FHIR Tooling Extensions IG
0.4.1 - Release 0.2.0 International flag

This page is part of the HL7 Tools Extension IG (v0.4.1: Releases - Informative) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) v5.0.0. This is the current published version in its permanent home (it will always be available at this URL). For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Page Factories

The IG publisher can be configured to produce a page for each item in a list. There can be multiple page factories. Each page factory is registered as a parameter using the page-factory parameter.

Each page factory is a reference to a page factory control file which is a json file with the following format:

  "item-factory" : "{code}",
  "source-file" : "{path}",
  "variables" : [{
    "name" : "{code}",
    "transform" : "{code}"
  "generated-file-name": "{filename}",
  "stated-file-name": "{filename}",
  "parent-page" : "{filename}",
  "generation" : "{code}",
  "page-title" : "{string}"

For each item in the factory list, an output file will be produced.


  • item-factory: The kind of item being iterated. See below for possible factory values
  • source-file: the name of the file (relative path in the repository) for the source to produce
  • variables: (optional) a list of variables to replace in the source file. See below. the value of a string to replace in the content of the source file. Any occurrences of this string value with be replaced with the item value. If this is not present, no search/replace will take place
  • generated-file-name: the name of the file to produce in the page directory. The filename will include %item%, and this will be replaced with the item value
  • stated-file-name: the name of the file to put in the IG (not necessarily the same as the generated file name - e.g. may have a different extension). The filename will include %item%, and this will be replaced with the item value
  • parent-page: the name of the page to which the generated pages will be added as child pages in the ToC
  • generation: THe value to put in the generation entry for the page
  • page-title: the title for the page file in the ToC. The filename may include %item%, and this will be replaced with the item value

Possible Factory types:

  • types: a list of all types defined in FHIR
  • resources: a list of all resources defined in FHIR
  • datatypes: a list of all datatypes defined in FHIR
  • canonicals: a list of all canonical resources defined in FHIR
  • versions: A list of all the official release versions
  • manual: A list of strings as provided in the json property items (an array of strings)


A list of variables to replace in the source file. Each variable has a name and a transform. The page factory performs the transform on the item being iterated, and than replaces all occurences of the text string given in the name with the trassformed value.

Known transforms:

  • n/a: No transform - use the value as is
  • lowercase: Convert the item to all lower case
  • uppercase: Convert the item to all upper case
  • version-title: For versions, convert to R2 / R3 / R4 etc
  • tla: For resource names, look up the known tla for the version