | C38.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum [C38.1] | |
 Concept | | C10.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior surface of epiglottis [C10.1] | |
 Concept | | C02.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior two-thirds of tongue, part unspecified [C02.3] | |
 Concept | | C67.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of bladder [C67.3] | |
 Concept | | C11.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx [C11.3] | |
 Concept | | C21.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of anus, unspecified [C21.0] | |
 Concept | | C75.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of aortic body and other paraganglia [C75.5] | |
 Concept | | C18.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of appendix [C18.1] | |
 Concept | | C13.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect [C13.1] | |
 Concept | | C18.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon [C18.2] | |
 Concept | | C50.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of breast [C50.6] | |
 Concept | | C01 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue [C01] | |
 Concept | | C24.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of biliary tract, unspecified [C24.9] | |
 Concept | | C67.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck [C67.5] | |
 Concept | | C67.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bladder, unspecified [C67.9] | |
 Concept | | C25.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas [C25.1] | |
 Concept | | C60.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of body of penis [C60.2] | |
 Concept | | C16.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach [C16.2] | |
 Concept | | C40.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limb, unspecified [C40.9] | |
 Concept | | C41.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage, unspecified [C41.9] | |
 Concept | | C41.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face [C41.0] | |
 Concept | | C02.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of border of tongue [C02.1] | |
 Concept | | C71.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of brain stem [C71.7] | |
 Concept | | C71.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified [C71.9] | |
 Concept | | C10.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft [C10.4] | |
 Concept | | C50.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of breast, unspecified [C50.9] | |
 Concept | | C57.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of broad ligament [C57.1] | |
 Concept | | C34.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of bronchus or lung, unspecified [C34.9] | |
 Concept | | C16.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cardia [C16.0] | |
 Concept | | C75.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of carotid body [C75.4] | |
 Concept | | C72.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina [C72.1] | |
 Concept | | C18.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cecum [C18.0] | |
 Concept | | C72.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of central nervous system, unspecified [C72.9] | |
 Concept | | C50.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of central portion of breast [C50.1] | |
 Concept | | C71.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum [C71.6] | |
 Concept | | C70.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges [C70.0] | |
 Concept | | C71.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricle [C71.5] | |
 Concept | | C71.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles [C71.0] | |
 Concept | | C15.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cervical part of esophagus [C15.0] | |
 Concept | | C53.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri, unspecified [C53.9] | |
 Concept | | C06.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa [C06.0] | |
 Concept | | C69.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of choroid [C69.3] | |
 Concept | | C69.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ciliary body [C69.4] | |
 Concept | | C51.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of clitoris [C51.2] | |
 Concept | | C21.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cloacogenic zone [C21.2] | |
 Concept | | C18.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified [C18.9] | |
 Concept | | C00.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip [C00.6] | |
 Concept | | C69.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva [C69.0] | |
 Concept | | C49.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of abdomen [C49.4] | |
 Concept | | C49.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of head, face, and neck [C49.0] | |
 Concept | | C49.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of lower limb, including hip [C49.2] | |
 Concept | | C49.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of pelvis [C49.5] | |
 Concept | | C49.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax [C49.3] | |
 Concept | | C49.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of trunk, unspecified [C49.6] | |
 Concept | | C49.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of upper limb, including shoulder [C49.1] | |
 Concept | | C49.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue, unspecified [C49.9] | |
 Concept | | C69.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cornea [C69.1] | |
 Concept | | C54.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, unspecified [C54.9] | |
 Concept | | C74.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of cortex of adrenal gland [C74.0] | |
 Concept | | C75.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct [C75.2] | |
 Concept | | C62.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of descended testis [C62.1] | |
 Concept | | C18.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of descending colon [C18.6] | |
 Concept | | C67.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of dome of bladder [C67.1] | |
 Concept | | C02.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue [C02.0] | |
 Concept | | C17.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of duodenum [C17.0] | |
 Concept | | C53.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of endocervix [C53.0] | |
 Concept | | C75.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, unspecified [C75.9] | |
 Concept | | C25.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of endocrine pancreas [C25.4] | |
 Concept | | C54.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of endometrium [C54.1] | |
 Concept | | C63.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of epididymis [C63.0] | |
 Concept | | C15.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of esophagus, unspecified [C15.9] | |
 Concept | | C31.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus [C31.1] | |
 Concept | | C53.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of exocervix [C53.1] | |
 Concept | | C00.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of external lip, unspecified [C00.2] | |
 Concept | | C00.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of external lower lip [C00.1] | |
 Concept | | C00.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of external upper lip [C00.0] | |
 Concept | | C24.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile duct [C24.0] | |
 Concept | | C69.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of eye, unspecified [C69.9] | |
 Concept | | C57.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube [C57.0] | |
 Concept | | C57.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, unspecified [C57.9] | |
 Concept | | C04.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, unspecified [C04.9] | |
 Concept | | C71.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe [C71.1] | |
 Concept | | C31.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus [C31.2] | |
 Concept | | C16.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach [C16.1] | |
 Concept | | C54.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of fundus uteri [C54.3] | |
 Concept | | C23 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder [C23] | |
 Concept | | C60.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of glans penis [C60.1] | |
 Concept | | C16.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of greater curvature of stomach, unspecified [C16.6] | |
 Concept | | C03.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of gum, unspecified [C03.9] | |
 Concept | | C05.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of hard palate [C05.0] | |
 Concept | | C25.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas [C25.0] | |
 Concept | | C76.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and neck [C76.0] | |
 Concept | | C38.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of heart [C38.0] | |
 Concept | | C18.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure [C18.3] | |
 Concept | | C13.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified [C13.9] | |
 Concept | | C17.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ileum [C17.2] | |
 Concept | | C26.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the digestive system [C26.9] | |
 Concept | | C39.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the respiratory system [C39.9] | |
 Concept | | C26.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified [C26.0] | |
 Concept | | C54.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of isthmus uteri [C54.0] | |
 Concept | | C17.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of jejunum [C17.1] | |
 Concept | | C64 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis [C64] | |
 Concept | | C51.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of labium majus [C51.0] | |
 Concept | | C51.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of labium minus [C51.1] | |
 Concept | | C69.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland and duct [C69.5] | |
 Concept | | C32.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilage [C32.3] | |
 Concept | | C32.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified [C32.9] | |
 Concept | | C04.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lateral floor of mouth [C04.1] | |
 Concept | | C67.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of bladder [C67.2] | |
 Concept | | C11.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx [C11.2] | |
 Concept | | C10.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx [C10.2] | |
 Concept | | C16.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lesser curvature of stomach, unspecified [C16.5] | |
 Concept | | C02.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil [C02.4] | |
 Concept | | C00.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified [C00.9] | |
 Concept | | C00.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, inner aspect [C00.5] | |
 Concept | | C22.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of liver, unspecified [C22.9] | |
 Concept | | C40.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of long bones of lower limb [C40.2] | |
 Concept | | C03.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower gum [C03.1] | |
 Concept | | C76.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower limb [C76.5] | |
 Concept | | C00.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect [C00.4] | |
 Concept | | C34.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung [C34.3] | |
 Concept | | C15.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower third of esophagus [C15.5] | |
 Concept | | C50.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of breast [C50.3] | |
 Concept | | C50.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of breast [C50.5] | |
 Concept | | C96.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue, unspecified [C96.9] | |
 Concept | | C34.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus [C34.0] | |
 Concept | | C08.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland, unspecified [C08.9] | |
 Concept | | C63.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, unspecified [C63.9] | |
 Concept | | C41.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of mandible [C41.1] | |
 Concept | | C31.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus [C31.0] | |
 Concept | | C17.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum [C17.3] | |
 Concept | | C38.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified [C38.3] | |
 Concept | | C74.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of medulla of adrenal gland [C74.1] | |
 Concept | | C70.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified [C70.9] | |
 Concept | | C30.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of middle ear [C30.1] | |
 Concept | | C34.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung [C34.2] | |
 Concept | | C15.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of middle third of esophagus [C15.4] | |
 Concept | | C06.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified [C06.9] | |
 Concept | | C54.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of myometrium [C54.2] | |
 Concept | | C30.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity [C30.0] | |
 Concept | | C11.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified [C11.9] | |
 Concept | | C50.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola [C50.0] | |
 Concept | | C71.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe [C71.4] | |
 Concept | | C72.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of olfactory nerve [C72.2] | |
 Concept | | C72.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of optic nerve [C72.3] | |
 Concept | | C69.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of orbit [C69.6] | |
 Concept | | C10.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, unspecified [C10.9] | |
 Concept | | C72.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified cranial nerves [C72.5] | |
 Concept | | C76.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of other ill-defined sites [C76.7] | |
 Concept | | C25.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of other parts of pancreas [C25.7] | |
 Concept | | C57.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organs [C57.7] | |
 Concept | | C63.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of other specified male genital organs [C63.7] | |
 Concept | | C56 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ovary [C56] | |
 Concept | | C31.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of accessory sinuses [C31.8] | |
 Concept | | C24.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of biliary tract [C24.8] | |
 Concept | | C67.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bladder [C67.8] | |
 Concept | | C40.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bone and articular cartilage of limbs [C40.8] | |
 Concept | | C71.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of brain [C71.8] | |
 Concept | | C72.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of brain and other parts of central nervous system [C72.8] | |
 Concept | | C50.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of breast [C50.8] | |
 Concept | | C34.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of bronchus and lung [C34.8] | |
 Concept | | C53.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of cervix uteri [C53.8] | |
 Concept | | C18.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of colon [C18.8] | |
 Concept | | C49.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of connective and soft tissue [C49.8] | |
 Concept | | C54.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of corpus uteri [C54.8] | |
 Concept | | C26.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of digestive system [C26.8] | |
 Concept | | C15.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of esophagus [C15.8] | |
 Concept | | C69.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of eye and adnexa [C69.8] | |
 Concept | | C57.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of female genital organs [C57.8] | |
 Concept | | C04.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of floor of mouth [C04.8] | |
 Concept | | C38.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of heart, mediastinum, and pleura [C38.8] | |
 Concept | | C13.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of hypopharynx [C13.8] | |
 Concept | | C32.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of larynx [C32.8] | |
 Concept | | C00.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip [C00.8] | |
 Concept | | C14.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx [C14.8] | |
 Concept | | C08.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of major salivary glands [C08.8] | |
 Concept | | C63.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of male genital organs [C63.8] | |
 Concept | | C11.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of nasopharynx [C11.8] | |
 Concept | | C10.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of oropharynx [C10.8] | |
 Concept | | C76.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of other and ill-defined sites [C76.8] | |
 Concept | | C06.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of other and unspecified parts of mouth [C06.8] | |
 Concept | | C05.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of palate [C05.8] | |
 Concept | | C60.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of penis [C60.8] | |
 Concept | | C47.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system [C47.8] | |
 Concept | | C21.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of rectum, anus, and anal canal [C21.8] | |
 Concept | | C39.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of respiratory and intrathoracic organs [C39.8] | |
 Concept | | C48.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of retroperitoneum and peritoneum [C48.8] | |
 Concept | | C44.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of skin [C44.8] | |
 Concept | | C17.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of small intestine [C17.8] | |
 Concept | | C16.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of stomach [C16.8] | |
 Concept | | C02.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tongue [C02.8] | |
 Concept | | C09.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of tonsil [C09.8] | |
 Concept | | C68.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of urinary organs [C68.8] | |
 Concept | | C51.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of overlapping lesion of vulva [C51.8] | |
 Concept | | C05.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of palate, unspecified [C05.9] | |
 Concept | | C25.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, unspecified [C25.9] | |
 Concept | | C25.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct [C25.3] | |
 Concept | | C57.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of parametrium [C57.3] | |
 Concept | | C75.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland [C75.0] | |
 Concept | | C68.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands [C68.1] | |
 Concept | | C71.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe [C71.3] | |
 Concept | | C07 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland [C07] | |
 Concept | | C41.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum, and coccyx [C41.4] | |
 Concept | | C76.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pelvis [C76.3] | |
 Concept | | C60.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of penis, unspecified [C60.9] | |
 Concept | | C47.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, unspecified [C47.9] | |
 Concept | | C47.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of abdomen [C47.4] | |
 Concept | | C47.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face, and neck [C47.0] | |
 Concept | | C47.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of lower limb, including hip [C47.2] | |
 Concept | | C47.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of pelvis [C47.5] | |
 Concept | | C47.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of thorax [C47.3] | |
 Concept | | C47.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of trunk, unspecified [C47.6] | |
 Concept | | C47.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of upper limb, including shoulder [C47.1] | |
 Concept | | C48.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified [C48.2] | |
 Concept | | C14.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified [C14.0] | |
 Concept | | C75.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland [C75.3] | |
 Concept | | C12 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus [C12] | |
 Concept | | C75.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland [C75.1] | |
 Concept | | C38.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pleura [C38.4] | |
 Concept | | C75.8 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pluriglandular involvement, unspecified [C75.8] | |
 Concept | | C13.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region [C13.0] | |
 Concept | | C38.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum [C38.2] | |
 Concept | | C67.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of bladder [C67.4] | |
 Concept | | C13.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of hypopharynx [C13.2] | |
 Concept | | C11.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx [C11.1] | |
 Concept | | C10.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx [C10.3] | |
 Concept | | C60.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of prepuce [C60.0] | |
 Concept | | C61 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of prostate [C61] | |
 Concept | | C16.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum [C16.3] | |
 Concept | | C16.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of pylorus [C16.4] | |
 Concept | | C19 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction [C19] | |
 Concept | | C20 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of rectum [C20] | |
 Concept | | C65 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis [C65] | |
 Concept | | C69.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of retina [C69.2] | |
 Concept | | C06.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area [C06.2] | |
 Concept | | C48.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum [C48.0] | |
 Concept | | C41.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ribs, sternum, and clavicle [C41.3] | |
 Concept | | C57.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of round ligament [C57.2] | |
 Concept | | C40.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of upper limb [C40.0] | |
 Concept | | C63.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of scrotum [C63.2] | |
 Concept | | C40.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of short bones of lower limb [C40.3] | |
 Concept | | C40.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of short bones of upper limb [C40.1] | |
 Concept | | C18.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon [C18.7] | |
 Concept | | C44.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of ear and external auricular canal [C44.2] | |
 Concept | | C44.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid, including canthus [C44.1] | |
 Concept | | C44.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of lip [C44.0] | |
 Concept | | C44.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip [C44.7] | |
 Concept | | C44.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of other and unspecified parts of face [C44.3] | |
 Concept | | C44.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp and neck [C44.4] | |
 Concept | | C44.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk [C44.5] | |
 Concept | | C44.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulder [C44.6] | |
 Concept | | C44.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified [C44.9] | |
 Concept | | C17.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified [C17.9] | |
 Concept | | C05.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of soft palate [C05.1] | |
 Concept | | C48.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum [C48.1] | |
 Concept | | C63.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord [C63.1] | |
 Concept | | C31.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus [C31.3] | |
 Concept | | C72.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord [C72.0] | |
 Concept | | C70.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges [C70.1] | |
 Concept | | C26.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of spleen [C26.1] | |
 Concept | | C18.5 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure [C18.5] | |
 Concept | | C16.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of stomach, unspecified [C16.9] | |
 Concept | | C32.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of subglottis [C32.2] | |
 Concept | | C08.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland [C08.1] | |
 Concept | | C08.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland [C08.0] | |
 Concept | | C11.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx [C11.0] | |
 Concept | | C32.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis [C32.1] | |
 Concept | | C25.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas [C25.2] | |
 Concept | | C71.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe [C71.2] | |
 Concept | | C62.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of testis, unspecified [C62.9] | |
 Concept | | C15.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of thoracic part of esophagus [C15.1] | |
 Concept | | C76.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of thorax [C76.1] | |
 Concept | | C37 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of thymus [C37] | |
 Concept | | C73 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland [C73] | |
 Concept | | C02.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of tongue, unspecified [C02.9] | |
 Concept | | C09.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of tonsil, unspecified [C09.9] | |
 Concept | | C09.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa [C09.0] | |
 Concept | | C09.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillar (anterior) (posterior) [C09.1] | |
 Concept | | C33 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of trachea [C33] | |
 Concept | | C18.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon [C18.4] | |
 Concept | | C62.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis [C62.0] | |
 Concept | | C03.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper gum [C03.0] | |
 Concept | | C76.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper limb [C76.4] | |
 Concept | | C00.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect [C00.3] | |
 Concept | | C34.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung [C34.1] | |
 Concept | | C39.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified [C39.0] | |
 Concept | | C15.3 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper third of esophagus [C15.3] | |
 Concept | | C50.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of breast [C50.2] | |
 Concept | | C50.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of breast [C50.4] | |
 Concept | | C67.7 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of urachus [C67.7] | |
 Concept | | C66 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ureter [C66] | |
 Concept | | C67.6 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice [C67.6] | |
 Concept | | C68.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of urethra [C68.0] | |
 Concept | | C68.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, unspecified [C68.9] | |
 Concept | | C57.4 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified [C57.4] | |
 Concept | | C55 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified [C55] | |
 Concept | | C05.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of uvula [C05.2] | |
 Concept | | C52 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of vagina [C52] | |
 Concept | | C10.0 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of vallecula [C10.0] | |
 Concept | | C02.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue [C02.2] | |
 Concept | | C41.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column [C41.2] | |
 Concept | | C06.1 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth [C06.1] | |
 Concept | | C51.9 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of vulva, unspecified [C51.9] | |
 Concept | | C14.2 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring [C14.2] | |
 Concept | | C80 | | Version: Malignant neoplasm, without specification of site [C80] | |
 Concept | | Q62.6 | | Version: Malposition of ureter [Q62.6] | |
 Concept | | T74.9 | | Version: Maltreatment syndrome, unspecified [T74.9] | |
 Concept | | Q75.4 | | Version: Mandibulofacial dysostosis [Q75.4] | |
 Concept | | B74.4 | | Version: Mansonelliasis [B74.4] | |
 Concept | | C83.1 | | Version: Mantle cell lymphoma [C83.1] | |
 Concept | | E71.0 | | Version: Maple-syrup-urine disease [E71.0] | |
 Concept | | A98.3 | | Version: Marburg virus disease [A98.3] | |
 Concept | | Q87.4 | | Version: Marfan syndrome [Q87.4] | |
 Concept | | P26.1 | | Version: Massive pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period [P26.1] | |
 Concept | | P51.0 | | Version: Massive umbilical haemorrhage of newborn [P51.0] | |
 Concept | | Q82.2 | | Version: Mastocytosis [Q82.2] | |
 Concept | | B05.0 | | Version: Measles complicated by encephalitis [B05.0] | |
 Concept | | B05.1 | | Version: Measles complicated by meningitis [B05.1] | |
 Concept | | B05.3 | | Version: Measles complicated by otitis media [B05.3] | |
 Concept | | B05.2 | | Version: Measles complicated by pneumonia [B05.2] | |
 Concept | | B05.4 | | Version: Measles with intestinal complications [B05.4] | |
 Concept | | B05.8 | | Version: Measles with other complications [B05.8] | |
 Concept | | B05.9 | | Version: Measles without complication [B05.9] | |
 Concept | | T85.4 | | Version: Mechanical complication of breast prosthesis and implant [T85.4] | |
 Concept | | T82.1 | | Version: Mechanical complication of cardiac electronic device [T82.1] | |
 Concept | | T82.2 | | Version: Mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass and valve grafts [T82.2] | |
 Concept | | T85.5 | | Version: Mechanical complication of gastrointestinal prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T85.5] | |
 Concept | | T83.2 | | Version: Mechanical complication of graft of urinary organ [T83.2] | |
 Concept | | T82.0 | | Version: Mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis [T82.0] | |
 Concept | | T85.1 | | Version: Mechanical complication of implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system [T85.1] | |
 Concept | | T84.1 | | Version: Mechanical complication of internal fixation device of bones of limb [T84.1] | |
 Concept | | T84.2 | | Version: Mechanical complication of internal fixation device of other bones [T84.2] | |
 Concept | | T84.0 | | Version: Mechanical complication of internal joint prosthesis [T84.0] | |
 Concept | | T85.2 | | Version: Mechanical complication of intraocular lens [T85.2] | |
 Concept | | T84.3 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other bone devices, implants, and grafts [T84.3] | |
 Concept | | T82.5 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants [T82.5] | |
 Concept | | T84.4 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other internal orthopedic devices, implants, and grafts [T84.4] | |
 Concept | | T85.3 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other ocular prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T85.3] | |
 Concept | | T83.4 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other prothestic devices, implants, and grafts in genital tract [T83.4] | |
 Concept | | T85.6 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other specified internal prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T85.6] | |
 Concept | | T83.1 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other urinary devices and implants [T83.1] | |
 Concept | | T82.3 | | Version: Mechanical complication of other vascular grafts [T82.3] | |
 Concept | | T83.0 | | Version: Mechanical complication of urinary (indwelling) catheter [T83.0] | |
 Concept | | T82.4 | | Version: Mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter [T82.4] | |
 Concept | | T85.0 | | Version: Mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt [T85.0] | |
 Concept | | Q43.0 | | Version: Meckel’s diverticulum [Q43.0] | |
 Concept | | P76.0 | | Version: Meconium plug syndrome [P76.0] | |
 Concept | | Q61.5 | | Version: Medullary cystic kidney [Q61.5] | |
 Concept | | Q04.5 | | Version: Megalencephaly [Q04.5] | |
 Concept | | D22.2 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of ear and external auricular canal [D22.2] | |
 Concept | | D22.1 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of eyelid, including canthus [D22.1] | |
 Concept | | D22.0 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of lip [D22.0] | |
 Concept | | D22.7 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of lower limb, including hip [D22.7] | |
 Concept | | D22.3 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of other and unspecified parts of face [D22.3] | |
 Concept | | D22.4 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of scalp and neck [D22.4] | |
 Concept | | D22.5 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of trunk [D22.5] | |
 Concept | | D22.6 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi of upper limb, including shoulder [D22.6] | |
 Concept | | D22.9 | | Version: Melanocytic naevi, unspecified [D22.9] | |
 Concept | | D03.2 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of ear and external auricular canal [D03.2] | |
 Concept | | D03.1 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of eyelid, including canthus [D03.1] | |
 Concept | | D03.0 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of lip [D03.0] | |
 Concept | | D03.7 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of lower limb, including hip [D03.7] | |
 Concept | | D03.3 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of other and unspecified parts of face [D03.3] | |
 Concept | | D03.8 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of other sites [D03.8] | |
 Concept | | D03.4 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of scalp and neck [D03.4] | |
 Concept | | D03.5 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of trunk [D03.5] | |
 Concept | | D03.6 | | Version: Melanoma in situ of upper limb, including shoulder [D03.6] | |
 Concept | | D03.9 | | Version: Melanoma in situ, unspecified [D03.9] | |
 Concept | | A24.4 | | Version: Melioidosis, unspecified [A24.4] | |
 Concept | | A17.1 | | Version: Meningeal tuberculoma [A17.1] | |
 Concept | | G03.8 | | Version: Meningitis due to other specified causes [G03.8] | |
 Concept | | G03.9 | | Version: Meningitis, unspecified [G03.9] | |
 Concept | | A39.4 | | Version: Meningococcaemia, unspecified [A39.4] | |
 Concept | | A39.5 | | Version: Meningococcal heart disease [A39.5] | |
 Concept | | A39.9 | | Version: Meningococcal infection, unspecified [A39.9] | |
 Concept | | A39.0 | | Version: Meningococcal meningitis [A39.0] | |
 Concept | | C45.7 | | Version: Mesothelioma of other sites [C45.7] | |
 Concept | | C45.2 | | Version: Mesothelioma of pericardium [C45.2] | |
 Concept | | C45.1 | | Version: Mesothelioma of peritoneum [C45.1] | |
 Concept | | C45.0 | | Version: Mesothelioma of pleura [C45.0] | |
 Concept | | C45.9 | | Version: Mesothelioma, unspecified [C45.9] | |
 Concept | | E88.9 | | Version: Metabolic disorder, unspecified [E88.9] | |
 Concept | | Q78.5 | | Version: Metaphyseal dysplasia [Q78.5] | |
 Concept | | Q66.2 | | Version: Metatarsus varus [Q66.2] | |
 Concept | | D74.9 | | Version: Methaemoglobinaemia, unspecified [D74.9] | |
 Concept | | Q02 | | Version: Microcephaly [Q02] | |
 Concept | | Q18.7 | | Version: Microcheilia [Q18.7] | |
 Concept | | Q11.2 | | Version: Microphthalmos [Q11.2] | |
 Concept | | Q18.5 | | Version: Microstomia [Q18.5] | |
 Concept | | Q17.2 | | Version: Microtia [Q17.2] | |
 Concept | | A19.9 | | Version: Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified [A19.9] | |
 Concept | | Q92.3 | | Version: Minor partial trisomy [Q92.3] | |
 Concept | | Q17.4 | | Version: Misplaced ear [Q17.4] | |
 Concept | | C81.2 | | Version: Mixed cellularity (classical) Hodgkin lymphoma [C81.2] | |
 Concept | | E78.2 | | Version: Mixed hyperlipidaemia [E78.2] | |
 Concept | | B81.4 | | Version: Mixed intestinal helminthiases [B81.4] | |
 Concept | | A67.3 | | Version: Mixed lesions of pinta [A67.3] | |
 Concept | | P12.4 | | Version: Monitoring injury of scalp of newborn [P12.4] | |
 Concept | | B04 | | Version: Monkeypox [B04] | |
 Concept | | D47.2 | | Version: Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) [D47.2] | |
 Concept | | Q96.3 | | Version: Mosaicism, 45,X/46,XX or XY [Q96.3] | |
 Concept | | Q96.4 | | Version: Mosaicism, 45,X/other cell line(s) with abnormal sex chromosome [Q96.4] | |
 Concept | | Q97.2 | | Version: Mosaicism, lines with various numbers of X chromosomes [Q97.2] | |
 Concept | | A83.9 | | Version: Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified [A83.9] | |
 Concept | | A92.9 | | Version: Mosquito-borne viral fever, unspecified [A92.9] | |
 Concept | | T75.3 | | Version: Motion sickness [T75.3] | |
 Concept | | G12.2 | | Version: Motor neuron disease [G12.2] | |
 Concept | | V23.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V23.1] | |
 Concept | | V23.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V23.5] | |
 Concept | | V27.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V27.1] | |
 Concept | | V27.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V27.5] | |
 Concept | | V24.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V24.1] | |
 Concept | | V24.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V24.5] | |
 Concept | | V26.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V26.1] | |
 Concept | | V26.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V26.5] | |
 Concept | | V21.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V21.1] | |
 Concept | | V21.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V21.5] | |
 Concept | | V20.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V20.1] | |
 Concept | | V20.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V20.5] | |
 Concept | | V25.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V25.1] | |
 Concept | | V25.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V25.5] | |
 Concept | | V22.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V22.1] | |
 Concept | | V22.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V22.5] | |
 Concept | | V28.1 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V28.1] | |
 Concept | | V28.5 | | Version: Motorcycle rider injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V28.5] | |
 Concept | | B55.2 | | Version: Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis [B55.2] | |
 Concept | | E76.0 | | Version: Mucopolysaccharidosis, type I [E76.0] | |
 Concept | | E76.1 | | Version: Mucopolysaccharidosis, type II [E76.1] | |
 Concept | | E76.3 | | Version: Mucopolysaccharidosis, unspecified [E76.3] | |
 Concept | | B46.5 | | Version: Mucormycosis, unspecified [B46.5] | |
 Concept | | Q78.6 | | Version: Multiple congenital exostoses [Q78.6] | |
 Concept | | Q89.7 | | Version: Multiple congenital malformations, not elsewhere classified [Q89.7] | |
 Concept | | T04.9 | | Version: Multiple crushing injuries, unspecified [T04.9] | |
 Concept | | S63.2 | | Version: Multiple dislocations of fingers [S63.2] | |
 Concept | | S13.3 | | Version: Multiple dislocations of neck [S13.3] | |
 Concept | | T03.9 | | Version: Multiple dislocations, sprains and strains, unspecified [T03.9] | |
 Concept | | S02.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures involving skull and facial bones [S02.7] | |
 Concept | | S12.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of cervical spine [S12.7] | |
 Concept | | S42.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of clavicle, scapula and humerus [S42.7] | |
 Concept | | S72.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of femur [S72.7] | |
 Concept | | S62.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of fingers [S62.7] | |
 Concept | | S92.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of foot [S92.7] | |
 Concept | | S52.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of forearm [S52.7] | |
 Concept | | S82.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of lower leg [S82.7] | |
 Concept | | S32.7 | | Version: Multiple fractures of lumbar spine and pelvis [S32.7] | |
 Concept | | S62.4 | | Version: Multiple fractures of metacarpal bones [S62.4] | |
 Concept | | S22.4 | | Version: Multiple fractures of ribs [S22.4] | |
 Concept | | S22.1 | | Version: Multiple fractures of thoracic spine [S22.1] | |
 Concept | | T02.9 | | Version: Multiple fractures, unspecified [T02.9] | |
 Concept | | S99.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of ankle and foot [S99.7] | |
 Concept | | S59.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of forearm [S59.7] | |
 Concept | | S09.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of head [S09.7] | |
 Concept | | S79.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of hip and thigh [S79.7] | |
 Concept | | S27.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of intrathoracic organs [S27.7] | |
 Concept | | S89.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of lower leg [S89.7] | |
 Concept | | S19.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of neck [S19.7] | |
 Concept | | S49.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of shoulder and upper arm [S49.7] | |
 Concept | | S29.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of thorax [S29.7] | |
 Concept | | S69.7 | | Version: Multiple injuries of wrist and hand [S69.7] | |
 Concept | | S31.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S31.7] | |
 Concept | | S91.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of ankle and foot [S91.7] | |
 Concept | | S51.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of forearm [S51.7] | |
 Concept | | S01.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of head [S01.7] | |
 Concept | | S71.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of hip and thigh [S71.7] | |
 Concept | | S81.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of lower leg [S81.7] | |
 Concept | | S11.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of neck [S11.7] | |
 Concept | | S41.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of shoulder and upper arm [S41.7] | |
 Concept | | S21.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of thoracic wall [S21.7] | |
 Concept | | S61.7 | | Version: Multiple open wounds of wrist and hand [S61.7] | |
 Concept | | T01.9 | | Version: Multiple open wounds, unspecified [T01.9] | |
 Concept | | A66.1 | | Version: Multiple papillomata and wet crab yaws [A66.1] | |
 Concept | | S30.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S30.7] | |
 Concept | | S90.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of ankle and foot [S90.7] | |
 Concept | | S50.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of forearm [S50.7] | |
 Concept | | S00.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of head [S00.7] | |
 Concept | | S70.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of hip and thigh [S70.7] | |
 Concept | | S80.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of lower leg [S80.7] | |
 Concept | | S10.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of neck [S10.7] | |
 Concept | | S40.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm [S40.7] | |
 Concept | | S20.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of thorax [S20.7] | |
 Concept | | S60.7 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries of wrist and hand [S60.7] | |
 Concept | | T00.9 | | Version: Multiple superficial injuries, unspecified [T00.9] | |
 Concept | | T05.9 | | Version: Multiple traumatic amputations, unspecified [T05.9] | |
 Concept | | G90.3 | | Version: Multisystem degeneration [G90.3] | |
 Concept | | B26.2 | | Version: Mumps encephalitis [B26.2] | |
 Concept | | B26.1 | | Version: Mumps meningitis [B26.1] | |
 Concept | | B26.0 | | Version: Mumps orchitis [B26.0] | |
 Concept | | B26.3 | | Version: Mumps pancreatitis [B26.3] | |
 Concept | | B26.8 | | Version: Mumps with other complications [B26.8] | |
 Concept | | B26.9 | | Version: Mumps without complication [B26.9] | |
 Concept | | G71.0 | | Version: Muscular dystrophy [G71.0] | |
 Concept | | B47.9 | | Version: Mycetoma, unspecified [B47.9] | |
 Concept | | A31.9 | | Version: Mycobacterial infection, unspecified [A31.9] | |
 Concept | | A49.3 | | Version: Mycoplasma infection, unspecified site [A49.3] | |
 Concept | | C84.0 | | Version: Mycosis fungoides [C84.0] | |
 Concept | | D46.9 | | Version: Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified [D46.9] | |
 Concept | | B87.8 | | Version: Myiasis of other sites [B87.8] | |
 Concept | | B87.9 | | Version: Myiasis, unspecified [B87.9] | |
 Concept | | G71.1 | | Version: Myotonic disorders [G71.1] | |
 Concept | | B60.2 | | Version: Naegleriasis [B60.2] | |
 Concept | | Q01.1 | | Version: Nasofrontal encephalocele [Q01.1] | |
 Concept | | A36.1 | | Version: Nasopharyngeal diphtheria [A36.1] | |
 Concept | | B87.3 | | Version: Nasopharyngeal myiasis [B87.3] | |
 Concept | | B76.1 | | Version: Necatoriasis [B76.1] | |
 Concept | | T87.5 | | Version: Necrosis of amputation stump [T87.5] | |
 Concept | | P77 | | Version: Necrotizing enterocolitis of fetus and newborn [P77] | |
 Concept | | A69.0 | | Version: Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis [A69.0] | |
 Concept | | T74.0 | | Version: Neglect or abandonment [T74.0] | |
 Concept | | E24.1 | | Version: Nelson syndrome [E24.1] | |
 Concept | | P37.2 | | Version: Neonatal (disseminated) listeriosis [P37.2] | |
 Concept | | P54.4 | | Version: Neonatal adrenal haemorrhage [P54.4] | |
 Concept | | P24.1 | | Version: Neonatal aspiration of amniotic fluid and mucus [P24.1] | |
 Concept | | P24.2 | | Version: Neonatal aspiration of blood [P24.2] | |
 Concept | | P24.0 | | Version: Neonatal aspiration of meconium [P24.0] | |
 Concept | | P24.3 | | Version: Neonatal aspiration of milk and regurgitated food [P24.3] | |
 Concept | | P24.9 | | Version: Neonatal aspiration syndrome, unspecified [P24.9] | |
 Concept | | P37.5 | | Version: Neonatal candidiasis [P37.5] | |
 Concept | | P29.1 | | Version: Neonatal cardiac dysrhythmia [P29.1] | |
 Concept | | P29.0 | | Version: Neonatal cardiac failure [P29.0] | |
 Concept | | P91.4 | | Version: Neonatal cerebral depression [P91.4] | |
 Concept | | P91.3 | | Version: Neonatal cerebral irritability [P91.3] | |
 Concept | | P91.0 | | Version: Neonatal cerebral ischaemia [P91.0] | |
 Concept | | P91.2 | | Version: Neonatal cerebral leukomalacia [P91.2] | |
 Concept | | P91.5 | | Version: Neonatal coma [P91.5] | |
 Concept | | P54.5 | | Version: Neonatal cutaneous haemorrhage [P54.5] | |
 Concept | | P70.2 | | Version: Neonatal diabetes mellitus [P70.2] | |
 Concept | | P83.1 | | Version: Neonatal erythema toxicum [P83.1] | |
 Concept | | P72.0 | | Version: Neonatal goitre, not elsewhere classified [P72.0] | |
 Concept | | P54.0 | | Version: Neonatal haematemesis [P54.0] | |
 Concept | | P78.2 | | Version: Neonatal haematemesis and melaena due to swallowed [P78.2] | |
 Concept | | P54.9 | | Version: Neonatal haemorrhage, unspecified [P54.9] | |
 Concept | | P29.2 | | Version: Neonatal hypertension [P29.2] | |
 Concept | | P71.2 | | Version: Neonatal hypomagnesaemia [P71.2] | |
 Concept | | P58.1 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to bleeding [P58.1] | |
 Concept | | P58.0 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to bruising [P58.0] | |
 Concept | | P58.4 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to drugs or toxins transmitted from mother or given to newborn [P58.4] | |
 Concept | | P58.9 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to excessive haemolysis, unspecified [P58.9] | |
 Concept | | P58.2 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to infection [P58.2] | |
 Concept | | P58.8 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to other specified excessive hemolysis [P58.8] | |
 Concept | | P58.3 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to polycythaemia [P58.3] | |
 Concept | | P58.5 | | Version: Neonatal jaundice due to swallowed maternal blood [P58.5] | |
 Concept | | P54.1 | | Version: Neonatal melaena [P54.1] | |
 Concept | | P54.2 | | Version: Neonatal rectal haemorrhage [P54.2] | |
 Concept | | P39.4 | | Version: Neonatal skin infection [P39.4] | |
 Concept | | P71.3 | | Version: Neonatal tetany without calcium or magnesium deficiency [P71.3] | |
 Concept | | P39.3 | | Version: Neonatal urinary tract infection [P39.3] | |
 Concept | | P54.6 | | Version: Neonatal vaginal haemorrhage [P54.6] | |
 Concept | | P96.1 | | Version: Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs of addiction [P96.1] | |
 Concept | | D44.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior adrenal gland [D44.1] | |
 Concept | | D44.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior aortic body and other paraganglia [D44.7] | |
 Concept | | D37.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior appendix [D37.3] | |
 Concept | | D41.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior bladder [D41.4] | |
 Concept | | D48.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior bone and articular cartilage [D48.0] | |
 Concept | | D43.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior brain, infratentorial [D43.1] | |
 Concept | | D43.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior brain, supratentorial [D43.0] | |
 Concept | | D43.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior brain, unspecified [D43.2] | |
 Concept | | D48.6 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior breast [D48.6] | |
 Concept | | D44.6 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior carotid body [D44.6] | |
 Concept | | D43.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior central nervous system, unspecified [D43.9] | |
 Concept | | D42.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior cerebral meninges [D42.0] | |
 Concept | | D37.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior colon [D37.4] | |
 Concept | | D48.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior connective and other soft tissue [D48.1] | |
 Concept | | D43.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior cranial nerves [D43.3] | |
 Concept | | D44.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior craniopharyngeal duct [D44.4] | |
 Concept | | D37.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior digestive organ, unspecified [D37.9] | |
 Concept | | D44.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior endocrine gland, unspecified [D44.9] | |
 Concept | | D39.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior female genital organ, unspecified [D39.9] | |
 Concept | | D41.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior kidney [D41.0] | |
 Concept | | D38.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior larynx [D38.0] | |
 Concept | | D37.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior lip, oral cavity, and pharynx [D37.0] | |
 Concept | | D37.6 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior liver, gallbladder, and bile ducts [D37.6] | |
 Concept | | D40.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior male genital organ, unspecified [D40.9] | |
 Concept | | D38.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior mediastinum [D38.3] | |
 Concept | | D42.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior meninges, unspecified [D42.9] | |
 Concept | | D37.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other digestive organs [D37.7] | |
 Concept | | D39.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other female genital organs [D39.7] | |
 Concept | | D40.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other male genital organs [D40.7] | |
 Concept | | D43.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other parts of central nervous system [D43.7] | |
 Concept | | D38.5 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other respiratory organs [D38.5] | |
 Concept | | D48.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior Other specified sites [D48.7] | |
 Concept | | D41.7 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior other urinary organs [D41.7] | |
 Concept | | D39.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior ovary [D39.1] | |
 Concept | | D44.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior parathyroid gland [D44.2] | |
 Concept | | D48.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system [D48.2] | |
 Concept | | D48.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior peritoneum [D48.4] | |
 Concept | | D44.5 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior pineal gland [D44.5] | |
 Concept | | D44.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior pituitary gland [D44.3] | |
 Concept | | D38.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior pleura [D38.2] | |
 Concept | | D44.8 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior pluriglandular involvement [D44.8] | |
 Concept | | D40.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior prostate [D40.0] | |
 Concept | | D37.5 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior rectum [D37.5] | |
 Concept | | D41.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior renal pelvis [D41.1] | |
 Concept | | D38.6 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior respiratory organ, unspecified [D38.6] | |
 Concept | | D48.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior retroperitoneum [D48.3] | |
 Concept | | D48.5 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior skin [D48.5] | |
 Concept | | D37.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior small intestine [D37.2] | |
 Concept | | D43.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior spinal cord [D43.4] | |
 Concept | | D42.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior spinal meninges [D42.1] | |
 Concept | | D37.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior stomach [D37.1] | |
 Concept | | D40.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior testis [D40.1] | |
 Concept | | D38.4 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior thymus [D38.4] | |
 Concept | | D44.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior thyroid gland [D44.0] | |
 Concept | | D38.1 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior trachea, bronchus, and lung [D38.1] | |
 Concept | | D41.2 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior ureter [D41.2] | |
 Concept | | D41.3 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior urethra [D41.3] | |
 Concept | | D41.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior urinary organ, unspecified [D41.9] | |
 Concept | | D39.0 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain behavior uterus [D39.0] | |
 Concept | | D47.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymphoid, hematopoietic, and related tissue, unspecified [D47.9] | |
 Concept | | D48.9 | | Version: Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour, unspecified [D48.9] | |
 Concept | | N04.6 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, dense deposit disease [N04.6] | |
 Concept | | N04.7 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis [N04.7] | |
 Concept | | N04.4 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [N04.4] | |
 Concept | | N04.2 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [N04.2] | |
 Concept | | N04.3 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [N04.3] | |
 Concept | | N04.5 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis [N04.5] | |
 Concept | | N04.1 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions [N04.1] | |
 Concept | | N04.0 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality [N04.0] | |
 Concept | | N04.8 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, other [N04.8] | |
 Concept | | N04.9 | | Version: Nephrotic syndrome, unspecified [N04.9] | |
 Concept | | Q85.0 | | Version: Neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant) [Q85.0] | |
 Concept | | T87.3 | | Version: Neuroma of amputation stump [T87.3] | |
 Concept | | E75.4 | | Version: Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis [E75.4] | |
 Concept | | E85.1 | | Version: Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis [E85.1] | |
 Concept | | D81.4 | | Version: Nezelof syndrome [D81.4] | |
 Concept | | A43.9 | | Version: Nocardiosis, unspecified [A43.9] | |
 Concept | | C81.0 | | Version: Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma [C81.0] | |
 Concept | | C81.1 | | Version: Nodular sclerosis (classical) Hodgkin lymphoma [C81.1] | |
 Concept | | E15 | | Version: Nondiabetic hypoglycaemic coma [E15] | |
 Concept | | D80.1 | | Version: Nonfamilial hypogammaglobulinaemia [D80.1] | |
 Concept | | C83.9 | | Version: Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified [C83.9] | |
 Concept | | C83.4 | | Version: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma immunoblastic (diffuse) [C83.4] | |
 Concept | | C83.2 | | Version: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma mixed small and large cell (diffuse) [C83.2] | |
 Concept | | C83.6 | | Version: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma undifferentiated (diffuse) [C83.6] | |
 Concept | | I89.9 | | Version: Noninfective disorder of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, unspecified [I89.9] | |
 Concept | | P78.3 | | Version: Noninfective neonatal diarrhoea [P78.3] | |
 Concept | | E85.0 | | Version: Non-neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis [E85.0] | |
 Concept | | A48.2 | | Version: Nonpneumonic Legionnaires disease [Pontiac fever] [A48.2] | |
 Concept | | G03.0 | | Version: Nonpyogenic meningitis [G03.0] | |
 Concept | | A65 | | Version: Nonvenereal syphilis [A65] | |
 Concept | | G91.2 | | Version: Normal-pressure hydrocephalus [G91.2] | |
 Concept | | D53.9 | | Version: Nutritional anaemia, unspecified [D53.9] | |
 Concept | | A92.1 | | Version: O’nyong-nyong fever [A92.1] | |
 Concept | | G91.1 | | Version: Obstructive hydrocephalus [G91.1] | |
 Concept | | Q01.2 | | Version: Occipital encephalocele [Q01.2] | |
 Concept | | V97.0 | | Version: Occupant of aircraft injured in other specified air transport accidents [V97.0] | |
 Concept | | V63.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V63.1] | |
 Concept | | V63.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V63.6] | |
 Concept | | V67.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V67.1] | |
 Concept | | V67.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V67.6] | |
 Concept | | V64.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V64.1] | |
 Concept | | V64.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V64.6] | |
 Concept | | V66.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V66.1] | |
 Concept | | V66.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V66.6] | |
 Concept | | V61.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V61.1] | |
 Concept | | V61.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V61.6] | |
 Concept | | V60.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V60.1] | |
 Concept | | V60.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V60.6] | |
 Concept | | V65.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V65.1] | |
 Concept | | V65.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V65.6] | |
 Concept | | V62.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V62.1] | |
 Concept | | V62.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V62.6] | |
 Concept | | V68.1 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V68.1] | |
 Concept | | V68.6 | | Version: Occupant of heavy transport vehicle injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V68.6] | |
 Concept | | V53.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V53.1] | |
 Concept | | V53.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V53.6] | |
 Concept | | V57.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V57.1] | |
 Concept | | V57.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V57.6] | |
 Concept | | V54.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V54.1] | |
 Concept | | V54.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V54.6] | |
 Concept | | V56.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V56.1] | |
 Concept | | V56.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V56.6] | |
 Concept | | V51.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V51.1] | |
 Concept | | V51.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V51.6] | |
 Concept | | V50.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V50.1] | |
 Concept | | V50.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V50.6] | |
 Concept | | V55.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V55.1] | |
 Concept | | V55.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V55.6] | |
 Concept | | V52.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V52.1] | |
 Concept | | V52.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V52.6] | |
 Concept | | V58.1 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V58.1] | |
 Concept | | V58.6 | | Version: Occupant of pickup truck or van injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V58.6] | |
 Concept | | V81.6 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured by fall from railway train or railway vehicle [V81.6] | |
 Concept | | V81.5 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured by fall in railway train or railway vehicle [V81.5] | |
 Concept | | V81.0 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in collision with motor vehicle in nontraffic accident [V81.0] | |
 Concept | | V81.1 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in collision with motor vehicle in traffic accident [V81.1] | |
 Concept | | V81.2 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in collision with or hit by rolling stock [V81.2] | |
 Concept | | V81.3 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in collision with other object [V81.3] | |
 Concept | | V81.7 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in derailment without antecedent collision [V81.7] | |
 Concept | | V81.8 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in other specified railway accidents [V81.8] | |
 Concept | | V81.9 | | Version: Occupant of railway train or railway vehicle injured in unspecified railway accident [V81.9] | |
 Concept | | V82.6 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured by fall from streetcar [V82.6] | |
 Concept | | V82.5 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured by fall in streetcar [V82.5] | |
 Concept | | V82.0 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with motor vehicle in nontraffic accident [V82.0] | |
 Concept | | V82.1 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with motor vehicle in traffic accident [V82.1] | |
 Concept | | V82.2 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with or hit by rolling stock [V82.2] | |
 Concept | | V82.3 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in collision with other object [V82.3] | |
 Concept | | V82.7 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in derailment without antecedent collision [V82.7] | |
 Concept | | V82.8 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in other specified transport accidents [V82.8] | |
 Concept | | V82.9 | | Version: Occupant of streetcar injured in unspecified traffic accident [V82.9] | |
 Concept | | V33.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V33.1] | |
 Concept | | V33.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with car, pickup truck, or van, passenger injured in traffic accident [V33.6] | |
 Concept | | V37.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V37.1] | |
 Concept | | V37.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object, passenger injured in traffic accident [V37.6] | |
 Concept | | V34.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V34.1] | |
 Concept | | V34.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with heavy transport vehicle or bus, passenger injured in traffic accident [V34.6] | |
 Concept | | V31.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V31.1] | |
 Concept | | V31.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with pedal cycle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V31.6] | |
 Concept | | V30.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V30.1] | |
 Concept | | V30.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with pedestrian or animal, passenger injured in traffic accident [V30.6] | |
 Concept | | V35.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V35.1] | |
 Concept | | V35.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V35.6] | |
 Concept | | V32.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V32.1] | |
 Concept | | V32.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V32.6] | |
 Concept | | V36.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collison with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V36.1] | |
 Concept | | V36.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collison with other nonmotor vehicle, passenger injured in traffic accident [V36.6] | |
 Concept | | V38.1 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in nontraffic accident [V38.1] | |
 Concept | | V38.6 | | Version: Occupant of three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in noncollision transport accident, passenger injured in traffic accident [V38.6] | |
 Concept | | S05.2 | | Version: Ocular laceration and rupture with prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue [S05.2] | |
 Concept | | S05.3 | | Version: Ocular laceration without prolapse or loss of intraocular tissue [S05.3] | |
 Concept | | B87.2 | | Version: Ocular myiasis [B87.2] | |
 Concept | | A21.1 | | Version: Oculoglandular tularaemia [A21.1] | |
 Concept | | Q75.5 | | Version: Oculomandibular dysostosis [Q75.5] | |
 Concept | | Q39.4 | | Version: Oesophageal web [Q39.4] | |
 Concept | | P38 | | Version: Omphalitis of newborn with or without mild haemorrhage [P38] | |
 Concept | | A98.1 | | Version: Omsk haemorrhagic fever [A98.1] | |
 Concept | | B73 | | Version: Onchocerciasis [B73] | |
 Concept | | S11.0 | | Version: Open wound involving larynx and trachea [S11.0] | |
 Concept | | S11.2 | | Version: Open wound involving pharynx and cervical oesophagus [S11.2] | |
 Concept | | S11.1 | | Version: Open wound involving thyroid gland [S11.1] | |
 Concept | | S31.1 | | Version: Open wound of abdominal wall [S31.1] | |
 Concept | | S91.0 | | Version: Open wound of ankle [S91.0] | |
 Concept | | S21.2 | | Version: Open wound of back wall of thorax [S21.2] | |
 Concept | | S21.0 | | Version: Open wound of breast [S21.0] | |
 Concept | | S01.4 | | Version: Open wound of cheek and temporomandibular area [S01.4] | |
 Concept | | S01.3 | | Version: Open wound of ear [S01.3] | |
 Concept | | S51.0 | | Version: Open wound of elbow [S51.0] | |
 Concept | | S01.1 | | Version: Open wound of eyelid and periocular area [S01.1] | |
 Concept | | S61.1 | | Version: Open wound of finger(s) with damage to nail [S61.1] | |
 Concept | | S61.0 | | Version: Open wound of finger(s) without damage to nail [S61.0] | |
 Concept | | S51.9 | | Version: Open wound of forearm, part unspecified [S51.9] | |
 Concept | | S21.1 | | Version: Open wound of front wall of thorax [S21.1] | |
 Concept | | S01.9 | | Version: Open wound of head, part unspecified [S01.9] | |
 Concept | | S71.0 | | Version: Open wound of hip [S71.0] | |
 Concept | | S81.0 | | Version: Open wound of knee [S81.0] | |
 Concept | | S01.5 | | Version: Open wound of lip and oral cavity [S01.5] | |
 Concept | | S31.0 | | Version: Open wound of lower back and pelvis [S31.0] | |
 Concept | | S81.9 | | Version: Open wound of lower leg, part unspecified [S81.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.1 | | Version: Open wound of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.1] | |
 Concept | | S11.9 | | Version: Open wound of neck, part unspecified [S11.9] | |
 Concept | | S01.2 | | Version: Open wound of nose [S01.2] | |
 Concept | | S31.5 | | Version: Open wound of other and unspecified external genital organs [S31.5] | |
 Concept | | S31.8 | | Version: Open wound of other and unspecified parts of abdomen [S31.8] | |
 Concept | | S71.8 | | Version: Open wound of other and unspecified parts of pelvic girdle [S71.8] | |
 Concept | | S41.8 | | Version: Open wound of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle [S41.8] | |
 Concept | | S91.3 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of foot [S91.3] | |
 Concept | | S51.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of forearm [S51.8] | |
 Concept | | S01.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of head [S01.8] | |
 Concept | | S81.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of lower leg [S81.8] | |
 Concept | | S11.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of neck [S11.8] | |
 Concept | | S21.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of thorax [S21.8] | |
 Concept | | S61.8 | | Version: Open wound of other parts of wrist and hand [S61.8] | |
 Concept | | S01.0 | | Version: Open wound of scalp [S01.0] | |
 Concept | | S41.0 | | Version: Open wound of shoulder [S41.0] | |
 Concept | | S71.1 | | Version: Open wound of thigh [S71.1] | |
 Concept | | S21.9 | | Version: Open wound of thorax, part unspecified [S21.9] | |
 Concept | | S91.2 | | Version: Open wound of toe(s) with damage to nail [S91.2] | |
 Concept | | S91.1 | | Version: Open wound of toe(s) without damage to nail [S91.1] | |
 Concept | | T09.1 | | Version: Open wound of trunk, level unspecified [T09.1] | |
 Concept | | T14.1 | | Version: Open wound of unspecified body region [T14.1] | |
 Concept | | S41.1 | | Version: Open wound of upper arm [S41.1] | |
 Concept | | T11.1 | | Version: Open wound of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.1] | |
 Concept | | S61.9 | | Version: Open wound of wrist and hand, part unspecified [S61.9] | |
 Concept | | T01.3 | | Version: Open wounds involving multiple regions of lower limb(s) [T01.3] | |
 Concept | | T01.2 | | Version: Open wounds involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) [T01.2] | |
 Concept | | B66.0 | | Version: Opisthorchiasis [B66.0] | |
 Concept | | B48.7 | | Version: Opportunistic mycoses [B48.7] | |
 Concept | | E85.4 | | Version: Organ-limited amyloidosis [E85.4] | |
 Concept | | A93.0 | | Version: Oropouche virus disease [A93.0] | |
 Concept | | B45.3 | | Version: Osseous cryptococcosis [B45.3] | |
 Concept | | Q77.9 | | Version: Osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine, unspecified [Q77.9] | |
 Concept | | Q78.9 | | Version: Osteochondrodysplasia, unspecified [Q78.9] | |
 Concept | | Q78.0 | | Version: Osteogenesis imperfecta [Q78.0] | |
 Concept | | Q78.2 | | Version: Osteopetrosis [Q78.2] | |
 Concept | | C81.7 | | Version: Other (classical) Hodgkin lymphoma [C81.7] | |
 Concept | | B88.0 | | Version: Other acariasis [B88.0] | |
 Concept | | D59.8 | | Version: Other acquired haemolytic anaemias [D59.8] | |
 Concept | | D60.8 | | Version: Other acquired pure red cell aplasias [D60.8] | |
 Concept | | E27.0 | | Version: Other adrenocortical overactivity [E27.0] | |
 Concept | | E25.8 | | Version: Other adrenogenital disorders [E25.8] | |
 Concept | | T78.8 | | Version: Other adverse effects, not elsewhere classified [T78.8] | |
 Concept | | T78.1 | | Version: Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified [T78.1] | |
 Concept | | V97.8 | | Version: Other air transport accidents, not elsewhere classified [V97.8] | |
 Concept | | V95.8 | | Version: Other aircraft accidents injuring occupant [V95.8] | |
 Concept | | E85.8 | | Version: Other amyloidosis [E85.8] | |
 Concept | | D55.8 | | Version: Other anaemias due to enzyme disorders [D55.8] | |
 Concept | | E27.4 | | Version: Other and unspecified adrenocortical insufficiency [E27.4] | |
 Concept | | P28.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified atelectasis of newborn [P28.1] | |
 Concept | | T87.6 | | Version: Other and unspecified complications of amputation stump [T87.6] | |
 Concept | | T70.2 | | Version: Other and unspecified effects of high altitude [T70.2] | |
 Concept | | Y24 | | Version: Other and unspecified firearm discharge, undetermined intent [Y24] | |
 Concept | | A09.0 | | Version: Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin [A09.0] | |
 Concept | | B99 | | Version: Other and unspecified infectious diseases [B99] | |
 Concept | | S14.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified injuries of cervical spinal cord [S14.1] | |
 Concept | | S24.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified injuries of thoracic spinal cord [S24.1] | |
 Concept | | P83.3 | | Version: Other and unspecified oedema specific to fetus and newborn [P83.3] | |
 Concept | | R23.8 | | Version: Other and unspecified skin changes [R23.8] | |
 Concept | | S20.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified superficial injuries of breast [S20.1] | |
 Concept | | S10.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified superficial injuries of throat [S10.1] | |
 Concept | | R29.8 | | Version: Other and unspecified symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems [R29.8] | |
 Concept | | K43.9 | | Version: Other and unspecified ventral hernia without obstruction or gangrene [K43.9] | |
 Concept | | V94.5 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, canoe or kayak [V94.5] | |
 Concept | | V94.2 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, fishing boat [V94.2] | |
 Concept | | V94.6 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, inflatable craft (nonpowered) [V94.6] | |
 Concept | | V94.0 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, merchant ship [V94.0] | |
 Concept | | V94.3 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, other powered watercraft [V94.3] | |
 Concept | | V94.8 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, other unpowered watercraft [V94.8] | |
 Concept | | V94.1 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, passenger ship [V94.1] | |
 Concept | | V94.4 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, sailboat [V94.4] | |
 Concept | | V94.9 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, unspecified watercraft [V94.9] | |
 Concept | | V94.7 | | Version: Other and unspecified water transport accidents, water-skis [V94.7] | |
 Concept | | Q11.1 | | Version: Other anophthalmos [Q11.1] | |
 Concept | | A96.8 | | Version: Other arenaviral haemorrhagic fevers [A96.8] | |
 Concept | | B88.2 | | Version: Other arthropod infestations [B88.2] | |
 Concept | | Q64.3 | | Version: Other atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck [Q64.3] | |
 Concept | | A81.8 | | Version: Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system [A81.8] | |
 Concept | | D59.1 | | Version: Other autoimmune haemolytic anaemias [D59.1] | |
 Concept | | A49.8 | | Version: Other bacterial infections of unspecified site [A49.8] | |
 Concept | | G00.8 | | Version: Other bacterial meningitis [G00.8] | |
 Concept | | P36.8 | | Version: Other bacterial sepsis of newborn [P36.8] | |
 Concept | | Q95.8 | | Version: Other balanced rearrangements and structural markers [Q95.8] | |
 Concept | | P12.8 | | Version: Other birth injuries to scalp [P12.8] | |
 Concept | | P13.1 | | Version: Other birth injuries to skull [P13.1] | |
 Concept | | P14.3 | | Version: Other brachial plexus birth injuries [P14.3] | |
 Concept | | Q18.2 | | Version: Other branchial cleft malformations [Q18.2] | |
 Concept | | A23.8 | | Version: Other brucellosis [A23.8] | |
 Concept | | D05.7 | | Version: Other carcinoma in situ of breast [D05.7] | |
 Concept | | P29.8 | | Version: Other cardiovascular disorders originating in the perinatal period [P29.8] | |
 Concept | | I63.8 | | Version: Other cerebral infarction [I63.8] | |
 Concept | | G80.8 | | Version: Other cerebral palsy [G80.8] | |
 Concept | | P27.8 | | Version: Other chronic respiratory diseases originating in the perinatal period [P27.8] | |
 Concept | | B18.8 | | Version: Other chronic viral hepatitis [B18.8] | |
 Concept | | D81.8 | | Version: Other combined immunodeficiencies [D81.8] | |
 Concept | | D83.8 | | Version: Other common variable immunodeficiencies [D83.8] | |
 Concept | | T88.1 | | Version: Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified [T88.1] | |
 Concept | | T80.8 | | Version: Other complications following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection [T80.8] | |
 Concept | | T88.5 | | Version: Other complications of anaesthesia [T88.5] | |
 Concept | | T82.8 | | Version: Other complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T82.8] | |
 Concept | | T83.8 | | Version: Other complications of genitourinary prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T83.8] | |
 Concept | | T84.8 | | Version: Other complications of internal orthopedic prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts [T84.8] | |
 Concept | | T85.8 | | Version: Other complications of internal prosthetic devices, implants, and grafts, not elsewhere classified [T85.8] | |
 Concept | | T81.8 | | Version: Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified [T81.8] | |
 Concept | | P25.8 | | Version: Other conditions related to interstitial emphysema originating in the perinatal period [P25.8] | |
 Concept | | P61.4 | | Version: Other congenital anaemias, not elsewhere classified [P61.4] | |
 Concept | | Q06.3 | | Version: Other congenital cauda equina malformations [Q06.3] | |
 Concept | | Q13.4 | | Version: Other congenital corneal malformations [Q13.4] | |
 Concept | | Q67.8 | | Version: Other congenital deformities of chest [Q67.8] | |
 Concept | | Q66.8 | | Version: Other congenital deformities of feet [Q66.8] | |
 Concept | | Q65.8 | | Version: Other congenital deformities of hip [Q65.8] | |
 Concept | | Q67.4 | | Version: Other congenital deformities of skull, face and jaw [Q67.4] | |
 Concept | | Q43.2 | | Version: Other congenital functional disorders of colon [Q43.2] | |
 Concept | | Q03.8 | | Version: Other congenital hydrocephalus [Q03.8] | |
 Concept | | Q80.8 | | Version: Other congenital ichthyosis [Q80.8] | |
 Concept | | Q12.8 | | Version: Other congenital lens malformations [Q12.8] | |
 Concept | | P37.4 | | Version: Other congenital malaria [P37.4] | |
 Concept | | Q86.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformation syndromes due to known exogenous causes [Q86.8] | |
 Concept | | Q87.5 | | Version: Other congenital malformation syndromes with other skeletal changes [Q87.5] | |
 Concept | | Q79.5 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of abdominal wall [Q79.5] | |
 Concept | | Q13.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of anterior segment of eye [Q13.8] | |
 Concept | | Q25.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of aorta [Q25.4] | |
 Concept | | Q23.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves [Q23.8] | |
 Concept | | Q44.5 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of bile ducts [Q44.5] | |
 Concept | | Q64.7 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of bladder and urethra [Q64.7] | |
 Concept | | Q83.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of breast [Q83.8] | |
 Concept | | Q32.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of bronchus [Q32.4] | |
 Concept | | Q20.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections [Q20.8] | |
 Concept | | Q21.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa [Q21.8] | |
 Concept | | Q79.1 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of diaphragm [Q79.1] | |
 Concept | | Q10.3 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of eyelid [Q10.3] | |
 Concept | | Q44.1 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of gallbladder [Q44.1] | |
 Concept | | Q25.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of great arteries [Q25.8] | |
 Concept | | Q26.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of great veins [Q26.8] | |
 Concept | | Q84.2 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of hair [Q84.2] | |
 Concept | | Q13.2 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of iris [Q13.2] | |
 Concept | | Q10.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of lacrimal apparatus [Q10.6] | |
 Concept | | Q31.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of larynx [Q31.8] | |
 Concept | | Q44.7 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of liver [Q44.7] | |
 Concept | | Q74.2 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of lower limb(s), including pelvic girdle [Q74.2] | |
 Concept | | Q33.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of lung [Q33.8] | |
 Concept | | Q16.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of middle ear [Q16.4] | |
 Concept | | Q38.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of mouth [Q38.6] | |
 Concept | | Q79.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system [Q79.8] | |
 Concept | | Q84.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of nails [Q84.6] | |
 Concept | | Q30.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of nose [Q30.8] | |
 Concept | | Q39.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of oesophagus [Q39.8] | |
 Concept | | Q50.3 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of ovary [Q50.3] | |
 Concept | | Q45.3 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of pancreas and pancreatic duct [Q45.3] | |
 Concept | | Q55.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of penis [Q55.6] | |
 Concept | | Q38.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of pharynx [Q38.8] | |
 Concept | | Q14.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye [Q14.8] | |
 Concept | | Q25.7 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of pulmonary artery [Q25.7] | |
 Concept | | Q22.3 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of pulmonary valve [Q22.3] | |
 Concept | | Q27.2 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of renal artery [Q27.2] | |
 Concept | | Q76.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of ribs [Q76.6] | |
 Concept | | Q76.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of spine, not associated with scoliosis [Q76.4] | |
 Concept | | Q55.2 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of testis and scrotum [Q55.2] | |
 Concept | | Q38.3 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of tongue [Q38.3] | |
 Concept | | Q32.1 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of trachea [Q32.1] | |
 Concept | | Q22.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of tricuspid valve [Q22.8] | |
 Concept | | Q74.0 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of upper limb(s), including shoulder girdle [Q74.0] | |
 Concept | | Q62.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of ureter [Q62.8] | |
 Concept | | Q51.8 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of uterus and cervix [Q51.8] | |
 Concept | | Q52.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of vagina [Q52.4] | |
 Concept | | Q55.4 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of vas deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicles, and prostate [Q55.4] | |
 Concept | | Q52.7 | | Version: Other congenital malformations of vulva [Q52.7] | |
 Concept | | Q50.6 | | Version: Other congenital malformatons of fallopian tube and broad ligament [Q50.6] | |
 Concept | | Q66.6 | | Version: Other congenital valgus deformities of feet [Q66.6] | |
 Concept | | Q66.3 | | Version: Other congenital varus deformities of feet [Q66.3] | |
 Concept | | P35.8 | | Version: Other congenital viral diseases [P35.8] | |
 Concept | | E24.8 | | Version: Other Cushing syndrome [E24.8] | |
 Concept | | Q61.8 | | Version: Other cystic kidney diseases [Q61.8] | |
 Concept | | B25.8 | | Version: Other cytomegaloviral diseases [B25.8] | |
 Concept | | Q93.8 | | Version: Other deletions from the autosomes [Q93.8] | |
 Concept | | Q93.5 | | Version: Other deletions of part of a chromosome [Q93.5] | |
 Concept | | K07.8 | | Version: Other dentofacial anomalies [K07.8] | |
 Concept | | D51.3 | | Version: Other dietary vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia [D51.3] | |
 Concept | | A36.8 | | Version: Other diphtheria [A36.8] | |
 Concept | | D73.8 | | Version: Other diseases of spleen [D73.8] | |
 Concept | | E32.8 | | Version: Other diseases of thymus [E32.8] | |
 Concept | | E70.8 | | Version: Other disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism [E70.8] | |
 Concept | | G90.8 | | Version: Other disorders of autonomic nervous system [G90.8] | |
 Concept | | E80.6 | | Version: Other disorders of bilirubin metabolism [E80.6] | |
 Concept | | E71.1 | | Version: Other disorders of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism [E71.1] | |
 Concept | | E76.8 | | Version: Other disorders of glucosaminoglycan metabolism [E76.8] | |
 Concept | | E77.8 | | Version: Other disorders of glycoprotein metabolism [E77.8] | |
 Concept | | E74.3 | | Version: Other disorders of intestinal carbohydrate absorption [E74.3] | |
 Concept | | E78.8 | | Version: Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism [E78.8] | |
 Concept | | E83.8 | | Version: Other disorders of mineral metabolism [E83.8] | |
 Concept | | P94.8 | | Version: Other disorders of muscle tone of newborn [P94.8] | |
 Concept | | E23.6 | | Version: Other disorders of pituitary gland [E23.6] | |
 Concept | | E79.8 | | Version: Other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism [E79.8] | |
 Concept | | Q51.2 | | Version: Other doubling of uterus [Q51.2] | |
 Concept | | T79.8 | | Version: Other early complications of trauma [T79.8] | |
 Concept | | A66.2 | | Version: Other early skin lesions of yaws [A66.2] | |
 Concept | | T70.8 | | Version: Other effects of air pressure and water pressure [T70.8] | |
 Concept | | T73.8 | | Version: Other effects of deprivation [T73.8] | |
 Concept | | T67.8 | | Version: Other effects of heat and light [T67.8] | |
 Concept | | G04.8 | | Version: Other encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis [G04.8] | |
 Concept | | Q81.8 | | Version: Other epidermolysis bullosa [Q81.8] | |
 Concept | | P50.8 | | Version: Other fetal blood loss [P50.8] | |
 Concept | | B74.8 | | Version: Other filariases [B74.8] | |
 Concept | | D52.8 | | Version: Other folate deficiency anaemias [D52.8] | |
 Concept | | A42.8 | | Version: Other forms of actinomycosis [A42.8] | |
 Concept | | I24.8 | | Version: Other forms of acute ischaemic heart disease [I24.8] | |
 Concept | | I30.8 | | Version: Other forms of acute pericarditis [I30.8] | |
 Concept | | A22.8 | | Version: Other forms of anthrax [A22.8] | |
 Concept | | B44.8 | | Version: Other forms of aspergillosis [B44.8] | |
 Concept | | A44.8 | | Version: Other forms of bartonellosis [A44.8] | |
 Concept | | B40.8 | | Version: Other forms of blastomycosis [B40.8] | |
 Concept | | B43.8 | | Version: Other forms of chromomycosis [B43.8] | |
 Concept | | B38.8 | | Version: Other forms of coccidioidomycosis [B38.8] | |
 Concept | | B45.8 | | Version: Other forms of cryptococcosis [B45.8] | |
 Concept | | A26.8 | | Version: Other forms of erysipeloid [A26.8] | |
 Concept | | B00.8 | | Version: Other forms of herpesviral infection [B00.8] | |
 Concept | | A30.8 | | Version: Other forms of leprosy [A30.8] | |
 Concept | | A27.8 | | Version: Other forms of leptospirosis [A27.8] | |
 Concept | | A32.8 | | Version: Other forms of listeriosis [A32.8] | |
 Concept | | A43.8 | | Version: Other forms of nocardiosis [A43.8] | |
 Concept | | B41.8 | | Version: Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis [B41.8] | |
 Concept | | A20.8 | | Version: Other forms of plague [A20.8] | |
 Concept | | B42.8 | | Version: Other forms of sporotrichosis [B42.8] | |
 Concept | | A21.8 | | Version: Other forms of tularaemia [A21.8] | |
 Concept | | E75.1 | | Version: Other gangliosidosis [E75.1] | |
 Concept | | G40.4 | | Version: Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes [G40.4] | |
 Concept | | A54.8 | | Version: Other gonococcal infections [A54.8] | |
 Concept | | D58.2 | | Version: Other haemoglobinopathies [D58.2] | |
 Concept | | P55.8 | | Version: Other haemolytic diseases of fetus and newborn [P55.8] | |
 Concept | | P08.1 | | Version: Other heavy for gestational age infants [P08.1] | |
 Concept | | G60.8 | | Version: Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies [G60.8] | |
 Concept | | D76.3 | | Version: Other histiocytosis syndromes [D76.3] | |
 Concept | | B76.8 | | Version: Other hookworm diseases [B76.8] | |
 Concept | | G91.8 | | Version: Other hydrocephalus [G91.8] | |
 Concept | | E26.8 | | Version: Other hyperaldosteronism [E26.8] | |
 Concept | | E22.8 | | Version: Other hyperfunction of pituitary gland [E22.8] | |
 Concept | | E78.4 | | Version: Other hyperlipidaemia [E78.4] | |
 Concept | | E70.1 | | Version: Other hyperphenylalaninaemias [E70.1] | |
 Concept | | E34.1 | | Version: Other hypersecretion of intestinal hormones [E34.1] | |
 Concept | | I42.2 | | Version: Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [I42.2] | |
 Concept | | E16.1 | | Version: Other hypoglycaemia [E16.1] | |
 Concept | | E20.8 | | Version: Other hypoparathyroidism [E20.8] | |
 Concept | | Q54.8 | | Version: Other hypospadias [Q54.8] | |
 Concept | | R99 | | Version: Other ill-defined and unspecified causes of mortality [R99] | |
 Concept | | D80.8 | | Version: Other immunodeficiencies with predominantly antibody defects [D80.8] | |
 Concept | | B27.8 | | Version: Other infectious mononucleosis [B27.8] | |
 Concept | | G12.1 | | Version: Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy [G12.1] | |
 Concept | | S05.8 | | Version: Other injuries of eye and orbit [S05.8] | |
 Concept | | S26.8 | | Version: Other injuries of heart [S26.8] | |
 Concept | | S27.3 | | Version: Other injuries of lung [S27.3] | |
 Concept | | T14.8 | | Version: Other injuries of unspecified body region [T14.8] | |
 Concept | | S34.1 | | Version: Other injury of lumbar spinal cord [S34.1] | |
 Concept | | A04.4 | | Version: Other intestinal Escherichia coli infections [A04.4] | |
 Concept | | P52.8 | | Version: Other intracranial (nontraumatic) haemorrhages of fetus and newborn [P52.8] | |
 Concept | | S06.8 | | Version: Other intracranial injuries [S06.8] | |
 Concept | | P10.8 | | Version: Other intracranial lacerations and haemorrhages due to birth injury [P10.8] | |
 Concept | | D50.8 | | Version: Other iron deficiency anaemias [D50.8] | |
 Concept | | A50.5 | | Version: Other late congenital syphilis, symptomatic [A50.5] | |
 Concept | | E75.5 | | Version: Other lipid storage disorders [E75.5] | |
 Concept | | P07.1 | | Version: Other low birth weight [P07.1] | |
 Concept | | Q98.3 | | Version: Other male with 46,XX karyotype [Q98.3] | |
 Concept | | Q28.3 | | Version: Other malformations of cerebral vessels [Q28.3] | |
 Concept | | Q28.1 | | Version: Other malformations of precerebral vessels [Q28.1] | |
 Concept | | T74.8 | | Version: Other maltreatment syndromes [T74.8] | |
 Concept | | A66.7 | | Version: Other manifestations of yaws [A66.7] | |
 Concept | | D53.1 | | Version: Other megaloblastic anaemias, not elsewhere classified [D53.1] | |
 Concept | | A24.3 | | Version: Other melioidosis [A24.3] | |
 Concept | | A39.8 | | Version: Other meningococcal infections [A39.8] | |
 Concept | | D74.8 | | Version: Other methaemoglobinaemias [D74.8] | |
 Concept | | A19.8 | | Version: Other miliary tuberculosis [A19.8] | |
 Concept | | Q17.3 | | Version: Other misshapen ear [Q17.3] | |
 Concept | | A83.8 | | Version: Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis [A83.8] | |
 Concept | | E76.2 | | Version: Other mucopolysaccharidoses [E76.2] | |
 Concept | | S39.7 | | Version: Other multiple injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S39.7] | |
 Concept | | A31.8 | | Version: Other mycobacterial infections [A31.8] | |
 Concept | | D46.7 | | Version: Other myelodysplastic syndromes [D46.7] | |
 Concept | | P24.8 | | Version: Other neonatal aspiration syndromes [P24.8] | |
 Concept | | P54.3 | | Version: Other neonatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage [P54.3] | |
 Concept | | P71.1 | | Version: Other neonatal hypocalcaemia [P71.1] | |
 Concept | | P70.4 | | Version: Other neonatal hypoglycaemia [P70.4] | |
 Concept | | P78.1 | | Version: Other neonatal peritonitis [P78.1] | |
 Concept | | D59.4 | | Version: Other nonautoimmune haemolytic anaemias [D59.4] | |
 Concept | | C83.8 | | Version: Other non-follicular lymphoma [C83.8] | |
 Concept | | V96.8 | | Version: Other nonpowered-aircraft accidents injuring occupant [V96.8] | |
 Concept | | D69.2 | | Version: Other nonthrombocytopenic purpura [D69.2] | |
 Concept | | Q62.3 | | Version: Other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter [Q62.3] | |
 Concept | | B08.0 | | Version: Other orthopoxvirus infections [B08.0] | |
 Concept | | Q77.8 | | Version: Other osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine [Q77.8] | |
 Concept | | B53.8 | | Version: Other parasitologically confirmed malaria, not elsewhere classified [B53.8] | |
 Concept | | Q85.8 | | Version: Other phakomatoses, not elsewhere classified [Q85.8] | |
 Concept | | E31.8 | | Version: Other polyglandular dysfunction [E31.8] | |
 Concept | | E80.2 | | Version: Other porphyria [E80.2] | |
 Concept | | P07.3 | | Version: Other preterm infants [P07.3] | |
 Concept | | D69.4 | | Version: Other primary thrombocytopenia [D69.4] | |
 Concept | | B44.1 | | Version: Other pulmonary aspergillosis [B44.1] | |
 Concept | | P26.8 | | Version: Other pulmonary haemorrhages originating in the perinatal period [P26.8] | |
 Concept | | Q72.8 | | Version: Other reduction defects of lower limb(s) [Q72.8] | |
 Concept | | Q73.8 | | Version: Other reduction defects of unspecified limb(s) [Q73.8] | |
 Concept | | Q71.8 | | Version: Other reduction defects of upper limb(s) [Q71.8] | |
 Concept | | Q04.3 | | Version: Other reduction deformities of brain [Q04.3] | |
 Concept | | P22.8 | | Version: Other respiratory distress of newborn [P22.8] | |
 Concept | | A16.8 | | Version: Other respiratory tuberculosis, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.8] | |
 Concept | | C22.4 | | Version: Other sarcomas of liver [C22.4] | |
 Concept | | B65.8 | | Version: Other schistosomiases [B65.8] | |
 Concept | | T80.6 | | Version: Other serum reactions [T80.6] | |
 Concept | | B50.8 | | Version: Other severe and complicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria [B50.8] | |
 Concept | | A03.8 | | Version: Other shigellosis [A03.8] | |
 Concept | | D57.8 | | Version: Other sickle-cell disorders [D57.8] | |
 Concept | | D64.3 | | Version: Other sideroblastic anaemias [D64.3] | |
 Concept | | K45.1 | | Version: Other specified abdominal hernia with gangrene [K45.1] | |
 Concept | | K45.0 | | Version: Other specified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene [K45.0] | |
 Concept | | K45.8 | | Version: Other specified abdominal hernia without obstruction or gangrene [K45.8] | |
 Concept | | G36.8 | | Version: Other specified acute disseminated demyelination [G36.8] | |
 Concept | | B17.8 | | Version: Other specified acute viral hepatitis [B17.8] | |
 Concept | | D64.8 | | Version: Other specified anaemias [D64.8] | |
 Concept | | D61.8 | | Version: Other specified aplastic anaemias [D61.8] | |
 Concept | | A93.8 | | Version: Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers [A93.8] | |
 Concept | | A48.8 | | Version: Other specified bacterial diseases [A48.8] | |
 Concept | | A05.8 | | Version: Other specified bacterial foodborne intoxications [A05.8] | |
 Concept | | A04.8 | | Version: Other specified bacterial intestinal infections [A04.8] | |
 Concept | | P15.8 | | Version: Other specified birth injuries [P15.8] | |
 Concept | | P11.1 | | Version: Other specified brain damage due to birth injury [P11.1] | |
 Concept | | C22.7 | | Version: Other specified carcinomas of liver [C22.7] | |
 Concept | | B71.8 | | Version: Other specified cestode infections [B71.8] | |
 Concept | | Q99.8 | | Version: Other specified chromosome abnormalities [Q99.8] | |
 Concept | | D68.8 | | Version: Other specified coagulation defects [D68.8] | |
 Concept | | T88.8 | | Version: Other specified complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified [T88.8] | |
 Concept | | P83.8 | | Version: Other specified conditions of integument specific to fetus and [P83.8] | |
 Concept | | P96.8 | | Version: Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period [P96.8] | |
 Concept | | P37.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital infectious and parasitic diseases [P37.8] | |
 Concept | | Q87.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformation syndromes, not elsewhere classified [Q87.8] | |
 Concept | | Q89.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations [Q89.8] | |
 Concept | | Q04.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of brain [Q04.8] | |
 Concept | | Q28.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of circulatory system [Q28.8] | |
 Concept | | Q45.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of digestive system [Q45.8] | |
 Concept | | Q17.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of ear [Q17.8] | |
 Concept | | Q15.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of eye [Q15.8] | |
 Concept | | Q18.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of face and neck [Q18.8] | |
 Concept | | Q52.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of female genitalia [Q52.8] | |
 Concept | | Q24.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of heart [Q24.8] | |
 Concept | | Q84.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of integument [Q84.8] | |
 Concept | | Q43.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of intestine [Q43.8] | |
 Concept | | Q63.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of kidney [Q63.8] | |
 Concept | | Q74.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of limb(s) [Q74.8] | |
 Concept | | Q55.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of male genital organs [Q55.8] | |
 Concept | | Q07.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of nervous system [Q07.8] | |
 Concept | | Q27.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of peripheral vascular system [Q27.8] | |
 Concept | | Q34.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of respiratory system [Q34.8] | |
 Concept | | Q82.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of skin [Q82.8] | |
 Concept | | Q75.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of skull and face bones [Q75.8] | |
 Concept | | Q06.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of spinal cord [Q06.8] | |
 Concept | | Q40.2 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of stomach [Q40.2] | |
 Concept | | Q40.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of upper [Q40.8] | |
 Concept | | Q64.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital malformations of urinary system [Q64.8] | |
 Concept | | Q68.8 | | Version: Other specified congenital musculoskeletal deformities [Q68.8] | |
 Concept | | G37.8 | | Version: Other specified demyelinating diseases of central nervous system [G37.8] | |
 Concept | | K83.8 | | Version: Other specified diseases of biliary tract [K83.8] | |
 Concept | | D75.8 | | Version: Other specified diseases of blood and blood-forming organs [D75.8] | |
 Concept | | K82.8 | | Version: Other specified diseases of gallbladder [K82.8] | |
 Concept | | K76.8 | | Version: Other specified diseases of liver [K76.8] | |
 Concept | | G95.8 | | Version: Other specified diseases of spinal cord [G95.8] | |
 Concept | | D89.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders involving the immune mechanism, not elsewhere classified [D89.8] | |
 Concept | | E27.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of adrenal gland [E27.8] | |
 Concept | | E72.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of amino-acid metabolism [E72.8] | |
 Concept | | N32.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of bladder [N32.8] | |
 Concept | | M89.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of bone [M89.8] | |
 Concept | | G93.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of brain [G93.8] | |
 Concept | | E74.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism [E74.8] | |
 Concept | | E16.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of pancreatic internal secretion [E16.8] | |
 Concept | | E21.4 | | Version: Other specified disorders of parathyroid gland [E21.4] | |
 Concept | | D72.8 | | Version: Other specified disorders of white blood cells [D72.8] | |
 Concept | | P91.8 | | Version: Other specified disturbances of cerebral status of newborn [P91.8] | |
 Concept | | T75.8 | | Version: Other specified effects of external causes [T75.8] | |
 Concept | | T69.8 | | Version: Other specified effects of reduced temperature [T69.8] | |
 Concept | | E34.8 | | Version: Other specified endocrine disorders [E34.8] | |
 Concept | | Y33 | | Version: Other specified events, undetermined intent [Y33] | |
 Concept | | B66.8 | | Version: Other specified fluke infections [B66.8] | |
 Concept | | D69.8 | | Version: Other specified haemorrhagic conditions [D69.8] | |
 Concept | | B83.8 | | Version: Other specified helminthiases [B83.8] | |
 Concept | | D58.8 | | Version: Other specified hereditary haemolytic anaemias [D58.8] | |
 Concept | | D84.8 | | Version: Other specified immunodeficiencies [D84.8] | |
 Concept | | P39.8 | | Version: Other specified infections specific to the perinatal period [P39.8] | |
 Concept | | B88.8 | | Version: Other specified infestations [B88.8] | |
 Concept | | S39.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S39.8] | |
 Concept | | S99.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of ankle and foot [S99.8] | |
 Concept | | S59.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of forearm [S59.8] | |
 Concept | | S09.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of head [S09.8] | |
 Concept | | S79.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of hip and thigh [S79.8] | |
 Concept | | S89.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of lower leg [S89.8] | |
 Concept | | T13.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.8] | |
 Concept | | S19.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of neck [S19.8] | |
 Concept | | S49.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of shoulder and upper arm [S49.8] | |
 Concept | | S29.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of thorax [S29.8] | |
 Concept | | T09.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of trunk, level unspecified [T09.8] | |
 Concept | | T11.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.8] | |
 Concept | | S69.8 | | Version: Other specified injuries of wrist and hand [S69.8] | |
 Concept | | B81.8 | | Version: Other specified intestinal helminthiases [B81.8] | |
 Concept | | A08.5 | | Version: Other specified intestinal infections [A08.5] | |
 Concept | | P76.8 | | Version: Other specified intestinal obstruction of newborn [P76.8] | |
 Concept | | P57.8 | | Version: Other specified kernicterus [P57.8] | |
 Concept | | C96.7 | | Version: Other specified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, haematopoietic, and related tissue [C96.7] | |
 Concept | | E88.8 | | Version: Other specified metabolic disorders [E88.8] | |
 Concept | | A92.8 | | Version: Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers [A92.8] | |
 Concept | | B48.8 | | Version: Other specified mycoses [B48.8] | |
 Concept | | P54.8 | | Version: Other specified neonatal haemorrhages [P54.8] | |
 Concept | | D47.7 | | Version: Other specified neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymphoid, hematopoietic, and related tissue [D47.7] | |
 Concept | | D53.8 | | Version: Other specified nutritional anaemias [D53.8] | |
 Concept | | Q78.8 | | Version: Other specified osteochondrodysplasias [Q78.8] | |
 Concept | | P78.8 | | Version: Other specified perinatal digestive system disorders [P78.8] | |
 Concept | | P61.8 | | Version: Other specified perinatal haematological disorders [P61.8] | |
 Concept | | B60.8 | | Version: Other specified protozoal diseases [B60.8] | |
 Concept | | A07.8 | | Version: Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases [A07.8] | |
 Concept | | P28.8 | | Version: Other specified respiratory conditions of newborn [P28.8] | |
 Concept | | A79.8 | | Version: Other specified rickettsioses [A79.8] | |
 Concept | | A02.8 | | Version: Other specified Salmonella infections [A02.8] | |
 Concept | | Q97.8 | | Version: Other specified sex chromosome abnormalities, female phenotype [Q97.8] | |
 Concept | | Q98.8 | | Version: Other specified sex chromosome abnormalities, male phenotype [Q98.8] | |
 Concept | | A69.8 | | Version: Other specified spirochaetal infections [A69.8] | |
 Concept | | P72.8 | | Version: Other specified transitory neonatal endocrine disorders [P72.8] | |
 Concept | | V98 | | Version: Other specified transport accidents [V98] | |
 Concept | | Q92.8 | | Version: Other specified trisomies and partial trisomies of autosomes [Q92.8] | |
 Concept | | B33.8 | | Version: Other specified viral diseases [B33.8] | |
 Concept | | A85.8 | | Version: Other specified viral encephalitis [A85.8] | |
 Concept | | A98.8 | | Version: Other specified viral haemorrhagic fevers [A98.8] | |
 Concept | | A88.8 | | Version: Other specified viral infections of central nervous system [A88.8] | |
 Concept | | A28.8 | | Version: Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified [A28.8] | |
 Concept | | E75.2 | | Version: Other sphingolipidosis [E75.2] | |
 Concept | | G12.8 | | Version: Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes [G12.8] | |
 Concept | | A77.8 | | Version: Other spotted fevers [A77.8] | |
 Concept | | M00.2 | | Version: Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis [M00.2] | |
 Concept | | I60.8 | | Version: Other subarachnoid haemorrhage [I60.8] | |
 Concept | | S30.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S30.8] | |
 Concept | | S90.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of ankle and foot [S90.8] | |
 Concept | | S20.4 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of back wall of thorax [S20.4] | |
 Concept | | S00.2 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of eyelid and periocular area [S00.2] | |
 Concept | | S50.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of forearm [S50.8] | |
 Concept | | S20.3 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of front wall of thorax [S20.3] | |
 Concept | | S70.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of hip and thigh [S70.8] | |
 Concept | | S80.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of lower leg [S80.8] | |
 Concept | | S40.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of shoulder and upper arm [S40.8] | |
 Concept | | S60.8 | | Version: Other superficial injuries of wrist and hand [S60.8] | |
 Concept | | D56.8 | | Version: Other thalassaemias [D56.8] | |
 Concept | | D68.6 | | Version: Other thrombophilia [D68.6] | |
 Concept | | A84.8 | | Version: Other tick-borne viral encephalitis [A84.8] | |
 Concept | | P61.6 | | Version: Other transient neonatal disorders of coagulation [P61.6] | |
 Concept | | P70.8 | | Version: Other transitory disorders of carbohydrate metabolism of fetus and newborn [P70.8] | |
 Concept | | P74.4 | | Version: Other transitory electrolyte disturbances of newborn [P74.4] | |
 Concept | | P74.8 | | Version: Other transitory metabolic disturbances of newborn [P74.8] | |
 Concept | | P71.8 | | Version: Other transitory neonatal disorders of calcium and magnesium metabolism [P71.8] | |
 Concept | | P72.2 | | Version: Other transitory neonatal disorders of thyroid function, not elsewhere classified [P72.2] | |
 Concept | | A17.8 | | Version: Other tuberculosis of nervous system [A17.8] | |
 Concept | | C82.7 | | Version: Other types of follicular lymphoma [C82.7] | |
 Concept | | Q96.8 | | Version: Other variants of Turner syndrome [Q96.8] | |
 Concept | | A69.1 | | Version: Other Vincent infections [A69.1] | |
 Concept | | A08.3 | | Version: Other viral enteritis [A08.3] | |
 Concept | | B34.8 | | Version: Other viral infections of unspecified site [B34.8] | |
 Concept | | A87.8 | | Version: Other viral meningitis [A87.8] | |
 Concept | | D51.8 | | Version: Other vitamin B12 deficiency anaemias [D51.8] | |
 Concept | | B46.8 | | Version: Other zygomycoses [B46.8] | |
 Concept | | T70.0 | | Version: Otitic barotrauma [T70.0] | |
 Concept | | C43.8 | | Version: Overlapping malignant melanoma of skin [C43.8] | |
 Concept | | B34.4 | | Version: Papovavirus infection, unspecified site [B34.4] | |
 Concept | | B41.9 | | Version: Paracoccidioidomycosis, unspecified [B41.9] | |
 Concept | | B66.4 | | Version: Paragonimiasis [B66.4] | |
 Concept | | A01.1 | | Version: Paratyphoid fever A [A01.1] | |
 Concept | | A01.2 | | Version: Paratyphoid fever B [A01.2] | |
 Concept | | A01.3 | | Version: Paratyphoid fever C [A01.3] | |
 Concept | | A01.4 | | Version: Paratyphoid fever, unspecified [A01.4] | |
 Concept | | D59.5 | | Version: Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria [Marchiafava–Micheli] [D59.5] | |
 Concept | | Q26.3 | | Version: Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection [Q26.3] | |
 Concept | | B34.3 | | Version: Parvovirus infection, unspecified site [B34.3] | |
 Concept | | V19.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V19.1] | |
 Concept | | V69.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V69.1] | |
 Concept | | V49.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V49.1] | |
 Concept | | V59.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V59.1] | |
 Concept | | V39.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V39.1] | |
 Concept | | V79.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V79.1] | |
 Concept | | V29.1 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in nontraffic accident [V29.1] | |
 Concept | | V59.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V59.5] | |
 Concept | | V79.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V79.5] | |
 Concept | | V19.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V19.5] | |
 Concept | | V39.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V39.5] | |
 Concept | | V49.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V49.5] | |
 Concept | | V69.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V69.5] | |
 Concept | | V29.5 | | Version: Passenger injured in collision with other and unspecified motor vehicles in traffic accident [V29.5] | |
 Concept | | V86.6 | | Version: Passenger of all-terrain or other off-road motor vehicle injured in nontraffic accident [V86.6] | |
 Concept | | V86.1 | | Version: Passenger of all-terrain or other off-road motor vehicle injured in traffic accident [V86.1] | |
 Concept | | V84.6 | | Version: Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in nontraffic accident [V84.6] | |
 Concept | | V84.1 | | Version: Passenger of special agricultural vehicle injured in traffic accident [V84.1] | |
 Concept | | V85.6 | | Version: Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in nontraffic accident [V85.6] | |
 Concept | | V85.1 | | Version: Passenger of special construction vehicle injured in traffic accident [V85.1] | |
 Concept | | V83.6 | | Version: Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in nontraffic accident [V83.6] | |
 Concept | | V83.1 | | Version: Passenger of special industrial vehicle injured in traffic accident [V83.1] | |
 Concept | | A28.0 | | Version: Pasteurellosis [A28.0] | |
 Concept | | Q91.7 | | Version: Patau syndrome, unspecified [Q91.7] | |
 Concept | | Q25.0 | | Version: Patent ductus arteriosus [Q25.0] | |
 Concept | | Q67.7 | | Version: Pectus carinatum [Q67.7] | |
 Concept | | Q67.6 | | Version: Pectus excavatum [Q67.6] | |
 Concept | | S05.5 | | Version: Penetrating wound of eyeball with foreign body [S05.5] | |
 Concept | | S05.6 | | Version: Penetrating wound of eyeball without foreign body [S05.6] | |
 Concept | | S05.4 | | Version: Penetrating wound of orbit with or without foreign body [S05.4] | |
 Concept | | B48.4 | | Version: Penicillosis [B48.4] | |
 Concept | | P78.9 | | Version: Perinatal digestive system disorder, unspecified [P78.9] | |
 Concept | | P61.9 | | Version: Perinatal haematological disorder, unspecified [P61.9] | |
 Concept | | P78.0 | | Version: Perinatal intestinal perforation [P78.0] | |
 Concept | | G72.3 | | Version: Periodic paralysis [G72.3] | |
 Concept | | Q27.3 | | Version: Peripheral arteriovenous malformation [Q27.3] | |
 Concept | | Q43.7 | | Version: Persistent cloaca [Q43.7] | |
 Concept | | E32.0 | | Version: Persistent hyperplasia of thymus [E32.0] | |
 Concept | | Q26.1 | | Version: Persistent left superior vena cava [Q26.1] | |
 Concept | | V87.3 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and bus (traffic) [V87.3] | |
 Concept | | V88.3 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and bus, nontraffic [V88.3] | |
 Concept | | V87.4 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle (traffic) [V87.4] | |
 Concept | | V88.4 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and heavy transport vehicle, nontraffic [V88.4] | |
 Concept | | V87.2 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and pickup truck or van (traffic) [V87.2] | |
 Concept | | V88.2 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and pickup truck or van, nontraffic [V88.2] | |
 Concept | | V87.0 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic) [V87.0] | |
 Concept | | V88.0 | | Version: Person injured in collision between car and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic [V88.0] | |
 Concept | | V87.5 | | Version: Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus (traffic) [V87.5] | |
 Concept | | V88.5 | | Version: Person injured in collision between heavy transport vehicle and bus, nontraffic [V88.5] | |
 Concept | | V87.1 | | Version: Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle (traffic) [V87.1] | |
 Concept | | V88.1 | | Version: Person injured in collision between other motor vehicle and two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, nontraffic [V88.1] | |
 Concept | | V87.7 | | Version: Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles (traffic) [V87.7] | |
 Concept | | V88.7 | | Version: Person injured in collision between other specified motor vehicles, nontraffic [V88.7] | |
 Concept | | V87.6 | | Version: Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car (traffic) [V87.6] | |
 Concept | | V88.6 | | Version: Person injured in collision between railway train or railway vehicle and car, nontraffic [V88.6] | |
 Concept | | V87.9 | | Version: Person injured in other specified (collision) (noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle (traffic) [V87.9] | |
 Concept | | V88.9 | | Version: Person injured in other specified (collision) (noncollision) transport accidents involving nonmotor vehicle, nontraffic [V88.9] | |
 Concept | | V87.8 | | Version: Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle (traffic) [V87.8] | |
 Concept | | V88.8 | | Version: Person injured in other specified noncollision transport accidents involving motor vehicle, nontraffic [V88.8] | |
 Concept | | V89.0 | | Version: Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, nontraffic [V89.0] | |
 Concept | | V89.2 | | Version: Person injured in unspecified motor-vehicle accident, traffic [V89.2] | |
 Concept | | V89.1 | | Version: Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, nontraffic [V89.1] | |
 Concept | | V89.3 | | Version: Person injured in unspecified nonmotor-vehicle accident, traffic [V89.3] | |
 Concept | | V89.9 | | Version: Person injured in unspecified vehicle accident [V89.9] | |
 Concept | | V97.3 | | Version: Person on ground injured in air transport accident [V97.3] | |
 Concept | | S72.1 | | Version: Pertrochanteric fracture [S72.1] | |
 Concept | | Q66.7 | | Version: Pes cavus [Q66.7] | |
 Concept | | B43.1 | | Version: Phaeomycotic brain abscess [B43.1] | |
 Concept | | Q85.9 | | Version: Phakomatosis, unspecified [Q85.9] | |
 Concept | | A36.0 | | Version: Pharyngeal diphtheria [A36.0] | |
 Concept | | Q38.7 | | Version: Pharyngeal pouch [Q38.7] | |
 Concept | | Q73.1 | | Version: Phocomelia, unspecified limb(s) [Q73.1] | |
 Concept | | P14.2 | | Version: Phrenic nerve paralysis due to birth injury [P14.2] | |
 Concept | | T74.1 | | Version: Physical abuse [T74.1] | |
 Concept | | R45.6 | | Version: Physical violence [R45.6] | |
 Concept | | A67.9 | | Version: Pinta, unspecified [A67.9] | |
 Concept | | E24.0 | | Version: Pituitary-dependent Cushing disease [E24.0] | |
 Concept | | Q67.3 | | Version: Plagiocephaly [Q67.3] | |
 Concept | | A20.3 | | Version: Plague meningitis [A20.3] | |
 Concept | | A20.9 | | Version: Plague, unspecified [A20.9] | |
 Concept | | B50.0 | | Version: Plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications [B50.0] | |
 Concept | | B50.9 | | Version: Plasmodium falciparum malaria, unspecified [B50.9] | |
 Concept | | B52.0 | | Version: Plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy [B52.0] | |
 Concept | | B52.8 | | Version: Plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications [B52.8] | |
 Concept | | B52.9 | | Version: Plasmodium malariae malaria without complication [B52.9] | |
 Concept | | B53.0 | | Version: Plasmodium ovale malaria [B53.0] | |
 Concept | | B51.8 | | Version: Plasmodium vivax malaria with other complications [B51.8] | |
 Concept | | B51.0 | | Version: Plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen [B51.0] | |
 Concept | | B51.9 | | Version: Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication [B51.9] | |
 Concept | | M00.1 | | Version: Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis [M00.1] | |
 Concept | | G00.1 | | Version: Pneumococcal meningitis [G00.1] | |
 Concept | | B59 | | Version: Pneumocystosis [B59] | |
 Concept | | P25.2 | | Version: Pneumomediastinum originating in the perinatal period [P25.2] | |
 Concept | | A20.2 | | Version: Pneumonic plague [A20.2] | |
 Concept | | P25.3 | | Version: Pneumopericardium originating in the perinatal period [P25.3] | |
 Concept | | P25.1 | | Version: Pneumothorax originating in the perinatal period [P25.1] | |
 Concept | | T39.1 | | Version: Poisoning by 4-Aminophenol derivatives [T39.1] | |
 Concept | | T47.9 | | Version: Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, unspecified [T47.9] | |
 Concept | | T44.6 | | Version: Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified [T44.6] | |
 Concept | | T36.5 | | Version: Poisoning by aminoglycosides [T36.5] | |
 Concept | | T50.7 | | Version: Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists [T50.7] | |
 Concept | | Y19 | | Version: Poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances, undetermined intent [Y19] | |
 Concept | | Y18 | | Version: Poisoning by and exposure to pesticides, undetermined intent [Y18] | |
 Concept | | T38.7 | | Version: Poisoning by androgens and anabolic congeners [T38.7] | |
 Concept | | T41.4 | | Version: Poisoning by anesthetic, unspecified [T41.4] | |
 Concept | | T46.4 | | Version: Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors [T46.4] | |
 Concept | | T37.4 | | Version: Poisoning by anthelmintics [T37.4] | |
 Concept | | T45.0 | | Version: Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs [T45.0] | |
 Concept | | T48.6 | | Version: Poisoning by antiasthmatics, not elsewhere classified [T48.6] | |
 Concept | | T44.0 | | Version: Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents [T44.0] | |
 Concept | | T45.7 | | Version: Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K, and other coagulants [T45.7] | |
 Concept | | T45.5 | | Version: Poisoning by anticoagulants [T45.5] | |
 Concept | | T48.5 | | Version: Poisoning by anti-common-cold drugs [T48.5] | |
 Concept | | T47.6 | | Version: Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs [T47.6] | |
 Concept | | T50.6 | | Version: Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, not elsewhere classified [T50.6] | |
 Concept | | T42.7 | | Version: Poisoning by antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, unspecified [T42.7] | |
 Concept | | T36.7 | | Version: Poisoning by antifungal antibiotics systemically used [T36.7] | |
 Concept | | T38.6 | | Version: Poisoning by antigonadotrophins, antiestrogens, and antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified [T38.6] | |
 Concept | | T46.6 | | Version: Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs [T46.6] | |
 Concept | | T37.2 | | Version: Poisoning by antimalarials and drugs acting on other blood protozoa [T37.2] | |
 Concept | | T37.1 | | Version: Poisoning by antimycobacterial drugs [T37.1] | |
 Concept | | T45.1 | | Version: Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs [T45.1] | |
 Concept | | T42.8 | | Version: Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants [T42.8] | |
 Concept | | T49.1 | | Version: Poisoning by antipruritics [T49.1] | |
 Concept | | T39.4 | | Version: Poisoning by antirheumatics, not elsewhere classified [T39.4] | |
 Concept | | T38.2 | | Version: Poisoning by antithyroid drugs [T38.2] | |
 Concept | | T48.3 | | Version: Poisoning by antitussives [T48.3] | |
 Concept | | T46.8 | | Version: Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents [T46.8] | |
 Concept | | T37.5 | | Version: Poisoning by antiviral drugs [T37.5] | |
 Concept | | T50.5 | | Version: Poisoning by appetite depressants [T50.5] | |
 Concept | | T42.3 | | Version: Poisoning by barbiturates [T42.3] | |
 Concept | | T42.4 | | Version: Poisoning by benzodiazepines [T42.4] | |
 Concept | | T44.7 | | Version: Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified [T44.7] | |
 Concept | | T43.4 | | Version: Poisoning by butyrophenone and thioxanthene neuroleptics [T43.4] | |
 Concept | | T46.1 | | Version: Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers [T46.1] | |
 Concept | | T40.7 | | Version: Poisoning by cannabis (derivatives) [T40.7] | |
 Concept | | T50.2 | | Version: Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides, and other diuretics [T50.2] | |
 Concept | | T46.0 | | Version: Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action [T46.0] | |
 Concept | | T36.1 | | Version: Poisoning by cefalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics [T36.1] | |
 Concept | | T44.8 | | Version: Poisoning by centrally acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, not elsewhere classified [T44.8] | |
 Concept | | T36.2 | | Version: Poisoning by chloramphenicol group [T36.2] | |
 Concept | | T40.5 | | Version: Poisoning by cocaine [T40.5] | |
 Concept | | T46.3 | | Version: Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, not elsewhere classified [T46.3] | |
 Concept | | T49.7 | | Version: Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied [T49.7] | |
 Concept | | T50.8 | | Version: Poisoning by diagnostic agents [T50.8] | |
 Concept | | T47.5 | | Version: Poisoning by digestants [T47.5] | |
 Concept | | T50.4 | | Version: Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism [T50.4] | |
 Concept | | T50.3 | | Version: Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric, and water-balance agents [T50.3] | |
 Concept | | T47.7 | | Version: Poisoning by emetics [T47.7] | |
 Concept | | T49.3 | | Version: Poisoning by emollients, demulcents, and protectants [T49.3] | |
 Concept | | T45.3 | | Version: Poisoning by enzymes, not elsewhere classified [T45.3] | |
 Concept | | T48.4 | | Version: Poisoning by expectorants [T48.4] | |
 Concept | | T45.6 | | Version: Poisoning by fibrinolysis-affecting drugs [T45.6] | |
 Concept | | T44.2 | | Version: Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, not elsewhere classified [T44.2] | |
 Concept | | T38.0 | | Version: Poisoning by glucocorticoids and synthetic analogues [T38.0] | |
 Concept | | T40.1 | | Version: Poisoning by heroin [T40.1] | |
 Concept | | T47.0 | | Version: Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor antagonists [T47.0] | |
 Concept | | T42.0 | | Version: Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives [T42.0] | |
 Concept | | T42.1 | | Version: Poisoning by iminostilbenes [T42.1] | |
 Concept | | T41.0 | | Version: Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics [T41.0] | |
 Concept | | T38.3 | | Version: Poisoning by insulin and oral hypoglycemic [antidiabetic] drugs [T38.3] | |
 Concept | | T41.1 | | Version: Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics [T41.1] | |
 Concept | | T45.4 | | Version: Poisoning by iron and its compounds [T45.4] | |
 Concept | | T49.4 | | Version: Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations [T49.4] | |
 Concept | | T41.3 | | Version: Poisoning by local anesthetics [T41.3] | |
 Concept | | T49.0 | | Version: Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective, and anti-inflammatory drugs, not elsewhere classified [T49.0] | |
 Concept | | T49.2 | | Version: Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents [T49.2] | |
 Concept | | T50.1 | | Version: Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics [T50.1] | |
 Concept | | T40.8 | | Version: Poisoning by lysergide [LSD] [T40.8] | |
 Concept | | T36.3 | | Version: Poisoning by macrolides [T36.3] | |
 Concept | | T40.3 | | Version: Poisoning by methadone [T40.3] | |
 Concept | | T50.0 | | Version: Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists [T50.0] | |
 Concept | | T42.5 | | Version: Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, not elsewhere classified [T42.5] | |
 Concept | | T43.1 | | Version: Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants [T43.1] | |
 Concept | | T39.9 | | Version: Poisoning by nonopioid analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic, unspecified [T39.9] | |
 Concept | | T49.5 | | Version: Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations [T49.5] | |
 Concept | | T40.0 | | Version: Poisoning by opium [T40.0] | |
 Concept | | T47.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system [T47.8] | |
 Concept | | T48.2 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified agents primarily acting on muscles [T48.2] | |
 Concept | | T48.7 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system [T48.7] | |
 Concept | | T46.9 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system [T46.9] | |
 Concept | | T43.2 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified antidepressants [T43.2] | |
 Concept | | T43.5 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics [T43.5] | |
 Concept | | T44.9 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system [T44.9] | |
 Concept | | T50.9 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified drugs, medicaments, and biological substances [T50.9] | |
 Concept | | T41.2 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified general anesthetics [T41.2] | |
 Concept | | T38.9 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified hormone antagonists [T38.9] | |
 Concept | | T38.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified hormones and their synthetic substitutes [T38.8] | |
 Concept | | T40.6 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified narcotics [T40.6] | |
 Concept | | T40.9 | | Version: Poisoning by other and unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] [T40.9] | |
 Concept | | T47.1 | | Version: Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs [T47.1] | |
 Concept | | T46.2 | | Version: Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, not elsewhere classified [T46.2] | |
 Concept | | T42.6 | | Version: Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs [T42.6] | |
 Concept | | T46.5 | | Version: Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, not elsewhere classified [T46.5] | |
 Concept | | T37.3 | | Version: Poisoning by other antiprotozoal drugs [T37.3] | |
 Concept | | T47.4 | | Version: Poisoning by other laxatives [T47.4] | |
 Concept | | T39.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other nonopioid analgesics and antipyretics, not elsewhere classified [T39.8] | |
 Concept | | T39.3 | | Version: Poisoning by other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAID] [T39.3] | |
 Concept | | T40.2 | | Version: Poisoning by other opioids [T40.2] | |
 Concept | | T44.3 | | Version: Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, not elsewhere classified [T44.3] | |
 Concept | | T44.1 | | Version: Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics] [T44.1] | |
 Concept | | T45.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents [T45.8] | |
 Concept | | T43.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified [T43.8] | |
 Concept | | T37.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other specified systemic anti-infectives and antiparasitics [T37.8] | |
 Concept | | T40.4 | | Version: Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics [T40.4] | |
 Concept | | T36.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other systemic antibiotics [T36.8] | |
 Concept | | T49.8 | | Version: Poisoning by other topical agents [T49.8] | |
 Concept | | T49.6 | | Version: Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations [T49.6] | |
 Concept | | T48.0 | | Version: Poisoning by oxytocic drugs [T48.0] | |
 Concept | | T36.0 | | Version: Poisoning by penicillins [T36.0] | |
 Concept | | T46.7 | | Version: Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators [T46.7] | |
 Concept | | T43.3 | | Version: Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics [T43.3] | |
 Concept | | T44.4 | | Version: Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified [T44.4] | |
 Concept | | T44.5 | | Version: Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, not elsewhere classified [T44.5] | |
 Concept | | T45.9 | | Version: Poisoning by primarily systemic and hematological agent, unspecified [T45.9] | |
 Concept | | T43.6 | | Version: Poisoning by psychostimulants with abuse potential [T43.6] | |
 Concept | | T43.9 | | Version: Poisoning by psychotropic drug, unspecified [T43.9] | |
 Concept | | T39.2 | | Version: Poisoning by pyrazolone derivatives [T39.2] | |
 Concept | | T36.6 | | Version: Poisoning by rifamycins [T36.6] | |
 Concept | | T39.0 | | Version: Poisoning by salicylates [T39.0] | |
 Concept | | T47.3 | | Version: Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives [T47.3] | |
 Concept | | T48.1 | | Version: Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents] [T48.1] | |
 Concept | | T47.2 | | Version: Poisoning by stimulant laxatives [T47.2] | |
 Concept | | T42.2 | | Version: Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones [T42.2] | |
 Concept | | T37.0 | | Version: Poisoning by sulfonamides [T37.0] | |
 Concept | | T36.9 | | Version: Poisoning by systemic antibiotic, unspecified [T36.9] | |
 Concept | | T37.9 | | Version: Poisoning by systemic anti-infective and antiparasitic, unspecified [T37.9] | |
 Concept | | T36.4 | | Version: Poisoning by tetracyclines [T36.4] | |
 Concept | | T41.5 | | Version: Poisoning by therapeutic gases [T41.5] | |
 Concept | | T38.1 | | Version: Poisoning by thyroid hormones and substitutes [T38.1] | |
 Concept | | T49.9 | | Version: Poisoning by topical agent, unspecified [T49.9] | |
 Concept | | T43.0 | | Version: Poisoning by tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants [T43.0] | |
 Concept | | T45.2 | | Version: Poisoning by vitamins, not elsewhere classified [T45.2] | |
 Concept | | D89.0 | | Version: Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia [D89.0] | |
 Concept | | Q61.2 | | Version: Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant [Q61.2] | |
 Concept | | Q61.1 | | Version: Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive [Q61.1] | |
 Concept | | Q61.3 | | Version: Polycystic kidney, unspecified [Q61.3] | |
 Concept | | D45 | | Version: Polycythaemia vera [D45] | |
 Concept | | Q69.9 | | Version: Polydactyly, unspecified [Q69.9] | |
 Concept | | E31.9 | | Version: Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified [E31.9] | |
 Concept | | E31.1 | | Version: Polyglandular hyperfunction [E31.1] | |
 Concept | | Q78.1 | | Version: Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia [Q78.1] | |
 Concept | | Q70.4 | | Version: Polysyndactyly [Q70.4] | |
 Concept | | E80.1 | | Version: Porphyria cutanea tarda [E80.1] | |
 Concept | | Q26.6 | | Version: Portal vein–hepatic artery fistula [Q26.6] | |
 Concept | | P08.2 | | Version: Post-term infant, not heavy for gestational age [P08.2] | |
 Concept | | G91.3 | | Version: Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified [G91.3] | |
 Concept | | T79.3 | | Version: Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified [T79.3] | |
 Concept | | Q60.6 | | Version: Potter syndrome [Q60.6] | |
 Concept | | Q18.1 | | Version: Preauricular sinus and cyst [Q18.1] | |
 Concept | | E27.1 | | Version: Primary adrenocortical insufficiency [E27.1] | |
 Concept | | P28.0 | | Version: Primary atelectasis of newborn [P28.0] | |
 Concept | | K74.3 | | Version: Primary biliary cirrhosis [K74.3] | |
 Concept | | G71.9 | | Version: Primary disorder of muscle, unspecified [G71.9] | |
 Concept | | E26.0 | | Version: Primary hyperaldosteronism [E26.0] | |
 Concept | | E21.0 | | Version: Primary hyperparathyroidism [E21.0] | |
 Concept | | A67.0 | | Version: Primary lesions of pinta [A67.0] | |
 Concept | | A16.7 | | Version: Primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.7] | |
 Concept | | D68.5 | | Version: Primary thrombophilia [D68.5] | |
 Concept | | Q78.3 | | Version: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia [Q78.3] | |
 Concept | | A81.2 | | Version: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy [A81.2] | |
 Concept | | X52 | | Version: Prolonged stay in weightless environment [X52] | |
 Concept | | Q17.5 | | Version: Prominent ear [Q17.5] | |
 Concept | | D53.0 | | Version: Protein deficiency anaemia [D53.0] | |
 Concept | | A07.9 | | Version: Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified [A07.9] | |
 Concept | | Q79.4 | | Version: Prune belly syndrome [Q79.4] | |
 Concept | | Q56.3 | | Version: Pseudohermaphroditism, unspecified [Q56.3] | |
 Concept | | E20.1 | | Version: Pseudohypoparathyroidism [E20.1] | |
 Concept | | T74.3 | | Version: Psychological abuse [T74.3] | |
 Concept | | A42.0 | | Version: Pulmonary actinomycosis [A42.0] | |
 Concept | | A22.1 | | Version: Pulmonary anthrax [A22.1] | |
 Concept | | B40.2 | | Version: Pulmonary blastomycosis, unspecified [B40.2] | |
 Concept | | B38.2 | | Version: Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified [B38.2] | |
 Concept | | B45.0 | | Version: Pulmonary cryptococcosis [B45.0] | |
 Concept | | B39.2 | | Version: Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified [B39.2] | |
 Concept | | Q24.3 | | Version: Pulmonary infundibular stenosis [Q24.3] | |
 Concept | | B46.0 | | Version: Pulmonary mucormycosis [B46.0] | |
 Concept | | A31.0 | | Version: Pulmonary mycobacterial infection [A31.0] | |
 Concept | | A43.0 | | Version: Pulmonary nocardiosis [A43.0] | |
 Concept | | B41.0 | | Version: Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis [B41.0] | |
 Concept | | B42.0 | | Version: Pulmonary sporotrichosis [B42.0] | |
 Concept | | B58.3 | | Version: Pulmonary toxoplasmosis [B58.3] | |
 Concept | | A21.2 | | Version: Pulmonary tularaemia [A21.2] | |
 Concept | | Q22.0 | | Version: Pulmonary valve atresia [Q22.0] | |
 Concept | | E78.0 | | Version: Pure hypercholesterolaemia [E78.0] | |
 Concept | | E78.1 | | Version: Pure hyperglyceridaemia [E78.1] | |
 Concept | | D81.5 | | Version: Purine nucleoside phosphorylase [PNP] deficiency [D81.5] | |
 Concept | | M00.9 | | Version: Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified [M00.9] | |
 Concept | | A78 | | Version: Q fever [A78] | |
 Concept | | D69.1 | | Version: Qualitative platelet defects [D69.1] | |
 Concept | | A82.9 | | Version: Rabies, unspecified [A82.9] | |
 Concept | | A25.9 | | Version: Rat-bite fever, unspecified [A25.9] | |
 Concept | | P93 | | Version: Reactions and intoxications due to drugs administered to fetus and newborn [P93] | |
 Concept | | A75.1 | | Version: Recrudescent typhus [Brill disease] [A75.1] | |
 Concept | | Q72.9 | | Version: Reduction defect of lower limb, unspecified [Q72.9] | |
 Concept | | Q71.9 | | Version: Reduction defect of upper limb, unspecified [Q71.9] | |
 Concept | | D46.2 | | Version: Refractory anaemia with excess of blasts [RAEB] [D46.2] | |
 Concept | | D46.1 | | Version: Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts [D46.1] | |
 Concept | | D46.0 | | Version: Refractory anaemia without ringed sideroblasts, so stated [D46.0] | |
 Concept | | D46.4 | | Version: Refractory anaemia, unspecified [D46.4] | |
 Concept | | D46.3 | | Version: Refractory anemia with excess of blasts with transformation [D46.3] | |
 Concept | | G60.1 | | Version: Refsum disease [G60.1] | |
 Concept | | A68.9 | | Version: Relapsing fever, unspecified [A68.9] | |
 Concept | | Q60.1 | | Version: Renal agenesis, bilateral [Q60.1] | |
 Concept | | Q60.0 | | Version: Renal agenesis, unilateral [Q60.0] | |
 Concept | | Q60.2 | | Version: Renal agenesis, unspecified [Q60.2] | |
 Concept | | Q61.4 | | Version: Renal dysplasia [Q61.4] | |
 Concept | | Q60.4 | | Version: Renal hypoplasia, bilateral [Q60.4] | |
 Concept | | Q60.3 | | Version: Renal hypoplasia, unilateral [Q60.3] | |
 Concept | | Q60.5 | | Version: Renal hypoplasia, unspecified [Q60.5] | |
 Concept | | P28.9 | | Version: Respiratory condition of newborn, unspecified [P28.9] | |
 Concept | | P22.9 | | Version: Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified [P22.9] | |
 Concept | | P22.0 | | Version: Respiratory distress syndrome of newborn [P22.0] | |
 Concept | | P28.5 | | Version: Respiratory failure of newborn [P28.5] | |
 Concept | | A16.9 | | Version: Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.9] | |
 Concept | | B33.3 | | Version: Retrovirus infections, not elsewhere classified [B33.3] | |
 Concept | | T80.4 | | Version: Rh incompatibility reaction [T80.4] | |
 Concept | | P55.0 | | Version: Rh isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [P55.0] | |
 Concept | | B46.1 | | Version: Rhinocerebral mucormycosis [B46.1] | |
 Concept | | B48.1 | | Version: Rhinosporidiosis [B48.1] | |
 Concept | | B56.1 | | Version: Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis [B56.1] | |
 Concept | | A79.1 | | Version: Rickettsialpox due to Rickettsia akari [A79.1] | |
 Concept | | A79.9 | | Version: Rickettsiosis, unspecified [A79.9] | |
 Concept | | V80.0 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured by fall from or being thrown from animal or animal-drawn vehicle in noncollision accident [V80.0] | |
 Concept | | V80.4 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with car, pickup truck, van, heavy transport vehicle, or bus [V80.4] | |
 Concept | | V80.8 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with fixed or stationary object [V80.8] | |
 Concept | | V80.7 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with other nonmotor vehicle [V80.7] | |
 Concept | | V80.5 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with other specified motor vehicle [V80.5] | |
 Concept | | V80.2 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedal cycle [V80.2] | |
 Concept | | V80.1 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with pedestrian or animal [V80.1] | |
 Concept | | V80.6 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle [V80.6] | |
 Concept | | V80.3 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in collision with two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle [V80.3] | |
 Concept | | V80.9 | | Version: Rider or occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents [V80.9] | |
 Concept | | W33 | | Version: Rifle, shotgun and larger firearm discharge [W33] | |
 Concept | | Y23 | | Version: Rifle, shotgun, and larger firearm discharge, undetermined intent [Y23] | |
 Concept | | A92.4 | | Version: Rift Valley fever [A92.4] | |
 Concept | | A83.6 | | Version: Rocio virus disease [A83.6] | |
 Concept | | B33.1 | | Version: Ross River disease [B33.1] | |
 Concept | | S93.2 | | Version: Rupture of ligaments at ankle and foot level [S93.2] | |
 Concept | | Q05.3 | | Version: Sacral spina bifida with hydrocephalus [Q05.3] | |
 Concept | | Q05.8 | | Version: Sacral spina bifida without hydrocephalus [Q05.8] | |
 Concept | | A02.0 | | Version: Salmonella enteritis [A02.0] | |
 Concept | | A02.9 | | Version: Salmonella infection, unspecified [A02.9] | |
 Concept | | A02.1 | | Version: Salmonella sepsis [A02.1] | |
 Concept | | A93.1 | | Version: Sandfly fever [A93.1] | |
 Concept | | D86.0 | | Version: Sarcoidosis of lung [D86.0] | |
 Concept | | D86.2 | | Version: Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes [D86.2] | |
 Concept | | D86.1 | | Version: Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes [D86.1] | |
 Concept | | D86.8 | | Version: Sarcoidosis of other and combined sites [D86.8] | |
 Concept | | D86.3 | | Version: Sarcoidosis of skin [D86.3] | |
 Concept | | D86.9 | | Version: Sarcoidosis, unspecified [D86.9] | |
 Concept | | A38 | | Version: Scarlet fever [A38] | |
 Concept | | B65.0 | | Version: Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma haematobium [urinary schistosomiasis] [B65.0] | |
 Concept | | B65.2 | | Version: Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma japonicum [B65.2] | |
 Concept | | B65.1 | | Version: Schistosomiasis due to Schistosoma mansoni [intestinal schistosomiasis] [B65.1] | |
 Concept | | B65.9 | | Version: Schistosomiasis, unspecified [B65.9] | |
 Concept | | P83.0 | | Version: Sclerema neonatorum [P83.0] | |
 Concept | | D53.2 | | Version: Scorbutic anaemia [D53.2] | |
 Concept | | D64.1 | | Version: Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to disease [D64.1] | |
 Concept | | D64.2 | | Version: Secondary sideroblastic anaemia due to drugs and toxins [D64.2] | |
 Concept | | E85.3 | | Version: Secondary systemic amyloidosis [E85.3] | |
 Concept | | D69.5 | | Version: Secondary thrombocytopenia [D69.5] | |
 Concept | | D80.2 | | Version: Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin A [IgA] [D80.2] | |
 Concept | | D80.3 | | Version: Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin G [IgG] subclasses [D80.3] | |
 Concept | | D80.4 | | Version: Selective deficiency of immunoglobulin M [IgM] [D80.4] | |
 Concept | | P36.5 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to anaerobes [P36.5] | |
 Concept | | P36.4 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to Escherichia coli [P36.4] | |
 Concept | | P36.3 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to other and unspecified staphylococci [P36.3] | |
 Concept | | P36.1 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to other and unspecified Streptococci [P36.1] | |
 Concept | | P36.2 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to Staphylococcus aureus [P36.2] | |
 Concept | | P36.0 | | Version: Sepsis of newborn due to Streptococcus, group B [P36.0] | |
 Concept | | A20.7 | | Version: Septicaemic plague [A20.7] | |
 Concept | | T95.4 | | Version: Sequelae of burn and corrosion classifiable only according to extent of body surface involved [T95.4] | |
 Concept | | T95.0 | | Version: Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of head and neck [T95.0] | |
 Concept | | T95.3 | | Version: Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of lower limb [T95.3] | |
 Concept | | T95.1 | | Version: Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of trunk [T95.1] | |
 Concept | | T95.2 | | Version: Sequelae of burn, corrosion and frostbite of upper limb [T95.2] | |
 Concept | | T98.2 | | Version: Sequelae of certain early complications of trauma [T98.2] | |
 Concept | | T98.3 | | Version: Sequelae of complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified [T98.3] | |
 Concept | | T93.6 | | Version: Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb [T93.6] | |
 Concept | | T92.6 | | Version: Sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of upper limb [T92.6] | |
 Concept | | T93.3 | | Version: Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of lower limb [T93.3] | |
 Concept | | T92.3 | | Version: Sequelae of dislocation, sprain and strain of upper limb [T92.3] | |
 Concept | | T98.0 | | Version: Sequelae of effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice [T98.0] | |
 Concept | | T92.2 | | Version: Sequelae of fracture at wrist and hand level [T92.2] | |
 Concept | | T92.1 | | Version: Sequelae of fracture of arm [T92.1] | |
 Concept | | T93.1 | | Version: Sequelae of fracture of femur [T93.1] | |
 Concept | | T90.2 | | Version: Sequelae of fracture of skull and facial bones [T90.2] | |
 Concept | | T91.1 | | Version: Sequelae of fracture of spine [T91.1] | |
 Concept | | T94.0 | | Version: Sequelae of injuries involving multiple body regions [T94.0] | |
 Concept | | T94.1 | | Version: Sequelae of injuries, not specified by body region [T94.1] | |
 Concept | | T90.3 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of cranial nerves [T90.3] | |
 Concept | | T90.4 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of eye and orbit [T90.4] | |
 Concept | | T91.5 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of intra-abdominal and pelvic organs [T91.5] | |
 Concept | | T91.4 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of intrathoracic organs [T91.4] | |
 Concept | | T93.5 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of lower limb [T93.5] | |
 Concept | | T92.5 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of muscle and tendon of upper limb [T92.5] | |
 Concept | | T93.4 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of nerve of lower limb [T93.4] | |
 Concept | | T92.4 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of nerve of upper limb [T92.4] | |
 Concept | | T91.3 | | Version: Sequelae of injury of spinal cord [T91.3] | |
 Concept | | T90.5 | | Version: Sequelae of intracranial injury [T90.5] | |
 Concept | | T90.1 | | Version: Sequelae of open wound of head [T90.1] | |
 Concept | | T93.0 | | Version: Sequelae of open wound of lower limb [T93.0] | |
 Concept | | T92.0 | | Version: Sequelae of open wound of upper limb [T92.0] | |
 Concept | | T98.1 | | Version: Sequelae of other and unspecified effects of external causes [T98.1] | |
 Concept | | T91.2 | | Version: Sequelae of other fracture of thorax and pelvis [T91.2] | |
 Concept | | T93.2 | | Version: Sequelae of other fractures of lower limb [T93.2] | |
 Concept | | T95.8 | | Version: Sequelae of other specified burn, corrosion and frostbite [T95.8] | |
 Concept | | T90.8 | | Version: Sequelae of other specified injuries of head [T90.8] | |
 Concept | | T93.8 | | Version: Sequelae of other specified injuries of lower limb [T93.8] | |
 Concept | | T91.8 | | Version: Sequelae of other specified injuries of neck and trunk [T91.8] | |
 Concept | | T92.8 | | Version: Sequelae of other specified injuries of upper limb [T92.8] | |
 Concept | | T96 | | Version: Sequelae of poisoning by drugs, medicaments, and biological substances [T96] | |
 Concept | | T91.0 | | Version: Sequelae of superficial injury and open wound of neck and trunk [T91.0] | |
 Concept | | T90.0 | | Version: Sequelae of superficial injury of head [T90.0] | |
 Concept | | T97 | | Version: Sequelae of toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source [T97] | |
 Concept | | T95.9 | | Version: Sequelae of unspecified burn, corrosion and frostbite [T95.9] | |
 Concept | | T90.9 | | Version: Sequelae of unspecified injury of head [T90.9] | |
 Concept | | T93.9 | | Version: Sequelae of unspecified injury of lower limb [T93.9] | |
 Concept | | T91.9 | | Version: Sequelae of unspecified injury of neck and trunk [T91.9] | |
 Concept | | T92.9 | | Version: Sequelae of unspecified injury of upper limb [T92.9] | |
 Concept | | Q33.2 | | Version: Sequestration of lung [Q33.2] | |
 Concept | | D81.2 | | Version: Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low or normal B-cell numbers [D81.2] | |
 Concept | | D81.1 | | Version: Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with low T- and B-cell numbers [D81.1] | |
 Concept | | D81.0 | | Version: Severe combined immunodeficiency [SCID] with reticular dysgenesis [D81.0] | |
 Concept | | Q97.9 | | Version: Sex chromosome abnormality, female phenotype, unspecified [Q97.9] | |
 Concept | | Q98.9 | | Version: Sex chromosome abnormality, male phenotype, unspecified [Q98.9] | |
 Concept | | T74.2 | | Version: Sexual abuse [T74.2] | |
 Concept | | C84.1 | | Version: SĂ©zary disease [C84.1] | |
 Concept | | A03.2 | | Version: Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii [A03.2] | |
 Concept | | A03.0 | | Version: Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae [A03.0] | |
 Concept | | A03.1 | | Version: Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri [A03.1] | |
 Concept | | A03.3 | | Version: Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei [A03.3] | |
 Concept | | A03.9 | | Version: Shigellosis, unspecified [A03.9] | |
 Concept | | T88.2 | | Version: Shock due to anaesthesia [T88.2] | |
 Concept | | T81.1 | | Version: Shock during or resulting from a procedure, not elsewhere classified [T81.1] | |
 Concept | | Q77.2 | | Version: Short rib syndrome [Q77.2] | |
 Concept | | E34.3 | | Version: Short stature, not elsewhere classified [E34.3] | |
 Concept | | D57.0 | | Version: Sickle-cell anaemia with crisis [D57.0] | |
 Concept | | D57.1 | | Version: Sickle-cell anaemia without crisis [D57.1] | |
 Concept | | D57.3 | | Version: Sickle-cell trait [D57.3] | |
 Concept | | D50.1 | | Version: Sideropenic dysphagia [D50.1] | |
 Concept | | T70.1 | | Version: Sinus barotrauma [T70.1] | |
 Concept | | Q18.0 | | Version: Sinus, fistula and cyst of branchial cleft [Q18.0] | |
 Concept | | Q89.3 | | Version: Situs inversus [Q89.3] | |
 Concept | | P05.9 | | Version: Slow fetal growth, unspecified [P05.9] | |
 Concept | | C83.0 | | Version: Small cell B-cell lymphoma [C83.0] | |
 Concept | | P05.1 | | Version: Small for gestational age [P05.1] | |
 Concept | | B03 | | Version: Smallpox [B03] | |
 Concept | | V95.4 | | Version: Spacecraft accident injuring occupant [V95.4] | |
 Concept | | B70.1 | | Version: Sparganosis [B70.1] | |
 Concept | | G80.1 | | Version: Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy [G80.1] | |
 Concept | | G80.2 | | Version: Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy [G80.2] | |
 Concept | | G80.0 | | Version: Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy [G80.0] | |
 Concept | | Q12.4 | | Version: Spherophakia [Q12.4] | |
 Concept | | E75.3 | | Version: Sphingolipidosis, unspecified [E75.3] | |
 Concept | | Q76.0 | | Version: Spina bifida occulta [Q76.0] | |
 Concept | | Q05.9 | | Version: Spina bifida, unspecified [Q05.9] | |
 Concept | | G12.9 | | Version: Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified [G12.9] | |
 Concept | | A25.0 | | Version: Spirillosis [A25.0] | |
 Concept | | A69.9 | | Version: Spirochaetal infection, unspecified [A69.9] | |
 Concept | | Q72.7 | | Version: Split foot [Q72.7] | |
 Concept | | Q77.7 | | Version: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia [Q77.7] | |
 Concept | | B42.9 | | Version: Sporotrichosis, unspecified [B42.9] | |
 Concept | | A77.3 | | Version: Spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis [A77.3] | |
 Concept | | A77.1 | | Version: Spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii [A77.1] | |
 Concept | | A77.0 | | Version: Spotted fever due to Rickettsia rickettsii [A77.0] | |
 Concept | | A77.2 | | Version: Spotted fever due to Rickettsia sibirica [A77.2] | |
 Concept | | A77.9 | | Version: Spotted fever, unspecified [A77.9] | |
 Concept | | S83.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain involving (anterior)(posterior) cruciate ligament of knee [S83.5] | |
 Concept | | S83.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain involving (fibular)(tibial) collateral ligament of knee [S83.4] | |
 Concept | | S43.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of acromioclavicular joint [S43.5] | |
 Concept | | S93.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of ankle [S93.4] | |
 Concept | | S13.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of cervical spine [S13.4] | |
 Concept | | S53.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of elbow [S53.4] | |
 Concept | | S63.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of finger(s) [S63.6] | |
 Concept | | S73.1 | | Version: Sprain and strain of hip [S73.1] | |
 Concept | | S03.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of jaw [S03.4] | |
 Concept | | S03.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of head [S03.5] | |
 Concept | | S13.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of other and unspecified parts of neck [S13.6] | |
 Concept | | S33.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of lumbar spine [S33.5] | |
 Concept | | S33.7 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts [S33.7] | |
 Concept | | S93.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of foot [S93.6] | |
 Concept | | S63.7 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of hand [S63.7] | |
 Concept | | S83.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of knee [S83.6] | |
 Concept | | S43.7 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of shoulder girdle [S43.7] | |
 Concept | | S23.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of other and unspecified parts of thorax [S23.5] | |
 Concept | | S23.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of ribs and sternum [S23.4] | |
 Concept | | S33.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of sacroiliac joint [S33.6] | |
 Concept | | S43.4 | | Version: Sprain and strain of shoulder joint [S43.4] | |
 Concept | | S43.6 | | Version: Sprain and strain of sternoclavicular joint [S43.6] | |
 Concept | | S23.3 | | Version: Sprain and strain of thoracic spine [S23.3] | |
 Concept | | S13.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of thyroid region [S13.5] | |
 Concept | | S93.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of toe(s) [S93.5] | |
 Concept | | S63.5 | | Version: Sprain and strain of wrist [S63.5] | |
 Concept | | A83.3 | | Version: St Louis encephalitis [A83.3] | |
 Concept | | M00.0 | | Version: Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis [M00.0] | |
 Concept | | A49.0 | | Version: Staphylococcal infection, unspecified site [A49.0] | |
 Concept | | G00.3 | | Version: Staphylococcal meningitis [G00.3] | |
 Concept | | Q25.3 | | Version: Stenosis of aorta [Q25.3] | |
 Concept | | Q25.6 | | Version: Stenosis of pulmonary artery [Q25.6] | |
 Concept | | P15.2 | | Version: Sternomastoid injury due to birth injury [P15.2] | |
 Concept | | A25.1 | | Version: Streptobacillosis [A25.1] | |
 Concept | | A49.1 | | Version: Streptococcal and enterococcal infection, unspecified site [A49.1] | |
 Concept | | G00.2 | | Version: Streptococcal meningitis [G00.2] | |
 Concept | | W51 | | Version: Striking against or bumped into by another person [W51] | |
 Concept | | W22 | | Version: Striking against or struck by other objects [W22] | |
 Concept | | W21 | | Version: Striking against or struck by sports equipment [W21] | |
 Concept | | B78.9 | | Version: Strongyloidiasis, unspecified [B78.9] | |
 Concept | | W20 | | Version: Struck by thrown, projected or falling object [W20] | |
 Concept | | A24.2 | | Version: Subacute and chronic melioidosis [A24.2] | |
 Concept | | G37.4 | | Version: Subacute necrotizing myelitis [G37.4] | |
 Concept | | A81.1 | | Version: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis [A81.1] | |
 Concept | | P52.5 | | Version: Subarachnoid (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn [P52.5] | |
 Concept | | P10.3 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage due to birth injury [P10.3] | |
 Concept | | I60.2 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from anterior communicating artery [I60.2] | |
 Concept | | I60.4 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from basilar artery [I60.4] | |
 Concept | | I60.0 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from carotid siphon and bifurcation [I60.0] | |
 Concept | | I60.1 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from middle cerebral artery [I60.1] | |
 Concept | | I60.6 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from other intracranial arteries [I60.6] | |
 Concept | | I60.3 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from posterior communicating artery [I60.3] | |
 Concept | | I60.5 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage from vertebral artery [I60.5] | |
 Concept | | I60.9 | | Version: Subarachnoid haemorrhage, unspecified [I60.9] | |
 Concept | | I60.7 | | Version: Subarachnoid hemorrhage from intracranial artery, unspecified [I60.7] | |
 Concept | | P15.6 | | Version: Subcutaneous fat necrosis due to birth injury [P15.6] | |
 Concept | | B43.2 | | Version: Subcutaneous phaeomycotic abscess and cyst [B43.2] | |
 Concept | | P10.0 | | Version: Subdural haemorrhage due to birth injury [P10.0] | |
 Concept | | D25.0 | | Version: Submucous leiomyoma of uterus [D25.0] | |
 Concept | | I22.0 | | Version: Subsequent myocardial infarction of anterior wall [I22.0] | |
 Concept | | I22.1 | | Version: Subsequent myocardial infarction of inferior wall [I22.1] | |
 Concept | | I22.8 | | Version: Subsequent myocardial infarction of other sites [I22.8] | |
 Concept | | I22.9 | | Version: Subsequent myocardial infarction of unspecified site [I22.9] | |
 Concept | | D25.2 | | Version: Subserosal leiomyoma of uterus [D25.2] | |
 Concept | | S72.2 | | Version: Subtrochanteric fracture [S72.2] | |
 Concept | | I46.1 | | Version: Sudden cardiac death, so described [I46.1] | |
 Concept | | T35.0 | | Version: Superficial frostbite involving multiple body regions [T35.0] | |
 Concept | | T33.3 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of abdominal wall, lower back and pelvis [T33.3] | |
 Concept | | T33.8 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of ankle and foot [T33.8] | |
 Concept | | T33.4 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of arm [T33.4] | |
 Concept | | T33.0 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of head [T33.0] | |
 Concept | | T33.6 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of hip and thigh [T33.6] | |
 Concept | | T33.7 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of knee and lower leg [T33.7] | |
 Concept | | T33.1 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of neck [T33.1] | |
 Concept | | T33.9 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of other and unspecified sites [T33.9] | |
 Concept | | T33.2 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of thorax [T33.2] | |
 Concept | | T33.5 | | Version: Superficial frostbite of wrist and hand [T33.5] | |
 Concept | | T00.3 | | Version: Superficial injuries involving multiple regions of lower limb(s) [T00.3] | |
 Concept | | T00.2 | | Version: Superficial injuries involving multiple regions of upper limb(s) [T00.2] | |
 Concept | | T00.8 | | Version: Superficial injuries involving other combinations of body regions [T00.8] | |
 Concept | | S30.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back, and pelvis, part unspecified [S30.9] | |
 Concept | | S90.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of ankle and foot, unspecified [S90.9] | |
 Concept | | S00.4 | | Version: Superficial injury of ear [S00.4] | |
 Concept | | S50.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of forearm, unspecified [S50.9] | |
 Concept | | S00.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of head, part unspecified [S00.9] | |
 Concept | | S70.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of hip and thigh, unspecified [S70.9] | |
 Concept | | S00.5 | | Version: Superficial injury of lip and oral cavity [S00.5] | |
 Concept | | S80.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of lower leg, unspecified [S80.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.0 | | Version: Superficial injury of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.0] | |
 Concept | | S10.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of neck, part unspecified [S10.9] | |
 Concept | | S00.3 | | Version: Superficial injury of nose [S00.3] | |
 Concept | | S20.8 | | Version: Superficial injury of other and unspecified parts of thorax [S20.8] | |
 Concept | | S00.8 | | Version: Superficial injury of other parts of head [S00.8] | |
 Concept | | S10.8 | | Version: Superficial injury of other parts of neck [S10.8] | |
 Concept | | S00.0 | | Version: Superficial injury of scalp [S00.0] | |
 Concept | | S40.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of shoulder and upper arm, unspecified [S40.9] | |
 Concept | | T09.0 | | Version: Superficial injury of trunk, level unspecified [T09.0] | |
 Concept | | T14.0 | | Version: Superficial injury of unspecified body region [T14.0] | |
 Concept | | T11.0 | | Version: Superficial injury of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.0] | |
 Concept | | S60.9 | | Version: Superficial injury of wrist and hand, unspecified [S60.9] | |
 Concept | | A82.0 | | Version: Sylvatic rabies [A82.0] | |
 Concept | | A95.0 | | Version: Sylvatic yellow fever [A95.0] | |
 Concept | | Q70.9 | | Version: Syndactyly, unspecified [Q70.9] | |
 Concept | | P70.1 | | Version: Syndrome of infant of a diabetic mother [P70.1] | |
 Concept | | P70.0 | | Version: Syndrome of infant of mother with gestational diabetes [P70.0] | |
 Concept | | B83.3 | | Version: Syngamiasis [B83.3] | |
 Concept | | G95.0 | | Version: Syringomyelia and syringobulbia [G95.0] | |
 Concept | | A44.0 | | Version: Systemic bartonellosis [A44.0] | |
 Concept | | M35.9 | | Version: Systemic involvement of connective tissue, unspecified [M35.9] | |
 Concept | | M32.9 | | Version: Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified [M32.9] | |
 Concept | | B68.1 | | Version: Taenia saginata taeniasis [B68.1] | |
 Concept | | B68.0 | | Version: Taenia solium taeniasis [B68.0] | |
 Concept | | B68.9 | | Version: Taeniasis, unspecified [B68.9] | |
 Concept | | Q66.4 | | Version: Talipes calcaneovalgus [Q66.4] | |
 Concept | | Q66.1 | | Version: Talipes calcaneovarus [Q66.1] | |
 Concept | | Q66.0 | | Version: Talipes equinovarus [Q66.0] | |
 Concept | | S83.3 | | Version: Tear of articular cartilage of knee, current [S83.3] | |
 Concept | | S83.2 | | Version: Tear of meniscus, current [S83.2] | |
 Concept | | P10.4 | | Version: Tentorial tear due to birth injury [P10.4] | |
 Concept | | U01.6 | | Version: Terrorism involving biological weapons (homicide) [U01.6] | |
 Concept | | U01.7 | | Version: Terrorism involving chemical weapons (homicide) [U01.7] | |
 Concept | | U01.1 | | Version: Terrorism involving destruction of aircraft (homicide) [U01.1] | |
 Concept | | U01.0 | | Version: Terrorism involving explosion of marine weapons (homicide) [U01.0] | |
 Concept | | U01.4 | | Version: Terrorism involving firearms (homicide) [U01.4] | |
 Concept | | U01.3 | | Version: Terrorism involving fires, conflagration, and hot substances (homicide) [U01.3] | |
 Concept | | U01.5 | | Version: Terrorism involving nuclear weapons (homicide) [U01.5] | |
 Concept | | U01.2 | | Version: Terrorism involving other explosions and fragments (homicide) [U01.2] | |
 Concept | | U01.8 | | Version: Terrorism, other specified (homicide) [U01.8] | |
 Concept | | U01.9 | | Version: Terrorism, unspecified (homicide) [U01.9] | |
 Concept | | Q21.3 | | Version: Tetralogy of Fallot [Q21.3] | |
 Concept | | D56.3 | | Version: Thalassaemia trait [D56.3] | |
 Concept | | D56.9 | | Version: Thalassaemia, unspecified [D56.9] | |
 Concept | | Q77.1 | | Version: Thanatophoric short stature [Q77.1] | |
 Concept | | Q05.1 | | Version: Thoracic spina bifida with hydrocephalus [Q05.1] | |
 Concept | | Q05.6 | | Version: Thoracic spina bifida without hydrocephalus [Q05.6] | |
 Concept | | D69.6 | | Version: Thrombocytopenia, unspecified [D69.6] | |
 Concept | | A68.1 | | Version: Tick-borne relapsing fever [A68.1] | |
 Concept | | A84.9 | | Version: Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified [A84.9] | |
 Concept | | B44.2 | | Version: Tonsillar aspergillosis [B44.2] | |
 Concept | | Q26.2 | | Version: Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection [Q26.2] | |
 Concept | | T51.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of 2-Propanol [T51.2] | |
 Concept | | T64 | | Version: Toxic effect of aflatoxin and other mycotoxin food contaminants [T64] | |
 Concept | | T51.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of alcohol, unspecified [T51.9] | |
 Concept | | T57.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds [T57.0] | |
 Concept | | T52.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of benzene [T52.1] | |
 Concept | | T56.7 | | Version: Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds [T56.7] | |
 Concept | | T56.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds [T56.3] | |
 Concept | | T59.7 | | Version: Toxic effect of carbon dioxide [T59.7] | |
 Concept | | T65.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of carbon disulphide [T65.4] | |
 Concept | | T58 | | Version: Toxic effect of carbon monoxide [T58] | |
 Concept | | T53.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride [T53.0] | |
 Concept | | T53.5 | | Version: Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons [T53.5] | |
 Concept | | T53.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of chloroform [T53.1] | |
 Concept | | T56.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds [T56.2] | |
 Concept | | T61.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of ciguatera fish poisoning [T61.0] | |
 Concept | | T63.5 | | Version: Toxic effect of contact with fish [T63.5] | |
 Concept | | T63.6 | | Version: Toxic effect of contact with other marine animals [T63.6] | |
 Concept | | T63.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals [T63.8] | |
 Concept | | T63.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal [T63.9] | |
 Concept | | T56.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of copper and its compounds [T56.4] | |
 Concept | | T54.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acidlike substances [T54.2] | |
 Concept | | T54.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkalilike substances [T54.3] | |
 Concept | | T54.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of corrosive substance, unspecified [T54.9] | |
 Concept | | T65.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of cyanides [T65.0] | |
 Concept | | T53.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of dichloromethane [T53.4] | |
 Concept | | T51.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of ethanol [T51.0] | |
 Concept | | T59.5 | | Version: Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride [T59.5] | |
 Concept | | T59.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of formaldehyde [T59.2] | |
 Concept | | T51.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of fusel oil [T51.3] | |
 Concept | | T59.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of gases, fumes, and vapors, unspecified [T59.9] | |
 Concept | | T52.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of glycols [T52.3] | |
 Concept | | T53.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of halogen derivative of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, unspecified [T53.9] | |
 Concept | | T60.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides [T60.1] | |
 Concept | | T60.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides [T60.3] | |
 Concept | | T52.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of homologues of benzene [T52.2] | |
 Concept | | T57.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide [T57.3] | |
 Concept | | T59.6 | | Version: Toxic effect of hydrogen sulphide [T59.6] | |
 Concept | | T62.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of ingested berries [T62.1] | |
 Concept | | T62.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms [T62.0] | |
 Concept | | T57.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of inorganic substance, unspecified [T57.9] | |
 Concept | | T52.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of ketones [T52.4] | |
 Concept | | T59.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas [T59.3] | |
 Concept | | T56.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of lead and its compounds [T56.0] | |
 Concept | | T57.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds [T57.2] | |
 Concept | | T56.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds [T56.1] | |
 Concept | | T56.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of metal, unspecified [T56.9] | |
 Concept | | T51.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of methanol [T51.1] | |
 Concept | | T65.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues [T65.3] | |
 Concept | | T59.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides [T59.0] | |
 Concept | | T65.5 | | Version: Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters [T65.5] | |
 Concept | | T62.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of noxious substance eaten as food, unspecified [T62.9] | |
 Concept | | T52.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of organic solvent, unspecified [T52.9] | |
 Concept | | T60.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides [T60.0] | |
 Concept | | T51.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other alcohols [T51.8] | |
 Concept | | T54.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds [T54.1] | |
 Concept | | T61.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of other fish and shellfish poisoning [T61.2] | |
 Concept | | T53.6 | | Version: Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons [T53.6] | |
 Concept | | T53.7 | | Version: Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons [T53.7] | |
 Concept | | T62.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s) [T62.2] | |
 Concept | | T60.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of other insecticides [T60.2] | |
 Concept | | T56.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other metals [T56.8] | |
 Concept | | T52.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other organic solvents [T52.8] | |
 Concept | | T60.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other pesticides [T60.8] | |
 Concept | | T61.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other seafoods [T61.8] | |
 Concept | | T59.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes, and vapors [T59.8] | |
 Concept | | T57.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances [T57.8] | |
 Concept | | T62.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food [T62.8] | |
 Concept | | T65.8 | | Version: Toxic effect of other specified substances [T65.8] | |
 Concept | | T65.6 | | Version: Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified [T65.6] | |
 Concept | | T60.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of pesticide, unspecified [T60.9] | |
 Concept | | T52.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of petroleum products [T52.0] | |
 Concept | | T54.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues [T54.0] | |
 Concept | | T57.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds [T57.1] | |
 Concept | | T60.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of rodenticides [T60.4] | |
 Concept | | T61.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of scombroid fish poisoning [T61.1] | |
 Concept | | T63.0 | | Version: Toxic effect of snake venom [T63.0] | |
 Concept | | T55 | | Version: Toxic effect of soaps and detergents [T55] | |
 Concept | | T65.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts [T65.1] | |
 Concept | | T59.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of sulphur dioxide [T59.1] | |
 Concept | | T53.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene [T53.3] | |
 Concept | | T56.6 | | Version: Toxic effect of tin and its compounds [T56.6] | |
 Concept | | T65.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine [T65.2] | |
 Concept | | T59.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of toxic effect of Chlorine gas [T59.4] | |
 Concept | | T53.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of trichloroethylene [T53.2] | |
 Concept | | T61.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of unspecified seafood [T61.9] | |
 Concept | | T65.9 | | Version: Toxic effect of unspecified substance [T65.9] | |
 Concept | | T63.4 | | Version: Toxic effect of venom of other arthropods [T63.4] | |
 Concept | | T63.1 | | Version: Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles [T63.1] | |
 Concept | | T63.2 | | Version: Toxic effect of venom of scorpion [T63.2] | |
 Concept | | T63.3 | | Version: Toxic effect of venom of spider [T63.3] | |
 Concept | | T56.5 | | Version: Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds [T56.5] | |
 Concept | | A48.3 | | Version: Toxic shock syndrome [A48.3] | |
 Concept | | B58.1 | | Version: Toxoplasma hepatitis [B58.1] | |
 Concept | | B58.2 | | Version: Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis [B58.2] | |
 Concept | | B58.0 | | Version: Toxoplasma oculopathy [B58.0] | |
 Concept | | B58.8 | | Version: Toxoplasmosis with other organ involvement [B58.8] | |
 Concept | | B58.9 | | Version: Toxoplasmosis, unspecified [B58.9] | |
 Concept | | P26.0 | | Version: Tracheobronchial haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period [P26.0] | |
 Concept | | D51.2 | | Version: Transcobalamin II deficiency [D51.2] | |
 Concept | | D60.1 | | Version: Transient acquired pure red cell aplasia [D60.1] | |
 Concept | | D80.7 | | Version: Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy [D80.7] | |
 Concept | | P29.4 | | Version: Transient myocardial ischaemia of newborn [P29.4] | |
 Concept | | P94.0 | | Version: Transient neonatal myasthenia gravis [P94.0] | |
 Concept | | P61.0 | | Version: Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia [P61.0] | |
 Concept | | P70.9 | | Version: Transitory disorder of carbohydrate metabolism of fetus and newborn [P70.9] | |
 Concept | | P74.9 | | Version: Transitory metabolic disturbance of newborn, unspecified [P74.9] | |
 Concept | | P71.9 | | Version: Transitory neonatal disorder of calcium and magnesium metabolism, unspecified [P71.9] | |
 Concept | | P72.9 | | Version: Transitory neonatal endocrine disorder, unspecified [P72.9] | |
 Concept | | P72.1 | | Version: Transitory neonatal hyperthyroidism [P72.1] | |
 Concept | | P71.4 | | Version: Transitory neonatal hypoparathyroidism [P71.4] | |
 Concept | | P74.5 | | Version: Transitory tyrosinaemia of newborn [P74.5] | |
 Concept | | S58.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at elbow level [S58.0] | |
 Concept | | S78.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at hip joint [S78.0] | |
 Concept | | S88.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at knee level [S88.0] | |
 Concept | | S58.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist [S58.1] | |
 Concept | | S78.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at level between hip and knee [S78.1] | |
 Concept | | S88.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at level between knee and ankle [S88.1] | |
 Concept | | S48.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at level between shoulder and elbow [S48.1] | |
 Concept | | S18 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at neck level [S18] | |
 Concept | | S48.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation at shoulder joint [S48.0] | |
 Concept | | T05.2 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of both arms [any level] [T05.2] | |
 Concept | | T05.3 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of both feet [T05.3] | |
 Concept | | T05.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of both hands [T05.0] | |
 Concept | | T05.5 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of both legs [any level] [T05.5] | |
 Concept | | S08.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of ear [S08.1] | |
 Concept | | S38.2 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of external genital organs [S38.2] | |
 Concept | | S98.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level [S98.0] | |
 Concept | | S98.4 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of foot, level unspecified [S98.4] | |
 Concept | | S58.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of forearm, level unspecified [S58.9] | |
 Concept | | S68.4 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of hand at wrist level [S68.4] | |
 Concept | | S78.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of hip and thigh, level unspecified [S78.9] | |
 Concept | | S88.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of lower leg, level unspecified [S88.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.6 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.6] | |
 Concept | | S98.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of one toe [S98.1] | |
 Concept | | S38.3 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of other and unspecified parts of abdomen, lower back, and pelvis [S38.3] | |
 Concept | | S98.3 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of other parts of foot [S98.3] | |
 Concept | | S08.8 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of other parts of head [S08.8] | |
 Concept | | S68.8 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand [S68.8] | |
 Concept | | S68.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of other single finger (complete)(partial) [S68.1] | |
 Concept | | S28.1 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of part of thorax [S28.1] | |
 Concept | | S48.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of shoulder and upper arm, level unspecified [S48.9] | |
 Concept | | S68.0 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of thumb (complete)(partial) [S68.0] | |
 Concept | | T09.6 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of trunk, level unspecified [T09.6] | |
 Concept | | S68.2 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of two or more fingers alone (complete)(partial) [S68.2] | |
 Concept | | S98.2 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of two or more toes [S98.2] | |
 Concept | | S08.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of unspecified part of head [S08.9] | |
 Concept | | T11.6 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.6] | |
 Concept | | S68.9 | | Version: Traumatic amputation of wrist and hand, level unspecified [S68.9] | |
 Concept | | T05.8 | | Version: Traumatic amputations involving other combinations of body regions [T05.8] | |
 Concept | | T79.5 | | Version: Traumatic anuria [T79.5] | |
 Concept | | S06.1 | | Version: Traumatic cerebral oedema [S06.1] | |
 Concept | | S27.2 | | Version: Traumatic haemopneumothorax [S27.2] | |
 Concept | | S27.1 | | Version: Traumatic haemothorax [S27.1] | |
 Concept | | T79.6 | | Version: Traumatic ischaemia of muscle [T79.6] | |
 Concept | | S27.0 | | Version: Traumatic pneumothorax [S27.0] | |
 Concept | | S13.0 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of cervical intervertebral disc [S13.0] | |
 Concept | | S09.2 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of ear drum [S09.2] | |
 Concept | | S63.4 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of ligament of finger at metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint(s) [S63.4] | |
 Concept | | S63.3 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of ligament of wrist and carpus [S63.3] | |
 Concept | | S33.0 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of lumbar intervertebral disc [S33.0] | |
 Concept | | S53.2 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of radial collateral ligament [S53.2] | |
 Concept | | S33.4 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of symphysis pubis [S33.4] | |
 Concept | | S23.0 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of thoracic intervertebral disc [S23.0] | |
 Concept | | S53.3 | | Version: Traumatic rupture of ulnar collateral ligament [S53.3] | |
 Concept | | T79.2 | | Version: Traumatic secondary and recurrent haemorrhage [T79.2] | |
 Concept | | T79.4 | | Version: Traumatic shock [T79.4] | |
 Concept | | S06.6 | | Version: Traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage [S06.6] | |
 Concept | | T79.7 | | Version: Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema [T79.7] | |
 Concept | | S06.5 | | Version: Traumatic subdural haemorrhage [S06.5] | |
 Concept | | A79.0 | | Version: Trench fever [A79.0] | |
 Concept | | B75 | | Version: Trichinellosis [B75] | |
 Concept | | B81.2 | | Version: Trichostrongyliasis [B81.2] | |
 Concept | | B79 | | Version: Trichuriasis [B79] | |
 Concept | | C67.0 | | Version: Trigone of bladder [C67.0] | |
 Concept | | Q92.7 | | Version: Triploidy and polyploidy [Q92.7] | |
 Concept | | Q91.4 | | Version: Trisomy 13, meiotic nondisjunction [Q91.4] | |
 Concept | | Q91.5 | | Version: Trisomy 13, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction) [Q91.5] | |
 Concept | | Q91.6 | | Version: Trisomy 13, translocation [Q91.6] | |
 Concept | | Q91.0 | | Version: Trisomy 18, meiotic nondisjunction [Q91.0] | |
 Concept | | Q91.1 | | Version: Trisomy 18, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction) [Q91.1] | |
 Concept | | Q91.2 | | Version: Trisomy 18, translocation [Q91.2] | |
 Concept | | Q90.0 | | Version: Trisomy 21, meiotic nondisjunction [Q90.0] | |
 Concept | | Q90.1 | | Version: Trisomy 21, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction) [Q90.1] | |
 Concept | | Q90.2 | | Version: Trisomy 21, translocation [Q90.2] | |
 Concept | | Q92.9 | | Version: Trisomy and partial trisomy of autosomes, unspecified [Q92.9] | |
 Concept | | G04.1 | | Version: Tropical spastic paraplegia [G04.1] | |
 Concept | | C96.3 | | Version: True histiocytic lymphoma [C96.3] | |
 Concept | | A30.1 | | Version: Tuberculoid leprosy [A30.1] | |
 Concept | | A18.7 | | Version: Tuberculosis of adrenal glands [A18.7] | |
 Concept | | A18.0 | | Version: Tuberculosis of bones and joints [A18.0] | |
 Concept | | A18.6 | | Version: Tuberculosis of ear [A18.6] | |
 Concept | | A18.5 | | Version: Tuberculosis of eye [A18.5] | |
 Concept | | A18.1 | | Version: Tuberculosis of genitourinary system [A18.1] | |
 Concept | | A18.3 | | Version: Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands [A18.3] | |
 Concept | | A16.3 | | Version: Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.3] | |
 Concept | | A16.4 | | Version: Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.4] | |
 Concept | | A16.2 | | Version: Tuberculosis of lung, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.2] | |
 Concept | | A17.9 | | Version: Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified [A17.9] | |
 Concept | | A18.8 | | Version: Tuberculosis of other specified organs [A18.8] | |
 Concept | | A18.4 | | Version: Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue [A18.4] | |
 Concept | | A17.0 | | Version: Tuberculous meningitis [A17.0] | |
 Concept | | A18.2 | | Version: Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy [A18.2] | |
 Concept | | A16.5 | | Version: Tuberculous pleurisy, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation [A16.5] | |
 Concept | | Q85.1 | | Version: Tuberous sclerosis [Q85.1] | |
 Concept | | A21.9 | | Version: Tularaemia, unspecified [A21.9] | |
 Concept | | B88.1 | | Version: Tungiasis [sandflea infestation] [B88.1] | |
 Concept | | Q96.9 | | Version: Turner syndrome, unspecified [Q96.9] | |
 Concept | | A01.0 | | Version: Typhoid fever [A01.0] | |
 Concept | | A75.3 | | Version: Typhus fever due to Rickettsia tsutsugamushi [A75.3] | |
 Concept | | A75.2 | | Version: Typhus fever due to Rickettsia typhi [A75.2] | |
 Concept | | A75.9 | | Version: Typhus fever, unspecified [A75.9] | |
 Concept | | C84.2 | | Version: T-zone lymphoma [C84.2] | |
 Concept | | A21.0 | | Version: Ulceroglandular tularaemia [A21.0] | |
 Concept | | V95.1 | | Version: Ultralight, microlight, or powered-glider accident injuring occupant [V95.1] | |
 Concept | | P51.9 | | Version: Umbilical haemorrhage of newborn, unspecified [P51.9] | |
 Concept | | K42.1 | | Version: Umbilical hernia with gangrene [K42.1] | |
 Concept | | K42.0 | | Version: Umbilical hernia with obstruction, without gangrene [K42.0] | |
 Concept | | K42.9 | | Version: Umbilical hernia without obstruction or gangrene [K42.9] | |
 Concept | | Q53.2 | | Version: Undescended testicle, bilateral [Q53.2] | |
 Concept | | Q53.1 | | Version: Undescended testicle, unilateral [Q53.1] | |
 Concept | | Q53.9 | | Version: Undescended testicle, unspecified [Q53.9] | |
 Concept | | Q51.4 | | Version: Unicornate uterus [Q51.4] | |
 Concept | | K41.4 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, with gangrene [K41.4] | |
 Concept | | K41.3 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene [K41.3] | |
 Concept | | K41.9 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified femoral hernia, without obstruction or gangrene [K41.9] | |
 Concept | | K40.4 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with gangrene [K40.4] | |
 Concept | | K40.3 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene [K40.3] | |
 Concept | | K40.9 | | Version: Unilateral or unspecified inguinal hernia, without obstruction or gangrene [K40.9] | |
 Concept | | K46.1 | | Version: Unspecified abdominal hernia with gangrene [K46.1] | |
 Concept | | K46.0 | | Version: Unspecified abdominal hernia with obstruction, without gangrene [K46.0] | |
 Concept | | K46.9 | | Version: Unspecified abdominal hernia without obstruction or gangrene [K46.9] | |
 Concept | | T88.7 | | Version: Unspecified adverse effect of drug or medicament [T88.7] | |
 Concept | | V95.9 | | Version: Unspecified aircraft accident injuring occupant [V95.9] | |
 Concept | | A94 | | Version: Unspecified arthropod-borne viral fever [A94] | |
 Concept | | P11.2 | | Version: Unspecified brain damage due to birth injury [P11.2] | |
 Concept | | P27.9 | | Version: Unspecified chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period [P27.9] | |
 Concept | | Q37.8 | | Version: Unspecified cleft palate with bilateral cleft lip [Q37.8] | |
 Concept | | Q37.9 | | Version: Unspecified cleft palate with unilateral cleft lip [Q37.9] | |
 Concept | | T80.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection [T80.9] | |
 Concept | | T82.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant, and graft [T82.9] | |
 Concept | | T83.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication of genitourinary prosthetic device, implant, and graft [T83.9] | |
 Concept | | T84.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication of internal orthopedic prosthetic device, implant, and graft [T84.9] | |
 Concept | | T85.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication of internal prosthetic device, implant, and graft [T85.9] | |
 Concept | | T81.9 | | Version: Unspecified complication of procedure [T81.9] | |
 Concept | | Q74.9 | | Version: Unspecified congenital malformation of limb(s) [Q74.9] | |
 Concept | | T79.9 | | Version: Unspecified early complication of trauma [T79.9] | |
 Concept | | T66 | | Version: Unspecified effects of radiation [T66] | |
 Concept | | Y34 | | Version: Unspecified event, undetermined intent [Y34] | |
 Concept | | T35.6 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite involving multiple body regions [T35.6] | |
 Concept | | T35.2 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite of head and neck [T35.2] | |
 Concept | | T35.5 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite of lower limb [T35.5] | |
 Concept | | T35.3 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite of thorax, abdomen, lower back and pelvis [T35.3] | |
 Concept | | T35.7 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite of unspecified site [T35.7] | |
 Concept | | T35.4 | | Version: Unspecified frostbite of upper limb [T35.4] | |
 Concept | | B24 | | Version: Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease [B24] | |
 Concept | | S39.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis [S39.9] | |
 Concept | | S99.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of ankle and foot [S99.9] | |
 Concept | | S59.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of forearm [S59.9] | |
 Concept | | S09.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of head [S09.9] | |
 Concept | | S79.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of hip and thigh [S79.9] | |
 Concept | | S89.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of lower leg [S89.9] | |
 Concept | | T13.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of lower limb, level unspecified [T13.9] | |
 Concept | | S19.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of neck [S19.9] | |
 Concept | | S49.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of shoulder and upper arm [S49.9] | |
 Concept | | S29.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of thorax [S29.9] | |
 Concept | | T09.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of trunk, level unspecified [T09.9] | |
 Concept | | T11.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of upper limb, level unspecified [T11.9] | |
 Concept | | S69.9 | | Version: Unspecified injury of wrist and hand [S69.9] | |
 Concept | | P10.9 | | Version: Unspecified intracranial laceration and haemorrhage due to birth injury [P10.9] | |
 Concept | | P52.3 | | Version: Unspecified intraventricular (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn [P52.3] | |
 Concept | | B54 | | Version: Unspecified malaria [B54] | |
 Concept | | T07 | | Version: Unspecified multiple injuries [T07] | |
 Concept | | B49 | | Version: Unspecified mycosis [B49] | |
 Concept | | N05.6 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, dense deposit disease [N05.6] | |
 Concept | | N05.7 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, diffuse crescentic glomerulonephritis [N05.7] | |
 Concept | | N05.4 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, diffuse endocapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis [N05.4] | |
 Concept | | N05.2 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, diffuse membranous glomerulonephritis [N05.2] | |
 Concept | | N05.3 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis [N05.3] | |
 Concept | | N05.5 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, diffuse mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis [N05.5] | |
 Concept | | N05.1 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, focal and segmental glomerular lesions [N05.1] | |
 Concept | | N05.0 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, minor glomerular abnormality [N05.0] | |
 Concept | | N05.8 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, other [N05.8] | |
 Concept | | N05.9 | | Version: Unspecified nephritic syndrome, unspecified [N05.9] | |
 Concept | | V96.9 | | Version: Unspecified nonpowered-aircraft accident injuring occupant [V96.9] | |
 Concept | | B89 | | Version: Unspecified parasitic disease [B89] | |
 Concept | | X57 | | Version: Unspecified privation [X57] | |
 Concept | | B64 | | Version: Unspecified protozoal disease [B64] | |
 Concept | | P26.9 | | Version: Unspecified pulmonary haemorrhage originating in the perinatal period [P26.9] | |
 Concept | | Q05.4 | | Version: Unspecified spina bifida with hydrocephalus [Q05.4] | |
 Concept | | V99 | | Version: Unspecified transport accident [V99] | |
 Concept | | A86 | | Version: Unspecified viral encephalitis [A86] | |
 Concept | | A99 | | Version: Unspecified viral haemorrhagic fever [A99] | |
 Concept | | B19.0 | | Version: Unspecified viral hepatitis with hepatic coma [B19.0] | |
 Concept | | B19.9 | | Version: Unspecified viral hepatitis without hepatic coma [B19.9] | |
 Concept | | A89 | | Version: Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system [A89] | |
 Concept | | A82.1 | | Version: Urban rabies [A82.1] | |
 Concept | | A95.1 | | Version: Urban yellow fever [A95.1] | |
 Concept | | B01.1 | | Version: Varicella encephalitis [B01.1] | |
 Concept | | B01.0 | | Version: Varicella meningitis [B01.0] | |
 Concept | | B01.2 | | Version: Varicella pneumonia [B01.2] | |
 Concept | | B01.8 | | Version: Varicella with other complications [B01.8] | |
 Concept | | B01.9 | | Version: Varicella without complication [B01.9] | |
 Concept | | T81.7 | | Version: Vascular complications following a procedure, not elsewhere classified [T81.7] | |
 Concept | | T80.1 | | Version: Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection [T80.1] | |
 Concept | | G95.1 | | Version: Vascular myelopathies [G95.1] | |
 Concept | | A92.2 | | Version: Venezuelan equine fever [A92.2] | |
 Concept | | Q21.0 | | Version: Ventricular septal defect [Q21.0] | |
 Concept | | X36 | | Version: Victim of avalanche, landslide and other earth movements [X36] | |
 Concept | | X34.0 | | Version: Victim of cataclysmic earth movements caused by earthquake [X34.0] | |
 Concept | | X37 | | Version: Victim of cataclysmic storm [X37] | |
 Concept | | X33 | | Version: Victim of lightning [X33] | |
 Concept | | X34.8 | | Version: Victim of other specified effects of earthquake [X34.8] | |
 Concept | | X34.1 | | Version: Victim of tsunami [X34.1] | |
 Concept | | X34.9 | | Version: Victim of unspecified effect of earthquake [X34.9] | |
 Concept | | X35 | | Version: Victim of volcanic eruption [X35] | |
 Concept | | B33.2 | | Version: Viral carditis [B33.2] | |
 Concept | | B34.9 | | Version: Viral infection, unspecified [B34.9] | |
 Concept | | A08.4 | | Version: Viral intestinal infection, unspecified [A08.4] | |
 Concept | | A87.9 | | Version: Viral meningitis, unspecified [A87.9] | |
 Concept | | B83.0 | | Version: Visceral larva migrans [B83.0] | |
 Concept | | B55.0 | | Version: Visceral leishmaniasis [B55.0] | |
 Concept | | D51.0 | | Version: Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency [D51.0] | |
 Concept | | D51.1 | | Version: Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia due to selective vitamin B12 malabsorption with proteinuria [D51.1] | |
 Concept | | D51.9 | | Version: Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia, unspecified [D51.9] | |
 Concept | | D68.0 | | Version: Von Willebrand disease [D68.0] | |
 Concept | | Y36.6 | | Version: War operations involving biological weapons [Y36.6] | |
 Concept | | Y36.7 | | Version: War operations involving chemical weapons and other forms of unconventional warfare [Y36.7] | |
 Concept | | Y36.1 | | Version: War operations involving destruction of aircraft [Y36.1] | |
 Concept | | Y36.0 | | Version: War operations involving explosion of marine weapons [Y36.0] | |
 Concept | | Y36.4 | | Version: War operations involving firearm discharge and other forms of conventional warfare [Y36.4] | |
 Concept | | Y36.5 | | Version: War operations involving nuclear weapons [Y36.5] | |
 Concept | | Y36.2 | | Version: War operations involving other explosions and fragments [Y36.2] | |
 Concept | | Y36.8 | | Version: War operations occurring after cessation of hostilities [Y36.8] | |
 Concept | | Y36.9 | | Version: War operations, unspecified [Y36.9] | |
 Concept | | A39.1 | | Version: Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome [A39.1] | |
 Concept | | Q31.0 | | Version: Web of larynx [Q31.0] | |
 Concept | | Q70.1 | | Version: Webbed fingers [Q70.1] | |
 Concept | | Q70.3 | | Version: Webbed toes [Q70.3] | |
 Concept | | Q18.3 | | Version: Webbing of neck [Q18.3] | |
 Concept | | A92.3 | | Version: West Nile virus infection [A92.3] | |
 Concept | | A83.1 | | Version: Western equine encephalitis [A83.1] | |
 Concept | | Q93.0 | | Version: Whole chromosome monosomy, meiotic nondisjunction [Q93.0] | |
 Concept | | Q93.1 | | Version: Whole chromosome monosomy, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction) [Q93.1] | |
 Concept | | Q92.0 | | Version: Whole chromosome trisomy, meiotic nondisjunction [Q92.0] | |
 Concept | | Q92.1 | | Version: Whole chromosome trisomy, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction) [Q92.1] | |
 Concept | | A37.1 | | Version: Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis [A37.1] | |
 Concept | | A37.0 | | Version: Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis [A37.0] | |
 Concept | | A37.8 | | Version: Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species [A37.8] | |
 Concept | | A37.9 | | Version: Whooping cough, unspecified [A37.9] | |
 Concept | | P96.3 | | Version: Wide cranial sutures of newborn [P96.3] | |
 Concept | | P27.0 | | Version: Wilson–Mikity syndrome [P27.0] | |
 Concept | | D82.0 | | Version: Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome [D82.0] | |
 Concept | | P96.2 | | Version: Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn [P96.2] | |
 Concept | | B87.1 | | Version: Wound myiasis [B87.1] | |
 Concept | | Q82.1 | | Version: Xeroderma pigmentosum [Q82.1] | |
 Concept | | Q80.1 | | Version: X-linked ichthyosis [Q80.1] | |
 Concept | | A66.9 | | Version: Yaws, unspecified [A66.9] | |
 Concept | | A95.9 | | Version: Yellow fever, unspecified [A95.9] | |
 Concept | | A28.9 | | Version: Zoonotic bacterial disease, unspecified [A28.9] | |
 Concept | | B02.0 | | Version: Zoster encephalitis [B02.0] | |
 Concept | | B02.1 | | Version: Zoster meningitis [B02.1] | |
 Concept | | B02.3 | | Version: Zoster ocular disease [B02.3] | |
 Concept | | B02.8 | | Version: Zoster with other complications [B02.8] | |
 Concept | | B02.2 | | Version: Zoster with other nervous system involvement [B02.2] | |
 Concept | | B02.9 | | Version: Zoster without complication [B02.9] | |
 Concept | | B46.9 | | Version: Zygomycosis, unspecified [B46.9] | |